Could Soccer Save Me? || Inaz...

By honigirix

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A girl who puts up a facade tries to find her true self by attempting to play soccer. Made in October 2023. I... More

~[Name]'s Playlist~
Chapter 1: Soccer is...Okay
Chapter 2: Club
Chapter 3: Hope
Chapter 4: The Beautiful Warm Lies
Chapter 5: Snow
Chapter 6: [Name]'s First Day In the Soccer Club
Chapter 7: A Hopeless Game
Chapter 8: We Won, But...
Chapter 10: The Unsightly Cold Truth

Chapter 9: Good Girl

297 15 7
By honigirix

While I was quietly writing down notes in Yuuichi's room, Yuuichi was praising Kyousuke's game. It seems he was very proud of his little brother. Kyousuke looked flustered as he stared at the floor.

"C'mon Nii-san, you should compliment [Name]-san too," he said with a low voice. "She did a lot while I was out."

"Don't worry about me, I don't think I deserve much praise," I smiled modestly at them. "I didn't succeed Ultimate Thunder, unlike you."

"Yeah well, you were close enough."

"I think you both did well," Yuuichi chuckled. He turned his head towards me. "Now that Kyousuke rejoined the team, will you stay as a forward? You might become a benchwarmer."

I continued to write in my notebook. "To be honest, I don't care what- oh." I glanced up at Kyousuke, almost forgetting he's here. I changed my to a positive tone. I had to. "Um, I don't mind what position I'm in. I guess I'm considered an all-rounder."

"I guess I can see that in you," said Kyousuke. He checked the time on his flip phone. He sighed and puts it back in his purple jacket as he stands up from his seat. "Nii-san, I have to head back home. Thanks again [Name]-san, for taking care of him."

"Please, stop thanking me. I'm just doing my job," I smiled at him. He smiled softly back at me and Yuuichi, and left the room.

As soon as he left, my smile dropped. My dull eyes relaxed.

"You know it's only my little brother," Tsurugi spoke up to me in his soothing voice. "He wouldn't mind if he saw the real you."

"Tsurugi, what is the real me?" I questioned him casually yet with dullness as I continued writing in my notebook.

He didn't answer but changed the subject instead with hopeful tone of voice. "Did you at least find what you were looking for, during the match?"

My arms relaxed and dropped to my sides but I held my notebook in my hand, so I can properly talk to him.

Sighing, I shake my head, "No, I did not find it."

Yuuichi's usual soft smile slowly disappeared. "I'm sorry you couldn't find it," he said with sympathy.

"I don't need your pity," I said coldly while walking to the door to deliver the notes to the doctors.

He ignored my reply again. "What will you do now? [Name]?"

I stopped at the doorway to give him a side-eye look. I chose to stay silent. I could feel his sympathetic gaze on me when I left his room.

[Matsukaze Tenma]

I was walking Sasuke near Kasenjiki. I was replaying the game we won today in my head until I spotted [Name] looking ahead at the orange sky in silence. The small gust of wind blew her [hair color] hair. She did look a little bored so I thought I could talk to her.

"Hey [Name]," I ran up to her, which got her attention as she turned towards me, "did you finish your work at the hospital for today? I spoke to Tsurugi a while ago. I'm heading back home now."

[Name]'s eyes brightened up when she blinked a few times before she answered. "Yes."

"I see," I nodded. "Did you enjoy your first game? It was so fun, right!?"

She looked into my eyes and answered again with a warm-looking smile. "Yes, I enjoyed it. I'm glad that we won. Everyone did their part and it was incredible."

"I agree!" I exclaimed happily, then I began to obliviously ramble about how each of our teammates is amazing. "Ah, sorry I kept talking on and on like that."

Embarrassed, I rubbed the back of my head with a apologetic smile.

[Name] puts her right hand on her hip. "Hehe, it's okay. You must really love soccer, huh?"

"Totally! I love to practice and talking about soccer all the time!"

I noticed she began to relax a bit. "Could I ask you a question? But it may sound silly but I'd like to know your answer."

"Of course! What's up?"

"Why do you love soccer?"

"Hm?" I titled my head to the side, innocently, like I thought it was obvious. I grinned again, "Ha, that's simple! Soccer is fun and it also saved me!"

[Name] perked up when I mentioned soccer saved me. Her [eye color] eyes sort of lightened up a bit.

"Soccer saved you?" She asked me, holding her left arm. I noticed her voice became quieter but I was still able to hear her. "How so?"

I explained how I got into soccer. Almost a decade ago, I was on a vacation with my mom in Okinawa. I remembered we were heading back until I found a puppy in a shed, stuck between planks. Little me quickly ran to help him get out in which I did. I tripped while holding the puppy and planks almost fell on me, until this one guy kicked a soccer ball at the falling planks.

I remembered it was so cool. I never got the chance to thank him or meet him in person again after that. But I will always be grateful he saved me. I can also say that guy was the one who showed me soccer.

"So that's what happened. That's such a warming story," she commented.

"I forgot to mention, I adopted the puppy and named him Sasuke. This is Sasuke now." I lifted up the leash, making Sasuke yawn and stand up.

[Name] smiled nicely at him. "What a cute dog, who's a good bo-" Her hand was about to reach down to pet his head, only for him to whimper and hide behind me. It sounded like he was frightened.

"S-Sasuke! [Name] is really kind! No need to be scared!" I tugged on his leash a little in hopes of trying to bring him out to her, which failed.

[Name] retracted her hand and nervously chuckled, "That's okay. Most animals are like that towards me. I guess animals dislike me."

"I-I'm sure not all animals. Anyways, why do you ask? Wasn't it obvious I loved soccer?"

"Oh, I was just curious how soccer saved you."

"Saved...?" My voice trailed off quietly.

[Name] checked her smartphone. "Ah, I'm sorry Tenma. I have to go now. My mother wanted me to go home right after I was done with work."

"Alright! See you tomorrow, [Name]!"

Just when I was about to walk past her, she gave off this hopeless smile again as if I didn't notice her. Recently, I started to notice her smiling...peculiarly. [Name]'s smile is beautiful as always, but it rather felt off. It looked like she had go home right away so I left her be.

I continued to walk with Sasuke home.

[Yukihina [Name]]

"Welcome home, [Name]."

I was greeted by my Mom who was sitting in the dinner table, drinking coffee. Mom is very supportive of me and encourages me a lot. I always put her as my first priority. She is a housewife but works at the neighborhood association. My Dad is a normal businessman who sometimes works overseas.

"You're a little late," she said, "did something happen? You didn't come home after school. You did have time to stay home before work."

I didn't tell her about the soccer club or the tournament I participated in because I didn't want to worry her.

"I'm sorry, Mom," I said with a apologetic smile. "I forgot to message you. Some friends of mine wanted help with studying after school. Then I was checking out medical books at the library before my work started."

I had to lie because I might disappoint her. I didn't want to see my Mom upset or hurt. I wanted to see her happy. That's why I made sure to study hard and to make her proud.

I remembered back in middle school, we had to write an essay on what we wanted to be when we grew up. I wanted to be...I forgot a long time ago, but Mom and Dad said being a doctor would be great career. I listened to them and followed their advice. I became an aspiring doctor instead.

'If Mom and Dad are both going to support me, maybe this is the better option. This...will make them happy, right...?' was what I thought.

"Oh, I understand," my Mom curved her lips up, forming her gentle smile towards me. "What a busy day you had. Make sure to get some rest, okay?"

I nodded, smiling back at her, "Yes, Mom."

I wore my indoor slippers and went in my bedroom. I closed my door behind me. I dropped my school bag on the floor when my back slid down until I sat against the door. I hugged my knees to my chest. I didn't realize my eyes had no light in them but tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Is it really okay to give up now...?" I asked myself with my head down.


Me and the soccer team are back in Teikoku Gakuen. The moving walkway was leading us in some top secret room. When we got there, the automatic doors slid open, revealing one of the coaches and Teikoku's goalkeeper, Miyabino.

"Raimon Eleven, we've been waiting for you," the coach greeted us. "Come on in. But what you witness past this point must be kept top secret."

He told Akane not to take photos which she sadly complied. Then they led us somewhere else. The secret places looked eerie that it frightened Hayami, who was hiding behind Kurumada. I stayed behind the rest of team in silent. None of this scared me.

[Third POV]

Endou revealed to them that Teikoku Gakuen was actually trying to overthrow Fifth Sector.

"That passion you had..." Miyabino spoke up to the Raimon Eleven, "that's what real soccer is."

Miyabino personality seemed different from yesterday, during the match. He seemed more nicer. He glanced at [Name] in the back of the group, staring at nothing in particular. He suddenly shivered at the sight of her eyes again and looked away.

Shindou noticed this as he frowned in confusion. He thought that Miyabino was somewhat scared of [Name]. He decided to talk to him after this meeting.

Sakuma typed something down and the elevator doors slid open. They walked in as Shinsuke seemed amazed.

"It's a secret base!" He said as he seemed thrilled.

"I'm getting excited too!" Tenma added. He turned towards [Name], who had her hands behind her back, looking at the ground. "What about you, [Name]?"

"This place is utterly boring," [Name] answered with an honest, unamused expression, which made majority of the inside the elevator glanced at her in confusion.

A bunch of 'huh?' and 'what?' murmured from them. Tenma, Shindou, Tsurugi, and Endou, were the only ones that seemed concerned at her answer. Sakuma didn't really care about her opinion on the secret base.

"Ah," she realized that her response may have been rude to them. She tried to change her expression but to her it seemed difficult to show it genuinely.

"Ohh! Was that a joke, [Name]?" Hamano laughed out of nowhere. "If so, that was terrible!" Shinsuke and a few others chuckled along with him.

[Name] stared at the group, then chuckled in response. "Right, sorry, I thought it was a good one."

For the rest of the time, Raimon met the Resistance. They talked about Fifth Sector and their wrongdoings, and how they were going to start a revolution.

Despite what's happening, [Name] couldn't care less about what's going on in front of her. As of today, [Name] quits the soccer club. What's going on has nothing to do with her from now on. She stared off to the side somewhere, not paying attention to the group. [Name] only came because she didn't want people annoying her, asking where she was this morning.


After school, when club activities began, everyone was outside on the field practicing, Aoi was the only one who stayed behind, waiting for [Name] to come out of changing rooms. Her eyes widened a little, surprised, when she sees [Name] came out, not wearing her soccer uniform.

Aoi could've sworn [Name] brought her uniform, since she never forgets her sports necessities. She even saw her with her duffel bag this morning. She came up to her upperclassman as they both walked ahead.

"It's not like you to forget your things," Aoi commented, assuming [Name] really did forget her belongings. "We have some spare uniforms that you can borrow for today."

"I didn't forget," [Name] began rather in a low, monotonous voice. "I left the duffel bag along with the soccer uniform behind in the changing rooms."

Puzzled, Aoi stood still while [Name] made her way outside the soccer club building. She caught up with her. She was wondering why her voice sounded so differently than before.

"Ohh! Tenma once told me you volunteer at the hospital. Are you going there?"

"Yes, right after I tell Coach Endou I'm quitting the soccer club."

"W-Wait, what?!"

Standing still again, Aoi exclaimed out of shock. [Name] wasn't bothered by her reaction and continued making her way to the soccer field below.

"H-Hold on," Aoi ran up to her again, walking beside her, "what do you mean?!"

The two girls were already on the soccer field. Startled to hear Aoi out loud, the other members stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to her and [Name]. Tenma and the others walked up to them while Endou and Otonashi watched them attentively from the bench.

"What's going on, you two?" Tenma asked for him and for the others.

"I said what I said," [Name] spoke up, unenthusiastically, as if it was normal, "I quit the soccer club. Thank you for everything."

Frowning in confusion, he stepped forward and asked, "Huh!? W-Why are you quitting, [Name]?! We're about to start a revolution!"

"We thought you liked soccer," Kirino added.

[Name] looked at her now former teammates with her natural, dead-looking eyes. Everyone seemed creeped out but worried about her sudden change in her demeanor.

"That's what I thought too," she said, then she shook her head, "but in the end, I didn't."

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"So, you didn't like soccer at all?" Shinsuke questioned her.

"Hmm, how annoying..." Irritated, [Name] shook her head at the commotion and walked away from the group to Endou, who was still sitting on the bench. They all looked at her more confused than before.

"If you couldn't tell from the commotion, I quit the club," [Name] bluntly told him. "Thank you for everything." It sounded like she wasn't sincere at all.

"I see," said Endou as he stood up. "May I ask why you want to quit? Everyone seems to want to know."

The team approached her from behind. She glanced back at them, boringly.

"I think the better question to ask," a voice spoke up, which belonged to Shindou's. He walked forward from the group, "why did you first join this soccer club and what did you want to gain from it?"

[Name] narrowed her eyes at them, "It's none of your business."

With Tenma, Tsurugi, Kirino, and the others, they seemed to have a confused expression on their faces. They can't wrap their heads around the fact [Name] was quitting so suddenly, especially they were all about to start a revolution against Fifth Sector.

"[Name]-san..." Tenma's voice trailed off sadly.


[Author Notes]:

• MICHAEL KAISER IS STILL A BRAINROT IN MY HEAD. I love him so much I can't get him out of my head. His backstory is always on my FYP on TikTok.

• I don't know if I got the definition of an all-rounder in football/soccer terms correctly.

• I feel like writing a Asahina Mafuyu x Shinonome Akito fanfic. They're my favorite ship in Project Sekai. I NEED them to interact more.

• I also feel like writing a Blue Lock x Reader fanfic but I don't know which character to base the reader ([Name]) off of. I was thinking of basing it off of Asahina from Project Sekai but she's taken by this story. So I was thinking Shinonome Ena or Otori Emu. Or even Kuroki Tomoko from WataMote (i love her so much, she's just like me fr).

- If you guys didn't know or couldn't tell, I like to base off of the reader characters from other shows or video games.

• If there are any mistakes or if something doesn't make sense, please tell me. I sometimes don't edit properly. I think I kinda rushed this chapter. I honestly just wanted to finish this chapter.

• 2,806 words.


Thank you for reading!

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