A Reason To Stay {THE LITTLE...

By MISSNurus61

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Tony Thompson was adopted by a vampire hunter named Rookery when he was three years old. When he forces Tony... More

A Reason To Stay
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (END)

Chapter 13

47 2 0
By MISSNurus61

Rudolph didn’t come back for nine days. Tony counted each and every dreadful hour. He cried himself to sleep on the nights that he lay awake waiting for the vampire that would not come.

His dreams were filled with Rudolph. He plagued Tony’s head with harsh words and gentle brushes of lips. Tony couldn’t go a single moment without thinking of what might have been; if he could have done something right to make Rudolph want to be with him. He began to bury himself in his schoolwork and his job, desperately attempting to detach himself from the boy that was not his. But all of that was done in vain. Nothing he thought of or did could jerk his attention away from his absent friend.

One evening, he had miserably trudged home from his job; walking now because he didn’t have Rookery’s truck anymore. He had fallen fast asleep after whipping through his homework, barely even stopping to think about the dark haired boy. 

He dreamt of a simple field full of wildflowers. Blades of grass danced about in the cool evening wind, the moonlight reflecting off the rippling plants. Tony tread lightly through the field, careful in his steps as he approached a silhouetted figure with his back turned to the blond. He was inches away from the boy, reaching out to touch him, to turn him around and see his face.

When Tony brushed his shoulder with his fingertips, the teenager spun around to gaze down at him, smiling. His monotone skin glinted purple in the shadows created by the moonlight, adorned in beautiful glittered eyeshadow and a white satin shirt. He immediately swept Tony up in his strong, muscular arms, dipping him low so that he could kiss him. When their lips touched, Tony knew the mysterious stranger was Rudolph. He swooned in his friend’s arms, feeling the tight hold on him as his mouth moved against the blond’s. It was welcoming and warm, trusting Tony with himself as the boy placed a tremulous hand on the back of his neck. Then Rudolph was letting go. He let Tony fall to the earth with a dull thud. He glanced over the mortal, scoffing. 

“Pathetic,” he sneered, kicking at the helpless teenager blinking up at him. “Why would I want such an insipid fool as yourself? Rookery was right about you. You're weak. You’re pathetic. I would sooner kiss that man than be with you. Why don’t you just leave already? Stop being so hopeful. It’s over.”

Rudolph caught the front of Tony’s shirt, scraping at his chest in the process. He wrenched him up, pulling the blond teenager with him as they bolted up into the sky. Tony screamed, flailing beside Rudolph as he tried to find stability, but the vampire was already letting go. He let Tony fall hundreds of feet, wailing his name as he quickly neared the pavement of the roads below. 

Tony awoke with a choked gasp to a loud rap at his bedroom window. His eyes flew open and he rolled over to peer at the neon red digits on his clock blaring 2:15. He shot up when a softer, almost uncertain tap came. 

Tony looked to the closed curtains, and with a painful ache in his chest he crawled out of bed, trying to smooth out his hair as he made his way to the window. His hands trembled as he pushed open the fabric, locking eyes with a frightened looking vampire. He paused, clutching tightly onto the heavy cloth. 

His eyebrows were knit together and he was running a hand anxiously through his ink-black hair. Tony’s heart caught in his throat. His mouth popped open for a moment, before he closed it again, reaching out to unlock the window with a painful hitch in his breath. 

The glass swung out with a high pitched screech, and Rudolph hesitated outside until the blond beckoned him in. He touched down silently onto the carpet, clearing his throat. The vampire opened his mouth to say something, but he quickly closed it again. 

They stood in uncomfortable silence, switching between staring at the floor and glancing at the other boy. At last, Tony decided to speak up. 

“I… thought you weren’t gonna come back.”

Rudolph took in a sharp breath, looking up painfully at him, ashamed. “I should not have left you like that, Tony. I’m so sorry.”

“I guess I’m just glad to see you again.”

“And I as well,” the vampire chuckled shakily and looked at the floor once more. He flashed a cracked smile up at Tony before it faltered, and Rudolph burst into tears. Tony gasped at the sudden change in his friend and rushed over. The vampire didn’t flinch when he wrapped his arms around him; he almost melted into the touch. 

The blond boy brought a hand up to his back, stroking it gently as Rudolph began to sob, his shoulders quivering while he took in rapid, unsteady breaths. He clung to Tony’s shirt, pulling him close.

“I- I’m so- s- so sorry for what I did. I didn’t- I have no idea what I was thinking. I wasn’t. I- I freaked out. I didn’t know what it was like to- to feel things. I- I’m a vampire, I’m not supposed to feel love .”

Tony’s heart sank and he brought a hand to his chin, lifting his face so he could look into the boy’s puffy, tearful eyes. 

“You probably don’t even want to be near me right now. You must be disgusted with me,” the vampire sniffled. “I even disgust myself.”

“Oh c’mon now,” the boy cooed, moving his hand so he could gently cup his cheek. “You’ve never disgusted me. Not then, not now, not ever. You’re perfect, and I like you just the way you are.”

Rudolph smiled and leaned into Tony’s hand, his eyes fluttering closed as he breathed in heavily. The blond wiped away a few stray tears from the immortal’s face, allowing his friend to rest his head on his shoulder as the last few sobs died away.

Rudolph moved his arms to circle around Tony’s waist and he lifted his head, peering deeply into his eyes. 

“I’m so sorry I hurt you like that. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I got home and Frederick had grounded me. If I had not been so… so stupid and hesitant then we wouldn’t be in this awful mess.”

“Rudy, who ever said it was a mess?” the blond murmured as he placed his hands at the back of Rudolph’s neck, playing with the hair at his nape. 

The vampire grinned down at him, biting his lip. His gaze flicked to his lips before returning again. His eyes looked more somber now. “Thank you for not being so terribly mad at me,” he whispered. 

“Anytime,” he replied, wrapping his arms around his friend’s shoulders, bringing Rudolph closer so that their chests were pressed together. The vampire leaned in closely, his breath cool on Tony’s cheek as he pressed his lips there in a small peck. The blond gave a quiet gasp and the dark haired boy immediately pulled back.

“Was- was that okay?” 

Tony nodded. “I guess I was just surprised is all,” he chuckled softly. There was a beat of silence before Rudolph leaned in again, this time nearly touching Tony’s lips. He paused and their gaze met, each boy’s eyes filled with desire.

“And this,” he whispered, his breath playing across Tony’s mouth. “Is this okay?” 

“Yes,” he breathed, leaning in so that their lips met.

And for a moment the world stopped. He felt himself go weak in the knees, and if not for his grasp on Rudolph, he was sure he would have collapsed. He tightened his arms around the vampire, who sighed happily into the kiss. 

Tony couldn’t believe he was kissing the boy he had dreamed so much about; the one he had dreamed about kissing so many times before. And yet, it was so different compared to what he thought would happen. It was softer. It was breathtaking. It was real. And Tony was so happy, his entire body practically vibrating as their lips moved softly together. 

Rudolph whimpered slightly as their lips parted, but couldn’t stifle the large smile that spread across his lips when he came to look down at the blond once more. 

“Wow,” he grinned, looking down ecstatically at Tony. He beamed up at the vampire, blushing under his delicate gaze. 

They stood together for a while unmoving; scared to mess up the perfect kiss they had just shared. But then Rudolph leaned in again, and their lips melted together. 

They each fit like puzzle pieces, slotting their mouths together languidly, softly. Tony nestled deeper into the vampires arms, pressing his lips further into Rudolph’s. 

For a few minutes it was only lips meeting over and over, nibbling, licking, tasting. Then Tony pushed Rudolph suddenly to a nearby wall, pressing him up against it. He held Rudolph by the lapels of his jacket as their lips met hungrily, and the blond parted to lick a thin, gentle stripe up the boy’s bottom lip, causing him to groan with pleasure. Tony leapt at his open mouth, taking the opportunity to dip his tongue into Rudolph, swirling it inside. The immortal groaned further, their tongues intertwining. 

They parted for a moment, panting with their foreheads pressed together. Maroon eyes met sky blue, and then closed again as Tony brushed a chaste kiss to the dark haired teenager’s mouth before moving to his neck. He placed light, gentle kisses along the skin there, smiling against his neck when he heard a barely-there groan escape the boy. 

Upon pressing his lips to Rudolph’s jawline, the vampire captured Tony’s lips once more, and they shared a long, slow kiss, their lips sliding silently together. They parted with a muted pop, clutching one another. Rudolph then took the pause to push Tony gently backwards until his knees hit the edge of his bed. He immediately sat down, lying himself out across the covers, where Rudolph climbed over him, enclosing around the blond.

He lay propped up on his elbows above Tony, running cool fingers through the boy’s golden hair. The dark haired boy leaned down and brushed his nose to Tony’s, evoking a happy sigh from the human. The teenagers remained there, breathing deeply, smiling.

When they had regained their breath, Rudolph pressed a tender kiss to the boy’s mouth. Tony craned his neck upwards to deepen the kiss, smiling softly into the vampire’s lips. He still couldn’t believe this was happening. It was all like a wonderful dream that he never wanted to wake up from. 

They parted again, each loath to let go. Rudolph collapsed next to Tony on the bed, placing an arm across the blond’s waist, pulling him in. Tony chuckled, smiling as the pair’s lips met once more in a long, drugging kiss. He turned onto his side to fully face the vampire and placed a hand on his cool cheek, drawing out the kiss. With every part of lips, they met again, shifting ever closer, smiling wider, and holding one another tighter. 

At last they broke apart, their foreheads pressed together, still grinning. Tony stroked the vampire’s cheek gently. He ran his thumb across Rudolph’s bottom lip, taking a soft breath.

“I’ve been dreaming of that for years,” he whispered.

The dark haired teenager chuckled softly. He brought his arm tighter around the blond so that their bodies were pressed flush together. “Was it all that you imagined it would be?”

Tony practically beamed at the vampire holding him. “It was everything I imagined and more.”

Rudolph laughed, bringing his lips to the mortal’s as they sat in comfortable silence, caressing each other. 

Rudolph then pressed a chaste kiss to the boy’s forehead before getting up. Tony’s heart began to race as he panicked. “Are you leaving already?” he rushed, still feeling the tingle of the vampire on his lips.

“Do you want me to go?” the immortal replied cautiously. 

Tony’s heart sank. Rudolph thought that he only wanted him in that moment. He didn’t understand how much Tony desired him; how much he needed him. He wanted Rudolph to stay forever, to hug him tight and never let go. He didn’t want to watch him leave ever again. Tony wanted to show Rudolph just how much he meant to him; he wanted to do it all right now. He wanted to have him. All of him. 

“Rudy… I never want you to leave,” he whispered. The vampire smirked and slipped off his boots, shrugging out of his jacket as he approached the bed where the blond was now opening a spot under the covers for him. 

He slid into the bed, settling far beneath the covers, pulling Tony close once more. The blond snuggled in his arms, already feeling so warm and safe with Rudolph there beside him. 

“I’m so glad that you came back. I thought you might never want to see me again after what I did.”

Rudolph moved a hand from the boy’s waist to his hair, stroking through it gently. “You have no idea how much I wanted to return and apologize after I left, but I was afraid you’d hate me for what I did, so I didn’t- I didn’t come back- I just- and my father-”

“Shh,” he hushed Rudolph, kissing the corner of his mouth when his eyes went glassy. “It’s alright. I was scared that you hated me too,” he chuckled into Rudolph’s chest. “I guess we’re just both complete idiots when it comes to this.”

“I suppose so,” the vampire breathed a laugh into Tony’s hair, pressing a soft kiss to his head. “Sleep well, love.”

Tony blushed and smiled brightly up at Rudolph, sighing as he tucked his head underneath the boy’s chin. He waited until he heard the dark haired teenager’s breathing slow, and then his mind began to race.  

He breathed in the vampire’s scent deeply, wondering just how lucky he had been to stumble upon this beautiful, amazing, perfect person. Tony lifted his head, looking just once more at the sleeping vampire. He gasped softly when he saw the remnants of tears on the immortal’s cheek that hadn’t been there before. The blond lifted an arm to brush at his cheeks, wanting to take his pain away. He felt horrible for being the reason that Rudolph was hurt so badly. He wanted to do anything to make it right again. He loved the boy with all his heart, and he wished that they had figured everything out before; that he had had Rudolph before so many awful misunderstandings had occurred.

Then a sudden thought popped into his head. Rudolph had said he wasn’t supposed to feel love. Love. What if Rudolph loved Tony as well? What if they were so much more to each other than the other thought? Rudolph was already everything to Tony and more, but what if he felt that way too? 

Tony grinned to himself and kissed Rudolph’s cheek, watching the vampire’s eyelashes flutter and a smile ghost across his lips unconsciously. The blond nestled beneath the dark haired teenager again, and he drifted off to sleep, a bright, happy fluttering feeling in his stomach. Everything was okay again.  

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