Timeless | romanogers

By assembled_avengerss

2K 114 28

"Even if we met on a crowded street in 1944, and you were heading off to fight in the war, you still would've... More

zero. a playlist
one. grief
two. a familiar friend
three. employment
four. expo shenanigans
five. project rebirth?
six. a super soldier
seven. the tesseract
eight. star spangled man
nine. more than this
ten. faith
eleven. red skull
thirteen. player
fourteen. train
fifteen. heart to heart
sixteen. it's over
seventeen. timeless

twelve. journey back

84 9 0
By assembled_avengerss

☆─────────── ⋆⋅ ⍟ ⋅⋆ ───────────☆

{twelve. journey back}

☆─────────── ⋆⋅ ⍟ ⋅⋆ ───────────☆

"Steven!" Tony calls from across the hall, his room only a few doors down from Steve's.

"WHAT?" His yell is muffled from behind his closed door.


Steve opens his door and walks to Tony's room, on the way buttoning up his shirt after his post workout shower.

"What's up?" Steve pushes open Tony's door and spots him fixing up his appearance in the mirror.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Tony cocks his head to the door while fixing the cufflinks on his jacket.

"Why do you look like your father?" Steve crosses his arms over his chest.

"Because... Bruce and I have a date in the forties."

Steve's breath hitches and his eyes go wide.

"N- now? Like right now?"

"Yes idiot." He turns away from the mirror to face Steve. "Right now."

Steve takes a deep breath.

"Well," Tony turns back to the mirror and adjusts his collar. "We need to know where you were in July because our best guess is that Natasha got a job with the SSR and is following you around."

"Why do you think she's following me?"

Tony slows his movements. "Erm.. because..."

"Because you're someone familiar." Bruce chimes in from the bathroom.

"Bingo." Tony points in his direction and finishes fixing his outfit. "So, where were you?"

"Yeah sure let me just pull exactly where I was at this exact hour on July tenth nineteen forty four." Steve rolls his eyes and leans against Tony's wall.

"Yes, please do." Tony turns to face him, finally finished with his look.

Steve covers his eyes with his left hand, in attempt to remember.


Tony perks up.

"I think we were still in Italy. I was probably officially Captain at that point because I'm pretty sure I set out on my mission to save Bucky on the eighth."

"Any more specific details other than just the country?"

Steve's mouth presses into a straight line. "I can't remember."

"Well, it's not like Italy is a small country or anything." He sarcastically remarks and rolls his eyes.

"Tony, it shouldn't be too difficult to find them."

Bruce exits the bathroom pulling down his jacket. He is wearing another set that looks like it's come straight from the forties.

"Well, shall we?"

Tony leads everyone out of his room and down a flight of stairs to the lab they've been at every day since Natasha disappeared.

"We're going to do it right here." Bruce stands in the center of the lab fitting the ring on his finger.

"So the two of you- three of you will return right here?" Steve's movement is extremely nervous and agitated.

"We have no idea." Bruce kicks at the ground. "If we get back-"

"When we get back." Tony interrupts sharing a pointed look at Bruce.

"When we get back, we don't know if we're going to show up right where we are right now, if we're going to show up back when Natasha first left, or if we're going to show up after the amount of time we spend looking for her passes."

Steve nods, like he's receiving the most important orders from an officer that he's ever received before.

"Our goal is to spend no more than three days in the past, but you never know, more time could be needed."

"Steve, can you come back and check every day to see if anything has changed on this end? If we need more time, we'll find a way to leave a note."

Tony adjusts the ring on his finger, sometimes glancing over to Steve.

"Sure, but if there is a change, what should I do?"

"Just read whatever we left. If we need help, it will have directions on it." Tony brushes his jacket and looks at Bruce.

"We're trusting you with this Steve." Bruce glares at him. "No one else knows and we hope to keep it that way. If you need help, you can get it, but try to keep it a secret as long as posssible."

Steve looks sick.

"You've got the third ring Bruce?" Tony asks through a breath.

"I do."

"Northern Italy," Bruce and Tony input the place on their rings in unison.

"July Tenth." They select the date. Steve looks between the two of them, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Twelve in the afternoon?" Tony looks up to Bruce and he nods, both of them inputting the time.

"You ready?" Bruce stares at his friend across from him.

"Ready as ever." He shrugs but Steve can tell he's nervous. That both of them are.

There is no going back. They aren't taking the tesseract as back up. This is it. There is still a decent chance that they cannot get back to the present, even after all of their testing.

"Steve," Tony looks at him. "She'll be back soon."

"You two better come back." Steve says quietly. "Come back. I can't lose two more of you."

"We'll be back Steve. The three of us."

Bruce nods to Tony and they both take a breath and tap their rings.

In a split second they're gone and Steve is left alone in the room. He looks up to the sky.

"Please, come back."


The afternoon after Steve and Natasha brought the boys back was a whirlwind of pictures (of him, not Natasha), interviews, and meetings.

Natasha, Steve, Peggy, and Howard all stand around a table with a map sprawled across it in a secret meeting room created just for higher ups.

"They have one here, in Poland. And another in the Baltic..." Steve sketches coordinates of Hydra bases onto the map, putting X's where the bases are.

Peggy just watches Steve's work, avoiding eye contact with Natasha who is pointing on the map as Steve recites from memory.

"And the last one was about... here." He meets his pointer finger with Natasha's at the same place on the map. "I'd say thirty, forty miles west of the Maginot line."

He looks up and meets Peggy's eyes shrugging. "I only got a quick look."

"Well," she smiles and shakes her head, sighing sarcastically. "nobody's perfect."

"These are all of Hydras factories?" Colonel Phillips enters the room, walking up to the map Howard is now pinning to the wall.

"The ones we know about. But Sergeant Barnes said that Hydra shipped all of their parts to another facility. One that wasn't on the map."

"Agent Carter," Phillips turns to her with a plan. "coordinate with MI6. I want every allied eyeball looking for that main Hydra base."

"What about us?" Natasha finally speaks.

"We are going to light a fire under Schmidt's ass." He finally notices Natasha and gives her a small nod hello.

"What do you say Rogers?" Phillips now turns to him. "It's your map, you think you can wipe Hydra off of it?"

"Yes sir."

Natasha watches Steve and his face is filled with pride. He's finally given the responsibility and respect he's known he deserves. 

"I'll need a team."

"We've already started lining up the best men-"

"If you don't mind, sir," Steve stands up straighter and puts his hands in his pockets. "so have I."

"So be it Captain." The Colonel backs off "If you need anymore men, you know where to look."

He exits the room leaving the main four in there again.

"Well, this is exciting!" Peggy puts her hand around Steve's arm and looks up at him "You're officially leading your own troops!"

Natasha rolls her eyes and walks past the two of them over to Howard.

"What's going on over here?" Her playing interested in something Howard is doing is just a distraction from whatever is going on behind her.

"Oh, hey Natalie." He looks up from what he is poking at. "I'm just looking at this Hydra explosive tech. Nothing much."

"It's not going to blow up or anything... right?"

"I sure hope not." Howard grins a devilish smile at Natasha, expecting her to banter back like she always does, but instead she just looks at the table.

"What's going on?" He leans closer to her, creating a wall of privacy between the outside, and them.

"Nothing." She rests both of her hands on the table in front of her, Howard does the same.

"I don't believe you." He slyly checks the clock on the wall behind him to his left, also catching a glimpse of Peggy and Steve chatting at the map.

"What happened after you two jumped from the plane?" He turns back to the table, resuming the wall their backs are making.

"Nothing happened. We did what we needed to didn't we?"

Howard hums in confusion.

"We saved the soldiers. Took down one of Hydras bases of operation. But I guess we didn't really do it, did we? He did it." She jerks her head in the direction of Steve.

"I see." Howard relaxes a bit, still facing the table but places his hands in his pockets. "It is unfair how men and women are treated differently." He shakes his head.

Natasha nods.

"I'm sure you took down enough Hydra men to compete with him."

"I actually took down more."

Howard turns to her shocked.

"We were keeping score." She shrugs and puts her hands on her hips, turning to face Howard. "But, I guess it doesn't matter since he's all medaled up and sworn into service."

"You haven't spoken to him since you've gotten back, you also haven't looked at him for more than a millisecond."

"Haven't I?" She looks up to the ceiling, at the yellow light hanging above their table.

"No Natalie, you haven't. Are you sure it's just because of the recognition?"

"Oh shut up Howard." She glares at him. "Of course it is."

She turns away and begins leaving the room.

"Natalie!" Steve calls for her but she doesn't turn around.

"Howard, what did you say?" He furrows his eyebrows, angry at Stark.

"I didn't say anything!" He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Then what did she say?"

"Nothing! We were just talking about the bomb!"

Steve shakes his head and turns back to Peggy, finishing their conversation. "I want you to help us from the outside. Be our eyes in the sky."

"Whatever you need, Captain." She smiles at him and begins walking away.

"Wait, Peg," he catches up to her at the exit of the meeting room. "What do you think is up with Natalie?"

"I don't know Steve." She shrugs her shoulders uninterested. "You should probably talk to her to smooth things over before you guys set off tomorrow. That is.. if you are bringing her along."

"I sure am!" He smiles proudly. "Maybe you talk to her first? Let me know what she says and then I'll assess?"

"Sure." Peggy smiles shyly. "I'll get her to open up."


"Oh my God Bruce." Tony stands up in a field of grass rubbing his head. "That hurts a lot more than I expected"

"Yeah, I know." Bruce is still lying on his back, head in his hands.

"How do you suspect we go about finding Natasha?"

"Finding civilization is where I'd start."

Bruce grabs onto Tony's offered hand and pulls himself up, finally stabilizing and taking in his surroundings.

"It looks like the ground slopes down this way." He points.

"Find water, find people." Tony nods and the two of them walk towards the bottom of the hill.

Sooner than later they find a paved trail leading them into a town. Very lucky time travel position that the duo are grateful for.

They enter the town and stop by a lamp post.

"You've brought cash right?" Bruce looks around at everyone going about their day.

"Oh... shit. I only brought my card." Tony pulls  out his black card and Bruce's eyes widen with fear.

"Oh God Tony!" Bruce holds his head in his hands.

"Only joking." Tony grins and slides his credit card back into his wallet, opening it further to show Bruce all of the cash he brought. "We're the richest men on the planet right now."

"You scared the shit out of me." Bruce turns away and stares at a group of men entering a bar.

"Are those our guys?" He nudges Tony getting his attention.

"Looks like it." He fixes his glasses and puts his hands in his pockets. "It's showtime Watson."

"No, you're Watson." Bruce announces while he struggles to catch up.

"Whatever you say." Tony smiles and whispers, "Watson."

The dingle-ling of the bell above head announces their presence inside the darkened establishment. Quickly, the two of them spot three men in uniform all sitting up by the counter.

"What can I do for you?" A woman bartender places theee beers infront of the soldiers and turns her attention to Tony and Bruce.

"Just two beers would be nice."

She nods and begins getting their drinks.

"So!" Tony pats the counter grabbing the group to his lefts attention. "Are you with the SSR?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"Nothing, really. I just wanted to thank you for your service." Tony shrugs and turns to the beer that is being placed infront of him.

"I've heard about Captain Steve Rogers." Tony tries again. "It's rumored that he saved a bunch of soldiers from captivity?"

The men roll their eyes and laugh. "Yeah, he did."

"Americas Golden Boy."

The soldier closest to Tony places his beer down. "He's a great guy, but sometimes I just want to punch him in his perfect teeth."

Tony chuckles before taking a sip of his own drink.

"Where are you all located? I've got something to give to your Colonel."

"Colonel Phillips?"

"That's the man!"

"Well, we're all going out tonight because tomorrow the boys are heading off to take down another base. But we can send you to our headquarters and you can wait there for him."

"Sounds like a plan!" Tony smiles and takes another sip.


"Natalie!" Peggy knocks on her door twice before Natasha opens it.

"Hi Peggy."

"What's wrong?" She crosses the threshold and makes her way to Natasha's bed sitting on it.

"Nothing!" Natasha closes her door and crosses her arms.

"Look, Natalie," Peggy plays with her hands in her lap. "I feel like I've been acting... strangely towards you."

Natasha just watches her.

"And I don't mean to, we've been such good friends and I don't want my silly moods to affect our friendship."

"Oh you're fine Peggy!" Natasha uncrosses her arms and walks closer. "I also haven't been as open towards you as I should be."

Natasha internally rolls her eyes at what she's just said, but deep down, she knows what she's saying is true. She's been acting so coldly towards  Peggy for literally no reason. She knows she isn't going to get with Steve while she's in the past, she wouldn't allow herself to start a relationship with him with the entire universe at risk.

So what's the point of making an enemy out of Peggy. Someone who, until Natasha's started acting differently, has been nothing but kind to her.

Natasha sits. "It has been a difficult week."

"And your mission, I feel like that must have been stressful."

"You have no idea."

"And all of the attention for Steve and not for you."

"You get it!" Natasha, for the first time in a while, perks up.

"I've seen how today has gone and it makes me want to punch someone."

"I'll have everyone know that I knocked out more Hydra men than Steve Rogers. We were keeping score."

Peggy lets out a chuckle and looks ahead. "Why are men always glorified and we have to sit back and take it."

"I'm not sure, but it is royally pissing me off."

Peggy laughs. "I'm glad we're alright." She hugs Natasha and the two of them share a moment together.

"Look," Peggy backs off. "tonight we're all going out to the pub for a drink and dance before the boys go fight at the next Hydra base. You need to come with us!"

"I don't know Peggy.." Natasha shakes her head at her friend.

It's been a long day already, and a night out just isn't really in the cards.

"Come on Natalie! It will be fun!" Peggy holds Natasha's hands and urges her to go.

After a solid thirty seconds of waiting, Natasha finally agrees.

"Fine." She smiles at Peggy who's jumped off of the bed and has already made it halfway to the bathroom.

"Come show me your dress!"

Natasha gets off of her bed and walks to the closet. She pulls out an emerald green dress that Peggy had picked out on their first day together.

She puts it on and enters the bathroom.

"OH NATALIE!! I remember that dress!!" Peggy just about screams at her.

"You really liked this one." Natasha makes her way up to the mirror and starts curling her blonde hair.

Her hair has managed to stay blonde due to Peggy forcing Maria to send her some dye to give to Howard. He's created his own invention that allows Natasha to dye her own hair in her dorm's bathroom.

"The soldiers are going to lose their minds when they see you."

"You know Peggy, I don't really care about that all too much." Natasha continues to style her hair. 

"Well, I'm just telling you, be prepared."

Peggy leaves Natasha alone for about ten minutes while she heads to her dorm to get into her dress. In that time Natasha finishes her hair and puts on some makeup, dawning a red lip.

She meets Peggy outside her room and the pair head over to Howard's car.

"Damnnn." Howard looks Natasha up and down.

"Oh be quiet Howard." Natasha opens the passenger side door and hops into the car as he makes a silly face at her.

Peggy gets into the back and they all drive to the pub.

"They've rented out the whole place for the night, so it will just be people from the SSR."

"You're not joining us?" Peggy asks, fixing her hair from the back passengers side.

"I'm afraid not. I have to work on some advancements back at the base."

"You're always so busy." Natasha rolls her eyes at him.

"I'm afraid that's what happens when you have a real job."

Natasha and Peggy 'oooooo' in unison which gets a laugh from Howard.

He's glad Natalie's back to messing with him. He's missed his partner in banter.

After a little under five minutes of driving, Howard pulls up to the bar that the event is being held in.

"Remember to tell Steve to come back with you at around twelve! I've got something to show him." Howard reminds Peggy who just nods in response.

"Don't stay out too late." Howard shouts from inside the car.

"Okay dad!" Natasha calls over her shoulder and in response, Howard honks the cars horn at her as he drives off.

"Are you sure the flirting thing is all pretend?"

"You know what Peggy?" Natasha turns to her friend. "I can never be one hundred percent sure."

"You two need to get a room."

"Okay, not that far." Natasha laughs and walks up to the front door.

"Shall we?" Peggy holds out her arm and Natasha links with it, the two girls entering the bar together.

☆─────────── ⋆⋅ ⍟ ⋅⋆ ───────────☆

Okay, i decided to split the chapter up because it would have been looooong if i didn't.

the next one is going to be so good hehehe

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