By Ladybreezy81

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Dominic Brown is a man who's had a pretty good life until a year ago. A year ago when his life had change fr... More

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By Ladybreezy81


We finally left her house I spoke with my dad with my mom yelling in the background. Lyndsey didn't wanna got straight to my parents house so we drove around a little, got breakfast did some shopping till it was around 12. On the way to my parents house we talked about random stuff till we pulled to their house.

"This is your parents house?" she asked

"Yea we all grew up here, it's alot of us so we needed the room" I said We pulled more to the house and I parked the car we got out, I hurried to meet her in front of the car and took her hand. Together we walked up to the house.

The door swung open as we reached the porch to reveal a woman not just any woman but my mother. My mom eyes smiled despite the glare she sent my way.

"Do you know what time it is? I have been waiting all day for you to get back! After you ran out of here like a maniac no one knew what had happened or where you went. Do you know how worried I've been?" my mom yelled I opened my mouth to answer but my mom kept going. "I thought I taught you better." She snatched up an umbrella from a stand by the door and brandished it wildly at me. I took a step back. "Didn't bother to call! We had to call your phone five times before you picked up. BOY I don't care if you're grown I will spank you." By this time my dad, brother and youngest sister came to the door. First gaping in shock then hiding wide smiles and tears of laughter. "Left without saying anything to me, me. Darn near gave me a heart attack. Nicky I should... "

A loud snort followed by fits of laughter exploded from Lyndsey interrupting my mom. Everyone's attention turned to her. Seeing my incredulous look she tried and failed to get her laughter under control.

"I'm so sorry baby," she chuckled finally calming a bit. "If I'd known I'd get you in so much trouble I wouldn't have called so late and we would have came back once we got up."

"It's okay, " my mom said primly with a careless wave of her hand, "Men in love like he is, is supposed to do whatever you tell him."

"I don't think... " I said but from a dark glare from my mom I shut right up. m

"What? What?" my mom asked

"I'm sorry okay didn't want you to worry... Lyndsey, these are my parents... Rigor and Kiara Brown."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said.

"Oh angel, look at you! You're as pretty as he said you was," my mom exclaimed.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh look at her, she has manners! Did you hear that Rigor?" my mom said she was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Maybe she'll rub off on you brutes."

"Now Kiara, you've always said you like us just the way we are," my dad said. "Isn't that right, son?"

"There's always room for improvement," my mom smirked.

"How about a little help here, Nicky?" my dad asked

"You're on your own, Dad," I said and laughed. "I know better than to comment on that."

"There may be hope for you yet, Nicky," my mom said.

"Dad help" I said looking at my dad

My dad shook his head. "Can't get a word in edge-wise. With this woman talking" my dad said my mom turned and punched his arm.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Nicky?" Evie interrupted with a grin.

"No," I answered gruffly.

"Well, I guess I will introduce myself then" she said leaving my side as she step around me.

"I'm Lyndsey and I believe I saw pictures of yall," she said holding out her hand to Danny.

"I'm Danny. Don't go trying to hurt me now" Danny said then surprising her with a swift hug.

"I see he told you, I didnt hurt him" she said with a smiled.

"I'm Taryn and you have got to teach me how to do that, cause he's always beating me up" Taryn gushed almost bouncing with excitement.

"Excuse them." Evie said pushing the others out of the way. "Sometimes they forget themselves. I'm Evie and it's nice to meet you. Nicky has said great things about you. "

"Really? Like what?" she asked curiously looking at me. She was surprised with how easily my family to except her.

We finally went inside I watched as my mom fussed over Lynn all the way down the hall while I followed sheepishly behind them like a lost puppy.

"I've got so much to tell you," my mom said sitting her down. Before my mom continued she turned to find me awkwardly shifting in the doorway. "What are you still doing here? I'm sure you have things you need to be doing right about now,".

"Mom I can't just leave her here," I said as I tried to explain.

"Why not? You don't trust me to take care of her" my mom asked haughtily.

"No, that's not... "

"You think I'd let someone hurt her?" my mom asked

"No but... "

"You don't think she can handle herself?" my mom asked I shook my head. I should have known not to argue with my mom I could never win. My expression reminded Lynn of a little boy caught sneaking cookies before dinner. My mom softened looking at me with obvious affection. Patting my shoulder, "Besides you can't be with her all the time. You got to let her stand on her own feet. Now go on you'll see her soon enough."

A mischievous glint entered my eye. Quickly I dodged around my mom into the forbidden zone of the kitchen. She doesn't like anyone in her kitchen, mainly me I may have burnt a few things, but I was the main one not allowed.

"Hey!" my mom yelled as I pull Lynn into my arms and kissed her soundly. With a huge grin I swiped a roll off the cooling rack, escaping out the open sliding glass door into the backyard. Where my dad and brothers had went.

My mom shook her head and smiled. "I'll let it slide this time," my mom said my sisters came in the kitchen laughing. "But only because he finally brought me this beautiful woman he's been whining about," my mom winked at my sisters and went to join Lynn at the table.


I was sitting here with my daughters and with Lyndsey. I don't know much about her I only know what Nicky and Shaun told me about her. I will not say I dont like her I don't know her but I will keep my eyes open on this one.

"So Lyndsey I met those beautiful kids of yours yesterday they have already taken a liking to calling me grandma, I don't mind Cathy's kids call me that too. As mama of course I got my questions and I just wanna talk to you." I said

"Okay that's fine with me ask away" she said

"Just wanna know more about you I know about your husbands death not from him from Cathy nosey thing she is. But what else do you have in common I guess I mean tell me about yourself. I said

"Well I'm 28 2 kids I work 2 job, I have 2 sisters not close to them at all my dad is dead so is my mom and Cathy is my best friend, I love to cook and that's about it." she said

"What do you like most about him?" I asked I watch as she smiled.

"The number one thing would be his heart." She said and glanced up to see me smiling. "I've never met a guy with such an amazing heart. He makes me feel like the most important person in the world besides my kids."

"Well, Angel, you should be the most important person in the world to him beside me of course. I'm glad he treats you right." I said

"He really does. He really does couldnt stop him if I could" She said

"What initially attracted you to him?" I asked

"Oh goodness. Well," she said and giggled "he's very handsome. Me and Dominic met through Cathy she brought him in to my home he and my daughter painted my door blue, blue of all colors,I don't know how to describe it exactly. But, I just so pissed at him but glad that he got Lilah to talk to him."

"I know exactly what you mean." I said with a wink. "Rigor was like that when we first met. We was in college together and my car broke down and I remember leaving it to go see if I could get help to fix it and I came back with someone, and there was Rigor standing by my car with it running perfectly... He fixed it with out me asking him to I yelled at him, called his all kinds of names then got in my car and drove off." I let out a reminiscing sigh. "I swear, I remember watching his face when I yelled at him."

We shared a giggle "Dominic was the exact same way." she said

"Like father, like son." I grinned. "So will love to see pics of him as a child, or hear stories" I asked

"Please do tell stories" she said smiling

"When Nicky was six years old. We had been to visit my parents and they gave each of the kids a five dollar bill when we left. On the way home my husband and I decided to get a bottle of wine to go with dinner, which is something we rarely did. When we got to the store we realized we only had a few singles on us. This was in the days before ATM's. So we persuaded Nicky to 'loan' us his five dollars. The next day in we went to the monthly children's service at our church. The kids all gathered on the altar and the priest asked them questions about the gospel. That morning's gospel was about the widow who searched her house for a missing coin. So the priest asked the children if they ever had money of their own. Nicky announced "I had five dollars, but my mother took it to buy liquor." I was pretty active in my church so everybody knew me. Every head in the place swiveled around to look at me. My husband said I turned so red he thought I was going to have a stroke. I actually thought I was going to faint, I was so embarrassed. Now it is funny, but at the time I was mortified. I was a lot more serious then. I've mellowed with time - like wine." I said we all laughed.

"Did he ever get his money back?" she asked

"Yes that Monday" I said " Okay another story " Nicky was 3 we where at the bank when a young girl walked in. she was a had obviously been to the gym due to her tight fitted hot pink spandex attire and had quite round features and un upturned button nose. Nicky started clapping and screaming 'Look mummy a pig oink oink a big pink pig oink oink.' I felt terrible! I apologized and quickly exited the very busy bank" I said

"Oh my goodness" she laughed

"Okay Nicky was about 2 when we went to church one Sunday...the bag for collection came around...he threw his coins in,and just as Rigor wanted to pass the bag on, he stopped his daddy, stuck his hand in the bag again and said out loud 'Got to get me some Change'.... I nearly died and the whole congregation busted out laughing" I said laughing we all was laughing.

"That had to be a sight to see" she laughed.

"Do you see yourself with him for a long time? I know you two haven't been together very long. But, this isn't a fling is it?" I asked

"Oh goodness no, it's definitely not a fling." she said looking at her hands then up at me "I haven't felt like this with a guy, in so long. I want to take care of him and make him happy the best that I can."

"You still haven't answered my first question," I said.

"Oh!" she said then bit her lip. "Yes, I can see us together for a long time. I mean yeah, it's only been a few weeks, but there's something special with him. When did you know you wanted Rigor as your husband?"

"The moment I laid eyes on him," I said fondly. "I was working as a waitress at a diner while I was in college and he came in one night with a group of friends. I was hooked that was the day he fixed my car."

"Love at first sight?" she asked

"Absolutely." I said "I wanna say this normally I don't get into my son's business whatever he likes I love it but, I will say this my son has a big heart and he wants to be there for everyone, he feels the need to be that person who helps everyone take care of everyone but once that is done people seem to always use him as in people I mean woman seem to always use him, after they get what they want they are off to the next. And I'm here left to fix what they messed up, that's my baby. I'm not saying you will do my son the sameway I just don't want that to happen to him again"

"Wait a minute I'm not here to use your baby, I didn't ask to come here, he was the one who brought me and my kids here, I don't need anything from your son and I never will so I don't know who you think I am but I know who I am and that's not some gold-digger looking for the come up thank you" she said before I could say anything back.

"Hold up you not going to be talking to my mother like that. Watch how you talking to my mother." Rigora said getting up, Evie stood up in front of her. " That's just like Nicky with his big heart he always taking on these projects that he feels like is going to take him to heaven"

"Maybe it was a big mistake in coming here" she said walking out of the kitchen and she went down the hall towards the door but stopped when Nicky grabbed her arm.

"Hey where you going?" he asked

"I want my kids and I wanna go home it was a big mistake coming here." she said on the edge of tears.

"Why wait what's wrong?" He asked

"Your mother thinks and talks to me your mother talks to me like I'm some good digger who's here to use you, take me home" she said and went out the door. I walked to Nicky and looked at me.

"Mama what did you say to her?" he asked

"I was telling her about you how you have a big heart and woman use you like her" I said

"You sure that's all you said?" he asked

"Oh God I think she took all I said the wrong way, I wasn't talking about her, that's why she responded the way she did Nicky I'm sorry Angel" I said we went off back to the kitchen to make Rigora calm down he said he was going to give Lyndsey sometime to herself before he goes speaking to her.


I could believe it she thought I was going to use him. I was pacing outside when Shaun pulled up and got out the kids came running to me.

"MOMMY" they said I hugged them both

"Is daddy inside?" Liam asked I nodded before I could say anything about leaving or him calling him daddy they both took off.

"You okay?" Shaun asked

"Just ugh I'm not a gold digger" I said

"My mama said something didnt she, shit always come out wrong with her, she said the same thing to Tony, no free ride here boy" she said laughing we went walking around the back of the house, I noticed around her I can never seem to leave. We walked around to their back yard and it was huge,it was amazing.

"I just dont want her" I said but was cut off by what I saw. "What is she doing here?" She looked into Chloe's face.

"I don't know." she said as we walked over to Chloe. "Hey Chloe."

"Hey Shaun how you doing? Good to see you. Oh and of course to you to Lyndsey. Sorry about popping in, but your mom called the office and invited me." Chloe said

"Oh, well isn't that just great. I guess you heard the good news then. Dominic and I are in a relationship." I said and smiled. Chloe's smile faded and then she plastered a fake smile on.

"I guess congratulations is due then. Let me see if your mom needs help Shaun." Chloe said then walked pass us into the back door.

"Well I guess your mom likes Chloe, huh?" I asked.

"Look no need to be nervous. My mom and dad are cool. I'm pretty sure they like you. Mom just have a way of saying somethings the wrong way but trust me if I had my way in the company Chloe's bitch ass would be fired, come on let's go mess with them they trying to have fun without us" Shaun said putting her arm around my shoulder and went walking off to where Tony and Danny was playing cards, I looked at the window and saw Dominic kneeling talking to Liam and Lilah at the back door.

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