The Boy Next Door (Larry Styl...

By JessJessTed

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The depressed and suicidal Harry Styles gets a new neighbor named Louis Tomlinson. Could Louis possibly chang... More

The Boy Next Door (Larry Stylinson) Prologue
Chapter 1: Welcome to Holmes Chapel.
Chapter 2: What has life come to be ?
Chapter 3: Boobear's Love.
Chapter 4: Shocked Beyond Return...
Chapter 5: Simple but Effective
Chapter 6: Everything has Changed.
Chapter 8: How The Tables Have Turned
Chapter 9: Recovery and Fun
Chapter 10: Truth or Dare
Chapter 11: Friends Once Again
Chapter 12: Our First Time
Chapter 13: The Time Has Come.
Chapter 14: A talent show ?
Chapter 15: Truth or Dare
Not An Update
Chapter 16: What Is Even Going On ?
Chapter 17: I Think We Are Going To Be Alright

Chapter 7: For The Best.

594 21 3
By JessJessTed


After diner Lottie and I tried to get to work on our science report. Which failed miserably, because Louis would come waltzing in at the randomest of times to either hug or kiss me from the back.

When suddenly instead of Louis coming into Lottie's room he marched right by it and stood in front of his mom watching TV.

"BUT MOM HARRY NEEDS TO STAY OVER!!" Louis shouted from the living room like a five year old.

That's when Lottie and I walked into the living room.

"No Louis, not tonight he has school not all of us are already 18." Louis mom is telling him. Louis just lets out a hugh kisses my cheek with a passion and stomps away."So, are you two almost done ?" 

"Yes Mrs. Tomlinson we just need to write the conclusion. " I blurt out.

"Call me Jay." Louis mum says.

"Ok Jay, I think Lottie can write that on her own so i'd better get home." I say grabbing my stuff off the floor. As I made my way towards the door I was tackled. By who if I where to guess be Louis.

"HAZZA YOU CAN'T LEAVE YET !" Louis was now sitting on top of me with both his legs on either side of me.

"Louis get off of me." I tried to wiggle out but it was no use. I was trapped.

"NO I'LL NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN" Louis screaming still on top of me.

"Boobear if you get off of me in three seconds we can go get ice-cream tomorrow."

"Promise ?" He said with his puppy dog eyes looking at me.

"Promise" I said as we pinky swore. What. Louis insisted. "Anyway can I get going now ?"

"Yes but not before I do this." Louis got off me and we both stood up right. Then he ran out of the room.

When he came back he got down on one knee and held out a bracelet. "This is for you, I made it when I was five and I said i'd give it to the person that stole my heart, which is you Hazza." He said acting as if he was five years old, pulling up my sleeve to put it on.

Once he lifted my sleeve far enough he placed it on and gave it a kiss.Then he trailed kisses up to my neck until he was about to kiss my lips. When he pulled back. Our lips never met. 

"Your a tease." I said breathing heavily. I am still not aware how someone I just met could have such an effect on me. 

"Fine you win. " As he was leaning in to kiss me I leaned back. Pushing him away.

"You may be a tease but, whatever you can do I can do better." I said smirking almost in a whisper.

That's when I grabbed my stuff and made a mad dash to my house next door.


Once I made it in the door I took out my phone already a text from Louis. Wait. When did Louis get my number ?! I read the text :

Miss you already honey bums .. btw I text me from ur phone and I have ur # now  I also put in my name (hope you liKe it) :) ~Boobear Sexy Ass

I laughed followed by a reply:

See you and your sexy ass  tomorrow ... be outside my school at the bell ~Hazza <3

I don't wait for a reply because i'm all of a sudden being pushed up against the wall with a brutal force. I know who it is. 

Gemma's one true love.


"Harry do you know what you are ?" He spat in my face. "No answer. Well i'm going to tell you. "

I wanted to cry. " YOU ARE SHIT AND THAT'S ALL YOU'LL EVER BE UNDERSTAND ?!" Josh yelled as his knee slammed into my stomach. 

I fell to the floor. No air left for me to  scream, not like I would have anyway.

"Come on get up pretty boy had enough already ?!" He said hitting my face. Blood now gushing from my noes. 

That's when I heard the door unlock as Josh carried me bridal style up to my room. Threw me on the bed, then ran back down.


When my mother came in she told me Josh said I had gotten into a fight, but I hurt the other guy so bad he ran off. That's when Josh and Gemma walked in surrounding my bed as Josh said that I destroyed the other guy patting my head while he was making up the story. Obviously. 

"Do you guys think I could sleep it's been a long night ?" I ask. Finally regaining my breath. 

"Yes but no more fighting understood ?" My mother said. I nodded then my mother and sister each gave me a kiss goodnight and Josh gave me a simple bow of the head. Maybe a thanks for keeping my mouth shut, but even if I had enough air in my lungs to tell what really happened. They would all call me crazy. 

I wanted to cut after so bad, I couldn't take it so I gave in. 

After about two thin cuts, Louis invaded my mind, and he couldn't leave. That's when I got the text from him:

Turn around and met me outside in five minutes.. bring the box. ~Boobear Sexy Ass

I turned to see Louis in his window. Shaking his head. I looked at the time. Almost 1:30 in the morning, but I knew I had to met him. 


When I made it down stairs throwing my hood over my head. So Louis wouldn't see how banged up I was. Slowly slipping out the back door with my box and it's contents in hand. I found Louis standing there.

"Let's walk." Was all he said. I agreed and followed. Without a word we walked to the nearest park and stood above a trash can.

"Drop it." He said as a command.

"No way, he's my best friend." I said to defend myself.

"Drop it now, i'm your new friend and I will never hurt you." He said sternly. 

I shook and finally released it. Turning my head away.

"Good now all you can do is get better, let's go home Hazza." He said sobbing and  hugging me as we walked back home.


When we made it to my front yard, I knew I was safe. I knew he hadn't seen the bruises that Josh had certainly made.

As I made my way inside I heard him say my name I turned my head and he continued talking.

"We will talk about those bruises tomorrow," Shit he saw, "Goodnight Hazza." Was his last words as he walked into his house. 

I got back into my bed and setled down when I got one last text from Louis:

I still never got my kiss goodnight :( ...maybe tomorrow. Until then sleep tight and what you did at that park this evening proves to me you are ready to be saved. And I will be you savior. ~Boobear Sexy Ass

I smiled and slowly drifted off knowing, that maybe someone finally cares and i'm glad it was Louis.









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