in the shot ٠ ࣪⭑ bokuto kot...

By 90sairui

630 24 11

⤷ in which the volleyball captain slowly falls for the photography girl. ; + 04.08.24, ongoing + all ri... More

๋࣭ ⭑⚝ prologue ᵎᵎ


79 3 1
By 90sairui

archery. the school's archery club wasn't strikingly famous like the major sports such as basketball, football, and volleyball, but they had a good reputation for having great aim on targets.

the archery club's captain, mayu hayashi, stood at the middle of the gymnasium as she poses for the picture. the camera was pointed at her before it flickers, signaling that it captured her perfectly.

"perfect! that's enough for today. thank you, hayashi-san." ririna says as she bows 180° at her senior.

mayu hayashi shakes her head as she ushers the girl to stand up straight. "no worries at all! and no need for honorifics, we may be one year apart but we're born the same year!"

"only a few months apart. it's still my obligation to respect you, hayashi-san." ririna says.

mayu hayashi sweatdrops at her before they decided to bid goodbyes since ririna still had a few more shots to take in other sports and mayu had training going on.

as ririna made her way inside the volleyball gymnasium. just being a meter away from the area, you could already hear the sound of balls being spiked in an amazing strength.

the doors opened ever so slightly but the loud screeching sound caught everybody's attention, including the coach.

"sorry for disturbing. im inoue ririna from the photography club. im here to take photos for the school's festival magazine." she said.

"ah, great timing, inoue-san. you'd have great pictures since they're practicing their serves right now!" the coach says with a chuckle.

ririna stood beside the sitting coach as she examines the boy's training. "excuse me, who should be my model?"

"well... i suppose the team captain could be your perfect model. unless, you'd want to capture a setter like akaashi keiji."

capturing a more bold shot instead of someone setting was something the magazine wanted to see. no discrimination to setters, but the dynamic you'd feel seeing someone's perfect form in serving or spiking would catch the viewer's attention easily and immediately.

"id like to use the captain as my model, please." ririna answers.

the coach nods as he stood up from the bench. "bokuto! someone here needs you as their model!"

the said boy immediately ran up to the sidelines. the more nearer he came, the more familiar he seemed to be in ririna's eyes. although, she decided to ignore it and focused on her job.

"for the first shot, i need you to give me your best serving form. as ive heard, you normally do jump serves, yes?"

bokuto nods.

"then, please do a jump serves for me. as natural as it could be."

"don't worry, miss! i'll give you the best jump serves you could ever see!" he says as he energetically ran up to the other side of the court then readies himself to serve.

ririna steadies her camera at eye level as she focuses on bokuto's form. as soon as bokuto jumped as high as he could, ririna follows his movements and captures the shot where he had his right hand extended all the way from the back.

his form was impeccable, just what the festival magazine needed.

she didn't know it but her eyes sparkled at the sight of the perfect shot. it was something bokuto was lucky enough to see.

"my form's that amazing, huh?" he said.

ririna jolts as she heard his voice nearby her.

"it's quite alright." she shrugs him away.

bokuto's energy inflates by the mere action but soon regains it back when he heard his team's encouraging words from afar.

"quickly. i need you and your setter— akaashi keiji, was it?" bokuto bums.

he then turns to a male with a slightly slender build than him. he had pretty features, enough for girls to swoon over for him.

"akaashi! come here!" bokuto says out loud and the said male obediently obliges.

"akaashi-san, could you please set for bokuto-san for the next shot? bokuto-san, please spike for me. we'll do this twice for two different shots."

both of the males nodded without any complaints.

the entire day went by smoothly and the photoshoot in volleyball ended successfully. ririna earned at least 10 perfect shots with either bokuto and some other teammates or just bokuto himself.

scanning through the photos, ririna couldn't help but feel a bubbly feeling arising from her stomach. she thought that the pictures were shot beautifully, but the model made it even more perfect.

her eyes sparkled again, this time, bokuto was there to see it once more as he was there, sipping his water from his bottle beside her.

"do i look awesome, photography girl?" he questioned.

ririna looks away as she turns her camera off in a dash. "you look perfectly fine. thank you for today, bokuto-san. also, my name's inoue ririna."

"photography girl!" he repeated.

ririna furrowed her eyebrows before deciding to leave the gymnasium.

one more sport. she thought to herself.

just as she was about to leave, she heard someone call her name, or more like the nickname given to her.

"photography girl!" bokuto calls out as he ran towards her.

she turns around. "what is it? i still have things to do, so if you could please—"

"can i have your number?" he asked.

this caused ririna to freeze.

never in her life had she have a male ask for her number. she was always too sucked in to photography and academics to even focus on people focusing on her.

ririna gulps. "is it for business? if so, please just approach my manager—"

"no, no! id like to be friends with you! so, can i please have your number?" he pleaded. his hair dropping down, imitating his mood.

ririna sweatdrops.

she fishes out her phone then gave it to bokuto. "write your number here instead. i'll be sure to save it.

bokuto types his number then dials it himself. as soon as he felt the vibration from his phone, he hangs up then gave it back to her with a huge smile.

"i'll contact you from time to time, so don't be frightened if you ever hear from me at the middle of the night!" he says before dashing back to his teammates who were loudly cheering for him.

ririna stares at him for a moment before leaving the gym.

a heavy thump crashes into her ribcage as she felt her cheeks flare up.

"what a weirdo."

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