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it was a fine day at fukurodani high. it was snack time, the time where ririna would get out of her room and stay at the school's rooftop to have some perfect lonely relaxation time.

she had 30 minutes of alone time, which was enough for her. ririna fishes out her sony digicam and captured some areas that were pleasing to her eye. the rooftop had lovely views.

suddenly, the doors opened. ririna turns around with a confused expression. it was a rare occurrence for a student or a faculty staff to come up to this place. it was almost her who always stayed here.

"oh? photography girl!" she heard the same annoying nickname given to her since yesterday.

ririna sighed.

"bokuto-san?" she said.

"i was looking for you, you know!" he announces energetically.

ririna tilts her head. "why? do you need something?"

bokuto shakes his head. "not really! i just wanted to see you, that's all."

ririna gulps.

"is that so..." she mutters quietly. somehow, bokuto still manages to hear it properly.

the atmosphere went silent. it wasn't relaxing like ririna wished it would be. it was more awkward than relaxing. every move she did, whether it be small or big, it felt as if she was a robot.

clearing her throat, she stood up. "i'll take my leave now. i'll see you when i see you, bokuto-san."

bokuto stood up. "ah, hold on! i'll go down with you!"

ririna sighs internally. she wanted to get away from the awkward tension but the awkward tension was basically running towards her endlessly.

"bokuto-san. do you have any reason to go down with me?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

bokuto blinks. "should there be a reason to go down with you?"

it was ririna's turn to blink. "of course. if there isn't, then i don't think you should go down with me at all. there are people who prefer being alone than being together with someone."

bokuto purses his lips. "sorry. i guess ive overstepped boundaries."

he bowed down 90° before walking away. ririna follows his retreating figure before he finally disappeared from her sight.

she felt a heavy guilt falling down to her shoulder. she lets out a sigh before going down stairs.

"what have i doneee." she drags her words as she drags her steps.

in the shot  ٠ ࣪⭑  bokuto kotarou 𖹭Where stories live. Discover now