Heartbeats and Handholds

By DreamyDazeX

1.2K 143 46

Ryan Davidson, an endearing, fun, reckless, daring, and yet heartbreaker. For someone like him who is only in... More

Hello Everyone!
Chapter one
chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

chapter three

133 12 0
By DreamyDazeX

Mia Pov:

I reached the café and I quickly changed and it was a long shift, to say the least. I love working in the café and a few customers tip us well but some days are really exhausting especially when there are many customers or worse when we have to deal with rude customers. They take out fault in everything and have a lot of attitude.

As I finished my shift and I was about to leave the café I walked out I saw a boy who must be around 12 years old who was looking in the café. He was wearing an oversized T-shirt and pants which were torn and his shoes dirty and as he saw me he just started to panic and apologize, "I am sorry, I was just leaving". I could see fear in his eyes and I quickly reassured him, "Hey, it's okay. Are you hungry?" he hesitated but nodded and I gave him the sandwich that I had packed for Lisa.

As he took the sandwich, he ate it like he had not eaten in days. As soon as he finished, he thanked me and was about to leave quickly when I stopped him and asked, "What is your name?" "M..Mark" he answered nervously. I nodded and again asked, "Where are your parents?" he did not say anything he was just looking down and I could literally see my reflection on him. "You can trust me" I tried to reassure him. However, he was hesitating and did not tell me anything so I did not push him. "You can come tomorrow as well if you want food" I smiled and he just nodded and ran away.

I could not help but wonder what that boy going through because no one could know better than me what's it's like to live in an abusive family. I still have nightmares about those horrible years of my life. How my stepdad used to come home drunk and hit me, sometimes with his hand or sometimes with anything he had nearby. His belt marks are still on my skin, it's a scar, my body has recovered with time but my soul will never recover from that pain. It's a scar for a lifetime and maybe the afterlife as well. And worst of all when my stepdad used to hit me, my mom was there as if she was deaf to my screams and blind to my tears. I can't even count how many nights I slept hungry stomach or cried myself to sleep. It's just one form of abuse, let's not talk about mental abuse for now.

That's why when I saw Mark, it was as if seeing my childhood self. However, I really hope Mark is not going through anything that I went through. And not only Mark but no one should go through what I went through. Anyway, I quickly pulled away from my thoughts and caught a bus so that I could reach my dorm room.

As I reached my dorm room Lisa looked up at me from her bed and said, "Girl, thank god u came, now where is my sandwich? I am starving" Oh shoot! I forgot to grab her another sandwich because I gave the sandwich that I had grabbed for her to Mark. I knew Lisa could not tolerate hunger and I mentally prepared myself for her scolding as I said nervously, "Lisa, actually there was a boy who was hungry... so I gave your sandwich to him." I was not looking at her but I could feel her expression change.

"Girl, are u serious? I am starving and I have been waiting for you to bring the sandwich and you just give my food to some beggar" she scolded me and I just nodded and tried to explain, "Lisa he was not a beggar, he looked like he has some trouble in his home and I could not leave him hungry so I gave him your food." Lisa's eyes softened a bit as she listened to me but also she was a bit guarded and asked, "Then what am I supposed to eat now?" I was very tired from working on the project and also in the café but I said that I could do something quickly and she agreed and she even helped me. I am really grateful for having a friend like her even if sometimes she drives me crazy.

After we had our dinner and settled on our beds then Lisa asked me in a teasing tone, "So, how was your project with your 'Project Partner'?" I sighed and answered her in a soft and calm tone, "It was fine." However, she loves to tease me so she kept pushing me and asking me if we talked and what did we talk and did he showed his charm to me but I just ignored her and pretended to be sleep unless she keeps quite. 


The next day, I was in class and Lisa sitting beside me the lecture was quite boring and everyone was almost asleep I was trying my best to keep up with the professor and take notes as I had to maintain my grades or else I would lose my scholarship. As the bell rang everyone packed their bags to leave but the professor stopped us from leaving the class as he said he had an important announcement.

"I have realized that this semester we are falling behind. So, we have to rush our courses which also means the project I had assigned you all shall be pre-pond to the day after tomorrow which means you all now have just one days to complete that project and the students who have already started won't have any problem. So I hope everyone will exceed my expectations." As he announced about the project being preponded everyone sulked and all were tensed. Even I was a bit tensed but since Ryan and I had already started the project, we would be able to complete it on time.

"I can't believe the professor did that to us" Lisa complained. "I know, what can we do" I tried to reassure her but she snapped, "Easy for you to say, I and my project partner have not even started yet." I tried to reassure and motivate her that she still has 1 days so she can do it. And I also have to talk to Ryan but I did not see him in class today. Didn't he come to college today? And also I did not see him with his friends Josh and Ben at their usual spot. Well, I have to text him then.

But he was not replying to any of text or answering my calls. I wonder why.... Did anything happen to him? Is he in trouble? I have no idea. I cannot do anything but to wait for his text or call now.

Author's Note:

I know this chapter maybe little boring for few but i will try to make another chapter interesting and fun.Please vote, comment, and share my story; it will keep me motivated. Also, please provide feedback on the chapters; it would mean a lot to me. Thank you for all your support.

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