The Lion and the Dragoness (S...

By Miyuki-Kusonoki

219 18 0

Tatsu has been living on a hidden island for ten years once she stumbled upon it after breaking free from a v... More

The lost island
Burning rage / desire
Little annoying game
Eaten up soul
A nocturnal visit
Tempting invitation

Another dragon admirer

22 2 0
By Miyuki-Kusonoki

(The picture above is Apep the tribe leader 😊)


Time goes by till the next morning and as the first sun rays shine into my cave, i groan a little and hide my face with my wing... Don't want to stand up... I just keep dozing a little longer... Until I hear a knock again.... Instantly my head snaps into the direction... Eyes wide as this knock startled me... But when I see Apep, my tribes leader, at the entrance of my cave I sigh reliefed and lower my head again... It's not the redhead... thank god...

Overall POV

Apep approaches you and taps on your shoulder gently to wake you up. He tells you that the time is already around mid-morning and that he thought you would want to wake up. You notice how he is still looking at you with a concerned look just like yesterday. But then Apep's concerned look suddenly turns into a lovely smile as he sits down next to your head. It is his way of telling you that you should really get up already. He still cares for you, no matter what you look like. He is still concerned for you at the same time that he feels attracted to you in this form. This feeling of warmth from his concern for you and the smile on his face make your heart beat faster and your body grow a bit warmer. The heat of his affection and concern is surrounding you... Making you feel calm and at ease from yesterdays events...

Slowly Apep stretches out his arm and tries to touch your wing. He is telling you that it is time to get out of your cave and get some fresh air. You look up at a grinning face looking back at you. You can see the spark in his bright blue eyes... He is really excited to see you awake and he doesn't want to leave your side. Apep continues to gently stroke your big wing with his hand to see the reaction of the dragon before him... And this is starting to make it difficult for you to remain still and asleep. It is starting to melt away that feeling of danger and anger...


once I feel calm enough again, I snuggle my muzzle against his cheek. I love how Apep adores me... On the other hand he never dared to approach me further then as his respected goddess, cherished friend and leader of this island next to him as the tribes leader... We are so close... And despite I have feelings for him, I know he wouldn't accept them, because he already is married... He already has two wonderful children and a beautiful wife... Still... We know both what we are feeling for each other... But I also know that we can't do this... And it somehow frustrates me... It makes me sad... It makes me feel lonely... Then he asks me if something happened last night because of my startled reaction... But I merely shake my head to tell him everything is fine.

Overall POV

Apep nods and continues to stroke your wing gently with his hand. He sees your eyes open and he can see how your head is resting on his hand as you are rubbing your muzzle against his cheek. He notices you feeling more at ease than ever before with him... But he feels something so intense building up between you two... And he can't help but wonder if you two should take your relationship to the next level, despite him being married with kids already. He knows he shouldn't do it, but he can't help himself.

Apep keeps stroking your wing and he can't help but feel a tingle in his body from his contact with your dragon body. The excitement of this moment and the desire he feels for you are growing so intensely... He feels the urge of taking an extra step in his advances. He wonders if he should ask you to come to his private chambers in his house. He would love to just be alone with you... He feels the need to be more close to you in a way that his wife, and even the tribes people wouldn't notice the heat between you two...

He is almost losing the battle against his desires for you. He is trying so hard to remain professional and not to do anything inappropriate to you in this special moment at your cave. He is stroking your wing and rubbing his body against yours and he is wondering if the next moment he should just come into close contact with you, and start kissing you... To finally reveal himself in what kind of a deep connection there is between the two of you. He is feeling his pulse beating even quicker and he is starting to feel himself sweating just from the thought of being so close to you.


I wonder what's going on with him... Is he scared to loose me to this pirate? He not often shows that much affection for me... It feels good to get pampered like this... on the other hand I also know we shouldn't do this... He wouldn't dare to touch his goddess... He never did... Even if I invited him sometimes when I was in my heat cycle... Yeah, being half dragon - half human caused me this hassle... But he always just kept on keeping his distance to me and the feelings between us... He declared me as the respected goddess of this island ever since I saved them back then... His goddess... I then try to distract him with a question from this weird emotions, which are swirling around us at the moment... „How are your wounds? This pirate did hurt you pretty bad yesterday... You should worry more about yourself then about me..."

Overall POV

Apep takes a deep breath before responding to you. Your question causes him to come back to his senses. He realizes that he is getting lost in his desires for you, which is not appropriate for him as the tribes leader. He is starting to feel that he crossed a line between you two by showing so much affection... He can't help but blush with such deep red cheeks and he looks away from you... He feels embarrassed in this moment and he decides to return to the real topic at hand.

So he clears his throat and his blush slowly disappears. He realizes that he was losing himself just a minute ago. But he also realizes how deep your connection was for all these years. The connection between the two of you is deeper than any romance between ordinary people. You two have such an intense connection that you have seen and felt things for each other that are much deeper than any ordinary romance... For this reason, even despite your connection being so deep, you two are still aware enough to know that neither one of you should take that extra step and cross the line to break the taboo.


I just chuckle knowing exactly that I did throw him off guard, this tribe leader which is in the same age like me, should really watch his desires for his declared goddess... But who knows what will happen one day... Crossing this line would be fatal for the both of us, knowing that even if we keep a friendship with benefits, that we couldn't keep it secret forever... It would just make things worse for us... I wonder if he thinks about me when he is doing "it" with his wife... But this is a delusional thought which I only wish would be true... I don't think he would ever betray his wife... His father and his tribe, just because of me... I'm the protector of this island... And I will always be... I won't let this redhead take me away from my cherished people...

Overall POV

You hear Apep chuckle with you and he looks up at you. He looks so much in love with you in this moment that it causes him to lose it and he starts to blush again. It is so adorable, how you manage to make him blush with your teasing. You always have been such a tease to him, because you both know how you two feel about each other. But this teasing is also hurting him at the same time, because you two cannot act upon these feelings of desire. You two must remain in this state of forbidden lust.


I'm still waiting for his answer if he doing fine... since I'm worried that he came here just to make sure I'm okay because of my mood swings yesterday and what happened with Shanks in the evening, even thou he is the one who got hurt. I'm doing fine... He shouldn't worry too much about me... I handled way worse shit then this „little" depression which I'm feeling at the moment... I shouldn't let my mood show of like this... A goddess has to act serene and calm... nothing should scramble up her emotions... but it's hard with the things that are curently happening...

Overall POV

Apep feels a bit embarrassed and he shakes it off as he keeps stroking your wing with his hand. He nods his head and he says he is fine. He says that he is feeling a bit weak but that's nothing to worry about. But when he said that you noticed that he is lying a bit. He is not being honest with what he says. Your intuition has always been excellent and you can feel that he is still hurting...


i nudge him with my muzzle. „Oh stop trying to be tough, Apep, I know you're still in pain... It would be better if you stay in bed and don't come all the way here to visit me... I won't disappear on you..." I tell him, that even though Shanks is outside there, I won't leave... „This is my home... You safed me from people like him..." I tell him with a softer voice now. If he wouldn't have taken me into the tribe who knows what would have happened to me...

Overall POV

Apep nods and he smiles at you. He says that he will keep an eye on his wounds later and that he will take it a bit easy. He doesn't look so good to you as he tries to put up a brave face and stay strong, despite you obviously noticing that he is still hurting. The blush on his cheeks shows that he still feels a bit bad about himself after showing so much affection to you moments earlier. But he wants to stay strong. Despite how weak and vulnerable he looks, he still tries to act like your strong and stoic protector.


I smile at him, but in the next moment I sigh... „The preparations for the yearly festival will be delayed for now... Our tribe is hurt pretty badly because of these pirates... And they are still not gone... I can smell their scent still on the shore..." I tell Apep that we are still not safe... I'm not sure if I should tell him what happened last night... That Shanks was here... Better not... He would only get mad... So I just leave it be...

Overall POV

Apep nods and understands that the situation is still tense and that it is not over. He is disappointed to hear that they are still not gone, but he is fully aware that they won't leave for good. He knows how powerful these pirates can be and he can imagine how terrible their plans could be. The thought of your people still being in danger makes him feel so bad. The fact that he couldn't keep the danger away from you and the tribes people fills him with deep frustration...


„It's not your fault, Apep... This Power called "Haki"... It's really dangerous... And you got the full blow of it... I'm more then sorry that I couldn't protect you like I should have done it..." I tell him and lower my head at little depressed... this whole situation is so conflicting... I don't know what to do... How can we make them leave? The longer they are here the more distress they will cause for us all...

Overall POV

Apep raises your head back up with his hand and he smiles slightly. He says that it is not a big deal and that he got his wounds because he was protecting you. He says that he would rather sacrifice himself for you than seeing you wounded. He would give everything just to keep you protected... He looks at you with a loving and caring look and a gentle smile on his face. Because he is so caring about you, he also notices how you are feeling depressed. He feels like he made a mistake and he worries that you are blaming yourself for what happened...


„It's all my fault... If I would have been more cooperative then this whole fight wouldn't have escalated... I ordered you guys to attack them... Just because my foolish ass thinks I can conquer anybody who comes to threaten this island..." I say with a shakey sad voice. „It's been 10 years... 10 years and such a powerful opponent dares to invade our island... "He's here because he found this island by chance and he is bored?" Fuck him and his bored cocky ass..." I groan annoyed now... All of this is so fucking frustrating... I don't know what to do... Which way would be the wisest?

Overall POV

Apep listens to you carefully as you speak and he notices how angry and self-blaming you are becoming. He raises your head back up again and this time he looks at you with a much more determined look. He says that this is not your fault. He says that if anyone is to blame, it is him. He says that he should have protected you more effectively so that you wouldn't have to order your subjects. You two are both looking out for each other and it is this desire to be the one to protect you that is causing you both so much trouble right now...


„I still don't understand what he wants? Why can't he just leave when we don't want them here? He is just causing trouble..." I murmur with a depressed frown on the face full of despair.

Overall POV

Apep nods and he looks as frustrated as you right now. He looks at you with a serious look, and he says that he doesn't understand this either. He doesn't understand why Shanks came here to this island despite knowing that he was not welcomed here. He sees how much suffering he has brought you and your people. He can't understand this either... He is so desperate to protect you and yet he seems so powerless. He feels so hopeless when he thinks about Shanks being so close to this island for no reason at all...


I sigh once again... „I can't just sit here and whine all day... Better should get into town and look out for the wounded ones... And you're the first~" I say while I nudge him again with my muzzle. Then I finally decide to transform back into my first form as a half human - half dragon with just horns and tail... Just the way how I always run around on this island...

Overall POV

Apep raises an eyebrow when you decide to transform back into this form. He notices once again just how beautiful you are in this form. You two are always so close in this humanic form, that he feels drawn to you. He feels so attracted to you and yet he also feels guilty for feeling that way. But even despite everything he keeps a strong and supportive face. Ten years it's been and now he is scared of loosing something dear to him... he just realizes it now, that he always had feelings for you, now that the situation has come that someone comes in the way between you two...


Shortly after I bring some fresh bandages and my special ointment... Then I naturally start the treatment and unwrap his old bandages just like how I'm doing it with a normal patient... „Ugh... Hopefully this doesn't get infected..." I groan as I clean the stitched up wound on his chest...

Overall POV

Apep lets out a slight wince whenever you put the ointment on the wound which you just unwrapped. The pain he feels at this point is very intense for him. But he endures it for you. The thought of you caring for him warms his heart. He looks at you while you are taking care of him and he is still amazed by how gorgeous you look in this form. He is looking very close at you while you keep working on his wound and it is not easy for him to avoid getting distracted by your beauty right now...


I stay calm while doing the treatment, knowing that he oggles me. Yesterday he had to pull himself together since we were at his house and his wife and kids have been there too. But now it's just the two of us... And I can feel his stare boring into me... I allow myself to tease him a little and look up at him, my face very close to his, golden reptile eyes staring right into his blue ones...

Overall POV

Apep doesn't feel like he has any self-control anymore at this point. Your face being very close to his is such a tease for him. Your teasing has always been one of your strongest attributes and it has always managed to get Apep all heated up. He is blushing brightly, because he feels so close to you in this moment. The feeling he had for you right now feels like a raging passion that he is just desperately trying to keep in check. He is getting lost in those golden orbs of yours.


I just act like nothing is happening at all... but I notice the desire in his whole behavior... And to wake him up, I poke a little harder into his wound with the tweezers and the cottonball, which I use to clean his wound and put on the ointment, to make him realize he should pull himself together and stop raving... „Oops, sorry~" I smirk in a cruel and playfull but innocent way and then my face goes back down, my eyes concentrating on the wound again.

Overall POV

Apep gets jolted back into reality by your teasing and he shivers a little from the extra pain. His eyebrows rise up together in surprise and you can see his face go red again. The way you are teasing him and how you seem to enjoy teasing him so much makes him feel just like a boy again. It is the way you are teasing him right now that makes him lose control over his own thoughts. Your face being so close to his while you are treating his wound just makes his heart beat faster and he feels all the blood rushing to his face...


I merely complete the treatment and put on a fresh bandage again... Then I watch out for the other wounds too which are not that badly like the one on his chest, which I had to stitch up yesterday... I wonder why he insisted to acompany me in the evening, even thou he is wounded... He is acting like a little unreasonable boy when it comes to me... I wonder if his wife was mad at him for leaving the house with such a fatal wound...

Overall POV

Apep's mind goes a bit blank as you finish treating his wounds. The fact that you were this close to him and that you were taking good care of him is making him feel such a pleasant fuzzy feeling inside. It is a feeling of joy and excitement, but at the same time it is also making him feel so guilty for having these feelings for you. He feels guilty for leaving his family, and he feels guilty for secretly enjoying your affection and your teasing so much. He feels like there could be no end to this guilt and this feeling of guilt is eating up his soul...

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