Another dragon admirer

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(The picture above is Apep the tribe leader 😊)


Time goes by till the next morning and as the first sun rays shine into my cave, i groan a little and hide my face with my wing... Don't want to stand up... I just keep dozing a little longer... Until I hear a knock again.... Instantly my head snaps into the direction... Eyes wide as this knock startled me... But when I see Apep, my tribes leader, at the entrance of my cave I sigh reliefed and lower my head again... It's not the redhead... thank god...

Overall POV

Apep approaches you and taps on your shoulder gently to wake you up. He tells you that the time is already around mid-morning and that he thought you would want to wake up. You notice how he is still looking at you with a concerned look just like yesterday. But then Apep's concerned look suddenly turns into a lovely smile as he sits down next to your head. It is his way of telling you that you should really get up already. He still cares for you, no matter what you look like. He is still concerned for you at the same time that he feels attracted to you in this form. This feeling of warmth from his concern for you and the smile on his face make your heart beat faster and your body grow a bit warmer. The heat of his affection and concern is surrounding you... Making you feel calm and at ease from yesterdays events...

Slowly Apep stretches out his arm and tries to touch your wing. He is telling you that it is time to get out of your cave and get some fresh air. You look up at a grinning face looking back at you. You can see the spark in his bright blue eyes... He is really excited to see you awake and he doesn't want to leave your side. Apep continues to gently stroke your big wing with his hand to see the reaction of the dragon before him... And this is starting to make it difficult for you to remain still and asleep. It is starting to melt away that feeling of danger and anger...


once I feel calm enough again, I snuggle my muzzle against his cheek. I love how Apep adores me... On the other hand he never dared to approach me further then as his respected goddess, cherished friend and leader of this island next to him as the tribes leader... We are so close... And despite I have feelings for him, I know he wouldn't accept them, because he already is married... He already has two wonderful children and a beautiful wife... Still... We know both what we are feeling for each other... But I also know that we can't do this... And it somehow frustrates me... It makes me sad... It makes me feel lonely... Then he asks me if something happened last night because of my startled reaction... But I merely shake my head to tell him everything is fine.

Overall POV

Apep nods and continues to stroke your wing gently with his hand. He sees your eyes open and he can see how your head is resting on his hand as you are rubbing your muzzle against his cheek. He notices you feeling more at ease than ever before with him... But he feels something so intense building up between you two... And he can't help but wonder if you two should take your relationship to the next level, despite him being married with kids already. He knows he shouldn't do it, but he can't help himself.

Apep keeps stroking your wing and he can't help but feel a tingle in his body from his contact with your dragon body. The excitement of this moment and the desire he feels for you are growing so intensely... He feels the urge of taking an extra step in his advances. He wonders if he should ask you to come to his private chambers in his house. He would love to just be alone with you... He feels the need to be more close to you in a way that his wife, and even the tribes people wouldn't notice the heat between you two...

He is almost losing the battle against his desires for you. He is trying so hard to remain professional and not to do anything inappropriate to you in this special moment at your cave. He is stroking your wing and rubbing his body against yours and he is wondering if the next moment he should just come into close contact with you, and start kissing you... To finally reveal himself in what kind of a deep connection there is between the two of you. He is feeling his pulse beating even quicker and he is starting to feel himself sweating just from the thought of being so close to you.

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