The Mission (Ein x Pierce sto...

By JenniferCalel890

1K 38 383

Ein has just gotten a job as a spy. through his journey he will meet new friends, Aphmau, Pierce, and more. h... More

Chapter 1 - New Job
The dream is what started it - Chapter 2
The fight was just a benefit for later... - Chapter 4
Sad, important news... I'm taking taking the story down... sorry...
Chapter 5... the rest of the story that I have...

The Fight - Chapter 3

134 4 53
By JenniferCalel890

(Hey guys! Sorry for updating so late... Friday I was My grandad's birthday and I didn't have time. Saturday I had my track meet which I got last place in all my games :(. Sunday I went to Murfreesboro and went shopping, which I don't really like. So here I am updating Monday... sorry again. Hope you enjoy the story!)

Ein: "Hey, Hello, world to Aphmau. You their?" He said waving his hand in my face.

Aphmau: "What? Huh? Oh, yeah I'm here."

Ein: "Finally, took you long enough. Anyways- continue."

Aphmau: "Excuse me?! But... um..." *this is going to sound embarrassing* " what's your sexual?"

Ein: "Oh! Um... I'm bisexual...."

Aphmau: "Really!? That's great!"

Ein: "W-wait really?!" Said the sliver eyed boy looking surprise

Aphmau: "Yeah! Well I also want you to

meet someone during lunch."

Ein's POV

11:20 AM

As me and the black haired girl were walking I couldn't help but stare and blush at that cute brown haired boy.

Aphmau: "Hey Ein you ok? You face is turning red. Do you have a fever?"

Ein: "W-what?! Oh... no, I'm fine."

I continue to stare at him. I then look back at Aph and she look up to be and started to catch on. She then grinned at me.

Ein: "What?"

Aphmau: "Oh nothing~"

I just stared at her with the MEH face 😑

Aphmau: "Fineeee. But... you're looking at someone aren't you."

Ein: "Um... yea... say do you know him? The dude with brunette hair thats tied in a small pony, and bright blue eyes."

Aphmau: "Oh! Him~. That's Pierce. And I'm one of his closest friends. And a lot of girls like him and try to ask him out since a lot of people find him attractive."

Ein: "Oh really,... I'll make them all stop."

I said whispering the last part. I was actually really jealous, but I shouldn't show that I am. Aph will know that I think he's cute or I like him. Which's is true but... she does need to know that...

Aphmau: "Wait, what did you say? I couldn't here that last part."

Ein: "Oh nothing..."

Aphmau: "Ok... well let's go get lunch."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the lunch room. I mean I couldn't blame her I was really hungry. After we got our food she sat us at a different table not far from the one we always sit at and said that someone will come over and sit with us soon. A couple minutes later that same man from before, supposedly named Pierce, came up to our table and seemed to know Aph well. Oh, FUCK! He's even more hotter up close. I guess I didn't realize I was staring at him because he looked over to me and seemed confused but also a little flustered. Once I did realize I quickly looked away.

Pierce's POV

Once I realized he was staring at me I couldn't help but stare back at him. But he then quickly looked away. We were then interrupted staring at each other by Aph.

Aphmau: "Hello? You two love birds done starring at each other?"

Pierce: "APH! WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I see her grinning mischievously. I then look over at Ein who was blushing so hard he looked like a bright tomato. I started to chuckle because of how cute he looked flustered.

Pierce: *chuckles* "You look cute flustered."

Ein: "H-huh?! M-me?"

Aphmau: "Duh.. of course you dummy."

Ein look even more redder some how. I could help but blush a little myself at how cute he was.

Ein: "Hey! I-I'm not a dummy! You are asshole!"

Aphmau: "well at least I don't look like an ugly blueberry!"

Pierce: "Blueberry? Hmm... I might just start calling you that. You do look Like a blueberry. Well... should I say... a cute blueberry."

Ein then looked at me shocked and was blushing like crazy. Why does he look SO CUTE?! Like I wish I looked like that.

Aphmau: "Hey! We're taking here!"

Pierce: "Does it look like I care?"


Pierce: "whatever you say bitch."

Aphmau: "DON'T CALL ME THAT! And Ein I'm not done with you!"

Ein: "what!? Nah... you are done yelling at me because you know that you will never win in a fight with me."

Aphmau: "Well I-!"

Aphmau & Ein: *fighting*

I'm just sitting here watching these two fight about random stuff. I look around the room and see some girls walk up to me. Aphmau and Ein are too busy fighting to even realize there walking up to our table. The girl with long slick brown hair started to talk to me.

(Guys just saying Maria is the girl with long brown hair)

Maria: "Hey~ Pierce. You want my number?"

I look at her then look at Aph and Ein. And I see Ein looking at her with death eyes. I then see him look over at me and has a sad expression on his face. I turn back to Maria to see her twirling her hair around her finger desperately wait for my answer.

Pierce: "Thanks Maria, but I lost my phone so I can't really call or text you."

Maria: "well you want to hang out with me? We can go to the movies later if you want?"

She then sits in my lap. I move my hand out to the air in surprise. I see Aphmau has an angry expression on her face. I look over to see Ein face in shocked and then immediately springs into action. He get up from his seat and started to speak to Maria.

Ein: "Hey! Get of his lap!"

Maria: "Why? He's my boyfriend after all. He loves me more than anyone in the world." She said with a evil smirk on her face.

Pierce: "that is not tru-"

All of a sudden Ein got up from his seat and pushed Maria off my lap. She fell to the ground and looked at Ein as if she were ready to kill him. 

(959 words! The most I've ever did! Thank you for still reading my shorty story and for being patient for the update. Thank you! Have a great day/night!)

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