Bunny - The Tragedy || A Jeon...

By iam_unstoppable

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" Please help me jerk off " Nothing. Just a bunny in heat. Read at your OWN DISCRETION. Mature Content Ahead... More

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133 14 8
By iam_unstoppable

— 3 Years Later —

~~ Celline, branch 3~~

~ 8 p.m. ~

" Aish! You can't even do a single thing Minmin-ah!" The little two years old mumbled with an exasperated pout on his face.

The younger lad, Minmin innocently looks up at his elder brother, thin eyelashes fluttered to touch his plumpy cheeks. He halted and turned to his brother.
" Hyungie so bwigg!" Minmin huffed as if it was the most exhausting thing to do.

Hyungie waddled his legs sulkily whilst he was perched on the chair.
" No pabo, you are small " he frowns, crossing his small arms over his chest. Big doe eyes again blinked, the little lad confusedly shoved his three plump finger in his mouth, looking at his 2-year old brother.

" Yah! Don't do that! Mama said not to suck yowr fingers!" Hyungie smacked the 1 year old lad on the back of his head while asserting in an commanding voices. The younger stumbled on his steps due to the impact but regained his posture.

Minmin pinched his brows together, now shoving his fist wholly into his mouth whilst blinking clueless at his brother. The agitated elder smacked his head again before holding his chubby wrist and pulling out the saliva coated hand from mimmin's mouth.
" Aish pabo." He mumbled unkindly rubbing the younger's wet hands on his pant to wipe the drool off them.

" Okay now swirl the chair for Hyungie." He ordered, crossing his hands above his chest again with a tiny scowl on his face. The younger jutted out his lower lip, processing how to do it. " Hyungie no powssible" he shook his head that hung low in defeat.

" Absolutely weak Minmin. Come here, now see hyungie muscles." The older lad said flexing his non existent biceps. Mimmin's eyes sparked up and lips parted in amazement. " Hyungie mooscles!!" He chirped and giggled in his baby voice before climbing up the hill-like- chair with a little struggle.

Now both of the lads were seated on the huge chair, Hyungie pushed the the his leg on the desk's leg in a way that the 'round-circle chair' swirls and the kids squealed.

" Yayy!! Hyungie supelheroww!"

Minmin broke into tiny fits of adorable laughter whilst leeching onto the elder's waist with his small arms. The elder giggled in return more like puffing up as the younger's praises have boosted his mini ego like always.

Just when the said lads were having their fun time in the CEO's office, the door pushed open, revealing a Shijin.

" May I know what is happening  here today?" You spoke up loudly get their attention, crossing your arms over your chest as you tried to figure out the new 'gamie' the disaster kids were playing.

Just as your voice reached their ears, the pocket-sized boys were already running their way to you with their little legs, squeaking and giggling.

" Eommaa! " Hyungie was ahead in the race.

Lagging behind a little but Minmin coped up with his speedy hyung's pace while squealing " Mammaa! "

A grin wide as the sea stretched across your lips and you dropped down on your knees, spreading your arms to successfully catch both of the running lads in your embrace. You hugged them for a good moment, rocking and swaying the little ones in the hug before you simultaneously smooched each of their rosy and plump cheeks.

" How was the last hour kids, you did not trouble anyone, did ya?" You asked, booping their noses one by one. The younger quickly shook his defensively. " Minmin no trawble!" He exclaimed.

" We are good bois, eomma. Except for Minmin pabo sucking his fingers." Hyungie side eyed the younger as he asserted.

You gave a small glare to the said culprit who swiftly ducked his head down. You sighed but then chuckled, smooching the younger's chubby cheeks again. " Aish, my lil Minmin-ah!"

" Eommaa don't love hyungie!" The elder lad complained and stomped his feet angrily. " Tiny hyungie come ma baby" you chuckled in adoration and kissed his cheek too.

" Mama homie" Minmin let out in a low voice and then his small lips parted to take a tiny yawn.

" Just one second, minie baby." You stood up on your feet again and held both of their hands after you called Sofie and informed her that you're leaving.

" Let's go!" You chimed smiling as you felt all of your stress evaporating in the thin air the moment you saw your two lads.

Hand in hand, you led both of them out of the empty building.

" So what would flowers like to eat today?" You casually spoke as you walked them out.

" Aish-cweam for minie pwease" Minmin answered, only get a his hyung cut him fiercely.

" Pabo Minmin sooou pabo! It is Icy- cweam! You can't even say a word!"
The elder deadpanned, almost like a taunt, to which the younger scoffed and pouted whilst you just laughed.

" Oh gosh, both wrong, it's I-C-E, lil flowers." You spelled for them. Minmin gave a big giggle. " Mama awways right!" He squealed and and your heart warmed up, a little more.

You opened the door of the passenger's seat and the picked up each and plopped them down on the seat, gently, on one seat like they always fit comfortably. Then you secure them with a seatbelt carefully and then rounded the Rolls Royce to hop onto the driver's seat.

" We're not going to the ice-cream parlour since it's nighttime, eomma will cook something tasty for babies." You stated and offered. They pouted but nodded anyways.

The drive had went on for hardly ten minutes and the younger lad was already asleep meanwhile the unaware hyung was peaking out of the window, amazedly seeing the city lights.

" Minie baby?" You called out in a small voice aiming to check if he's already deep in slumber. It got the elder's boy's attention who gazed at you with his bambi eyes, the younger did not move a muscle.

" Minie, don't sleep before dinner." You feebly tap his cheek with your index finger.

" I think Minmin slept, eomma" Hyungie shrugged and you sighed and nodded.

" How was the play school hyungie baby?" You questioned eyes switching between the road and to check on the lads in one seat.
" Niceu" he plainly said and looked away.

" And what actually happened?" You inquired, obvious that you caught him lying. He looked at you totally.
" Eomma I'm sowry, jisung broke Minmin's crayons so....."

" So?" You narrowed your eyes at him.

He gulped a little before completing
"...... s-so I slap-ped hi-m." He now blinked innocently, playing his adorable baby card to dodge the upcoming latchings.

" You What?! Oh God, Hyungie. Why-did oh my, what should I do with this kid." You exclaimed in surprise, running your hand through your hair in utter disbelief.

What's next? The boy was lectured again. The boring kind-polite lectures.

Until your phone rang. You let out a small puff before checking your phone. The screen lit up and your lips curved up in a subtle smile.
You looked at the elder lad, grinning.

" And who wants to talk to dad??" You wiggled you brows at him.

The boy's eyes lit up and he almost bolted up from his seat. " Dad!" He squealed and you handed him the phone, chuckling at his cuteness.

" Hellooo.....dad!" He spoke, excitedly.

" Hi, baby. Did you miss dad?" He spoke in his signature deep voice.

The boy nodded vigorously.
" Yesss! Very much!"

" Aww baby, dad missed you too yeah? Come home quickly, hm?"

Hyungie smiled wider and nodded obediently. " We're about home dad!"

" That's good. Where is minie? "

" Minmin pabo is lazy unlike me, he slept." He flicked his unconsciously sleeping brother's forehead, you chuckled.

" Goodness, you two. Anyways, see you babies and shijin mama."

" Yea, bye dad." The boy nodded and hung up the call with a shiny smile plastered across his features.


( A/n : I'm sorry guys. Shijin is married and has two kids. My apologies 😔


You walked out of the lift, holding hyungie's hand with one of yours and the other had scoped the sleeping form of Minmin to your chest.

The three of you made your made your way through the hallway and finally reached at the doorstep.

Leaving tired Hyungie's hand, now you typed the passcode and simultaneously turned the knob.
The first thing that comes into the view is a man sitting on the couch, whose attention was now switched to your side.

Before you could greet him, the said tired little lad was now enthusiastic again upon seeing him.

Seeing who?


Hyungie ran to him squealing and smiling in excitement. The man mirrored the baby's expressions and ran up towards him, bending down, spreading his arms to catch the lad, throw him up in the air, then simultaneously catching him and smothering his bubbly face with longing smooches.

" My baby bear " His grinned reached his eyes turning them crescent. He kissed Hyungie's chubby face all over and then bopped his nose with the giggly lad's.

After watching the mesmerizing and heart warming scene, you finally walked towards the duo with a tender smile.

" You're forgetting your second flower, Jimin. "


Surpriseu !!!!!!

Meet Taehyung and Jimin's surrogate-d boys.

Taehyung's surrogate baby, Kim Ji-hyung, who has turned 2 years old a few months ago. Kind, smart and responsible, though he loves to bully and order around his little brother. Also is a little egoistic sometimes but is quite calm and patient with his little brother at times.

Then comes, Jimin's surrogate baby, Park Taemin, who is a little six months younger than his big bro.
Bubbly and dreamy personality are the best to describe him. It is quite easy to make the little kid cry. But wait, don't estimate him less. Being the younger, throwing tantrums is his beloved thing, not forget that he's naughtier among the both.

Now, why do they call you mom?

Well, it is absolutely visible that gay couples are not as common as bread in the world. So the kid, Ji-hyung found himself odd one out, having no mother to pick him up from play garden but seeing you regularly in his house got him to a conclusion that you are his mother. Everyone tried to correct him, but he just kept clinging to you and calling you his mother.

Eventually, the three of you realised that a mother figure is vital for a toddler and thus you started to take care of him as his mother until he's mature enough to understand that he doesn't have mother-father but father-father.

There's no need to explain why Taemin calls you mom, it's simply in the younger's bloodstream to copy anything and everything that the elder does.

( shijin is not connected to them biologically, if anyone wondered.)

Back to the story,

Jimin kissed ji-hyung's forehead, lovingly, for the last time before putting him down on the couch and now taking the other heavy bub from your hold.

" Aish, You got absolutely no patience, Shijin." Jimin shook his head in disbelief and rolled his eyes at you. You glared at him with a scowl, " Pardon?? No patience huh? Are you sure Mr. CHiCk?!" You dramatically emphasised, with hilarious expressions.

He turned his back to you and now walked his way to the bedroom to tuck his baby in bed. " Shut up! Don't call me with stupid names, I'm a FAThEr of TWO! for god's sake!"
He whine-yelled, offended, and then disappeared into the kid's bedroom.

Ji-hyung yawned, attempted to sprawl out on the couch right there but again, his dad two, Taehyung, appeared from the kitchen, rinsing his hands and a wide boxy grin made its way to his lips, the moment he saw the lad on the couch.

" Ayee, babies are back?" He said plopping down on the couch and picked up an almost asleep ji-hyung from the couch and put him on his lap. The exhausted boy was not in the situation to talk so he simply curled up in his father's body, his head snuggling in taehyung's neck and finally his eyes shut with a last stroke.

Taehyung looked up at you.
" Wassup, bish?" He cocked his eyebrows casually and tenderly repositioned ji-hyung on his lap.

You took your heels off and came to sat beside him, equally tired.
" Okay-okay?" You mumbled grumpily and threw your arms and head backrest.

" Y'all ate something, yea?" He questioned to which you shrugged.

" If you consider, eating snacks at 7, then we did." You said nonchalantly and rotated your neck, cracking the bones as you relaxed.

" Eh? You're getting grumpier day by day" he commented and you rolled your eyes at him, mumbling a thanks.

" Anyways, how was your 3rd anniversary date?" You sat straight again.

" Darn, don't ask. It was worst idea ever to celebrate it privately, we just missed the kids throughout." His expression spoke I'm-so-done aloud.

You could just snort and burst out laughing, looking at his stupid pout.
" See, I told ya, didn't I?!" You exclaimed, mocking him and earning an eye roll from the latter.

" Whatever" He rolled his eyes like a bitch. You gave him a glare and then stood up, going towards your heels.

" Anyways, don't forget to feed them later, I'll get going." You announced, putting your heels onn.

Taehyung followed you swiftly.

Wait! I'm not done yet!"

His voice made you halt from escaping his house. You cursed under your breath, you thought he forgot? How could he forget to ask you the thing from which you escaped again and again and are avoiding it since years.

" I think it's late, bye-"
He grabbed your dashing self by the wrist and dragged you back to the couch, Taemin still sleeping peacefully in his other arm.

" Dang! Hyungie is sleeping! Yah taepitch!" You said but your friend seemed unbothered. He pushed your butt down on the couch again and death stared at you.

" I'm going to tuck him in bed just don't dare to m— oh Jiminie come here, don't let her escape until I come back." Taehyung said to Jimin who came out from the kid's bedroom.

" Jeez, you ain't a runway model, you're a run-away model." Jimin joked and sat down beside me.

" And you're not Jimin, you're Ji- Mini ." You fired back with narrowed eyes.

" Lame." He deadpanned and rolled his eyes. You nodded " sure is, for offended shorties "

" Hahaha very funny." He said in high pitched , fake laughed and rolled his eyes to which you laughed.

Both of your attention went back to taehyung who was nearing the couch on which you were seated.
He plopped down on the armchair and now both men's eyes fixed on you as if you were a filthy prisoner.

The room dropped dead silent and serious when taehyung started the 'inquiry'. " So, how was your blind date yesterday?"

You verbally gulped in fear, fidgeting your fingers. You licked your dry lips and finally answered.
" Ugh, go-good—"

" Lair." Jimin cut you off with a stern voice.

" Eh- no, He was n-nice—"

" Tell us his name and we'll beleive any shit you say." Taehyung stared into your eyes.

You sighed, knowing there's no use in lying so you accepted and sighed.

" I stood him up."

Jimin facepalmed in sheer disappointment while taehyung rubbed his temples, probably frustrated.

" Why are you so stubborn, holy lords?!" Jimin exclaimed in disbelief.

" What's the reason?" Taehyung asked in a dead serious tone.

" We've talked about this already." You coldly stated, feeling your breaths turn uneven, holding yourself before you might lose your temper.

A moment of ice gushed in the hall before Jimin ran his fingers through his hair, frustration and disappointment clearly written all over his face. " Shijin, I can't support it anymore. That one fucking reason is not sufficient anymore to just dumbly reject all the good men, shijin. Among which rejecting a kind man like namjoon.....*sighs* I don't even know what to say anymore."

~ Flashback ~

" Would you like to give us a try?"

You smiled,


Pulled your hand back from his grip.

A thin lipped smile plastered on your lips, you stood up from your chair. His dazed gaze followed your movements with a confused frown on his face. He bolted up from his seat, stunned, when you bowed down and apologised.

" I'm really sorry giving you any hints accidentally, namjoonshi. I respect you as a person with a great personality and intelligent mind. You're a great friend but it's quite hard to say but we can never be anything more."

He held your shoulders " hey! Hey! You don't have to apologise Shijin-ah" He said maintaining his tough demeanour eventhough his heart shattered in millions of pieces.

" I'm really sorry, even after knowing all your miseries, I still am not the comfort you're searching for." You sighed and gave him a guilty smile.

He froze on his place for a moment, heartbroken, yet composed himself and continued to be the gentleman he is. He made you sit again and sat across you too.

Your shameful gaze fixed on the ground, feeling the guilt clenching your insides. He trusted you, was there for you in your hard times and what did you do in return? Break his heart? Great. You thought.

After a long moment of awkward silence, namjoon broke the ice.
" It's him, isn't it?" He questioned before his lips sealed in a thin line.

The moment he uttered that,
Your eyes shot up to meet his gaze.

And your reaction on the mere mention of the man was just enough for him to get the point.

He heaved a long sighed.
" Shijin, if he was to come, he would've, already." He stated factually.

" Wrong. If he could, he would have, already." You were firm on your ground.

" See, even you know he cannot come. Then what's stopping you from moving on?" He points out.

" You already know it well, namjoon." You uttered to which he sighed, sympathetically.

" Shijinshi, not being someone who likes you, but as your friend, I will always keep reminding you that you have to move on someday. In our lives people come and go, but the life goes on."

Your fist clenched under the table, eyes turned red and watery. You stood up, face tinting red due to buried down rage and frustration but you kept them in.

" I'm stupid then. Stupid enough to not understand this deep shit.

Maybe you'll call me dense after this, but the people you're talking about are capable of moving on, I am not.

I'm just fine with him in my heart, It doesn't matter if he's physically with me or not, but in my mind he's right there for me.

And I don't mind if I have to be lonely all my life and just smile while cherishing the beautiful memories with him, I'm fine and used to it anyways."

you completed with a faint sniff whilst wiping the lone tears drop from your cheek. He remained seated, speechless with his eyes on the table.

You sighed "I'd pay for the dinner and take my leave, thanks " 

You kept some dollar bills on the table along with the bracelet that he gave you, now realising that they were for the couples. Then, You walked off.

~ End of flashback ~


( A/n : y'all happy now?

But I am not :((((((

How can someone say no to namjoonie :(((

Anyways, I made the very corny aesthetics for the babies lol. Zero creativity, ik. But yeah, the pictures were souu cute, I had to put them somehow!!! TT )

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