Through Pages| KSJ

By Yootifully

161 30 370

"Never make a wish you'd end up with regrets and not happiness." Kim Seokjin longs to shed the weight of his... More

1) Two lives, One wish
(2) Fate's crossroads.
(4) Mr Conceit is Kim Seokjin.

(3) Risks for a wish.

24 4 114
By Yootifully


"I know enough," she replied with a serene tone, her smile widening as if she held secrets beyond the mundane. "I know the lines etched in the palm of your hand, the stories whispered by the wind as it dances through your hair, and the dreams that flicker behind your eyes when you think no one is watching."

I tried to dismiss the waves of panic surging within me. After all, this was merely an eccentric old lady making bold claims about knowing my life, a life I barely understood myself. If she truly possessed such knowledge, why hadn't she intervened to prevent the turmoil I'd endured? Her talk of sorcery only added to the absurdity of the situation.

I don't care about your mystical mumbo-jumbo," I snapped, tossing my cigarette to the ground and grinding it out beneath my slipper. The air in the dim alleyway felt suffocating, and I was in no mood for games or cryptic conversations.

I pivoted to leave for home but froze in my tracks as her voice halted me. "Are you certain you want to leave, Y/N?" she questioned.

I paused in my tracks, startled by her words. She knew my name. Turning back slowly, skepticism etched on my face, I replied, "How do you know my name?"

The lady who said her name is Elvina smiled her old face tinkiling but I was now scared.

"Who are you? Are you stalking me?" Panic laced my words as I confronted her, the realization sinking in that she knew my name. "I'll call the cops on you! Is it him? Did Jung Dohyun send you?" My mind raced with fear and confusion, grappling with the idea of being stalked and the possibility of someone orchestrating it.

"I'm not following you, Shin Y/N, but I'm familiar with every detail of your life," she said, her voice carrying a gentle, aged tone.

"You're practically stalking me," I muttered, exasperated. "I can't involve the police, so I'll take a picture instead." I grabbed my phone, fully anticipating Elvina to bolt, but she remained motionless, almost as if she was waiting for me to capture the scene.

I snapped a picture of her, slipping the phone back into my pocket as Elvina watched with a serene smile.

"I hope the picture came out nicely," she remarked, but I merely snorted in response as I marched away towards my home, leaving the old lady behind in the alleyway.

~ ~~>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<~~~

I received a morning call from Jimin, whom I intended to inform about the strange encounter with the old lady stalking me.

"Yo, dummy," Jimin's voice greeted through the phone, to which I hummed in response.

"I was actually planning to call you first, guess great minds think alike," I said.

"Don't compare my mind with whatever pea-sized potato you got in your head, bestie," Jimin retorted.

"Jimin, I swear I'm coming to hit you on the head," I threatened playfully.

"I don't share my mind-" he began.

"Shut up," I interjected, cutting him off with a playful jab.

"So what's up?" I inquired.

"Come meet me at our usual café, I need to talk to you," Jimin urged.

"I've got something to discuss too," I responded.

"Did you get a boyfriend, or wait, did you find me a girlfriend?" Jimin teased.

"No, let's meet first," I insisted.

"Guess we're both destined to be forever single then. Bye," Jimin remarked.

"Bye bye," I replied, ending the call and setting my phone aside.

Jimin and I sat at a bustling cafe by the roadside, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. He took a sip of his iced coffee as I savored my usual hot brew. With one hand holding his coffee and the other scrolling through his phone, he searched for something to share with me.

"What did you want to share with me, Jimin?" I inquired, reaching for my phone as it dinged with a notification. However, Jimin intervened, stopping me in my tracks.

"Look at it later. It's just an email from me," Jimin explained.

"What email?" I questioned, intrigued.

"Oh, just your application form for the cleaning lady position at Kim Luna Corporation," Jimin revealed casually.

"Seriously? An application form for a cleaning lady?" I exclaimed incredulously, raising an eyebrow at Jimin.

"Mam, it's Kim Luna Corporation we're talking about here. The wealthiest company in South Korea. What did you expect?" Jimin replied, his tone laced with amusement, causing me to roll my eyes in response.

"Yeah, wealthiest company owned by the most handsome, conceited man," I muttered with a hint of sarcasm.

"The way you hate him is so funny. You can't help but mention his beauty even when expressing your hatred." Jimin remarked with a chuckle.

"I'm just being honest. If I didn't know him, I'd probably just have a crush on him like everyone else and be delusional about marrying someone whose watch costs as much as all my monthly expenses combined." I admitted with a wry smile.

"Crush, huh? Interesting..." Jimin remarked teasingly, earning a playful smack on the arm from me.

"Anyways, what did Her Majesty, the Great Dummy, want to talk about?" Jimin asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Oh, Jimin, this is serious," I began, my tone sobering. "I think that piece of shit Jung Dohyun sent someone to stalk me." As I spoke, Jimin's expression shifted to one of concern, his features growing serious in response to my words.

"Y/N, I swear to god if he's hurting you tell me. I'll kick him in the shins." Jimin said and I waved him.

"It's okay, but listen, I managed to click her picture," I said, pulling out my phone and navigating to the gallery. With a quick swipe, I found the image and turned the phone towards Jimin.

I angled the phone towards him, and Jimin initially glanced at the picture before squinting and bringing the device closer to examine it closely. With a few quick gestures, he zoomed in on the image, his eyes narrowing as he scrutinized every detail.\

Jimin's gaze flickered between my face and the picture, then back to my face once more. However, his reaction to the image irritated me.

He burst into laughter, as if he were tearing up, then covered his face with his hand before peering back at me and laughing again.

"Y/N, when I called you 'dummy' all the time, it was just a nickname. I didn't actually want you to act like one," Jimin explained, his laughter subsiding slightly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling dumbfounded by his revelation.

"There's no one in the picture."" Jimin clarified, his statement causing my eyebrows to raise in surprise.

"Oh, maybe she left," I mused, trying to downplay my embarrassment. "If I find anyone suspicious, I'll definitely let you know," I assured Jimin, but he just gave me a knowing look and shook his head in amusement. I couldn't help but feel a bit awkward as I sat there, contemplating the whole situation.

~ ~~>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<~~~

They say curiosity killed the cat, but I couldn't help but feel drawn to unraveling the mystery behind this peculiar encounter. Was it witchcraft at play, or perhaps the alleyway was haunted, with its flickering lamp and deserted appearance? Or maybe it was like something out of a Disney movie, where a girl encounters a fairy in the form of an old lady, granting wishes with quirky rules attached. Regardless, I felt compelled to explore further, despite the risks involved.

"Are you searching for someone, Ms. Shin Y/N?" the old lady's gentle voice inquired, causing me to startle and turn towards her in surprise.

"I mean.." I trailed off while she just smiled.

"So how did the picture turn out? Did your friend like it? " she asked making me snort.

"Elvina.. Who are you? What are you doing here? I understood you are not here to stalk me but then what is it?

"Y/N, do you believe me?" Elvina asked, and I responded with a sigh.

"It seems I don't have much of a choice," I muttered, though a flicker of fear gnawed at me, wondering if I was conversing with some malevolent entity.

"Hmm... I'm Dreamweaver, and I'm here to grant your deepest wish." she declared. I fought the urge to scoff at the absurdity of it all.

"Don't lie. Magic and all that nonsense don't exist. If they did, my life wouldn't be like this." I retorted, my skepticism evident in my tone.

"Magic does exist, Y/N. If it didn't, your picture might have appeared the way you wanted." Elvina asserted. I remained silent, feeling compelled.

"So, what I do is seek out people who wish they could change their lives, someone like you," Elvina explained. "Tell me, Y/N, have you ever wanted to live someone else's life? Have you ever wished to exchange your life with another? If yes, who is it?" she asked.

"Yes, I have," I admitted, a person immediately coming to mind. "Someone who has never experienced the struggles I go through, yet has the audacity to trivialize them and assume that people like me have it easy," I explained, the name slipping from my lips as if a switch had been flipped.

"And it is?" Elvina pressed.

"Kim Seokjin," I answered without hesitation.

She gave me a knowing smile, as if she had already anticipated my response.

"Do you want to switch lives with him?"she asked and I immediately nodded.

With a smile Elvina pulled out two brown books of the same volumes from a leather bag that I just noticed she had and gave to me it's weight almost too much.

"These are the books that will help you do so, but for that, you have to do something," Elvina explained.

"Kim Seokjin must have one of these as well, and then the magic will work on both of you through pages."

A/N: This story is gonna be hilarious (me thinks) but if I say the genres are fantasy rom-com with angst coz it's not my story if there is none. So anyways bye bye ily and take care of yourself. ❤❤ (Ps: I wanted to add the to be continued thing but wp is being annoying.)

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