By serene_fictionist

112K 12.8K 4.2K

Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 32

2.4K 256 90
By serene_fictionist

230+ Votes!


Hey, dearest readers, please do share your comments. It would really encourage and cheer me and also give me an insight on your thoughts.

Thank you.

----NOTE ENDS----


"You didn't know?", Dylan looked at me, surprised.

"Vince is a virgin. Literally and figuratively. He didn't even have feelings for anyone until now.", Ace stated matter-of-factly.

My mind froze to a standstill at his words. An overwhelmingly heavy weight pulled my heart down while my stomach twisted with a suffocating churning, turning my breathing uneasy as a huge lump formed at the base of my throat.

Vincent is a virgin.

That was the only thought occupying my mind at the moment, entirely tuning out the cheery chatter of the kids, a muffled silence enveloping my conscience while a storm raged in my brain.

My gaze slowly drifted to Vincent in a daze and he was already looking at me. I couldn't take my eyes off him and he held my gaze in place, an unrecognizable look swirling in his eyes.

Looking into his eyes that didn't waver from me even for a moment, I felt shame surge through me, forcing me to look away.

"Ren, why aren't you eating?", Theodore's question startled me out of my daze.

I shook my head slightly and tried to continue eating. However, my appetite was gone and I couldn't stomach the food with restlessness twisting my stomach into a painful knot. I picked at the dish on my plate for a while as everyone was engrossed in teasing each other, but I managed to complete my plate, not intending to waste food.

Soon, everyone dispersed from the dining room and asked me to join, but I left with an excuse of an important online meeting.

A few minutes later, making sure that the girls were nowhere near the dining room, I walked in and closed the door behind, realizing everyone was in the living room, waiting for the clock to strike 12.

Walking into the open kitchen, I fished out the ingredients for baking a cake and started with the procedure.

All the while, my thoughts revolved around Vincent while frustration grew within me at the shame surging through me.

"Do you now have a count of how many men f**ked you?"

The all too familiar despicable voice flashed in my mind for the first time in the past few weeks and I felt disgust jolting me up and I took a step back on instinct, pushing the creme container off the kitchen counter.

I was startled when I saw Theodore catching it and placing it back on the counter.

When did he come?

"Are you alright?", he asked gently.

Composing myself, I cleared my throat.

"Yes, thank you. I was just distracted for a moment.", I replied politely.

He nodded and poured me a glass of water which I accepted gratefully.

"Wow, the batter tastes great.", he commented, tasting it.

Gulping the lump in my throat, I forced a smile.

"You really didn't have to do this.", he said, leaning back on the kitchen counter.

"I want to do this.", I smiled gently.

"You love baking, don't you?", he asked, helping me with the containers.

"Yes, but I'm not doing this because of my love for baking. I've grown to really adore Angelina and Arianna and I wanted to do this for them. I'm not sure how well it's going to taste though.", I replied honestly.

"Anything done with affection is bound to taste great.", Theodore stated, giving me an assuring smile.

We, then, immersed in a comfortable talk as I continued to work on the cake and he tried helping me.

The thoughts about Vincent still occupied my mind, but I managed not to spoil the gentle atmosphere.

After we were done with the cake and its topping, I placed it securely on the table and settled down there myself. Theodore accompanied me and we talked casually about various things.

Over the past few days, I've grown comfortable with all the siblings. While I share a harmlessly provocative bond with Dylan and Ashton, my relationship with Theodore and Ace is a gentle one. The girls, however, are entirely different. They're absolutely adorable and I like teaching them, training them and just doing about anything in their company. Aurelio, too, seems to be nice.

But, why -

"Ren, it's time.", Theodore stood up, breaking my chain of thoughts.

Nodding, I gestured to him to take the cake.

He picked it up and walked out and I followed behind.

Reaching the living room, he stepped in at the right moment and all of the brothers cheered in unison,


Angelina grinned happily while Arianna looked utterly surprised.

Theodore placed the cake on the coffee table in front of them and lit up the candles.

"Make a wish before blowing the candles, Anna.", Angelina said, facing her sister, gesturing to her to go on.

"It's your birthday too.", Arianna replied softly, confused.

"Yep, it is. That's why you wish for me too alongside yours before blowing them out.", Angelina said cheerfully, hooking her hand with Arianna's.

Arianna held Angelina's hand and blew out the candles while her cheeks turned red in emotion.

"You made my wish too, right?", Angelina asked, trying to cheer her sister up.

"I wished for yours first.", Arianna replied, chuckling.

A soft smile graced my lips seeing them.

This is what grabbed me closer to them. This pure bond of theirs. Despite how they are to others, there's not an ounce of selfishness between them.

I know why Angelina is trying to put Arianna in the front. This is Arianna's first birthday with all of them since she came here.

I was shocked when Vincent told me that due to a lot of unforeseen incidents, Arianna and Angelina were swapped at birth and they only got to know the truth about it a year ago.

It surprised me even more to learn that Angelina biologically belongs to the Reece family. The Reece are a very influential conglomerate in the corporate world, their stature second only to the Marinos.

It would be a monopoly if both of them worked together, but Vincent said that family and business are different and he would keep it that way.

What's beautiful about this is that Angelina and Arianna share a bond so deep that it's impossible to believe they've met just a year ago.

"Ren, you baked this?", Arianna asked, surprised.

I smiled, nodding.

"No wonder it tastes great!", Angelina commented, busily eating.

I chuckled at the comment and walked to them.

"Happy birthday.", I greeted them gently, embracing them.

They thanked me, deepening the hug.

After a long while of noisy celebration, Vincent instructed everyone to rest as it was a working day the next morning.

"Both of you, wait for me in your room.", I said to the girls and they gave me questioning looks.

Walking to my room, I picked up the two small shopping bags and walked into Arianna's room where both of them were lying on the bed, talking to each other.

"What's that?", Dylan asked, passing by me.

"Girls stuff.", I replied, closing the door.

The girls sat up curiously and I settled in front of them on the bed.

"A little something from me for your birthday.", I said and handed them one bag each.

Excited, they opened the gifts.

I gave them a small gemstone pendant each, a pair of earrings and a bracelet. They were simple yet elegant.

"These would match with your dresses really well. When you showed me your birthday frocks, I searched for the perfect colored stones to buy and thankfully, I found them. You-", I was saying, but paused when Arianna shifted a little towards my side and hugged me sideways, leaning her head on my chest.

Instinctually, I draped my hand around her.

"Thank you.", she said softly.

Slowly breaking the hug, I wiped the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"What're the tears for?", I asked gently.

"I feel so happy.", Arianna replied, sniffling.

"No more tears then. Give us a big smile.", I said, tenderly wiping her tears.

She giggled, calming down and Angelina relaxed seeing her smile again.

"Alright, now pack it all aside and go to sleep. You want to look refreshed for tomorrow's party, right?", I said, trying to cheer them up.

"Ren", Angelina called.

I looked at her, waiting for her to speak, but I could clearly see the hesitation in her eyes.

"Don't hesitate to speak your mind with me.", I probed her in a gentle tone.

"Nothing.", she replied after a moment's silence, smiling.

Not intending to force her, I hugged them firmly, kissed their forehead and got off the bed.

"Come on now, go to your room, Angelina.", I said calmly, putting aside the jewelry bags.

"I'm gonna sleep with Anna tonight.", Angelina replied, pouting.

"You're going to stay up all night talking to each other.", I stated flatly, folding my hands over my chest.

"No, we won't, we promise.", Arianna said firmly and Angelina nodded.

"You still have school tomorrow.", I reminded them.

"We won't stay up late. Please.", Angelina pleaded, deliberately looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I looked at Arianna and she did the same.

"Fine. But, make sure to get sufficient sleep.", I said.

"Yes.", they exclaimed in unison.

As a soft smile graced my lips, I turned around to leave. When I was at the door, Angelina called me and I turned around, halting.

"Will you come early tomorrow evening?", Angelina asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I'll be here much earlier. I want to help you girls get dressed up.", I smiled.

"I can't wait for tomorrow.", Arianna replied, excited.

"Me either.", Angelina relaxed.

"Good night.", I greeted them and they greeted me back happily.

Closing the door, I walked up the staircase to the terrace.

As soon as I reached the terrace, I saw Vincent leaning back on the railing with his eyes closed as the breeze toyed with his hair.

A sense of shame and embarrassment surged through me, freezing me in place.

He's a virgin. He's never been with anyone before.

How must he have felt when I kept accidentally crashing into him while he tried to teach me dancing steps?

How must he have felt when I hugged him the other day?

Am I crossing my limits and spoiling his ideals?

What's wrong with me?

Why am I getting all touchy with him?

Did my body get habituated to those disgusting sensations from the brothel?

Is that why after seven years of being alone, I'm letting myself touch a man?

Am I -

"I've been waiting for you.", Vincent's calm voice grabbed my attention, startling me slightly.

I looked at him and resisted the overwhelming urge to avert my gaze.

"Why?", I asked.

"I want you to accompany me somewhere.", he replied calmly.

"Where?", I asked, clueless.

He got off the railing and walked to me.

"Just somewhere.", he replied, standing in front of me.

Before I could deny it, he walked past me, asking me to follow behind.

I know I need to stop, but I couldn't and just like the previous times, I followed him.

We got into a car in the garage and he drove out to a place I don't know.

The whole ride, he didn't speak and neither did I.

The silence, unlike previously, wasn't comfortable but anxious.

When we reached an estate, he parked his car and led me in through the back gate, past the watchman who stood up in respect as we walked by.

There was a building surrounded at the back by a green garden. Since we were going through the back, I couldn't see what all was present on the other side and due to the darkness of the night.

"Hey, what's this place?", I asked in a whisper, walking beside him.

"A place for homeless kids.", Vincent replied calmly.

"Why are we here at this hour?", I asked, confused.

He stopped abruptly and so did I.

"Wha-", I started, but paused when I noticed something.


It was engraved on a stone that was being dimly illuminated by the night lights in the garden.

Vincent sat down on the grass in front of the gravestone and I sat beside him wordlessly.

His mother's grave.

Silence prevailed as he sat there quietly and I didn't wish to disturb him.

"My mother passed away on this date fifteen years ago.", he said calmly after a while, his gaze focused on his mother's name.

He did tell me she died at childbirth, so it's a given that today's her death anniversary, alongside being the girls' birthday.

"Why're you visiting this place in the middle of the night?", I asked.

"I don't want Lina or Aria to feel conscious of our mother's death anniversary. They should celebrate their birthday as happily as the others.", he replied, still staring ahead.

I couldn't help the smile gracing my lips.

I'm sure his mother would've been extremely happy and proud to have raised a son like him.

"You visit every year on this day without their knowledge?", I asked.

"Yes.", he replied.

"Alone?", I probed.

He hummed in response.

Why did he bring me along this time then?

"Strangely, I wanted you to come with me this time.", he stated, answering my unasked question.

"Why?", I asked, a slow fear sprouting within me.

"He has feelings for you, Raelynn."

Milan's words rang in my head, elevating my fear even further.

Vincent shouldn't have feelings for me.

Whether he's a virgin or not, it does not matter, but he must not feel anything for me.

I have an ugly past I've no courage to reveal and it's a scam to expect affection on superficial impressions created by my present.

I should've been more careful.

I shouldn't have gotten closer. I sh-

"This facility was started by my mother long ago to help kids without families.", Vincent started, cutting my thoughts short, ignoring my question.

"I tried expanding it by setting up multiple branches. And yet, somehow, the charities my company holds are nowhere near as big as yours.", he stated, looking at me.

I was a little surprised. He knows about my charity organizations and events?

"You give me too much credit.", I said evasively.

"You're too modest.", he shook his head.

I didn't say anything to that.

"Why do you spend maximum percent of your income on funding others?", he asked, his tone lacing with curiosity.

I shrugged.

"I just want kids as well as adults who have gone through the vile phase of being assaulted physically, mentally or sexually to be able to fight it. I want them to accompany each other and strive to survive by inspiring and getting inspired by others around them. I want them to know that the world beyond darkness is beautiful. I want them to keep being hopeful and fight for themselves. I want them to feel the freedom, however short it may be. It's not about being rich or dwelling in extravagances, the freedom to fight and the luxury to be hopeful is what makes life interesting. I learnt it the hard way and I would like to make the path at least a tad bit easier for others who're struggling against their own demons. I know I can't help everyone around the world, but I would like to help all those that are in my reach. And I carry a hope that just maybe, the ones I help survive might help a few others that are not in my reach.", I said earnestly as the drive in me revived once again to try harder in spreading help and awareness.

I turned sideward to look at Vincent and he was already staring at me intently, his lips curved into a small smile, his posture relaxed and his gaze tender.

I raised a brow at him.

"You're kinder than you let on.", he commented in a casual tone.

"You thought I was self-centered?", I questioned, narrowing my gaze.

"Maybe.", he said in a pondering tone.

I frowned, offended.

"Back then, you were much more uptight than me and yet had the audacity to think I was selfish.", I scoffed slightly.

"And yet, somehow, that kid chose to cling to me and not you.", he pointed out, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"That's because you already know how to raise kids.", I argued.

"It was funny how you were scared to even touch the kid.", he reminisced gently.

"That's because he was too small and soft.", I replied dryly.

He laughed lightly.

He looked back at his mother's gravestone with a gentle smile and a longing gaze.

A comfortable silence took over as we sat quietly.

The restlessness that had dissipated while I was arguing with him returned, clenching my chest with unease.

What does Vincent see me as?

An acquaintance? A friend? Or something else?

Did he get disgusted when I accidentally grazed his lips, when I hugged him, when I danced with him?

Am I overstepping?

Am I being ..... cheap?

"I never thought I'd not feel anxious sitting at my mother's gravestone on her death anniversary. Thank you for coming.", Vincent stated calmly.

I looked at him, unsure of what to say.

"I never thought I'd ever respect anyone as much as I respect her. I never thought someone's smile could soothe me. I never thought I'd long to complete my work early every day to come home. I never thought I'd ever enjoy arguing with someone, trust someone outside my siblings blindly enough to argue with my father, get addicted to someone's eyes, feel relieved in someone's embrace, be petty for someone's attention, feel at peace in someone's presence. I never thought someone would fight me for me. Until I met you.", he said, looking me in the eyes.

The raw honesty in his eyes held my own captive, making my chest feel heavy and stomach churn in fear.


"This unknown emotion that I've never felt is only growing each day. I'm unable to understand it, Ren. Do you know what this feeling is?", he asked earnestly, looking at me.

I shook my head slowly, anxiety spiraling within me.

"You-", he was going to say something, but paused when his phone started ringing.

Checking the caller ID, his face turned serious.

"We need to leave.", he said firmly, standing up.

I followed behind as he led me to the car and drove me to my house. Dropping me off, he drove away.

The whole ride was quiet as he looked concentrated in his own thoughts and I was pondering over his words.

From the moment he left me at my house until the next evening I kept thinking over his words, my emotions, the skyrocketing anxiety and the fear of him having feelings for me.

I couldn't stomach any food the whole day with how intense my emotions have been.

I wanted to call Sarah or Milan to ask for advice, but refrained from doing so, not intending to indulge them too much into my past.

Soon, I had to dress up for the girls' birthday party and leave for the mansion as one of the guests.

The moment I stepped in the mansion, Angelina and Arianna dragged me to their room to accompany them.

The anxiety lingered at the back of my head, but I immersed myself in helping the girls look their best.

When they were finally done getting dressed and adorning the jewelry I gifted them, my heart melted at how radiant they looked.

"You're going to steal everyone's gaze away.", I gushed, giving them a bear hug.

"But not when you're around.", Arianna pointed out, complimenting me.

"Not true. Look at the both of you. You look absolutely stunning.", I stated honestly, smiling.

They giggled happily and we were all set to go down to the party.

"Alright, then. I'll go first and the both of you come later on.", I instructed them and walked out.

Reaching the living room that was decorated elegantly and was filled with a few close family members and friends.

When I stepped in, I put on my usual courteous smile as I spotted Michael and Katherina Reece, Angelina's biological aunt and her husband.

"Raelynn, I didn't know you were going to be here too.", Katherina said, smiling.

"Good evening, Mrs. Reece, Mr. Reece.", I greeted politely, exchanging a handshake with the couple.

"Good to see you here, Ms. Baker.", Michael said with a small smile.

Following that, their kids, Easton, Kristen and Zayden exchanged pleasantries with me.

I'm well acquainted with them as Katherina Reece partners with me in some of the awareness programs I conduct and through her, I've met her entire family once.

It was surprising to know she's Angelina's biological aunt.

I was talking to Katherina and Kristen when my eyes met Vincent's who was blatantly staring at me while talking to Michael and Aurelio.

Feeling suddenly flustered, I averted my gaze.

There were three kids of the girls' age apart from the Reece family and the boys.

A few moments after, Bianca Marino joined in as she exchanged pleasantries with Katherina. They didn't seem too comfortable in each others' presence though.

Soon, the girls came in and the party started with a lot of noise and cheer.

Just then, a boy of nearly twins' age barged in enthusiastically, followed by a slightly embarrassed man.

They went ahead and hugged the Marino siblings happily and I recognized them right away as Fiorenzo and Luciano, Aurelio's brothers.

Much to my shock, Ashton led them to me in front of everyone.

"You must be Ren.", the younger cousin, Luciano, looked at me cheerfully.

I couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

"I'm Luciano. Please call me 'Luce', sist-", he was saying, but Ashton cut him off with a slight whack on the head.

"She doesn't even call us by nicknames. Why would she call you by one?", Ashton scoffed, narrowing his gaze on him.

"Hello, mam, I'm Fiorenzo.", the older one greeted me politely, ignoring them, and I did the same.

When my gaze drifted to the others for a moment, the Reece family looked shocked.

Realizing they might get suspicious of the relationship between me and the Marinos, I was going to say something, but gratefully, Vincent intervened and grabbed everyone's attention back to the girls.

Time flew by quickly as the kids laughed and teased around and everyone had dinner together.

All the while, I managed to stay away from Vincent at all costs.

I need time to figure out what I'm feeling and what he meant by his words.

I should be conscious and careful around him.

Although I could see the doubts swirling in Katherina's eyes, she didn't question me, much to my relief.

The party ended after a few hours and I, just like the other guests, left after bidding bye, so as to not incite any suspicion of me staying in the mansion.

Before going to my house, I drove to Liam's garage to meet him.

After an hour of my discussion with him, my whole brain went numb.

Driving back to my house, I settled on the sofa in complete darkness while only a small fragment of light through the backyard curtains dimly illuminated the house.

My phone rang after a few minutes, but I was too numb to check it. It rang multiple times, but I couldn't bring myself to move.

A few moments later, Vincent entered from where he usually sneaks in and walked to me briskly.

"Are you alright?", he asked, standing in front of me, his tone laced with concern.

"Raelynn", he probed seriously.

I stood up in silence and looked up into his dimly illuminated gray eyes numbly.

In an emotionless tone, I asked him a question I'm not sure if I'm ready to bear the truth for,

"Did you dig into my past?"


Phew! That was a very long chapter!

How was the chapter?

Vince being a virgin seems to have affected Ren internally. 😬

She, however, seems to have grown extremely close to the siblings. 🥰

Someone seems very close to figuring out their feelings. 🤭

What do you think Liam told her though? 😥

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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