By luvlylight

138 25 19

In the dense forests that have stood since time immemorial, the goddess Artemis watches over her domain as it... More

⁰¹a fateful encounter
⁰²songs of gratitude
⁰⁴growing seasons
⁰⁡plague my mind
⁰⁢my immortal
⁰⁷the traitor's gambit
⁰⁸vengeance is mine

⁰³the hunter

8 3 1
By luvlylight

Over the following years, Orion and his village thrived under Artemis' benevolent protection. True to his word, Orion hunted sustainably and taught woodland ways to his people. The goddess was pleased to see new life flourish in areas previously scorched by flame.

Orion proved an able teacher, passing on woodland wisdom to his people. They hunted sustainably and farmed small clearings without disrupting the surrounding wilds. Offerings of fresh game and berries were left reverently at Artemis' forest shrines, in gratitude for her continuing favor.

Meanwhile Orion's own skills sharpened to a peerless degree. Though he could never match an immortal's preternatural hunting abilities, his tracking and archery surpassed any human in the mortal realms. Artemis began accompanying him on longer expeditions throughout her vast domains, intrigued by his keen mind.

Their talks wandered from tales of woodland creatures to philosophical musings on the eternal dance of growth and decay that birthed new life anew. Orion proved an eager student, soaking up divine wisdom like rich soil after rain. Artemis found herself more fascinated with each encounter, impressed by this rare mortal who respected nature so wholly without agenda or arrogance.

One starry evening as they set camp, Orion asked "Great goddess, might a humble hunter dare pose another question?"

"Speak your mind Orion, as always."

"In the years I have come to know these woods and you who protects them, a deep respect and care has blossomed within me. Might such feelings be allowed between an immortal and a mortal?" He gazed at her with open adoration.

Artemis was moved, though also wary. "Orion, you forget the divide between our worlds. I am sworn to the wild places and can offer no mortal pleasures."

"I care not for fleeting pleasures, but the wisdom and light that radiates from your divine soul." He took her hands gently. "Let me walk by your side, not as a mere hunter but as an equal companion in guarding this forest realm. I ask only for your friendship and acceptance, nothing more."

Artemis searched his earnest eyes, heart torn. Never had a being stirred her as this mortal man did, with his deep love of nature and apt mind. Yet to bind her fate to one so fragile seemed impossible.

She considered Orion in the moonlight. Though a mortal, his care for the woods rivaled her huntress maidens. "To join my Sisterhood demands utter devotion," she said. 

Orion bowed his head. "I pledge myself fully to the protection of these forests, my lady." He met her gaze steadily. "By the moon above and earth below, I vow to uphold the balance of the wilds as my sacred duty. The lives of any who threaten it will be forfeit by this oath."

Artemis was moved by the sincerity in his eyes. "Then recite your oath, Orion, and your service shall be accepted."

He placed a clenched fist over his heart. "I, Orion, son of no village but these woods, do swear to guard the forests of Artemis with my final breath. The wilds' harmony will I maintain through bow and blade. No disruption shall I cause to your domain, goddess, but instead offer my skills in your sacred name."

His vow echoed through the silent trees. Artemis smiled, laying a hand on his broad shoulder. "Rise then, Hunter of Artemis, and walk at my side as sworn protector of this realm."

Orion's face shone brighter than any star. He knelt and kissed her hands gratefully. "You have made me the happiest of men lady Artemis. I will strive each day to prove worthy of your faith in me."

From that night, Orion walked proudly at Artemis' side as her chosen companion. Together they journeyed the vast forests, he as student and hunter, she as teacher and guardian. Orion's skills and reputation spread across the land until he was known as the greatest archer in all the mortal realms.

Their bond grew deeper than any Artemis had known. For the first time, she had taken a being as confidante—not just follower but friend. And Orion's devotion to her and love of the wilds never wavered. He was fiercely protective of Artemis and her domains.

But not all viewed their bond favorably. Artemis's sacred huntress followers, who had roamed only with their goddess since time out of memory, gazed upon Orion with thinly veiled jealousy and suspicion. They muttered that their solitary mistress had overstepped sacred tradition in elevating a lowly man above them, no matter his care for the wilds.

Rumors filtered back to Artemis of growing unrest in her inner circle. She frowned, hoping time and Orion's continued honorable actions might ease these tensions her companions seemed unable to accept. She had only sought to reward faithful stewardship of her beloved woods, never meant any threat to ancient rites. But shadows were falling where once had been sunlight, and she sensed dark forces sowing seeds of discord.

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