By luvlylight

165 25 18

In the dense forests that have stood since time immemorial, the goddess Artemis watches over her domain as it... More

⁰¹a fateful encounter
⁰³the hunter
⁰⁴growing seasons
⁰⁡plague my mind
⁰⁢my immortal
⁰⁷the traitor's gambit
⁰⁸vengeance is mine

⁰²songs of gratitude

17 4 0
By luvlylight

In the days following, Artemis strode tirelessly through her forest domain, vigilant in her divine duties as patron of the wild hunt. She tracked all manner of creatures from the largest stags to tiny fluttering songbirds, her keen eyes and ears taking in every nuanced detail of the woodland rhythms.

Occasionally glimpsing signs that Orion had passed through—an emptied snare line holding a small rabbit, tracks leading to an abandoned campsite marked by grey ashes. But he moved through the woods without further disturbance, just as promised. Artemis almost smiled to herself, impressed despite herself by his stealthy woodcraft.

One late afternoon, her keen ears pricked up at the sound of fearful bleating in a glen nearby. Artemis raced through the trees and dropped down from a high bough to see a young deer with its leg caught painfully in a hunter's snare. It struggled helplessly, panicked eyes rolling in distress.

And there, crouching low beside it, was Orion. His massive hands worked deftly to untangle the snare without further injuring the creature. At Artemis's approach, he bowed deeply though kept focused on his task.

"I come only to free this one goddess, without causing further harm to your domain." His deep voice was low and calm, soothing the deer. Within moments the snare fell away and the creature sprang up, bounding dazedly away into safety.

Artemis nodded approvingly. "You respect the balance of the wilds as promised Orion, hunter of Aetherion. Your woodcraft improves." She studied him thoughtfully. "How fares your people in these past moons?"

Orion stood, meeting her gaze steadily. "They rebuild and recover, thanks to your grace lady. But winter will still be hard without full stores laid by. I hunt each day to contribute what I can to their survival."

His people's struggle still echoed in his thoughtful eyes. Artemis felt deeply for any who faced hardship, as protector of the land. "Then take this doe in thanks for your care, and may it provide sustenance for your village."

Orion gaped, stunned by such generosity from an immortal. "Your gift is beyond what any could dare hope for, great lady! My village will sing your name in prayers of gratitude!"

Artemis smiled, nodding for him to gather the doe and depart swiftly before night fell. She watched him go, feeling the first stirrings that perhaps not all humans disrupted the woodland balance as her maidens claimed. Some, like Orion, seemed to walk it in harmony.

« ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ »

Seasons turned as was their perpetual dance, leaves cycling through vibrant hues before falling to earth once more. Orion and his village settled into their new forest home, building shelters and storage huts with practiced efficiency. Through Orion's diligent daily hunts, they survived the coming winter without shortage, staying nourished and warm thanks to Artemis' benevolent blessings upon the land.

During this time, Artemis continued frequenting her accustomed forest paths and glimpsing signs that Orion moved through with his usual stealth and care. Their paths crossed occasionally and she found their exchanges thoughtful, Orion keenly respectful in addressing the goddess yet also curious.

He proved knowledgeable of woodland ways and always regretful if any animal had still been harmed, even by accident. Artemis observed his empathy for all creatures great and small, an rare quality even among her huntress followers who focused solely on the task.

Spring's green bounty emerged once more across the forest floor. One crisp afternoon, Artemis came upon Orion in a sunlit glade, gathering fallen branches into a neat pile.

"Your village has weathered the winter well it seems, Orion, hunter, of Aetherion" Artemis observed with an appraising nod.

Orion bowed deeply. "Thanks to your patronage of these lands, great lady, we have thrived." He met her eyes evenly. "If it pleases you, my people now wish to settle here permanently. We have found shelter and means to sustain ourselves without disrupting the balance. Might we have your leave?"

Artemis considered thoughtfully. Through the long moons, Orion and his villagers had proved respectful additions to her domain who asked nothing but what nature provided. Their presence added new life where once had been only scorched earth.

"You and your people have walked these woods in harmony, Orion. So long as you continue respecting the balance with your woodcraft, I have no objection to your village putting down roots here." She fixed him with an expectant look. "We shall see if your actions uphold your words as the seasons turn."

Orion beamed, bowing low. "Your generosity lifts our hearts, great Lady! My people will endeavor each day to prove worthy of such blessing upon our lands."

With that, he gathered his kindling bundles and withdrew into the trees, whistling a merry tune. Artemis smiled to herself, feeling her domain gain new life beneath the immortal watch of her divine presence.

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