Por luvlylight

138 25 19

In the dense forests that have stood since time immemorial, the goddess Artemis watches over her domain as it... MΓ‘s

⁰²songs of gratitude
⁰³the hunter
⁰⁴growing seasons
⁰⁡plague my mind
⁰⁢my immortal
⁰⁷the traitor's gambit
⁰⁸vengeance is mine

⁰¹a fateful encounter

19 3 1
Por luvlylight

It was a clear spring morning in the forest as Artemis prepared her arrows and bow for the day's hunt. She had sensed a large heard of deer nearby and was eager to track them. As the goddess of the hunt, it was her sacred duty to prowl the woods, providing for her people and maintaining balance in the wild places.

Artemis slung her quiver over her shoulder and grabbed her favored ash bow, crafted by the finest woodworkers on Mount Olympus. Her auburn hair flowed loose down her back, free from any restraints as was her woodland way. Dressed in a simple green tunic crafted from deer hide, she blended seamlessly into the forest surroundings.

As she moved stealthily through the brush, her deerhide sandals making barely a whisper on the fallen leaves, Artemis spotted the deer grazing in a clearing up ahead. Their large brown eyes shone peacefully, unaware of the imminent hunt. Artemis crouched low, moving around downwind so as not to alarm her prey.

Just as she drew back her first arrow, she noticed something strange in her periphery. Movement that was too large, too clumsy for any creature of the woods. She glanced over to see a man blundering noisily through the trees, snapping twigs under his heavy boots.

The deer scattered immediately at the commotion, their peaceful morning graze disrupted. Normally Artemis would have let fly her arrow anyway, but curiosity overtook her in this strange circumstance. She had never seen a human so deep in her forest domain before.

Swiftly and silently notching another arrow, taking careful aim through the foliage, Artemis called out sternly but calmly, "Halt, stranger! Why do you trespass in my domain?"

The man turned around in obvious surprise, holding his thickly calloused hands up in a gesture of peace. He was an impressive specimen, tall and broad-shouldered with well-defined muscle, but clearly no woodsman with his noisy gait. His face was bearded, tanned deeply from sun, and framed by long dark hair tied back from his face. When he spoke, his voice was a gentle rumble.

"Forgive me lady, I meant no harm. I am but a humble hunter searching for food for my village, as you goddess, provide for your people." His words, though respectful, only confused Artemis further. She kept her arrow trained steadily on him as she questioned further.

"What brings you to my forest, hunter? These are lands I protect and know well. I have not seen your face before." She studied him intently, alert for any hint of deceit or harmful intent towards her domain. But the man seemed earnest, meeting her gaze without flinching.

The man bowed his head humbly before answering. "I am called Orion of Aetherion. My people's lands were ravaged by fire mere moons past and we have come seeking new grounds to settle and plant. With the fire's destruction, this coming winter will be hard without full stores. I only wished to hunt here for sustenance to help my village survive, not to disturb your domain goddess."

Artemis considered his words carefully. She sensed no lie within them, just honest desperation. His apology seemed sincere as well, though she remained on guard. These woods were her sacred charge to nurture and protect, having done so since the primordial dawns of time. But she also understood the struggles of mortal peoples, providing for them from afar through the bounties of the wild places.

After several tense moments, Artemis lowered her bow though did not loosen the arrow from its drawn position just yet. "Your words ring true Orion, though your manner of hunting leaves much to improve." She nodded toward the scattering deer. "These lands have supported people since the age of myths, but balance must always be maintained. I will allow your hunt here—but tread softly and do not disturb my woods or creatures again."

Orion bowed low, relief washing over his bearded features. "You have my deepest gratitude goddess. I will take care not to cause further disruption."

Artemis studied him a moment longer before relaxing her bowstring. "Go in peace Orion, hunter of Aetherion. And may the gods grant you a bountiful catch for your people."

"Thank you for your mercy lady. I am forever in your debt." With a final respectful bow, Orion turned and slipped soundlessly back into the forest as stealthy as any huntress. Artemis watched him disappear among the trees, feeling curious about this unusual human now sharing her realm.

Artemis resumed her hunt but found her mind wandering despite her focus. There was an earnest vulnerability to Orion that lingered in her thoughts, mixed with curiosity over his people's plight. Had the fires truly been so devastating? How had they come so far inland to these forests untouched by humans before?

Shaking her head to clear it, Artemis nocked another arrow and tracked a pair of grazing deer, taking them down swiftly and cleanly with well-placed shots. She moved through the trees collecting her kills, nimble and graceful as any woodland creature. Within moments the deer were slung over her shoulders and she started back towards her camp.

As evening fell and the first stars peeked out above the treetops, Artemis arrived back at her familiar woodland camp. Her sacred hunting companions, a select band of devoted amazonian maidens, were gathering kindling for the fire. At the goddess's approach, they rose and bowed respectfully.

"You return successful from your hunt Lady Artemis," noted Phoebe, one of her oldest followers, a huntress since the age of myth.

Artemis nodded, setting down the deer carcasses. "Indeed, but my mind remains troubled. There was an intruder in my woods this morning, hunting where humans have never tread." She recounted her encounter with Orion, his tale of the fire-stricken village.

Her maidens frowned and muttered in concern. "Be wary of men encroaching on your domain, Artemis," warned Atalanta, ever protective of their sacred seclusion. "Their kind disrupt the balance if left unchecked."

"This Orion claimed no ill intent, and I sensed truth in his words," Artemis replied thoughtfully. "These lands have nurtured people since time immemorial. If his village faces hardship, how can I in good conscience deny them sustenance, so long as balance is maintained?"

Her huntresses nodded reluctantly, trusting in their goddess's wise judgement. As Artemis began preparing the deer meat over the crackling fire, she gazed up at the emerging moon and stars, wondering what mysteries this forest might yet reveal.

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