Kiyo the Water Healer

By OwOTinyFoods

210 9 0

After the war has ended Azula is kept on an island to be monitored and kept separate from the rest of the wor... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 1

86 2 0
By OwOTinyFoods

Azula had not improved much over the past six months. Her hostility proved to be a challenge for those heading up psychiatric healing. She would only speak to fire benders, or those of the fire nation. Her eyes would be hot enough to burn metal and cause many people to leave the room. Her clear hatred for her brother, Zuko was evident and in her rage she would scream his name in anger. She didn't want to see anyone else. Mai and Ty Lee would be the only visitors who would come once a week to bring her comfort. Azula would be much harsher towards Mai because of her decision to be engaged to Zuko. Mai desired to share her happiness with her old friend but she never mentioned it and catered towards her tired and desperate friend.

At least Azula was no longer in shackles, but she did have specially made gloves that could not be removed by herself but by a special key to prevent fire bending. At first she was so depressed she did not eat or shower within the first week but as she stayed in her room, large at the request of the king, she made the decision within herself to keep going. Her father would never honor such a pathetic death. She kept her head high and ignored almost any instruction she received from those who worked there. Her fiery and rebellious spirit would not let her give in.

At the report given to Zuko of Azula's condition he rubbed his face in frustration and sadness. He had learned to forgive his sister in her most evil of times. He really just felt sorry for her and wished there was something he could do. He sought Aang's counsel on the matter and Katara sat with them to eat one evening. Mai was not there, she went to visit her mother.

"I want to make a difference with Azula but she's proving to me she doesn't want to resolve anything. She can't possibly want to be on that island forever," he took a bite of rice and glanced at Aang who sat in thoughtfulness for a moment.

"I don't see Azula improving much. It'll take years before she's even able to get off the island, she's harbored a lot of resentment over time. I'm not sure you could ever really trust her, sadly." Katara offered but Aang remained silent.

Katara recognized Aang's silence and questioned him.

"I was just thinking...aren't water benders naturally gifted in healing factors?" Aang asked as he mixed food in his bowl with his chopsticks.

"Well, yes..." Katara said with caution.

"What's your idea, Aang?" Zuko asked, intrigued by the wisdom.

"I recently visited the North Water tribe and met with a water bender who is a new spiritual leader there, perhaps he would be a great way to lead your sister onto a healing journey. He's experimented with soul healing and been successful on a few accounts. Azula suffers with a heaviness in her spirit and she needs guidance on how to move forward."

"Wow, I didn't know it went that deep, I do know that a healer mentioned wounds being more than physically deep but had no idea it went into soul healing," Katara spoke in wonder, realizing deeper capabilities.

Zuko thought for a minute, "I like the idea, but what makes you think he would agree to it? I mean, my sister is not the easiest to handle and would suffer a lot of verbal abuse if she decides to speak to him at all."

"I see your concern, but Kiyo is drawn to challenge. When I spoke with him, he seemed so at peace and kind. Many look up to him and have good things to say about his perseverance. I can send word out to him tomorrow and get a response if you wish it," he smiled at Zuko.

Zuko took a drink before responding.

"Very well, I think it's worth a shot," he nodded.

Katara looked intrigued, "I can't wait to meet him! Another water bender who could help me with healing!" Katara was starry eyed and they both laughed at her antics.


The response came quickly, and Kiyo would leave the next day by boat. Katara was giddy for another master to come to the fire kingdom and was perfecting his guest room, Aang was smiling at her excitement.

"You know he won't be here for probably more than a couple days, he'll move on to the island by next week," He tried to explain to her.

"I know but it needs to be perfect!" She cried as she fluffed the pillows.

He just rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek before moving on. Hope she doesn't fall in love with the guy, he scoffed.


Kiyo arrived shortly, he carried himself with humbleness as he walked to greet King Zuko.

"Pleasure to meet you, your highness, I am Kiyo of the Northern Water Tribe," he bowed as Fire Kingdom custom.

Zuko was surprised at his appearance. He was younger than expected, paler than most people and with long white hair to his shoulders, a strip tied in the back. He wore traditional blue cloaks of the tribe but with white feathers. He had dark blue eyes that surprised Zuko.

"Of course, it is a pleasure to have an esteemed water healer in the fire kingdom," Zuko also gave a bow. "May we discuss the assignment inside?" Zuko offered and he easily accepted.

They went inside and Katara was there, immediately introducing herself and asking him questions about the water tribe. Kiyo just smiled and patiently answered each one, before Aang showed up and introduced himself before leading her away.

They were finally alone and Zuko expressed concern for his sister. Kiyo had an expression of sadness for the princess and her situation and with a gentle nod he accepted to help her.

"The only thing is she doesn't speak to anyone outside of the fire nation," Zuko explained.

"I shall take my time, I plan on dedicating my time to her, as long as she needs. My purpose runs deeper than time constraints, your highness," he smiles gently, at peace and kind.

"Of course, the payment will be substantial, as you know," he tells him.

"No need for payment, I will only need what you give me to live on and that's all, nothing extra," he spoke clearly on his intentions.

"Of course, I appreciate the help," Zuko dismisses Kiyo after they discuss Azula more and he heads back to his room to rest.

He hopes this will be the right decision. Kiyo gave him such hope and peace.


Azula quietly eats her porridge without complaint, finishing quickly and resting it on the tray left behind for her. She sighed in anger, she hated the gloves, she wanted to stretch her powers to release the energy constantly bubbling within her. She rubbed her hands and rested them on her thighs, looking at the floor. She hears a door open and she perks up to see someone new standing at the entrance when the door opens. A man of pale appearance and white hair, with the softest eyes she'd ever seen is there.

"May I enter your room?" He asks gently, watching her with care in her defeated state.

She speaks before thinking about it, temporarily forgetting her quiet spell, "Yes, I suppose I don't have a choice," she spits honestly.

Her words shocked her but she doesn't let it show. She usually wouldn't say a word to an outsider.

He waits, "Yes, you have a choice, I allowed you it, and I chose for myself to help you," he spoke directly but with a firm softness that made her eyes look to him for leadership.

He waited patiently.

"Fine, come in then," she decided he wouldn't be a threat.

He stepped in, and read the room. She was tense and a bit on edge as he approached. He asked if he could sit and she nodded, her body language eased as he sat on the floor cushion in front of her.

He did not deny she was beautiful, dark and smooth hair that had two braids and pulled into a simple tail, her dark eyes still held a fire that burned and smoldered as they looked at the ground. She was a bit thin for her size, most likely due to her depression and she wore simple black clothes. He began to read her soul, seeing a flash of blue and yellow beneath clouds of black. Her beauty and potential was hidden beneath pain and bitterness. He began to sympathize and was filled with natural empathy for her.

"Princess Azula, my name is Kiyo. Pleasure to meet you," he bowed gently to her and her eyes flashed with something akin to anger. She turned away her face, ignoring him, and hiding her tears that wanted to break and spill over. He did not react and sat with her until she did something. He meditated and focused on her soul, it reminded him of the sun and clouds that kept covering it, giving a bit of shine here and there as it swirled with angry darkness. He waited and meditated as she sat in confusion. She couldn't take it after thirty minutes of waiting.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" She yelled, exasperated and he calmly looked at her, gently watching her, "All of you, trying to make me better like I'm some experiment to be played with! You cannot force me to be better! I'm not a toy! I'm not crazy!" She screamed at his face and he remained still and calm.

"You're not crazy, Azula, you are hurt," he stated plainly.

Azula stared at him like he was the crazy one, her eyes were wide and she looked like a wounded animal. It was in the open at that moment but she covered it quickly.

"I don't want or need your help, whoever you are!" She yelled at him and he didn't react, allowing her to vent.

"I have dealt with you all for months and I don't want to do it anymore, I'm done! My brother threw me away, my father threw me away, and now I'm being chastised like a child and being told what's wrong with me! I hate it all, I hate everyone! I hate you!" She yelled right in his face.

He didn't budge but looked in her eyes, full of empathy for this hurting soul. She cracked for a second before turning away in anger at the lack of reaction. She wanted him to leave her alone but at the same time was tired of being alone.

He sat and waited, patience remaining to hear her out. He waited for her to make a decision.

"Why won't you leave?" She sneered at the ground.

"Would you like me to leave?" He waited, she had to want this healing for him to work with her.

She sat for twenty minutes and didn't say a word, she froze when she felt a gentle hand on her back. Tears began to fall and she shook with sobs. It had been so long since someone had touched her with good intent. He felt the deep rooted pain within her and knew the potential she had. This was an acceptance. She shook as she cried and he let her, not saying a word as kept his hand on her back. Once she stopped and calmed down he carefully stood.

"That is enough for today, I will come tomorrow, Azula," he bowed and gave her the gentlest of smiles before resting a cup of cool water beside her and a cloth for her tears. She watched his feet as he went. She slept well that night for the first time since arriving here. His eyes were etched in her mind and she dreamed about swimming in the ocean. She was surprised how she was anxious to see him the next day. It was something to look forward to, she supposed.


The next day he showed up at the same time, asking permission once again to enter her room. She nodded with a faraway look, no longer emotional or enraged but confused.

Kiyo was testing her without her knowledge. The poor girl hadn't had many healthy relationships most of her life, always on edge, never trusting anyone. It must have been a lot of stress for such a young woman. He had looked into Zuko's family history and asked Zuko questions about Azula's past that may give him more clues on her pain. Soul healing could happen but it required knowing exactly what caused the pain, finding the root, pulling it out and healing it up. She may not even know the depths of her pain.

Azula was sitting on a cushion, her eyes moved away from his. She did not want to be vulnerable in front of him again and she was determined to follow through. He said nothing and sat on a cushion near her, quiet in demeanor and without expectation. She was confused a lot by his silence. It irked her he would say nothing, when she was in the presence of another she couldn't stand the empty silence. Somehow he made the silence full, it didn't require a word to be spoken and he kept waiting. In her curiosity she glanced over at him, breaking her own unspoken rule of not looking his way, she had already broken the speaking rule yesterday. Her eyes traveled over his simple blue and white attire and onto his face, she had to say he was adequately handsome and oddly pale for a water tribe. It was obvious he was a dreaded water bender. His eyes were closed in meditation and he had a necklace with a moon hanging down that caught her eye. She was getting tired of the silence.

"You're a water bender, aren't you?" She ventured into starting a conversation.

He waited only a few seconds, his eyes kept closed.

"Yes, I am a water healer," He mentioned in a calm voice.

She decided she liked his voice if anything, it was unlike the harshness of her father's or the snideness of her own. It was pure and gentle.

She watched him some more as he kept quiet and still, awaiting any questions she had. She was beginning to loosen her tight shoulders and relax.

"Why are you so pale?" She opted for a personal question.

"Not enough time in the sun," He smiled and peeked at her watching and she turned her eyes with a bit of blush at being caught.

"I'm joking," he gave a small snicker and closed his eyes again, "I was born albino, a birth defect in my body."

She huffed, "I don't see how that's a defect, paleness signifies perfection, it's commonly wanted in the fire kingdom," She looked away, embarrassed she basically complimented this stranger.

"I see," He waited.

"I don't see the point of this, why do you bother coming here just to say nothing?" She asked in an annoyed manner.

"I do not need to speak," He offered, eyes closed still.

"Then what do you want?" She wanted to annoy him, get some kind of reaction.

"My wants are not my concern, you are my only concern," He replied.

She was taken aback. Why would she be his main concern? Her heart ached.

"Pfft, like hell. Won't your wife miss you if you're gone for too long? I might keep you for two years," She hissed at him.

"I do not have a wife," He didn't miss a beat.

She was a bit surprised but didn't let it show. A bell rang and a guard stepped in and let a small woman in to bring Jasmine tea and dragon biscuits. It was a favorite of Azula's but she had not ordered this delicacy. She watched as the frightened little woman left it on the small table and scurried away. She squinted down at the refreshments and looked accusingly at Kiyo.

"What's this?" She huffed at him.

He finally opened his eyes and she was drawn immediately to them.

"Why, it's Jasmine tea and dragon biscuits to share, would you like some?" He asked calmly, eyes meeting hers.

Her eyes flashed and she looked away before looking at the tray. He had obviously done his research but she wasn't angry about it.

"I suppose," She rested her head on her knees as he poured tea for her with elegance and rested a biscuit on a small plate. She sat up and kept her manners as they both enjoyed the snack and tea. She didn't say anything but he observed her behavior. She seemed to enjoy the treat, she hadn't been treated in a while from the looks of it and she remembered how to carry herself.

"Why would you order this?" She asked after she took a sip of the delicious tea.

"Why not? We all need a little peace, even if it's just a nice cup of tea," He replied.

After they finished he stood to leave.

"I will be back tomorrow, Azula, I shall see you tomorrow," He said but she felt a lurch inside of her.

"Wait, I have a question," She stopped him, desiring more of his company.

He stopped and came back, sitting down at the cushion.

"Of course, what question is it?" He gave a calm smile.

She asked questions about himself, trying to learn more about this man. He was of the Northern Water tribe, a healing spiritual leader. He was born to a water bender and a common peasant, he was twenty four years old, he had never married, he owns a snow phoenix, the list went on as she gathered information about Kiyo who had nothing to hide. She actually smiled once during their conversation and Kiyo took note of it. The time ended not long after he announced he had to leave and that he would be back tomorrow at the same time. She felt refreshed somehow and looked at the tray, empty of refreshments and tea. She was at ease for once in her life.


Kiyo kept up with their meetings, usually about two hours long and in consistent conversation. She began to crave his attention, wanting to see him and feeling a bit lonely and empty after he was gone. She rested well, seemingly happy with her new friendship. Nobody else bothered her, only to bring her meals or clean her room thoroughly. He always came at the same time every day, and came with a countenance of peace and tranquility.

One day it was the same as the others, but she shared something much deeper.

"My mother never spent time with me like this," She said, with an almost hostile voice, "her favorite was always Zuko...she was afraid of me, I think."

Kiyo didn't act surprised but finished sipping his tea before responding.

"Why was that?" He asked.

"I guess it was because I was like my father, I thrived off his approval, and I wanted to be just like him," she set down her cup.

"I see," he said simply, allowing her to elaborate.

"I wish my mother had looked at me like she loved me, but Zuko was her favorite, she didn't have room for me... so I didn't fight it, I sought after my father. He was my preferred parent, he was stronger than my mother, he led his troops to victory almost every time and I looked up to him. And I thought- I thought he loved me," She only faltered for a second and Kiyo watched carefully, still deciphering her soul as it brightened against the clouds of darkness.

She laughed then, "But that was before, when I was young and stupid, my father saw potential and a leader in me, and I earned his respect as a leader," she scoffed, "until-"

He waited for a minute, "Until what?" Kiyo spoke.

"Until I realized I was just a tool...a tool that would fail," She allowed one tear to drop to the floor, her eyes squinted in pain, all deep inside of her.

"And now, I'm nothing but a broken tool, useless to everyone and helpless to myself," she gasped at the sharpness of her confession.

Kiyo watched as a wave of conflicted emotions covered her face and wrestled in her eyes. Her aura swirled in chaos and he let her feel it before saying something.

"I don't see it that way. People are not created as tools, they are originally stone, over time they can be shaped by others or left alone to the elements. However, what many don't know is the treasure that lies within," He had her eyes on his, "they are stone, sometimes covered in muck and dirt but when opened there is a treasure of a soul, of beauty and life. Azula, you are pure, yet scratched diamond, that is yet to be carved, you are wounded but you can be shaped into the many facets you hold. You are no longer a tool used by your father, but a gem that begs to be opened. I see you," His eyes capture the dark eyes that spill tears in shock as her identity opens before him. She cannot take it and collapses in front of him, her soul opened for the first time. He captures her as she falls and holds her, carrying her to her bedroom and resting her on her bed. She breathes softly and he smiles gently at her before leaving the room. He lets her rest and wrestle with her dreams, she had to overcome them before she could move forward with healing. He left her with a promising feeling inside of him.


Her dreams swirled in chaos as she was once again, in the ocean but instead of peaceful swimming she was fighting against stormy waves, it was a red sky and dark storm clouds, lightning flashing. She was gasping for breath as another crashed over her. Her father's voice roared with disappointment, words he had spoken harshly over her in the past, her mother's worried voice spoke like venom washing over her, calling her a monster. She gasped and fought to keep her head above the waves. She screamed as pain overtook her, poison through her veins. She cried for her parents to save her, and cried for anyone to save her. Waves continued to rage before she heard a cool voice speak gently, "You are a diamond, waiting to be shaped~" and she looked around frantically for a lifeline, and a board rolled over the waves in the distance, she gasped and started swimming. She was attacked vigorously by the vicious waves, knocking her back and she felt nearly helpless. She had no other choice and kept swimming until she reached the board, pulling herself on to it, coughing up water and panting in exhaustion from the journey. She looked around to see crystal blue water, still all around her and relief flooded her. She rested on the board then, she was safe.

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