Gay Chicken

By Noahtheonlygenius

2.5K 67 49

[Explicit content] Two competitive rivals take a game a little bit too far, both boys claim to be straight... More

Beginning Of A Bad Party
Dominate (M)
I'm Not A Chicken (M)
On The Field
Bloody Nose Bros
Instagram Pals
Mother's intuition
heart to heart I guess (M)
New kid on the block
Jealousy jealousy
If only they knew
Lex, baby

Crying over spilt milk (M)

209 5 1
By Noahtheonlygenius

"why fall in love when you can fall apart?"




Being in the serial killers house was definitely a surreal experience, and I wasn't sure if I should run for the hills or just roll with it. So I pretended to be completely comfortable taking his food, pouring myself a drink and plonking my sweet ass on his sofa - and then proceeded to get my grimy hands all over his controller and put on 'The hobbit: an unexpected journey" because 1: it was already on TV and 2: it's a fucking brilliant movie.

"Wait, did you just put on the hobbit" Michael Voorhees chimed in (that's the opposite of Jason Myers for all of you non-horror nerds out there, fucking losers) suddenly having a keen interest, he'd even stopped pouring his own bowl of cereal just to listen to my response. He's so weird. Why am I in his house again?

"Y-uh huh" I probably should have taken into account that my mouth was full of cereal before giving him a response - I probably would have saved myself the embarrassment of having milk all down my chin and on his couch. His lovely couch that's soft and warm and so much nicer than anything in the apartment - and probably costs a lot, and I've probably ruined it and now I'm thinking the word probably way too much.

But Jason is now probably going to kill me.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. I'll clean it up, just show me where the towels are, I'll scrub it too if it stains" I'd already stood up ready to sell my soul to the devil and had pretty much started running to the kitchen where Satan inhabited. I'm a good man, I own up to my mistakes. All I know is that if I'd spilt milk at home, my dead-beat dad would have beat me with the belt - if he was still around. And Jason is much bigger than me, and all that's going through my head right now is the reminder of me as a kid covered in blood and crying over spilt milk and a whipping noise. And fuck I think I'm having a panic attack. "Lex, you goo-" Jason began but I cut him off by asking where the fucking towels are again. Can he not listen? My hands start to rummage the kitchen, shaking slightly and I forget about the milk that's still dripping down my chin. I'm just focusing on finding a towel or a sponge or just something to clean up my mistake - and I know I'm overreacting.

Alexander what the fuck is wrong with you?

Why can't you do one simple fucking task right?

You're such a cry baby, crying over spilled milk. Fucking pathetic, this is what you deserve.

Alexander Fisk - a waste of space.

"Call... Lola" I try to squeeze out in breaths, handing the serial killer my phone. It's been a while since I've had an episode like this, and the fact that's it's Infront of Myers makes it so much worse. He's going to tell everyone how pathetic I am, I've given him no reason not to, I am pathetic. Why am I panicking so much over split milk?

"Lex, I need your password" he says, his voice is soft. It's nice.

"052006" my breathing is rough and haggard but I hope he understood what I said, it also probably doesn't help that I'm facing away from him, my hands gripping hold of the kitchen counter as I try to regain control of my body.

"She's not picking up Lex" he places a hand on my back, soothing circles against the fabric of my shirt "breathe lex, I know this is uncomfortable but I'm here. You're safe"

I stay silent as he continues to rub circles, his touch is actually calming, and he keeps repeating that I'm safe and that it's okay, and now my breathing is back to normal and my cheeks are bright pink. What the fuck have I just done? An episode in front of Jason? Fucking hell I'm never getting out of this one.

Be cool Lex, be funny. Act normal.

"Well that was interesting!" I stand up tall and clap my hands "I'm gonna get going, I'm sure that milk has cleared up now, again so sorry" I begin making my way out of the kitchen and towards the front door "so lovely seeing you, thanks for having me over" I choke out with a wide smile - clearly fake.

"Not so fast Lex" Jason had grabbed my arm, and is now preventinge from leaving. This is where I die. This is where he kills me and fills me with embarrassment. "Sit your ass down. Now."

Am I supposed to feel this flustered when being ordered around by a big strong man?

"Okay okay, jeez. Let me just grab my... shoes first" I started my walk towards the door again, but this time he didn't let me take two steps. The bitch PICKED ME UP, and proceeded to plonk me down on the sofa himself, his hand tight on my ass as he carried me. Fuck.

"Now you are going to sit there and watch the hobbit whilst I pour you a hot chocolate. And then we're going to talk"

I did as I was told. Serial killers can be terrifying when suggesting hot chocolate and a great movie - and it's totally not because being ordered around my Jason didn't make me want to rip my ears off for a change.

And as promised Jason came and sat down beside me with two hot chocolates in hand.

"I thought you only had coke or water" I tried to joke, he just stared at me in a disapproving way. Tough crowd.

"Firstly, are you okay?" Was his voice always this soft?

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be? It's not like the guy I trust the least in this world just saw me be pathetic and break down over spilt milk!" I laugh, my voice crackling and breaking.

"I'm not going to tell anyone Lex. I know how scary a panic attack can be, I literally had one earlier too" he smiles, handing me my hot chocolate.

"Damn, who'd of thought the almighty captain had panic attacks" I snorted, taking a sip and realising that Jason's hot chocolates were fucking immense. If only he was as nice as his hot chocolates, he might actually be bareable to be around.

"So are you going to tell me what made you panic so much? Also, you've still got a bit of milk on your chin"

"Oh shit, have I got it?" My hand brushes my chin in an attempt to get rid of the milk.

"No, it's right -"

"Have I got it now?"

"Nope, up a bi-"


"Stop cutting me off it's right here" Jason snaps, his hand softly grazing where the milk was, his face a lot closer than before and memories from the party came flooding back. And my dick twitched - I'm a classy guy, I know.

"Did you get it?" I ask quietly, too flustered to speak louder and I worry he'll back away if I do, thinking I wanted to break whatever moment we're having. But he doesn't back away. He just coughs out a 'yeah', his face still inches away from mine. Why does this stupid boy have such an effect on my dick?!

"Hey Lex?"


"Did we ever finish that game of gay chicken"

"We agreed on a tie"

"I didn't"

"Jason, what are you-"

And then he kisses me.

Jason kisses me.

Jason kisses me.

Jason kisses me.

Holy fucking shit. Jason is kissing me.

His lips are firm and soft at the same time, and god it's making me melt. You know how Goldilocks likes things just right, and the baby bear has everything just right? I swear to god, Jason is that baby bear and he is giving me everything I need. It's just right. The way he leans his body into mine, pushing me down onto the sofa as he lies on top of me, his legs around my waist, his hands stroking alongside my hips, his groin rubbing against my groin. God it's perfect. I embarrassingly moan against his mouth as he grinds against me, his tongue now finding solace past my lips, and I know there's no use fighting for dominance this time.

I feel like he knew exactly what I needed as his left hand trails down from my hip to grip the bulge in my pants, making me moan a lot louder and my dick grow a lot harder. "So noisy" he commented, but I could hear the humour in his voice and the lack of mercy he has as he grinded against me. Hard.

"Jason" I breathe out, he just smirks against my lips, his hand gripping tighter on my dick - but not in a painful way, and he grinds against me again, sending shockwaves throughout my body. My hands reach out to grip his hair, which in return makes him groan and push against me even harder, and his hand starts palming against my jeans. Fucking hell.

I didn't even realise I could have this much pleasure clothed. Then again, those girls were never the best at reciprocating foreplay. And the fact that Jason likes getting his hair pulled makes this whole experience way more fun.

"Hey Lex?" He asked, his lips no longer attached to mine but his hand still elegantly palming me.

"Yeah" I moaned.

"I never did exchange that blow job you gave me, maybe it's time to return the favour" he smirked, his hands already undoing my trousers as I nodded my head.

Oh dear god.

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