Borne of Curses & Blessings

By latermhprater

732 38 1

The bond Emma and Regina share is indescribable. Their friendship is unlikely, much like their ability to co... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

24 1 1
By latermhprater

"Well, it's about time you got here!" Emma says as she enters the foyer.
"So sorry we're late! SOMEONE couldn't stop talking to Gus at the diner before driving over here." I say with a giggle, Red's cheeks blush.
"I'm sorry, he's such a nice guy." She sighs happily before sliding off her coat.
"Well, we're glad you made it! And, we're so stoked to plan this getaway."
Ruby and I share a knowing look with one another as Emma leads us to the kitchen. We're surprised to find music playing, Henry sitting on the counter top reading a recipe and measuring dry ingredients, and Regina humming as she works at the counter.
"Sorry for all the mess! Henry wanted to prep so we could make dinner together."
"Em, I didn't know you could cook!" Ruby exclaims with a smile, "you've been holding out on me!"
"I'm excited to see what you have in store, Emma. You make a great breakfast!" I say with a smile.
"Thanks, Mary-Margaret! C'mon, you two! Help us make gyros and fries!"
"Gramma, it'll change your life!" Henry says with a smile, "Ruby'll add it to the menu!"
We spend the evening out on Regina's terrace with food, drinks, and laughter. The energy here is so alive and filled with every kind of love. After dinner, Henry went inside to play some game station Emma kept in her chest; we all settled into a comfortable pattern of conversation. Chatting about these last weeks and catching up on things here and there. Surprisingly, it was Ruby that breaks the ice.
"How are you both adjusting?"
"Ya know, your 'destiny anew' and all that," she says gently, "I see your lip is healing beautifully, Regina."
"T-Thank you, Ruby. It's a lot easier this time around."
"Well, it makes you look badass." She smiles.
"That's what I said!" Emma laughs.
"And, how about you, Emma?"
"I-..." she hesitates. Regina takes her hand and stroke soft circles with her thumb.
"I'm doing better. Healing..."
"How so?" I ask softly, Regina looks at me in a panic.
"This is so hard for me, Mom... I know you put me through the wardrobe to give me my best chance but this world is so different. The foster system was not kind to me, as you know. But, what you don't know is that I was abused, molested, and even raped in various homes throughout my life. Growing up wasn't easy for me and I realize how closed off that's made me..." my eyebrows raise in shock at how candid she's being. Even Regina seems surprised.
"But, I'm choosing your love over my self-imposed shame. The Creator asked me to lead with love, that I cannot fail if I lead with love. I'm starting now."
"Oh, Emma..."
"I didn't wanna tell you because you love me so much, I thought you'd blame yourselves and ultimately resent me for it."
"That could never, ever happen, Emma. You're my daughter. I love you, I always have. I always will. And, I am so proud of you; you're so brave." I can't help but to hug her, her body is trembling. I rub soft circles on her back and she begins to relax.
"You knew, didn't you?" She sighs.
"I had a feeling. My cursed persona is a teacher. Mandated reporter, remember?"
"I love you, Mom."
"I love you, too, Emma."
Ruby sniffles and breaks the silence.
"Gods, guys. I need a tissue and a Hallmark Gold Crown, that was beautiful." she laughs. Emma smiles brightly. Regina stands next to Emma, taking her hand.
"Can it, Rubes. Now we can listen to you gush about Gus."
"I do NOT gush about Gus."
"Red, I had to ride over here with you from the library. Trust me, you gush." I say sarcastically, we all begin to laugh in unison.
"But, he IS pretty great...."
"Okay, even I'm sold on Salem and Fall River!" Snow exclaims.
"There are a few other places we could go but I don't really see how the travel aspect will work out." Ruby adds, "I mean... we've never really left Storybrooke before."
"Maybe I could talk to Rumple?" I say humbly, "perhaps this New Era begun could earn me a straight answer."
Ruby chuckles dryly.
"It's a prophecy, not a miracle," she laughs.
"Listen, I'm not too hopeful but I have a feeling he's been working on a way out of here since the Curse broke."
"Why would he want to leave Storybrooke?" Snow asks. My heart flips in my chest; I can see Emma flinch at the same time. They don't know?
"Greener pastures, perhaps. Regardless, he's our best bet of understanding our options."
"Our options?"
"We could absolutely drive. But, realistically, none of our vehicles are modern enough to withstand the round-trip."
"Excuse you, Rocinante is in EXCELLENT condition."
"You'd like to fit us ALL in the Mercedes for weeks?"
"Absolutely not. Besides, I hope to give the car to Henry some day."
"Maybe we could talk to Belle, too?" Snow adds, "she's skilled in research and could perhaps help Mr. Gold find a solution."
"Snow, that's brilliant! We should call her!"
"Better yet!" I say proudly before snapping my fingers.
"Thank you for helping me with this research, Rumple. I appreciate it."
"Of course, Belle. I feel more balanced since the New Era..."
"How so?"
"I don't think I want power any longer... I just feel like maybe it's time."
"Time for what?"
"To find The Guardian."
"Y-You're serious?"
"Perhaps it's time we take that trip we've talked about for many, many years."
Suddenly, we're swept away in a plume of pink smoke; transported to the Manor of Mifflin Street.
"W-What the hell?" Rumple gasps, surveying our surroundings, "Regina?"
"Sorry, Rumple. Catch you off guard?"
"No, dearie. Impressive! The New Era is treating you well, I see."
"Thank you. Look, we need your help."
"Well, we're planning to travel. And-"
"Ah, planning to travel? Interesting. Belle and I were planning a trip ourselves."
"Oh? Where to?" Snow asks.
"You're going to find The Guardian, aren't you?" Emma says.
"H-How did you-?"
"The Guardian?! Are you serious?" I exclaim.
"Oh, shit. Did I just read your mind? I think I just read your mind." Emma says in shock.
"Rumple! Why the hell would you want to find the Guardian, unless..."
"Unless, I choose to finally cleave myself from the dagger and transfer the power to the one being on Earth meant to wield it."
"You'd be mortal."
"I know."
"You'd die someday."
"I know... who I am now cannot bear to carry on with this burden, Regina. I'm tired of causing pain."
"Then help us find joy! We've both dealt in magical transporting, right?"
"Portals to other realms are not possible but what if we could create a portal to travel in this realm?"
"Through magic alone? No." He quips.
"What he means is that we could make it happen with science, too." Belle adds, "we could anchor the portal here in Storybrooke."
"Seriously?" Emma adds, "Belle, you really are brilliant."
"There is one thing..." Gold adds, "care to make a deal?"
"Ah, still doling out deals, I see? And, here we thought you'd changed..." I snipe at him.
"Look, I'm kidding. But, could we...?"
"Go with us?"
"You really are trying to find The Guardian, aren't you?"
"Yes. I... I no longer wish to be a threat to anyone. I'm so tired. If I limp for the rest of my natural life, I'm fine with that."
"How could you be a threat?"
"The prophecy states that a battle is coming. I do not wish to have my power manipulated to aide in an end game I want no part of."
"That's fair..." Emma concludes, "Do we have a deal?"
"Indeed we do, dearie."
"Wonderful..." Belle sighs happily, "the night is young. Whaddya say we pour some wine and get started?"
"Hon, it's like, midnight..." Ruby adds.
"Past your bedtime, Wolfie?" I can hear the sarcasm in my voice, Red simply laughs.
"Not at all! But, if we're planning to pour more wine, I'm planning to go into the Queen's kitchen and make a snack. Charcuterie, anyone?"

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