PITBABE: Sinister Cohorts

By anonymous_donor

1K 56 56

Pitbabe PeteWay....KentaKim.....WinnerDean......NorthSonic. ( I'm using bottoms as girls, I hope no one is un... More

Morning Chaos and Sibling Love
Racing Rivalry: Banter & Victory

Darkened Horizons: Turbulent Echoes.

220 13 3
By anonymous_donor

As the evening descended, casting long shadows across the sleek surfaces of the city, the members of the dark group converged at their clandestine base.

Nestled within the heart of the urban jungle, the base provided a sanctuary for their covert operations, shielded from prying eyes and eager ears.

Kim, with her characteristic swagger and mischievous grin, wasted no time in teasing Pete about his newfound status as the heir to his family's fortune.

"Well, well, well, look who's suddenly rolling in dough," she taunted, her tone laced with playful sarcasm. "Does this mean you'll be treating us to caviar and champagne from now on, phi Pete?"

Pete, unfazed by Kim's jests, shot back with a wry smile of his own. "Sorry to burst your bubble, Kim, but I'm afraid my tastes are a bit more refined than that," he replied, his voice dripping with mock sophistication. "But perhaps I'll consider upgrading our usual takeout to something a tad more gourmet."

Winner and North, intrigued by Pete's sudden change in fortune, leaned in to hear the details of his unexpected windfall.

"So, spill the beans, Pete. How did this happen all of a sudden?" Winner asked, his curiosity piqued.

Pete took a moment to compose himself before launching into the tale of his recent encounter with his father.

"Well, you see, it all started when my dear old dad decided it was time for me to step up and take on a more prominent role in the family business," he explained, his expression betraying a mixture of amusement and incredulity.

As Pete recounted the events that led to his unexpected promotion within the family hierarchy, the group exchanged knowing glances and raised eyebrows.

Kim, never one to miss an opportunity for a witty remark, interjected with a sly grin. "Ah, so daddy dearest finally decided to pass the torch, huh? Looks like you've officially joined the ranks of the elite, Phi pete," she teased, her eyes dancing with mischief.

Pete chuckled in response, shaking his head in bemusement. "Trust me, Kim, there's nothing elite about dealing with my family's drama," he quipped, his tone tinged with affectionate exasperation.

As the banter continued to fill the air of their clandestine base, Kim seized the opportunity to tease Pete about his recent windfall.

"So, Mr. Richie Rich, now that you're swimming in cash, how about treating me to something special?" she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Pete, ever the gracious host, flashed a smile at Kim's suggestion. "Well, Kim, I was actually thinking of throwing a little party to celebrate," he replied, his tone tinged with excitement. "Consider it my treat to the best team a guy could ask for."

But Kim, never one to miss a beat, raised an eyebrow in mock disbelief. "A party, Phi? How predictable, I already planned one for you" she teased, her lips curling into a playful smirk. "I was hoping for something a bit more... shall we say, extravagant?"

Pete chuckled at Kim's audacious request, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Extravagant, huh? Well, I suppose I could be persuaded to indulge your whims," he mused, already thinking of ways to outdo himself.

But Kim wasn't finished yet. "Oh, and Phi pete," she added, her tone dripping with mischief, "since you're the richest among us now, I fully expect you to treat me for the rest of our lives. Limited edition everything, of course."

The rest of the group erupted into laughter at Kim's cheeky demand, unable to contain their amusement at her boldness.

Pete, though taken aback by Kim's request, couldn't help but admire her audacity. "You drive a hard bargain, Kim," he admitted with a grin. "But if anyone can keep me on my toes, it's you."

And so, with laughter ringing in their ears and a sense of camaraderie binding them together, the friends settled in for another night of mischief and mayhem.

As Kim boldly laid out her demands for a lifetime of indulgence from Pete, North and Winner couldn't help but join in the chaotic banter.

"Well, if Pete's going to be treating you to limited editions for the rest of your life, then I think it's only fair that he treats us too," North declared with a smirk, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Winner, always quick-witted and sharp, saw an opportunity to playfully push Pete's buttons. "Indeed," he agreed, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"I think I'll take a lifetime supply of cutting-edge computer equipment. After all, a guy's gotta have the latest tech to work his magic, right Pete?"

Pete couldn't help but chuckle at Winner's cheeky request, shaking his head in amusement. "You too drive a hard bargain, Winner," he replied with a wry smile. "But if anyone deserves the finest computer gear, it's you."

Meanwhile, North had his own ideas about what he wanted from Pete's newfound wealth. "And as for me," he interjected, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I'll take a collection of the fastest and most powerful racing bikes money can buy. You know, something to match my unparalleled skills on the track."

Kim, thoroughly entertained by the exchange, couldn't resist adding her own two cents. "Well, Pete, it looks like you've got your work cut out for you," she teased, a playful smirk playing on her lips. "But don't worry, I have every confidence in your ability to keep us all happy."

As Kim, North, and Winner laid out their demands, Pete couldn't help but respond with his trademark dry sarcasm.

"Ah, yes, of course," he remarked with a deadpan expression, his tone laced with irony. "Because clearly, we're all just a bunch of paupers scraping by in this dark and dreary world."

Kim and the others couldn't help but laugh at Pete's sardonic retort, knowing full well that he was just playing along with their banter.

"Oh, come on, Phi," Kim teased, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You know we only expect the best from you now that you're the richest man among us."

Pete raised an eyebrow in mock disbelief, his lips quirking into a wry smile. "Well, aren't I lucky to have such demanding friends?" he quipped, his sarcasm dripping with dry wit.

"I suppose I'll just have to find a way to scrape together a few pennies to satisfy your lofty demands."

The group erupted into laughter at Pete's sarcastic response, the tension of their playful banter melting away in the warmth of their camaraderie.

For in their world, where danger lurked around every corner, it was moments like these - filled with laughter and sarcasm - that reminded them of the strength of their bond and the power of their friendship.

Somewhere in the dimly lit confines of the kitchen, a heavy atmosphere hung like a suffocating blanket. A slender figure, shoulders slumped and eyes downcast, stood before a woman whose voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade.

The figure flinched at each harsh word, her body tensing as if bracing for the inevitable onslaught.

"You worthless girl," the woman spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You're nothing but a burden, a stain on this family."

The figure remained silent, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of her step mother's relentless barrage. With each cruel word, her heart ached, but she dared not speak up, for fear of inviting further wrath upon herself.

Her step mother's anger knew no bounds, her hands lashing out with a violence that left bruises upon the figure's fragile skin.

Each blow was like a dagger to her already wounded soul, but still, she bore the pain in silence, her tears a silent testament to her suffering.

"And what good are you, Dean?" her step mother scolded, her voice filled with scorn. "You think you'll ever amount to anything? Going to college is a waste of money, a waste of time. You'll never make anything of yourself."

Dean's heart sank at her mother's words, the weight of her disapproval crushing down upon her like a ton of bricks.

She longed to defend herself, to plead for a chance at a better life, but the words died on her lips, swallowed up by the darkness of her despair.

And so, as her step mother's curses and scoldings echoed off the walls, Dean stood alone in her pain, a silent witness to the cruelty of her existence.

In that moment, she knew that no amount of pleading or reasoning would ever change her step mother's mind. All she could do was endure, her tears a silent offering to the gods of a world that had long since turned its back on her.

While on the other side, in the midst of the bustling classroom, Sonic sat attentively at her desk, her pen poised over her notebook as she eagerly listened to the teacher's lecture. The hum of chatter filled the air, punctuated by the occasional rustle of paper or scrape of a chair.

But then, without warning, a sharp pain shot through Sonic's head, causing her to wince in discomfort. She instinctively reached up to touch her temple, her fingers coming away wet with blood. Panic surged within her as she realized her nose was bleeding.

"Are you alright, Sonic?" the teacher's voice cut through the haze of pain, concern evident in her tone.

Sonic nodded weakly, her head throbbing with each beat of her heart. "I-I think so," she stammered, trying to remain composed despite the pain.

The classroom fell silent as all eyes turned to Sonic, their gazes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Some of her classmates whispered amongst themselves, while others watched on in silent sympathy.

Sonic felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, her cheeks flushing crimson with shame. She hated being the center of attention, especially when she felt so vulnerable.

"Would you like to go to the nurse's office?" the teacher asked, her voice gentle but firm.

Sonic hesitated, torn between the desire to seek help and the fear of drawing even more attention to herself. But as the pain in her head intensified, she knew she had no choice but to relent.

"Yes, please," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a sympathetic nod, the teacher signaled for Sonic to gather her belongings, offering her a reassuring smile as she made her way to the door.

As Sonic slipped out of the classroom, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air, wondering what had caused her sudden bout of pain and whether it would happen again.



Name: Dean Windsor

Age: 20

Appearance: Dean possesses a delicate frame and soulful brown eyes that once sparkled with cheerfulness but now bear the weight of silent suffering. Her black hair, once vibrant and full of life, now hangs limp around her shoulders, a visual testament to the toll of her stepmother's cruelty.

Family: Born into a family marked by tragedy, Dean lost her mother at a young age and was left in the care of her workaholic father and a stepmother whose cruelty intensified over time.

Personality: Dean's transformation from a soft, cheerful young woman to a numb and silent figure is a heartbreaking testament to the impact of her stepmother's cruelty. Though she once radiated warmth and kindness, she now retreats into herself, shielding her fragile heart from further pain.

Course: Despite her desire to pursue higher education, Dean's dreams have been crushed by her stepmother's relentless torment. Denied the opportunity to attend college, she finds solace in the quiet corners of her own mind, where she seeks refuge from the chaos of her reality.

Hey sweet peeps❤
I hope you guys like this episode.
I know it's not so good but I hope it's worth ur time to read
Please do support🥺
Drop votes and comments
I really need them❣️
Please take care of yourself Precious souls💖
See ya

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