not falling apart ≫ fob + 5sos

By thnksfrthlrh

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when you cry, i'll be right there telling you, you were never anything less than beautiful ll copyright 2014 More

not falling apart ≫ fob + 5sos
( preface ) what the hell
( one ) petra
( two ) amethyst
( three ) michael
( four ) patrick
( five ) luke
( six ) amethyst
( seven ) petra
( eight ) pete
( nine ) luke
( ten ) joe
( eleven ) amethyst
( twelve ) petra
( thirteen ) pete
( fourteen ) michael
( fifteen ) luke
( sixteen ) patrick
( seventeen ) joe
( eighteen ) petra
( twenty ) luke
( twenty-one ) pete
( twenty-two ) ashton
( twenty-three ) petra
( twenty-four ) luke
( twenty-five ) joe
note note

( nineteen ) amethyst

82 7 21
By thnksfrthlrh

"It still isn't fixed?" Joe spoke, shock evident in his features. The short, pudgy driver shook his head, wiping his hands on a previously white cloth.

"It needs a new spark plug, we can't fix it until the next stop."

Pete stepped forward, his previously wet hoodie now dry. "Can't you just call in a rental bus or something? There isn't enough bunks on the other bus for us to all sleep comfortably."

The driver shook his head once again. "It's really not my problem, but some of you will have to share or sleep on the floor."

"You swear there is nothing that can be done to fix this before we head out?" Andy questioned, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, the lenses scratched.

"'Fraid not. I'm terribly sorry, but the soonest we can get you on different buses again is when we reach the next major town."

The driver decided to no longer argue with us as he walked away with Pete glaring at his back.

"Don't tell me-" Patrick snipped.

"We have to be bunkies with the tweens for a night." I muttered.

Petra glared at me, refusing to uncover her arms, which were pale as can be as if they never saw the sun. She may be a year older than me, but she definitely didn't act like it.

Her brother still had his arm wrapped around her although she no longer needed the extra support. The mob was gone.

Patrick finally made his own way back, but he was clearly quite shaken up too.

"Aw, boys! Hear the news?" Pete spoke up, catching Calum's attention, "you get to room with us for an entire night!"

A groan escaped Calum's lips while Ashton yelled very loud, showing off his disapproval.

"We can handle it for one night," I heard Luke mutter to Petra. He seemed to want to convince himself more than Petra.

Michael's arm was no longer around Petra's small frame. In its place was Luke's arm.

"Get what you need for a night," Patrick told the band and I, walking up the steps into the bus.

I didn't really need much. Just a pair of clothes for tomorrow, my hairbrush, and toothbrush.

I made my way back towards the bunk area and I was surprised to see Pete Wentz shoving most of his stuff out of his bunk and into a black duffel bag.

"Do you really need that much stuff?" I asked him, quietly.

His head shot up in surprise. "Oh, it's you." He turned his body back to the bag. "And yes, I do need this much stuff. As you have noticed, I don't sleep."

"Doesn't mean you need to pack everything you own." I responded, climbing up the ladder to my bunk above his. I yanked my charger from the wall, dropping it into a white drawstring bag, the outside baring the logo of twenty one pilots in red.

"Yes, it does," he responded. "I need to somehow occupy my brain and I do that by using everything that I'm shoving in this bag, so please don't question me, please."


Sticking my hand under my pillow, I fished out a black sweatshirt, slipping it over my head to where it fit snugly around my frame.

"I still never believe you're his sister," Pete said, pointing to the hoodie I wore, which read TROHMAN across the back in bold white letters.

"Well, Peter," I said, smirking. "I am and that girl you seem obsessed with is still Michael Clifford's sister."

"Okay, one, don't call me by that, and two, I don't even like you, so why are you talking to me?"

"Whatever." I grumbled, my feet slamming to the ground. Pushing open the door that separates the cab from the bunks, I slid through it, and was welcomed by a gust of hot and humid air.

"You got everything you need, sis?" Joe asked. He was standing beside Patrick, who was staring into space absent minded.

I nodded, walking over to grab his hand as Andy came out into the hot air. His eye looked horrible and I wasn't surprised because Pete always wore boots.

"You guys can come in, it's, um, kind of hot outside, and you need to change." Ashton spoke quietly, his head cocked slightly to the side. Bracelets with logos from bands and bold words scattered his arms, his torso covered in a loose Ramones shirt, black sweatpants on his legs, his hair damp and unstyled.

"Okay," Joe responded. I followed him up the stairs to Five Seconds of Summer's bus with Andy following us. I felt quite uncomfortable as I saw Petra spread out onto the black leather couch. Her arms were now covered up with a dark colored hoodie that possibly belonged to Luke, who was nowhere in sight.

The hood was pulled up over her head, hiding her face from my view.

"You guys can keep your stuff in here for now, we can sort out sleeping arrangements later on." Calum directed at my brother, Andy, and I, laying my bag down beside Joe's.

"Thank you," Andy muttered, quietly.

He always had to be the polite one out of the bunch aside from Mr. Patrick Stump.

Calum nodded in acknowledgement as Petra shifted on the couch, her eyes meeting mine, her arm resting on her forehead.

"Welcome to our humble abode," she muttered. "We are not responsible for any nudity or inappropriate things you witness here."

I laughed slightly, pushing my hand through my brown hair, "Hoping I don't witness any of that, don't prefer to see any dicks."

"Well, I find that remotely offensive." Michael snipped, leaning against the wall, a smirk across his lips, "I think you should be honored to witness any nudity around here, we are pretty impressive, ya know."

I raised my eyebrows at the green haired boy. "Impressive? I walked in on Pete Wentz naked before."

"I bet that's impressive," Petra mumbled into her hoodie sleeve.

"Not when you see it often, it's loses it's dazzle." I remarked.

Throwing his bag down with a thud, the many items shoved inside hitting the ground loudly, Pete shuffled in behind Patrick, rolling his eyes, "You and the entire human population who have seen it multiple times and will continue to, considering it's all over the world wide web for teenage eyes."

Petra's arm fall away from her forehead, a light smirk on her face. "Who's fault is that? Since it will never go away, embrace it."

Pete gave her his signature smirk before crossing his arms. "How would you like it if your boobs were exposed all over the Internet?"

"Do not talk about those," Michael snapped at him.

Petra shrugged. "Hayley Williams' nudes were released and she's alright. Most people don't know about it."

"Yeah and so were Calum's, but that's because he's a horny son of a bitch who can't control himself," Luke spoke, nodding in the direction of us as he strode into the room, sitting at the end of the couch beside Petra's feet.

Petra stretched her feet out, resting them on his lap. A small smile formed on Luke's features.

"Thank goodness I don't really hang out with him alone," Petra remarked, "he basically gets boners every time he sees me."

Calum's face turned bright red, causing Michael to chuckle.

Looking around the room, Luke's eyes widened and he bit down onto his lip ring, moving the metal hoop between his teeth, "I need a shot."

From where he still stood, Andy burst into laughter, his eyes not leaving Luke. "Shots? You? What are you, like, eighteen?"

Luke's eyes filled with anger. "At least I actually drink," he retorted.

"Keep on bragging about that until you're not a stick anymore and all the beer goes to your belly." Andy rolled his eyes.

Luke scoffed, messing with Petra's feet. "That's never going to happen to me. I just like having a good time."

Andy shook his head at Joe and I. "And you need to drink to have a good time?"

"Hemmings I doubt you can even hold liquor down, bet you're too weak for it." Patrick stated, still standing, his bag in his hand.

"Fuck you."

"You're not even legal to drink, dumb ass." Pete snapped, his legs crossed where he at on the floor.

Petra nodded in agreement. "He's right, Luke. You may be legal back home, but you could really get in trouble here."

"We have alcohol on the bus, Petra, you do damn shots, no one is gonna care. We're famous, destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck." Ashton responded.

I'd never had alcohol in my system in my life. If I was to reach forward to even touch a shot glass, empty or filled, I'd be killed. Joe was totally against me even looking at alcohol and it was probably because he toured with Pete Wentz.

"I'm already destroyed," Petra muttered, shifting uncomfortable, her feet still in Luke's lap.

"Have you ever played a game with shots?" Calum questioned, laughing to himself.

Pete nodded, his face showing no emotion. "Yes, we have. We're rockers and plus, we've toured with Panic! at The Disco."

"Calum, you haven't even played a game with shots, all we drink around here is fucking beer." Luke stated, his head leaned back against the couch, his eyes closed, his nimble fingers toying with the laces on Petra's shoes.

Petra snuggled deeper into the hoodie, breathing out a sigh as Luke smiled slightly at her.

"Well, let's play one now," Ashton suggested.

Shaking his head, Joe responded to Ashton, running his hand down his face, shaking his head. "I am not watching a bunch of teenagers get wasted off their asses, no way, not happening."

Andy crossed his arms. "Let them do it, Joe. I won't be drinking, you won't be drinking a lot. Besides, it's not like they are going to drive afterwards."

I definitely wasn't used to Andrew John Hurley encouraging underage teenagers to drink.

"Let them feel the pain of being hung over tomorrow, not our fault when they forget the lyrics to their poppy boyband songs and knock over mic stands," Pete smirked, raising his eyebrows in Luke's direction, "right?"

Luke rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Wentz. It wouldn't be the first time."

Michael clapped his hands together, taking a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this then."

He looked at his half asleep sister, love clear in his eyes. "And you, Petra Clifford, may drink, but if you get really drunk I'm going to make sure Andy cuts you off, alright?"

Pushing her hood off of her head, she shook her hair. "Alright."

Leaning his elbow on my shoulder, Joe frowned, shaking his head, "I am not letting you engage in this game, alcohol sucks, you get addicted, it's not fun the day after."

I stared up at my older brother. "If alcohol sucks so much, why do you drink? I know you drink with Pete a lot. It's not fair, Joseph. Everybody gets to drink, but me."

"You're seventeen."

"Luke's eighteen, Petra's eighteen, and I might as well be eighteen. You get so drunk you can't even stand up, and you still have to take care of me. I've been around you when you drink the so called horrible stuff, I've seen the side effects, and I could care less." I huffed.

"I said no."

"Please, Joseph, please," I begged. "Let Andy cut me off like he's going to do to Petra."

I was using the puppy dog eyes on him. I was never proud when I used to them to get what I wanted, but my brother couldn't resist him no matter how hard he tried.

He sighed, heavily, looking at Andy. "You will cut her off? I'll probably be too drunk to notice her state."

Andy nodded as my brother turned back to me. "I'll let you drink this one time, Amethyst, but Andy knows all the signs. The moment you start acting abnormal, he's going to make you stop. I do not want you to be severely hungover in the morning."

"Let it begin." Ashton grinned.


"Okay, so this is how it's played," Joe slid a frosted glass across the black table, I shifted my weight on the black leather couch, shaped in a semi-circle around the middle table, grabbing the glass between my hands, "I'll say something such as, 'I have never been wasted before', if this is true for you, take a shot, if it's not, don't drink at all."

Everyone nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll go first," my brother said, tipping the bottle over the glasses, dribbles of the transparent liquid covering the table between them, "I have never broken a bone."

Ashton and Calum downed their glasses quickly along with Petra. I stared at the unfamiliar liquid before pouring it down my throat.

My throat burned as the liquid made its way down. Patrick grinned as his and Pete's glasses remained untouched in front of him.

"You took that one well," Luke told me. His glass was also full along with Michael's.

"It fucking burned." I gaged, and Luke chucked quietly.

Joe grinned at me before turning to Patrick. "It's your turn, Pattycakes."

Patrick shyly looked down at his lap before clearing his throat. "I'm never comfortable with this game, but here goes nothing. "I have siblings."

He poured the liquid down this throat quickly followed by Pete and my own brother.

All empty glasses were put back down onto the table, Andy looking down at his lap, no glass in front of him.

"You don't have any siblings?" Michael questioned him, spinning his finger around on the inside of the empty shot glass.

"Just me." He replied.

Patrick pointed in the direction of him, nodding his head, "You go, straight edge. Just ask a question, don't worry about drinking the pesky alcohol."

"Never have I ever been hungover," he smirked.

I watched everyone slowly turn their eyes on me.

"Come on, little girl," Pete remarked, "you are the only one that can drink to this because Andrew has to be a very toned straight-edge."

Refilling the glass, I held it in the air, raising an eyebrow at Pete, "Cheers to the little girl." The vodka burned the skin on the inside of my throat, but not as badly as the first time I'd done it.

"Please do not get used to doing this," my brother told me. "This is the only time I'm allowing you to."

"Calum, your go." Andy spoke.

Shrugging his shoulders, he poured the content of the glass down his throat, "I have never been in love with my best friend."

His hand going ridged, his breath hitched in his throat, Luke looked at the crowd, making sure no one had caught is frozen actions. His hand shook violently as he emptied his glass, his face pale.


A/N: this is literally one of my most favorite chapters we have written, but at least it's a long chapter, right?

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