Love & Basketball 3

By pinkfuzz90

323 68 49

Navigates the highs and lows of both career and personal life. Glimpse into the world of professional sports... More

Chapter 1. Off-season
Chapter 2. Ohana
Chapter 3. Swamp in paradise
Chapter 4. Bliss vs Obstacles
Chapter 5. Homegame
Chapter 6. Away game
Chapter 7. No place like home
Chapter 9. Steadfast
Chapter 10. Jelly bean
Chapter 11. Life chanages
Chapter 12. Mid-spring
Chapter 13. Baby Season
Chapter 14. Making a start
Chapter 15. Early entrance

Chapter 8. Rooted with trust and loyalty

25 5 4
By pinkfuzz90

"I understand that it's part of the marketing strategy, but why must her pesky hands be on you?" I muttered with annoyance, watching as Jermaine appeared in a cologne commercial just before the basketball game starts.

"It's part of the scene, Nae," he replied.

"I don't like it," I muttered, reaching for the pickle jar on the coffee table. Lately, my pregnancy cravings had been intense, and pickles seemed to be the only thing that could satisfy them.

"You're being a little possessive, it's cute," he said with a charming smile, knowing that my annoyance with the commercial was just a momentary feeling. I rolled my eyes at his comment, knowing that his charm could always soften my mood.

I wasn't jealous, just protective of what was mine. It was natural for me to feel that way, especially with the added hormones from my pregnancy making me more emotional than usual.

As I popped a pickle into my mouth, he positioned my legs on his lap and began to affectionately give me a foot massage. I relaxed into his touch, feeling his strong hands massaging away the tension in my muscles.

"Technically you were the woman who was meant to be in commercial," Jermaine teased, referring to the fact that I had initially been offered the role in the commercial but had turned it down due to my pregnancy.

"I may have been the original choice, but still bugs me to see someone else in that position all over you," I admitted, taking another pickle from the jar. "Look at that smug look on her face, enjoying every moment of it."

He chuckled, somewhat enjoying my moment of territorial. He pulls me in for a deep kiss. "These pregnancy hormones got you raging with territorial, huh?" he teased.

I couldn't help but smile as he continued to tease me, his words lightening the mood. "Hey, you know what they say, a pregnant woman is a force to be reckoned with."

He laughed, pulling me closer to him on the couch. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I like this feisty side of you. It's turning me on."

"Good, because I'm turned on by you being turned on," I teased.

Just as I was about to pull his t-shirt off, the doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting anyone, but he clearly was with a guilty look on his face.

I glared at him. "That better not be your homeboys."

"Sorry, babe, I double-booked. I haven't catch up with them since I've been back from away game," he mentioned.

"Fine, go entertain your friends. It's not like I was looking forward to spending time with my husband or anything," I sarcastically remarked. He gave me a quick kiss before heading to the door, promising to make it up to me later.

As they entered the house I greeted them. They were three close friends of Jermaine who knew him before he was a professional basketball player. Despite my initial annoyance, I couldn't help but enjoy the banter and laughter that filled the room as they caught up on old times and shared jokes.


"Typically men characteristic. Supposedly plan to give you their full undivided attention, yet meanwhile they arrange other plans..." I trailed off to Whitely and Evie as we met up for brunch.

They both agreed, having experienced similar situations. We all laughed at the irony of men always managing to create these unplanned distractions at the most inconvenient times.

Whitely chimed in, "I gave Isaac the silent treatment for a whole day after he did that to me last month. Okay so yeah being pregnant makes us women more needy, but so what? Deal with it," she declared, taking a sip of her mimosa.

"Yea I must admit, I'm more clingy towards Jermaine since getting pregnant too," I commented. "But I think secretly he loves it. It's like he gets a kick out of being the center of my attention, even if it means dealing with my occasional mood swings and possessiveness," I added with a chuckle.

Evie nodded in agreement, "Men do seem to thrive on being the object of our affection, even if it comes with some extra drama and intensity."

"Speaking of men. Are you looking forward in your Bahamas vacation with Dan?" I asked Evie.

Evie's eyes lit up at the mention of her upcoming vacation. "Oh, absolutely. I can't wait to relax on the beach and enjoy some quality time with him."

Whitely raised her mimosa glass in a toast. "Here's to Evie romantic vacations and men who hopefully don't double-book their plans!"

We all laughed and clinked our glasses together, savoring the moment of our friendship.


I was in the living room discussing upcoming basketball practices over the phone with Coach John when Renae playfully approached me and provocatively removed her robe, revealing a new lingerie set she had bought. She strutted around the room, flaunting her new outfit, while I tried to focus on the conversation at hand.

She continued her teasing, causing me to stumble over my words and lose my train of thought. Coach John, unaware of the distraction I was facing, continued to discuss the importance of drills and strategies for the upcoming practices.

She moved closer, knowing full well the effect she was having on me. It was a testament to her confidence and charisma that she could make me feel both flustered and intrigued at the same time. She then stopped her teasing and gracefully draped her robe back on, giving me a sly wink before sauntering off back upstairs.

After I hung up the phone with Coach John, I made my way upstairs to find her. As I entered our bedroom, I found her waiting for me with a mischievous smile, knowing that she had captured my attention.

"Is it hot in here or is it just me?" She taunt, her allure figure in bed.

"It's pretty hot, and it certainly ain't the heat," I smirked.

As I was about to join her in bed, she sassily held her hand, stopping me. "Armchair, mister," she tells me, gesturing to the armchair inside our bedroom.

I playfully obeyed, knowing that she had something up her sleeve. She sauntered over, teasing me with her every move. As she stood in front of me, she slowly began to dance, moving to the jazz music, playing in the background. Her movements were smooth and intoxicating.

Her hands roamed over her body, tracing the curves of her silhouette and igniting a fire within me. I reached out towards her, but she playfully swatted my hand away, a coy smile playing on her lips. Her eyes locked with mine as she slowly removed each piece of her lingerie, revealing more of her tantalizing body with each movement.

The anticipation was nearly unbearable as she finally stood before me completely naked, a vision of beauty and desire. Without a word, she straddled my lap, pressing her soft body against mine. Our connection was electric as she whispered seductively in my ear, her breath warm against my skin.

Her lips now brushing against mine in a tantalizing kiss. "Nae, you're killing me," I mumbled as she provokingly tells me to keep my hands at my side.

"I'm pretty sure you've been to enough strip clubs in the past to know the rules. Why should this role be any different?" She sassed.

I chuckled out. "You're punishing me for the commercial and the double-booking aren't you?"

"Maybe," she grinned, kissing my lips.

Two can play at that game, I thought, and sucked on her tongue, evoking a soft moan from her. Pulling back, I reached for her hand and positioned it between her legs. "Show me how you pleasure yourself when I'm not here."

Her cheek flustered, "Hey, I'm in control here," she sassed.

"Who's not so bold and daring now? Chicken," I jeered.

She burst into laughter. "Oh you are about to regret those words, baller."

Before I could respond, she completely caught me off guard, swiftly pulling a pair of our role play handcuffed from the side of the armchair where she had discreetly hid it, she used it and handcuffed my wrist.

"Who's the chicken now?" she taunted, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation, and I was enjoying every moment of it.

"I've got you where I want you," she playfully remarked.

I grinned, knowing I had no choice but to let her take charge. She dropped to her knees in front of me. Her hand flew to my sweatpants and boxers, tugging it down as she pulled my length out.

She bent her head and took me into her mouth, sucking deep and moaning around me. Words can't describe how sexy and erotic the moment was.

"Aah... Nae," I panted as she pulled on my length. She reached up to stroke as she sucked, her hand matching the demanding pace her lips and tongue had set.

She fixed her eyes on me and sucked deeper, my grunt got louder. My head pressed back against the armchair, my wrist still cuff behind me. Before you know it, I climax, surging into her mouth and groaning loudly as I bucked against her.

She continued to draw on me gently, laving his it with her tongue and pressing soft kisses to the head as I shuddered and shook against her. She sat back on her heels and smiled, "My work here is done."

"God, Nae, that was incredibly sexy," I breathed out.

When she removed the handcuffed, I wasted no time scooping her up and carried her over to our bed.


The following week

Today Jermaine and I were ready to start stocking up on baby essentials. After a hearty breakfast to start our day off, we were both eager to embark on our very first baby shopping trip.

As we walked through the aisles of baby products, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the choices available. There were so many different types of cribs and strollers, each with their own unique features and benefits. I found myself, reading reviews, and asking the sales associates for their recommendations.

"Jer, this crib is adorable. Do you think we should go with this one or the one with the changing table attached? And what about the stroller? Should we get the one that converts into a car seat as well?" I rambled on.

Jermaine chuckled, "Babe, calm down. We still have plenty of time to decide on everything. Let's focus on getting the basics for now and we can always come back for more once we know the gender of the baby."

I rolled my eyes, "You just don't want me to get drawn to the pink adorable stuff because you're hoping it's a boy," I jeered, giving him a playful nudge.

He laughed, "You know I'll be happy either way, babe," I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Honey, your laidback demeanor is great, let's hope you have that same manner during my labor," I sassed.

"I'll be cool as a cucumber," he boasted, his grin widening.

As we continued our shopping, I couldn't help but imagine what our little one would be like. Would they have Jermaine's basketball skills or my creative skills? Would they have my curly hair or Jermaine's dimples? I smiled at the thought. The possibilities were endless.

We wandered through the aisles, picking out the essentials like onesies, diapers, and bottles. It was such a surreal feeling to be buying these items. After much deliberation, we finally settled on a crib, stroller, and car seat that we both agreed on.

We also picked out a few gender-neutral outfits and some cute accessories for the nursery. Even though we don't know the gender of our baby yet, it was still exciting to start preparing.

Being that I'm overseeing the salon during my pregnancy, I had to make sure everything was running smoothly. I spent the rest of the afternoon scheduling appointments for clients and checking in with my employees. As the day came to a close, Jermaine picked me up from the salon and we headed out to have dinner with Keshia and Travis.

In consideration of Keshia's infertility struggles, I had still refrained from disclosing my pregnancy, as the subject is sensitive. During their contemplation of adoption, I recounted the story of Kayla that Jermaine and I heard while on vacationing in Hawaii. I mentioned, perhaps they could consider adopting her.

They were both keen on the idea and we spent the evening discussing the possibility of expanding their family through adoption. It was wonderful to see them so excited about the prospect and I felt grateful that I could help in anyway I could.


Following an intense homegame against Miami, our team emerged victorious. Subsequently, in the locker room amidst the excitement of the triumph, the conversation revolved around Teyana, the emerging actress with whom I recently collaborated on a cologne commercial.

Mason, with a playful grin, turned the discussion towards me. "I understand that Renae typically carries herself with grace and composure, but witnessing Teyana courtside today, enthusiastically cheering you on in light of the aired commercial, must have caused some tension."

I dismissed the insinuation, stating, "She was cheering for the whole team. My life is no Drama zone. Y'all ain't about to stir unnecessary stuff up," I uttered, packing my gym bag.

"Word on the street is she's moving to San Diego," Dillion chimed in. "She ain't got no ring on her finger, might shoot my shot."

Romeo chimed in. "Some of y'all are so predictable. New chick on the scene and y'all ready to pounce, without taking the time to actually get to know her. Let the girl breathe, damn. Maybe she just wants to focus on her career without all the distractions."

"Romeo speaking facts," I commented with a chuckle.

Dillion commented, "Y'all need to leave the conversation for us youths who aren't married and still living life to the fullest."

As the conversation continued, the mood lightened and we all shared a few laughs.

The world of professional sports may be fast-paced, but the foundation of love and trust that Renae and I had built together was the anchor that kept me grounded in the midst of being in the spotlight. I know the importance of focusing on my talent and not getting caught up in drama. She was a supportive and understanding wife, and I knew she trusted me to handle any situation that came my way with integrity and respect.

I grabbed my stuff and left the locker room to meet Renae in the players lounge, only to then come across Teyana who was chatting to my manager. She signaled me over. I made small talk then leave, but then got stop by Shelly on my way. Shelly works along side the players, promotions etc, but she's one of those women who finds themselves in everyone's business.

"The less you find yourself around that chick, the better. She likes the spotlight. I see the way she looked at you. Married or not, she wants you," Shelly warned me, a serious look on her face.

"Only a homewrecker would try to come between me and Renae. My marriage is my top priority and I would never let anyone jeopardize that. I appreciate the concern, but I ain't the one to get sidetracked."

Shelly nodded in understanding before I excused myself to find Renae. When I entered the players lounge, she was surrounded by some of the other player's wives, laughing and chatting comfortably.

She greeted me and gave me a warm hug. We aren't one for PDA, but I felt like I needed to in that moment. I leaned down and captured her lips with a deep kiss before sitting down next to her.

"Hey, great game tonight," she smiled, her eyes filled with admiration.

"It was a tough one but we pulled through in the end," I replied, wrapping an arm around her.

We chatted with the other players and wives, sharing stories and jokes about the game. 


Couple hours later...

Later that evening, as Renae and I were preparing for bed, she brought up the subject of Teyana.

"So Shelly randomly said to me I would have been the better choice for the commercial."

"Shelly is a gossip queen, always looking for any bit of information to stir things up. Don't get caught up in it," I muttered.

"I don't, but it just makes me wonder why she felt the need to bring that up," Renae pondered, brushing her hair out.

"There's clearly some tension between them. They used to work together at the same company before Teyana started her acting career," I pointed out while finishing brushing my teeth.

"Regardless of their issues, I do not want to be dragged into any drama simply because she is in a commercial with you," Renae expressed, securing her hair in a bun.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind, and murmured against her neck. "Keep it out, I want to pull on it tonight," I playfully told her.

She laughed out loud, leaning back into my embrace. "As you wish. But before all that hot stuff, my pregnancy cravings have kicked in and I would like some ice cream."

I kissed her cheek before heading to the kitchen to retrieve her favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream.


Being in the spotlight, people will always want to stir things up.
However, you do have some women who will go for what they want rather a man is married or not🤦🏾‍♀️
But Jermaine is rooted and grounded in his marriage, them broad won't get far💯 

Renae pregnancy hormones kicking in😂

Travis and Keshia looking into adoption📋

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