A Scent of Chaos | ONC 2024

By -DeeIsDead-

529 186 896

| ᴏɴᴄ 2024 ꜱʜᴏʀᴛʟɪꜱᴛᴇʀ ​| ❝ ᴀ ᴍᴇʀᴇ ꜱᴘʀᴀʏ ɪꜱ ᴀʟʟ ɪᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ. ❞ All Elvira Grythras has ever wanted is to climb t... More

Pronunciation Guide
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Author's Note
Continue The Series!

Chapter Seven

21 9 37
By -DeeIsDead-

The housing district of the Kingdom of Yuris' largest city was the canvas of an artist who was likely insane. Each building was a different colour and size, unique features making each home stand out from the others. One had a domed roof with golden stars painted on the top to act as a personal night sky, another had faux coral climbing the exterior, and my favourite to walk past on the way to work was one that had chocolate treats hung around the fence and door. Whether they were real was a different question entirely.

Puddles of water were scattered across the cobbled ground, the remains of the rain which must have fallen while I was unconscious.

A pair of guards followed close behind us, pretending once more that they weren't associated with us and were simply on a walk through Yuris. This was the first time I had ever been walked home by someone and it was with royalty and escorted by soldiers ready to defend us.

"You're a prince," I said aloud.

Corvin raised a brow. "Is the realisation only just settling in?"

It was. Even if he wasn't entitled to the throne or crown, he gave up his life of castles and riches to work in an apprentice-filled emporium. Resources were based on a first-come, first-served system and equipment often had to be permanently borrowed from other workshops. I doubted he had any of those troubles before.

"Perhaps. Why did you become a perfumer?" I stepped over a loose stone that was sure to trip an unsuspecting person over. "There are so many other careers that you could have chosen instead."

"You make it sound like you didn't want this career yourself," he pointed out. "My mother is an avid admirer of magical perfumes. After she got left by the King, finding out she was only a mere hook up and a random woman that could easily be replaced in his life, they were one of the only things that made her smile. I wanted to be a part of that and make her smile too."

There were a myriad of questions building in my head about different aspects of his life. His family, his parents, the details of what happened with his lineage. I didn't want to ask them in case it was too improper or invasive.

"That's very noble and sweet of you." The image of a young Corvin offering a perfume he made to his mother passed through my mind. It made the corners of my mouth twitch upward. "Have they made her smile?"

"They have indeed." The Head Perfumer grinned at his fond memories, being pulled away in a trance of the past. "What about you? Why did you start making perfumes of all things?"

I shrugged. "It's not as fancy or heroic of a reason as yours."

"I still want to hear it." He quickened his pace and turned around so he could face me as he walked, making sure I couldn't divert my attention anywhere else. "I would like to hear all about your life."

"I started because I wanted to be good at something, to succeed and be the best at any sort of craft." My dark eyes searched his for any sign of disgust or confusion, but all I found was curiosity waiting for a further explanation. "When I discovered I could steal magic from the air and imbue it into other things, I researched what it could be used for and perfume sounded like the most exciting thing to a seven-year-old girl. I practised every day because I wanted my parents to be proud of me and that's how I ended up here."

"And are they proud?" Corvin returned to walking normally as we passed a group of people, finding himself close to my side.

I managed a weak smile as I shook my head. "They never paid much notice to what I was doing as they were always too busy with their own jobs and lives. I moved out as soon as I could and I haven't seen them since."

The only reason I was lucky enough to be able to afford to move out by myself was because I caught the eye of some upper-class clients. They didn't mind paying extra for my scents so I could save that money for a house.

Corvin's features scrunched with anger until his hand found mine. His fingers laced, weaving until they locked together, and then he squeezed reassuringly. "From what I've seen, you're doing amazing and that's definitely something to be proud of."

"Thank you." I kept my eyes trained on the lines dividing each piece of stone that made up the ground, unable to meet his gaze. My cheeks heated so much that they could have scolded someone with a mere touch. "What is it like working in the castle compared to the emporium?" I asked, changing the subject so I wouldn't burst into flames. "Surely you would have more space and quiet than you would at Velux."

"I could have all the quiet I want if it wasn't for you barging in," he teased. Corvin let go of my hand, just realising he was still holding it tightly. "It's better in some ways and worse in others. At the castle, I had much more equipment and expensive ingredients to hand with a snap of my fingers. However, I was pestered by maids, guards, and all sorts of people. My father would berate me about my mother at random times too. No matter how often I changed the locks and kept one key all to myself, he always found a way inside.

"At the emporium, I can be who I want. The freedom I want is within constant reach. Yes, there's less space, but I'm not scrutinised and-" Corvin wrapped his arm around my shoulders and steered me around a large puddle that had formed in a dip of the cobbles. It had swelled so big it could have been the beginnings of a lake. "Careful."

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's okay." He patted my shoulder before letting go. "I can't remember where I was now," he continued with a sigh.

"Something along the lines of you can be your annoying self and pester others when you please at the emporium," I offered.

Corvin chuckled. "Now, that doesn't sound right." He elbowed me gently, a warning nudge toward the water he had diverted me from.

"His Highness has the freedom to make any perfume he desires now," I kept going, making sure I was an unreachable distance from the Head Perfumer.

"Please, don't start calling me that." He rolled his eyes at the title, discomfort settling in his posture. "I want to leave all the royalty nonsense behind."

"Oh? You don't like it? That just makes me all the more tempted to use it." I smirked, being careful not to step on the edge of the puddle.

Corvin shook his head in dismay. "Next time, I'll let the puddle swallow you whole."

We didn't have much of the walk left until we reached my home. There were only a few turns and we would be standing right in front of it. Normally, the journey would take me the better part of an hour, but with Corvin to keep me company the time had flown by.

"We need to focus on the perfume or we'll never finish it on time. Really, we only have two days left of our remaining four since we have to get the perfume tested and approved. That leaves us with hardly anything." Spending a whole day in the infirmary had shortened the already limited time we had. It was going to be a close call if we were going to create something as magical as he planned.

"I have a faster way to get it approved, so it should only take about a day," he replied with a wink. "Let's just say I haven't left every part of my royal status behind." I was grateful for that. It only lowered the rising tide of my stress by a small sliver, but it was better than nothing.

"Being royalty does have its perks."

"I find this situation to be rather amusing. It was only the other day that you stormed into the workshop with nothing but pure hatred for me and now you seem to like me." Corvin looked to the sky, admiring the clouds which were starting to turn a pale pink with the setting sun.

"Like is a strong word," I scoffed. "I would use tolerate and very sparingly."

Did I like him? This deal was just so I could get the workshop at the end of it. I had to admit being in his presence wasn't as bad as I had expected and he also managed to make an uncontrollable smile grow on my face. He was also kind and caring in a way that nobody had shown me before. Corvin made my heart flutter when he looked into my eyes longer than he should.

Perhaps tolerate wasn't the correct word after all.

"Yeah, yeah. You can tell yourself that if it will make you feel better." We turned the final corner of our journey and our paces slowed. "My charms are too good to not be liked."

I came to a stop outside the first building, turning to face him as I stood before the front steps. "Well, this is my home."

It was a small house — the smallest on the street — but I still loved everything about it. From the faded ochre exterior walls, to the metal gate with a floral, spiral pattern. This was what I was happy to call home. There was a round plot outside of the front that the previous owners had kept thriving with flowers from several different kingdoms, but I hadn't had the time to continue that legacy. If I ever got the time to myself when I wasn't busying myself with new perfume ideas, the garden would be the first thing I attempted to start up.

"This place gets pretty busy later with people coming home from work," I began. "I don't recommend you hide out the front just yet if you plan to keep an eye on me."

"Noted." Corvin feigned a thinking pose as he scanned the area. "I reckon I could hide behind that plant pot there. It has a great angle of your front window."

"If you get caught, you're on your own." I held my hands up in defence, flashing him a grin. "Thank you for walking me home."

"The pleasure was all mine." He tucked his hands into his pockets.

"Would you like to come inside? I haven't got much, but I can offer you some tea and biscuits as a proper form of appreciation for helping me today." It wasn't often I had guests over — in fact, I don't think I had ever brought someone home. I was sure I had some sort of drink and snack to provide.

Corvin's eyes widened and he stared at the ground, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. "Unfortunately, I have some things to take care of back at the emporium. Besides, there's no need to give me anything. I'm just doing what anyone with a head on their shoulders should."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." I gave him a little wave as I climbed the front steps.

"Not too early!" He called back as he started to walk back down the street. "You need to rest!"

When the Head Perfumer rounded the corner, I reached into my pocket for my keys with an infectious smile. Perhaps I did like Corvin Pethra.

Chapter Word Count: 1,933
Total Word Count: 12,736

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