
By tioluwa_nimmy

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Rachel Brown lost all connection to spirituality the day her brother died and her mother became a victim of p... More

1-The Voice
2-Haunting Guilt
3-Suspicious Acquaintance
4-Forced Decision
6-Forgotten Memories
7-Silent evil
8-Two Opposites, Same Pod
10-The Overdose
12-The Instruction
13-Evasive Truth
14- Revealed Identity
15- A True Lie
16- Insistent Warning
17- Plague of Fear
18 - Darkness vs Light
19 - Fire and Bones
20 - Battle of the Mind
21 - Losing Control

11-Torment after Torment

35 9 6
By tioluwa_nimmy

"Here's what we'll do, Rachel. You'll take me to your room." Dad said. My throat constricted. My father didn't look at me as he spoke, reaching behind his neck to stretch, his usual habit when tired. "You'll take out every single pill of that medication, and we'll burn it all."

My heart dropped straight into my stomach. I could feel another headache springing up, accompanied by nausea.

Burn them? I basically survived on those pills! What would I do without them? How would I live... ?

"Get up, Rachel," dad ordered.

I wanted to beg him, to plead, but I kept my mouth shut. If I was going to at least try to fix this, then I had to drop Elavil once and for all. I tried to ignore the mounting fear in my stomach as I rose, but it was there, steadily increasing, weakening my knees.

Oh God... What would I do? How else was I meant to drown out Andrew's voice?!

Cackling filled my ears.

Drown me out? Please...
Like you ever succeeded in doing that.

It took a lot of effort to take the first step. Dad watched me, obviously sensing my distress, but he said nothing.

I wanted to sob. Did he not care anymore? Where was the dad that always held me whenever I had a panic attack? Had I finally killed whatever love had been left in him?

Someone help! Save me from this nightmare!

Every step was like lifting the stump of an age-old tree. I held on to the railings as we climbed the stairs, trying to still the trembling of my arms.

I stopped at the door to my room, dad standing right behind me, so close that I could feel his sharp breaths on my hair...

I pushed the door open and stepped in, walking over to my desk.

I stared right down at the table, my palms drifting over the surface. I closed my eyes and clenched my fists against the locker. Who was I kidding? I couldn't do this.

"Dad..." I choked out.

"The drugs, Rachel."

When I turned to face him, his hand was outstretched towards me, his expression stoic.

Hot wet tears rolled across my face as I stared at him.

" Dad. You don't understand. Please hear me out..." I started,my panic returning with full force.


My father remained unfazed. My tears poured hotter and with even more volume.

"Dad please..."

His jaw clenched.

"Rachel. You don't want me to ask a second time," he said in warning.

I shut my eyes tight, summoning all the courage and strength within me. I pulled open the drawer. My hands trembled as I reached for the two bottles. I hadn't even gotten the chance to touch the second one.

When I hesitated, dad reached over and took both the bottles, lingering a bit to make sure that was all.

"Is that all of it?" he asked me.

I managed a nod.

"Follow me," he said.

My entire body trembled as I watched the bottles in his hands. This was it. They were gone . Out of my grasp...

Dad led me outside the house, next to mum's flower garden. He dropped the bottles on the ground, then handed me a gas lighter.

"Burn them," he ordered.

My heart thundered so loud I could hear it. Why was he doing this to me?

Because you deserve it. Duh...

Dad's eyes showed no mercy. I instantly knew that no matter how much I begged him, he would not change his decision. I gulped.

I willed my hand to stop trembling, gripping the lighter so tight that it hurt. I remained standing there for several slow seconds, staring at the bottles. They had been the only things keeping me going, calming my nerves whenever I needed it the most. I couldn't destroy them. I just...

Dad snatched the gas lighter from my hands and opened the bottles, spilling out the blue circular pills, and then he did it. My father set them on fire!

I could only stare in disbelieving shock as the pills blackened.

He had actually done it...

I'm not sure how long I stood there after dad left, but the next thing I remember is hearing mum's voice.

"Rachel dear," she said.

I turned ever so slowly. Ms Janet stood behind her, guiding her wheelchair. The disapproving look the nurse gave me made my guilt compound.

"Mum" I forced the single word out. "Mum, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to end up like this. I..."

"No Rachel. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Her lips trembled as she said the words.

" Mum no. Please." I crouched before her. "Please don't cry. I'll make up for this. I promise. So please, don't cry."

Tears slid across her face as she stared into my eyes. Tears welled in mine too. She shouldn't cry. It could get bad for her. I reached up with trembling hands and cupped her face, wiping her tears desperately.

"Mum please. Don't worry yourself. I'm fine," I assured.

Her tears fell with even more intensity.

"Rachel. I'm so weak. I can't even do anything to help my own daughter," she said. I didn't know what to say anymore. I wrapped my arms around her neck and tried not to sob. What was I doing... ?

"No mum. It's me. I'm the problem. I'll fix it."

Damn right. You are the problem. Once you're out of the picture, it'll all be over, and everything will go back to normal...

I degraded into a mess of tears.

"Mum. I'm sorry..."

"I think you should go back..." Ms Janet started.

And then it happened...

The labored breathing, the increased stiffness of her body, the racing heartbeat... I could feel it all with how close I was to her...

Panic returned again.

"Mum!" I said as I pulled away. Her eyes were rolled back into her head. "Mum!"

Ms Janet forced me out of the way. She pulled open the compartment that was built into the wheelchair, taking out mum's bite block and inserting it between her teeth.

I watched with my hands over my mouth as the sound of my mother's labored breathing continued.

Ms Janet held her soothingly, stroking her hair, whispering to her...

"Wakey wakey"

My eyes flew open in terror. It was Andrew's voice!

I stared up into brown eyes. A grin split my brother's face, but it wasn't the innocently handsome grin I vaguely remembered. This one was sinister, so sinister that it sent a chill into my bones.

"A-Andrew?" I asked disbelievingly. This was impossible! How could he be here?! Alive! Breathing!

" 'Tis I," he said. "So nice to see you again, dear sister."

He traced a finger along my jawline. His hand was cold, impossibly cold.

" So so nice to be able to touch you," he drawled, a strange ominous light sparkling in his eyes. I vaguely remembered seeing a light like that before...

I winced as he sharply drew his hand away, his nail cutting into my skin.

What in the world was happening?!

I tried to move, then discovered that I couldn't. Fear crawled into me. I was tied up to a pole, my hands bound behind me, around the pole.

Andrew tsked disapprovingly as I struggled, that light in his eyes growing. I wanted to crawl into my own skin. That look was pure evil. I could sense it. What was he going to do to me? Was this my due for causing his death?

"Andrew..." I started.

"Shh..." he stopped me.

That was when I noticed it. The whip in his right hand. It was long and sleek, glinting in the metallic brightness of the room we were in.

There were walls on every side of the wide,empty room. There was no means of escape, no door, no windows, nothing... It felt like I was trapped in a box. A very cold metallic box.

I felt blood drain from my face as Andrew brandished the whip. The crack it made as it beat the air sent goosebumps all over my skin.

"W-what are you doing with that?"

He grinned even wider.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked!" He said. "I'll be doing a quick exposition. It's titled 'What happens when you disobey the voice'"

His grin was gone, replaced by an entirely sinister look.

"Andrew,what are you doing?" I struggled even more as he approached me, the whip dragging along behind him.

"Oh Rachel. Stop struggling so much. You wouldn't want me to hurt you, would you?" he purred as he stopped in front of me. "At least not more than I intend to." He finished with a smirk.

"No no no. Please no. Help! Somebody!" I yelled, but my voice only echoed back to me in the cavernous room.

"No one can hear you here. It's where we'll have our alone time from now on. Just you and me."

I sobbed as I struggled with all of my strength. No. This couldn't be happening. He was going to hurt me...

There had to be a way out. This c'ouldn't be real. This couldn't...

A scream ripped out of me, so loud and shrill that the sound rang in my ears even after I stopped. Pain raced through the bare skin beneath my knees like dancing tendrils of electricity. I could feel the warm flow of blood across my skin.

I heard the crack of the whip again...

... You're probably thinking I'm very cruel for doing this. I mean, how could I?!😠

But hey, you don't expect me to give you the full story in just one chapter, so yeah, you have to wait dearies... Till Monday most likely... 🥲

I don't know what to say about today's chapter. Guess I'm also stunned by what I wrote... 😳

Till next time guys
Don't forget to vote and comment. 😌
I love you💖💖

PS: You're free to vent your frustration in the comments section😅

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