Charge between us (FANTUBE YE...

By numspac3d

3.9K 111 1.5K

A fantube book? YESSIRR Fan and test tube work together whether it's testy's experiments or fans social work... More

Morning blues
Night in the lab
Room decorating
Check under your bed
Crush fever
Breakfast in bed
Phone problems

Raspberry sorbet

259 10 162
By numspac3d

Test tubes pov

I land out of the portal on my feet and slowly walk towards my newly built machine as fan follows behind. I find myself thinking a lot about the time and effort I put into this, eyeing the chair in the middle of the machine I am about to place fan into. As I got closer, for some reason, a feeling washes over me.

A feeling of slight worry. It only lingers for a second and then fades away like nothing happened.

But it bothers me anyway. What happened? Did I forget something?

There's always a reason for that type of feeling.

I try to shrug it off as I reach the control panel of the machine.

"Just sit in that chair fan, I'll be right with you" I say, gesturing in the direction, while looking at all my buttons.

He sits down and I walk over to secure all of the straps onto his pulse areas, such as his wrist and neck. But as I reach for the very first strap, I notice something off

The light in the middle of the strap

It isn't on.

And it was meant to be.

Confused, I walk to the control panel again, while slightly warming up feeling fans' eyes on me. Then somehow, it's only now that I realise that none of the lights are on. The display screen isn't even open.

A little worried, I check the fuse box, but everything seems to be fine.

"Is everything okay?" fan calls out from his place.

"Yeah, it just doesn't seem to be on, right n..." I say, before trailing off as my eyes lay on a small blue button in the bottom right.

The power up button. And it wasn't pushed in.

I stare at it for a few moments, before starting to laugh. Fan looks up confused, nervously laughing along as he asks, "what's so funny?"

"Golly, I don't know how this happened. I made this fuse box last night but I never pressed the power up button" I say, still giggling a little.

"Oh! Don't worry. Will that affect our session today though?" Fan asks

"Well.. this machine does take a day to start.."

"Oh.. well that's ok" fan says, standing up. I say sorry to him and he assures me it's alright while we leave the lab.

Once we ended up in my bedroom, we sit on the bed, wondering what to do. He grabs a pillow and presses it against his stomach while thinking, and I smile at his usual antics.

I even felt my face heat up a little.

"I mean, we only had the lie detector on our minds today.. So what do we do?" he wonders.

"I don't know about you but, I'm kinda hungry" I say. I only ate half of my breakfast today, in excitement of actually finishing the machine.

"Me too, but I'm not feeling anything filling, you know"

"Me neither" I agree with fan.

"Let's go down and check the kitchen for what they have", he says, jumping off the bed and opening the door. I thank him and he follows me out of the room.

We reach the pantry and looks for snacks, and we find chocolate cupcakes.

"Feeling cupcakes?" fan asks.


"Me neither"

We put them back and start checking the kitchen. Neither of us want anything savoury so we skip past the leftover soup from breakfast. As fan searches the cabinets, I open the freezer.

And my eyes land on the perfect thing.

"FAN! We have sorbet!"

He gets off of his chair and comes next to me. I show him the little 1 serving tubs of lemon and lime, mango, mint, and raspberry.

"Dibs on the raspberry one" he says smiling, sneaking the tub away from my hand. I smile, saying "ofcourse" and giggle at his silliness and grab myself the mango sorbet.

"So.. back to your room?" he asks. I look outside and notice the partly sunny outdoors, and a soft, cool breeze coming from the open windows.

"Why don't we go outside?"

He turns his head and stares at the windows for a few seconds, squinting his eyes a little. I start to get the feeling that he doesn't want to go, and wants to stay cosy indoors.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't feel like i-" I start, getting interrupted by him.

"Nono, actually I think a bit of fresh air would be nice" he says, while re-adjusting his glasses.

Fan leaves the kitchen to open the door while I grab us two spoons. As I leave, I notice nickel walking into the kitchen, dragging a chair with him.

Huh. Weird.

Fan opens the hotel door and we exit onto the grassy area. I look around to see if anyone was there, and I spot balloon with his poetry book, and knife and pickle chatting in the distance. Balloon walks back inside the hotel while fan finds a place we can sit.

"So.. what do you want to talk about?" he says, while sitting down. As I sit down next to him, I notice his voice was kind of breezy and he was smiling a lot more than usual.

I didn't know he liked sorbet that much.

He really likes raspberry though. I guess that's what it is. I think of a question to ask him to start a conversation.

"Do you have any new theories?" I ask. 

And that sets him off immediately. It was my go-to question, because it would send him rambling about anything.

And as I stare at his large hazel eyes, wide with passion, I realise.. I like listening to his rambles.

I smile softly and feel a wave of.. something over me.

It felt nice.

And I listen to him go on for a few minutes, nodding and agreeing and taking little bites of my mango sorbet.

"Hey fan, don't forget about your sorbet" I remind him, pointing my spoon at his tub. He stops talking suddenly after saying "Oh!" and starts quickly eating the treat.

"Hey hey, slow down!" I say smiling.

"But I don't like when it's melted.." he says frowning playfully, then eating another spoon.


I pat his head without thinking, but immediately come to my senses and snatch my hand away, blushing and regretting it a little. Fan pauses for a second, and it's hard to read his expression, so I look away before I could.

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

Why did I do that

"Hey tubey.." fan starts. I don't notice that I'm staring at the grass and snap my head in his direction a little too fast,

"ow-Yeah?" I say, hoping he doesn't bring that up.

"I don't mind"

For some reason those three words alone made my heart rate run a little faster (yk what other three words do that?) and I smile nervously, staring off into the distance.


He waves his hand in front of my eyes, raising his eyebrow and smiling.

"Did your brain die or something? I said I don't mind the pats" he giggles. I don't say anything, because I think my smile says enough. I pat him one more time and we laugh and finish our sorbet, chatting away again.


After dinner, fan went to his room to edit his blog. I sit up at my desk, trying to think of questions to ask him for the lie detector testing tomorrow. I stare at the page I had in front of me, spinning my pencil in my hand.

"Are you sitting in a chair?" (test)

"How are you today?"

"Do you like social gatherings?"

"Do you feel jealous of anyone in the hotel right now?"

"Are OJ's pancakes good?"

"Did you ever fall off your bed?"

The ideas seemed pretty plain.. But after all, this was only a test run. I think hard for any other ideas to cross my mind.

I glance over the previous questions, in hopes of finding another idea. Then I look at the very last word, and think of ideas that come from it.



An idea burns my mind. Now this would be funny.

"How many hours did you sleep last night?"

I giggle thinking about how messed up fan was when it came to a proper sleep schedule. He would always have 2 hours or less, and even better, he would never admit it straight away.

This led me into thinking about him. He was always like this, his personality was just a little silly but still observant. He would never sleep right and would have the most random bursts of energy and motivation. And he never really liked socialising but if you knew him well, he loves to talk...

..and he loves raspberry sorbet

He is all over the place but it all comes together to make..



I snap back into reality and notice myself sweating a tiny bit while smiling stupidly at the wall.

Ughh.. Test tube. Get it together..

But the thought of him eating his sorbet crosses my mind again and this time I cover my face, giggling slightly.

Golly, he's such a goober.

I turn around, forgetting box was still in the room. You gotta stop acting like this in front of other people test tube.

I look at him, and we stared at each other, until he falls over.


I turn back to my paper and look at the questions again. I have one more in my mind. It burns there for a while and I seriously question whether I should write it down or not. A constant debate plays in my mind before I cut it out.

Screw it.

I write the question down, despite knowing it could end badly for me. I mean, what better chance do I have than now?

Placing my pencil down, I yawn tiredly, and lay down in my bed after all that thinking. I turn my LEDs on brighter and close the blinds, covering myself with a blanket and trying to get the question out of my head so I could peacefully sleep.

3rd person Pov:

The notebook lay open on the desk. The pencil was placed inside the notebook, and the last question on the page was written in almost rushed handwriting.

"Do you like anyone?"




i was gonna draw the machine for this chapter but it took too long so i kinda scrapped it lmao cri

Anyways i hope yall are doing alright ehhehe

yum sorbet

i love mango sorbet and thought it would suit testy

1704 words yOOOOOOO




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