Confusing Love (One Direction...

By UntamedHeart_

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Lily Carter's best friends are Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Harry Styles from On... More

Louis' Party
Presents and Decisions
Irresistible Harry
A New Friend
Informational Game
3 Special Words
Blissful Perfection
Trust Issues
Hide & Don't Seek
Now and Forever
Preparing For The Date
Songs, Tears, and Hugs
The Date
Already Lost Me
Taken (Part 1)
Taken (Part 2)
Saying Goodbye
Lost & Found :)
Taking A Break
Louis' Advice
Eleanor The Life Saver
A New Romance Already?
We Really Have To Find Eleanor
X is Afraid of You
Loved You First
A Traitor
Revealing X (Part 1)
Revealing X (Part 2)
Sorta Like Sleeping Beauty
Save You Tonight
Donuts & Prank Calling
Bubble Tea, Shopping, Makeover!
Valentine's Day ♥ (Part 1)
Valentine's Day ♥ (Part 2- For Infinity)
Friendship Circle
First Time
Somewhere Only We Know
Forgotten Birthday
Our Story
The One I Wanna Marry
Lightning Bugs
Turning Into Louis?
They Don't Know About Us
Only Getting Started
It Is What It Is
His Videos
Fear of the Unknown
Not That Bad
Beside You
Toy Story Party
Just Can't Let Her Go
The Dress
Story of My Life
Midnight Memories
The Wedding (Part 1)
The Wedding (Part 2) {Last Chapter}
{Author's Note}
{Check it out}


125 1 2
By UntamedHeart_

"What time is it?" "It's only 8." "Oh my gosh, Ashley stayed out with Harry all night." "Whoa, do you think they...?" "No, she's too innocent." "Yeah, true. Is Lily still asleep?" "I think so. Oh look, there's Niall. Maybe we could have him wake her up all adorably and stuff."

"Did you know that the whole 'Nially' thing is really trending?! They're becoming as famous as Lou and I, and you and Liam! Have Ashley and Harry gone out in public?" "I don't think so. According to Ash, they aren't actually dating." "Oh, right...Niall?"

"Yeah?" "Lily's stil asleep and we-" I decided to finally break their conversation and show that I had actually been awake the whole time. I was just too tired to talk at first. "I'm awake," I informed them sleepily. "Yay!" I heard El say. "Good morning, babe."

Niall's voice was closer now, so I opened my eyes, wanting to see his flawless face first thing. Right when my eyelids opened, my dark brown eyes met Niall's shining blue ones, and I smiled. He was leaning down over me, and he lightly kissed my cheek. "Aww!!" Dani said while Eleanor giggled. "We shouldn't have stayed up so late. I forgot about your teacher coming over." Ugh, I forgot about that too.

"Please don't make me learn stuff today!" I complained loudly. "Sorry, darling. You have to pass high-school." He grinned at me, showing his braces. I really hope my senior year goes by quickly. It's crazy how when I was in middle school, I dreamed of my senior prom, but I guess it wasn't going to happen for me after all.

Niall noticed me frowning at my inner thoughts and gave me a look that said "tell me what you're thinking". "I won't have a senior prom," I said quietly. "Awww," Dani said again, making me turn my head so I give her a warning look.

She smiled and left the room with Eleanor, leaving me and Niall alone for a bit before I had to get up. "Babe, do you want to go back to school?" Niall said worriedly. He probably felt like I was upset with him, which was not the case.

"No, it's just I always thought I'd have one. Prom dress shopping would be the fun part." I smiled at my inner thoughts about going to prom with Niall. I sounded ridiculous though. "Then, I'll take you to prom." "Wouldn't that be crashing it since I don't really go there anymore?" "Didn't Liam say you were going back in a month?" Oh yeah, he had said that.

"Who cares anyways? Prom is special to you, so I'll go. I just hope the paparazzi don't show up." "You don't have to do that for me, Niall. I'll be fine." "No, I want to. I'll do anything to make you happy." He was so stubborn and sweet. "Well, thanks. I love you," I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, his body now hovering directly over mine.

"I love you too," He smiled as his face got closer, his eyes gazing into mine, never looking away. His lips were now a second away from meeting with mine, until someone came in my room, making him roll off me.

"Harry called and said that Ashley wants to go out to lunch with you, but you have your school thing. Liam said we could move it to a later time, or earlier. If you want earlier, then you should probably get ready now. She'll be coming in an hour!" Zayn gave me the news and then skipped away...that was random.

"I guess I should get ready then. I wanna get this thing over with." I got up off of the floor and stretched. Last night, Dani and Eleanor had decided they wanted to just put blankets on the floor and talk, so that's where we slept. Not really the most comfortable situation.

"It's only 4 hours babe; you'll survive," Niall laughed at me and I sighed. His laugh was just too cute so I couldn't be annoyed with him. "Okay, you gotta get out so I can change." "Awww! I can't stay?!" I gave him a serious look that I couldn't manage very long before I smiled at how adorable he was...and perverted. "No, you pervert. Now get out!" I gave him a kiss on his cheek before shoving him out of my room. am I supposed to get ready in only an hour?


"Finally, you're done!" Niall said joyfully. "I know right. I freaking hate school, even if I'm technically not in an actual school." "Sorry, love." He gave me a warm, loving embrace before letting me go. I had to get ready for going out to lunch with Ashley.

I didn't want to look like I lived in a trashcan. I also needed to ask her about her longggg night out with Harry! I went over to my closet, pulling out a cute outfit, and went into my bathroom. I got out my cell phone and turned on my music, which I hadn't done in a while. Surprisingly, Demi Lovato came on: "Lightweight"...

 Louis' P.O.V.

"Babe, could you tell Lily that Dani and I have to leave?" El asked me sweetly. "Okay, but do you really have to go?" "I'm afraid so," she pouted out her perfect pink lips, making me want to kiss I did.

She pulled away after a couple minutes of a little heated kissing with a smile on her face. She was also blushing, since Danielle had been watching us the whole time. "Bye Louis!" Danielle said as she walked out the door. "Go tell her so she isn't upset! Love you!" Eleanor slung her arms around me in a meaningful hug and left. Why couldn't she ask Niall to tell Lily?

I jogged over to her door and pranced in since it was already cracked open. I looked around and seeing as she wasn't in her room, started to leave...until I heard someone singing. My eyes glanced over to Lily's bathroom door and saw that the door was shut, meaning she was probably in there. I sneakily made my way over to the door, and the singing got louder.

I got out my phone from my pocket, deciding to record the singing as a was obviously Lily singing in there. As I listened longer, I realised that she was a really good singer. I knew from a while ago that she had a talent, but I'd never really taken time to fully listen.

"I'm a lightweight. Easy to fall, easy to break. With every move my whole world shakes. Keep me from falling apart. Keep me from falling..down drowned in your love. It's almost too much. Handle with care. Say you'll be there."

Wow! She hit all of those high notes almost perfectly! I never knew she was that good!! When she finished singing the song, I stopped recording it and thought of a plan. I know she'll hate me for this now...but she'll be happy later!

Lily's P.O.V.

"YOU DID WHAT?!!" I screamed furiously at Louis' cheerful face. "I recorded you singing and put it on Twitter. I don't get what the big deal is, love." "REALLY?! YOU EMBARRASSED ME BY LETTING THE WHOLE FREAKING WORLD KNOW HOW MUCH I SUCK AT SINGING!!!"

"Have you seen the stuff people have been tweeting back? They love your singing!" Liam smiled at me, but all I could do was frown. They probably just felt bad for me, so they lied and said I was good. "Darling, they love it. They're actually asking you to sing more. Look!" Niall motioned for me to come closer and look at his phone.

@Jenny91015: Wow! You're so talented! Seriously!

@justinbieber: I didnt know u could sing..u are awesome!

@Harry_Styles: How come I didn't get to hear you?! This is sickkkk!

@Real_Liam_Payne: Amazing...

@zaynmalik: I wish I could've been the one to record it. Nice job @Louis_Tomlinson

@NiallOfficial: Babe you've got a lovely voice! <3

@partycupcake3: Girl you should sing with the @onedirection lads! xx

@TheXFactor: about gifted!

"Babe, look!" I was shocked that the people of X Factor tweeted back, but when I looked at the top tweet, I thought I was going to faint.

@ddlovato: We should definitely meet up sometime! I think you might sing my song better than I do!! :)

"This has to be a dream..or a nightmare. Oh my god, I'm going to die." I was in total hysterics now. "Everyone loved it, Flower!" Louis grinned at me, but I was freaked out! How could anyone like my singing?! Especially Demi Lovato!!! "I need to go see Ashley now."


"Hey!" I noticed Ashley sitting at a table inside the little shop by herself. She looked up from her phone and waved. I sat down in the chair across from her and grabbed the menu in front of me. "Please tell me that you didn't hear it."

"Hear what?" "The recording that Louis put on twitter..." "Nope, but I'm guessing you don't want me to." "You'd be correct!" Ashley was awesome in that way; she understood everything. "So, I wanna hear about your date!" I said, truly interested in hearing about what happened. "I absolutely loved it!"

She grinned and sipped a lemonade she had gotten before I came. "Details, please!" "Okay, well first, Harry took me to a cute diner. It wasn't crowded at all and the food was sooo good! We just talked about lots of stuff and he was so sweet!

I had forgotten why I was unsure of him in the first place! Afterwards, he took me to do archery! It was sooo fun!! I'm way better at it than him, but he was doing well...until he almost shot the arrow at the guy who was helping us."

We both laughed at Harry's awkwardness, and the waitress came over. "What can I get you to drink?" "Water, please." She nodded and went away, so Ashley began talking again.

"I never knew Harry could be so romantic. He really is amazing and I really like him..." She stopped talking and twirled her straw around in her lemonade. "...But..." "But what?" "I can tell something's bothering you." She sighed and gave me a broken look. "What's wrong?!" I said, suddenly alarmed.

"I think-" Her words were cut off when 3 girls came up to our table. They all looked around 14. "Um..hi?" I said with a nervous smile. "Hi! You're the girl who's dating Niall Horan, right?" One of the girls said. She was tall and had long, straight blonde hair.

I nodded and all 3 of them squealed. "You are a great singer! How do you sing so perfectly?!" I looked at Ashley who was staring at me with uncertain, but amused eyes. "Thanks, umm I actually didn't think I was very good at singing to be honest."

"Well, Demi Lovato thinks you're good!" Another girl said. She had wavy, light brown hair and was the shortest. She was probably only a few inches shorter than me. "Yeah, I'm still shocked by that." All 3 girls smiled at me and then gave me pieces of paper. "Could we have your autograph?"

"Sure." The third girl, who owned wavy dark brown hair, gave me a One Direction pen to sign with. I guess if I didn't know the boys, I'd be just like them...even if I was going to be 18 soon. I silently thanked myself that I'd always had a neat signature, and handed them the pen, and the papers back.

"Thank you so much!" The blonde girl said, before all 3 walked away. "That was..strange..and exciting!" Ashley commented as the waitress came back, asking what we wanted to eat.


"What were you going to say earlier before those fans came?" I asked Ashley as we got into my car. "I think I might like Zayn. I know, it's horrible. I really like Harry...I always have ever since I became a directioner. I dreamed about meeting him one day and being with him, but when I kissed Zayn...everything changed.

So, yeah I know you saw me with Zayn." "How long have you been thinking about this?" I tried ignoring her last remark. "Well, after we kissed, I wanted to forget. I was so mad at him and we got into a huge fight. Now it's just really awkward, but I recently started thinking about it....after Harry kissed me last night."

"Awww, you two kissed! Hmm, does Zayn have the same feelings for you?" "I have no idea, but I don't want people thinking I'm some slut. I really really really like Harry! Maybe my brain is making a mistake or something."

"I know how you feel though. A while back, I was confused between Harry and Niall. Harry had been my best friend before so it was really hard. Now thinking about it, it's a little sad that he and I aren't as close anymore. Anyways, love is just confusing. Someday, it will get better. Once you know who you really want, it won't be confusing. You'll just know who the right one for you is. I know deeply in my heart that Niall soulmate. I'm not trying to be all cheesy...I just know how I feel when I'm with him. He makes me complete. There's always someone who you're supposed to be with..and someone who you're meant to be with. You just need to figure out who is who."

I can't believe I sound so wise! Ashley smiled at me, "Wow, that was deep, Lily. I feel better now though, so thanks." "No problem. If you need help, I'll be here!" I laughed and she laughed along too.

"Could you drop me off at my place?" "Sure!" I put the car in reverse and headed towards her house, feeling glad that I was finally able to help others, instead of just being weak.


Lily is sounding pretty smart!! I would take her advice! Haha, so who do you think Ashley is supposed to be with...and who is she meant to be with?!

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Happy Easter and Lou Day!'s still Easter and Lou Day here...haha oh well...Happy Monday or Tuesday or whatever to others!

See ya! xx


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