One Last Chance

By oceanway4life

450 9 2

Rory Lynn is a single mom. She created a new life for her daughter, Wyatt. Ryder is co-captain of the college... More

Chapter 1 ~ 2 Years Ago
Chapter 2 ~ You Only Get One Second Chance
Chapter 3 ~ Freckles
Chapter 4 - Go Ahead Smart One
Chapter 5 ~ I'm staying if you like it or not
Chapter 6 - Your hockey players but need to act like men
Chapter 7 ~ If you want to continue, tell me what's wrong
Chapter 8 - Keep Your Reputation Clean
Chapter 10 - I'll get you two at midnight
Chapter 11 - I love you more than fucking hockey
Chapter 12 - Nothing will keep me from them
Chapter 13 - Hope Is All We Got
Chapter 14 - Relax Freckles
Chapter 15 - Agreed Little Lynn, fist bump
Chapter 16 - You're Mine Forever Freckles
Chapter 17 - You deserve this and more
Chapter 18 - I can't erase my past nor can you
Chapter 19 - 4 weeks later...
Chapter 20 ~ Anytime Smart One
Chapter 21 - I'm only gonna hurt if you don't come here
Chapter 22 ~ GOD I love this women
Chapter 23 - You look like an angel
Chapter 24 - Is it just me of is that food tiny
Chapter 25 - Let's go home
Chapter 26 - 6 days later
Chapter 27 - Relax babe, I'm not gonna leave
Chapter 28 - Maybe try this instead of gnawing on your lip
Chapter 29 - I love you Ry
Chapter 30 - If you gotta get up, I'll get up
Chapter 31 - Mh, what's that for ?

Chapter 9 - People Need To Know You're My Girl

14 0 0
By oceanway4life


Around 3, I woke Wy up. My sugar was low and Wy's was too. So I got us ice cream. "Mama where's Aunt Addie ?" Wy asked. I told her she gets to go Coach Meyers. I got her bag ready and she got on my hip. I shut the door and went to the car. I hooked Wy in her seat and drove to the arena. She was excited to see Ryder. I got her on my side and went in the arena. She wanted to go down the elevator. I let her press the buttons and we got to the left wing arena. I watched Ryder skate and yelled to Coach. "We'll be in my office just come on down, Lynn." Coach said and I thanked him. He took Wy and I went to the publishing firm. I gave them the article I finished. "Rory, this is exactly what we wanted. This month you've become a writer here. Congratulations, the position is yours" Morgan said. I thanked her and she gave me all my stuff. I left and got groceries. Morgan gave me an article for this week. I went to Starbucks and got some of the research done. I had a coffee with a cake pop. I had to change for the game. So I went home and unpacked groceries. I found a blank jersey and put leggings on. My crossbody didn't have snacks so I refilled. Once I grabbed a coat, I drove to the arena. It was after four which meant practice for the warriors was over. I went downstairs to Coach Meyers office. "Hey Lynn, she helped the team a lot. The boys loved her, '' Coach said. Wy ran to my arms and got on my hip. "Mama, Ry did amazing and I got to slide. It was so fun mama" Wy told me. Coach gave me her bag and hugged me. I went upstairs and showed security the tickets. Wy sat on my lap and I wrapped us in a blanket. "Mama, who's Ry" Wy asked. I told her three three and she nodded. "There the warriors" I told Wy. She told me she was hungry. Her bag had yogurt and pretzels. I got yogurt and opened it for her. She thanked me and I checked my phone. Ryder sent a text.

Smart One - Your jersey doesn't have a name, we can fix that

Freckles - I don't need another jersey I'm good

Smart One - People need to know you're my girl, Freckles

Wy played on my phone and an unknown number texted. It was Hunter. I knew because the text was threatening. I deleted it and blocked the number. Wy watched videos on youtube until the national anthem. I picked her up and put my hand over my heart. Addie got to sing it and she sounded amazing. Every week Coach Meyers looks for people interested. He knows I sing to Y. But I wouldn't sing in front of everyone. I tried to keep Hunter off my mind. He took that part of me and I rebuilt it. I can't let him damage me again. If he took Wy I'd have nothing left. "Hey Ro, how are you?" Addie asked. I told her I was good and she waved at Y. "And how's my favorite niece ?" Addie asked Wy. She gave Addie thumbs up and I told Addie she sounded amazing. She thanked me and sat down. They introduced both teams and I asked Addie if she was staying. "Of course, I went out with Garrett and he's hot as hell. The more face time I get with that hottie the better" Addie told me. I laughed and Wy tried finding Ryder. She poked my arm. "Mama, where's Ry ?" she asked and I looked for him. He was on the bench so I told Wy. She nodded and watched the game. Ryder swapped with a player. I told Y and she smiled at him. First period ended. The Warriors had 1 goal and the Eagles had 2. "I'm freezing, do you want something ?" Addie asked and I told her anything was good. She nodded and went to the concession stands. I asked Wy how she liked the game. "Loud ear hurt mama," Wy said. She meant it was noisy and her ears hurt. I brought her headphones in case. She laid on my chest and I got her headphones out. "These should help your ears," I told Wy. She hugged me and I put the headphones on her. She had fun watching the Zamboni go around. The announcer introduced the teams as they got back on the ice. I tapped Wy's arm and she smiled when she saw Ryder. "Hey Ro, I got you a medium box. There's popcorn, pretzel bites, and nachos. Plus a blue raspberry slushie" Addie told me. I thanked her and she gave me my box. She got herself the same with a cherry slushie. "I got Wy cheddar popcorn with apple juice if she wants it" Addie said and I told her Wy's ear hurt. I gave Wyatt her popcorn and she hugged Addie's leg. Then she got in her seat and had her popcorn. Second period ended and the Zamboni came out again. I opened Wy's juice for her and she finished her popcorn. The Warriors had 2 goals and the Eagles had 2. Addie knew everything about hockey. Her dad used to bring her here when the boys practiced. She knew every penalty. She used to love hockey but hates freezing to death in an arena. We used to skate during gym in PE. She liked doing that however hockey wasn't her thing. "Are you going with the team to Joe's after the game ?" Addie asked. I told her no and she offered to watch Wy. "It's really okay, I've been tired but have fun" I told her and she looked at me. The teams came back on and Wy found Ryder. Both teams got 1 goal which tied the game. They went into overtime and the Warriors won !!! Everyone yelled and Y clapped. Ryder winked up at us and Wy was ready to go. She got on my hip and Addie threw the trash away. We went to the lobby and Addie hugged me. "I'll see you two tomorrow" Addie said. I told her bye and she left. Wy wanted to wait for Ryder. She was freezing so I wrapped her in a blanket. I checked my phone and Mom tried calling me. I called her back and she told me she was just checking in with me. I hung up and Y saw Ryder. She ran to him and he picked her up. She giggled and he put her down. "Hey Freckles" Ryder said and I ran over to hug him. I told him he did amazing and he kissed me. He asked if I was going to Joe's and I told him no. "I'm gonna stop by there, grab food, and get to you two" Ryder said and I nodded. We kissed again and I picked Wy up. Ryder walked me to the car and I hooked Wy in. Ry went to his car and I drove home. Wy got on my hip and we to our door. I unlocked it and helped her take her coat off. I hung my coat and checked Wyatt's levels. They were good and normal. Wy played with her toys and I checked my laptop. Someone knocked on the door and it was Ryder. Y opened the door and Ryder came in. He locked the door and put the food down. I told Ryder I had something for him. He looked at me and I gave Wy the key. "Shut eyes Ry" Wyatt said and he shut his eyes. I told him to open and Wy gave him a key. "A key to both my girls thanks Freckles" Ryder said and picked Wy up. He threw her in the air and Wy laughed. I got drinks out and we all had dinner. "I have something for you and your mom Wy," Ryder said. Wyatt asked him what it was and he told her to wait a second. He gave me a bag and Wy a bag. Wy opened hers and it was a jersey. "It's my jersey so both my girls will have my last name" Ryder told Wy. He told me to open mine and it was his jersey but had writing. The words he wrote were 33's one and only girl forever. I looked at it and thanked Ryder. I got up and kissed him. "Now you get my last name" Ryder said and Wy told him she did too. He smirked and got up. I turned the tv on and Ryder cleaned up. I sat next to Ryder and he kissed the top of my head. Y put her toys away then got on the couch. She laid across mine and Ryder's legs. Wy watched the Warrior women's hockey game. They won 3-1 !!! Wy was asleep so I got her up. She moved a little and I put her in bed. I checked her levels and they were normal. I told her goodnight and shut her door. I got a soda and grabbed Ryder one. He thanked me and opened both sodas. "Did you like your jersey, Freckles ?" Ryder asked. I loved it so much. It was his jersey but personalized for me. I'm finally his girl. I didn't want a relationship after Hunter but Ryder is what I needed. He leaves my past in peace and helps me move on.

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