
By picture_frame99

81 0 0

Theadora Rowle's life is fragmented. And it's her own responsibility to pick up the pieces of it alone, while... More

Theadora the NEW STUDENT
Theadora the PLAN MAKER
Theadora the LOST
Theadora the OVERSHARER
Theadora the POTIONMAKER
Theadora the WARNED
Theadora the PARTYER
Theadora the TEACHER
Theadora the ENEMY MAKER
Theadora the FRIEND MAKER

Theadora the SLYTHERIN

6 0 0
By picture_frame99

hey guys, if you want the vibe of this chapter, as they are walking into the hall imagine Nelly Furtado's Maneater is playing ;)


Looking down, I checked the uniform was as best as I could get it. Professor McGonagall had not nearly given us enough time, my tie was slightly askew and my top button was undone, my shirt was untucked from my skirt. I didn't mind much, school uniform regulations were stupid anyway.

As we waited with the Professor, I looked at my brothers. Adrian looked incredibly similar to me, slightly disheveled but trying his best. Then there was Eli, who looked like he was going for an interview at the Ministry of Magic. Not a hair on his head was out of place, his entire outfit was impeccable. Next to him was Bertie, who had the widest grin on his faced, but otherwise looked mildly presentable. 

Finally, Professor McGonagall said, "They're ready for you now." Taking a deep breath, my brothers and I stepped forwards. 

There was a loud creaking noise, as the chatter from the other side of the door quietened down. Slowly, the doors opened, revealing us.

Without hesitation, we started to walk. We moved as a horizontal line, walking together, never slowing. I could feel all the eyes on me, but no one whispered. Most people already knew we were here from the train ride, but those who didn't were sure in for a surprise.

I stole a glance upwards, amazed at the magic that kept the candles floating, and how you could see the beautiful clear night like it was really there. 

In the room, there were four long tables, clearly representing the different houses. Scanning the crowd quickly, there were a few notable faces such as Harry Potter and his merry band of geeks, many people our father had once introduced us to from his Death Eater circle such as Crabbe or Goyle. But mainly, the room was filled with people I didn't know. Exactly what I needed for a fresh start.

Searching the Slytherin table, I looked for the one person I was supposed to keep an eye on, amongst other things, but came up short. Draco wasn't here.

What I did see however, were many girls focusing on Adrian beside me. This was the first time I was going to school with my brothers, I suppose I never realised how popular he was. 

Facing forwards again, I could see a small stool with a hat on top. Behind, there was a podium where Dumbledore stood, with an undecipherable look on his face. I gave him a small smile as we approached, hoping to look friendly. 

As a group, we stopped a few metres away from the stool. "Something that many of you may already know," Dumbledore spoke, "As a school, we are delighted to accept the Rowle family, who, for unique reasons, could no longer attend their previous schools of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. I hope you shall all welcome them with open arms, and without further ado, let their Sorting Ceremony begin!"

Professor McGonagall moved to stand next to the stool and hat. Producing a small scroll, she spoke clearly. "Adrian Rowle." Adrian winked down at me before moving to the chair.

He sat down, the hat being lightly placed on his head. Without a pause, the hat shouted, "Slytherin!" The table on the far left erupted into cheers and clapping, many of the girls looking as though they may faint. 

Adrian pretty much swaggered over to the table, choosing a seat near the end, close to people we already knew from various events. 

I think most of the room was expecting us all to go into Slytherin. During the first war, our father made it extremely clear which side he was on. For a short while, Voldemort even considered him as one of the most important allies to the cause.

Next, Professor McGonagall said, "Elphias Rowle." Without looking back at us, Eli walked to the stool. Slowly, the hat was lowered onto his head, however before it was fully placed, it shouted, "Ravenclaw!" The cheering from the table to our right was less than what Adrian had received, but it was still there and Eli walked over with a proud, smug smile on his face.

Suddenly, I felt a small tug at the end of my robe's sleeve. Looking down, I saw Bertie stood there was the biggest puppy eyes. I supposed this build up had got him feeling extra nervous. 

Trying my best, I shot him a supportive smile which he tried to reciprocate. When Professor McGonagall called, "Gilbert Rowle." He unwillingly let go of me, moving towards the stool.

As he stepped away from me, I gently ruffled his hair to reassure him. He huffed at the gesture and tried his best to flatten down his hair again, with a bigger smile on his face from the distraction.

Once the hat was placed on his head, it took a moment to think. "Hmm, a kind heart... but an even braver soul. Gryffindor!" 

While there was loud clapping and cheering, I glanced over to where Adrian is sat. Shooting him a small smile, we shared the same thought: At least one of us would turn out okay. 

Once the noise had calmed down again, the room was silent. "Theadora Rowle." As I moved up to the chair, Professor McGonagall smiled down at me. the best I could manage was a grimace, she let out a small laugh at that. 

Turning to face the room, I sat down. Like this, I could see how every set of eyes were trained on me. Where would the infamous Rowle sister end up?

I jolted slightly when I felt the hat on top of my head. For a moment it was silent. "You are extremely similar to your mother... Hmmm... She was so kind... But you... You never give up... That takes courage... But also ambition..." It was silent for another minute. 

Suddenly, a thought flashed across my mind. What would the Dark Lord do if I turned up to a meeting as anything other than a Slytherin? 

"Slytherin!" It called out. At least the hat was on my side. 

Slowly, as if in a fever dream, I crossed the room while my clothes turned from grey to green and sliver. I moved to take an open seat next to a Parkinson, though I couldn't remember her first name.

"I'm Pansy!" She said, offering me her hand.

"Theadora." I smiled at her.

Across the table, a boy spoke up. "Do you go by Thea? Sometimes people call me Theo, but that's only in bed." The boy winked at me. "I'm Theodore Nott, but you can call me Theo tonight." Another wink.

I rolled my eyes. "No I don't go by Thea. It's just Theadora."

"Well, just Theadora, have you ever thought about the name Dora?" The boy next to Theo joked. 

I buried my head in my hands. What a lovely group of people to meet first. Suddenly, a nice distraction came. All the empty plate and trays and platters that had sat cold on the table before, were suddenly filled with food. 

At the front of the room, Dumbledore announced, "Let the feast, begin!"

Turning back towards my plate, I started loading it with meat and vegetables. I tried to join in with the conversation, but mostly I sat quietly eating while Pansy, Theo and the other one that I learned was called Blaise happily chatted.

I tuned in more when the conversation changed. "So, where the hell is Draco?" Blaise questioned. 

"I'm not sure." Pansy said. "My mother told me there was tension between Draco's father and the Dark Lord, maybe he had to stay behind to help at home." Wow, that was a pretty bold thing to say at dinner. 

It was refreshing, my brothers and I have never talked about the state of the country or which side we're on, let alone speaking about the Dark Lord. The tension in this room alone was thick.

"Nooooo." Theo replied. "His mummy and daddy would want him to get the best education possible. He can't just skip the last two years of school, and his NEWTs." Our group went silent as we wondered where Draco was. 

Blaise brought us out of the quiet, "So, Dora, how come you're here? Why did you change schools?" I scowled at the nickname. I had a name, why couldn't people just use it?

I sighed. I suppose the truth was going to come out eventually anyway, I may as well just be the one to say it. "I was expelled from Beauxbatons."

In front of me, Theo gasped dramatically, bringing his hand to his mouth. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the presence of a naughty child. Let us leave before her bad behaviour rubs off on our pristine records!" I rolled my eyes again.

"Why do I have a feeling you don't have that pristine record you speak so highly of?" I retorted.

"Ahhh you catch on quickly..." Theo said with a laugh.

In front of Pansy, a fresh bowl of potatoes appeared. Not wasting any time, I leaned over to grab them with my left hand.

"Uhm, Dora, what's that you got there?" Blaise asked. I looked at him confused, until I noticed what he was pointing at. Where I had reached over to get the potatoes, the arm of my shirt had been pulled up. 

I leaned back into my seat, sighing. If he has already seen it, I may as well show them. Discreetly, I opened the cuffs on my shirt, rolling it up to my elbow. 

I turned my arm over so the underside was visible. Next to me Pansy gasped and I heard Blaise suck in a breath. Quickly and quietly, I put my shirt back how it was supposed to be, glancing around to see if anyone else saw. 

"I got it in the summer, after my expulsion. Do you guys care?" Looking around, Pansy appeared scared, Blaise a bit sad but Theo looked excited.

"Does it hurt?" Theo asked. "What would happen if I poke it? Have you ever been summoned by it? If I lick it, does it taste funny?" Listening to his questions, I softly laughed. This was not at all how I expected this to go.

"It doesn't hurt as much as it did when I first got it, though I think poking it would be painful still. No, I've not been summoned by it yet, and licking my arm would only result in a slap." I answered as best as I could.

"My mother wants me to get one." Pansy admitted while staring at her plate. "I told her that I would think about it. She said that I had to have something worth the Lord's time for him to accept me. If I don't find something that sets me apart from others, my mother will disown me by the end of the school year." 

I gasped. I hated how horrible parents were. "Pansy, we'll all help you. You don't have to get the mark if you don't want it." I reassure her by grabbing her hand. She turned to me, "How did you do it?"

"I wasn't really given a choice. It was this, or die. I just was lucky enough to have a secret worth the Lord's time, and he spared my life." I let out a small chuckle, "I can't tell you guys what it is though, it's the last secret I have left!" This seemed to lighten the mood at the table, even though it wasn't true.

Looking around, I noticed that Professor Snape, my new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, was walking out of the hall. 

I stand up from the bench saying, "Look, I've got to go, please please please don't tell anyone about my secret's though, I'll see you all in the common room later!" Before hurrying off and out of the hall, oblivious to the many, many pairs of eyes watching.

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