Other Fandom Stories

By Jasper_Raid

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One-shots and stories from multiple fandoms. Requests Open: Fandom List: - The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunt... More

It's a Misunderstanding
Suite Life At Avengers Tower
Sometimes Kidnapping Leads to Friendship P1
A Prince in Two Worlds P1
The Fate of the World P1
There are Two of Them
A Death Wish

My Hearts Beats for You

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By Jasper_Raid

Summary: The Mortal Instruments/What We Do in the Shadows

Laszlo receives an invite from an old friend, Magnus Bane, to a party celebrating his first anniversary. Of course, the rest of the vampiric household, including Guillermo, tag along. Problems arise when Guillermo meets the head of the Brooklyn Vampires and his boyfriend, and receives an offer to be turned into a vampire and join their clan.

Tired of Nandor's empty promises, Guillermo accepts. Nandor will do anything, including confessing his undying love, to convince Guillermo to stay with him. 








Guillermo is dusting the ancient picture frames and many dead animal carcasses hung on the walls of the fancy room when the softly crackling fire blazes to life, spitting sparks everywhere. He yelps, dropping his duster.

His survival instincts kick and he ducks behind a couch until the fire goes back to normal. Cautiously, he peaks over the back of the couch. Nothing is out of the ordinary. No smoke wafts from a burning cushion and no soot covers any surface. It is almost as if Guillermo imagined the blaze, except for one thing.

He grabs his duster as protection and creeps closer to the fireplace. Sitting innocuously on the hot coals is a scroll tied with a purple ribbon. Guillermo exchanges his duster for a fire poker and nudges the miraculously unburned scroll from the fireplace.

He crouches next to the scroll, holding his palm above it, checking if it is safe to touch. The scroll doesn't give off heat, so Guillermo pokes it with one finger. He flinches, expecting to be burned. He isn't. The scroll feels no different than the paper Guillermo is used to.

He picks it up and inspects the writing which is more chicken scratch than anything. He can't make out most of it, but Laszlo's name is definitely there. Guillermo puts the fire poker and duster back in their places before looking for Laszlo.

The last thing Guillermo heard about Laszlo's whereabouts was he and Nadja were working on new music, meaning Guillermo will see more of his pseudo-bosses than he wants to, or he'll get an earful of their godawful songs. Neither option is preferable.

Lucky for him, Laszlo is teaching Baby Colin Robinson how to play piano with Nadja nowhere in sight. Guillermo knocks on the doorframe and fidgets slightly when Laszlo glares at him.

"What do you want, Gizmo? Can't you see I'm busy?" Laszlo gestures to the toddler sitting on his lap.

"It's Guillermo," Guillermo corrects for the fifth today.

"I don't care. What do you want?"

Guillermo holds the scroll out. "You got a letter or something from the fire."

Laszlo tosses Colin onto the floor with how quickly he stands up. "Give me that," he orders. He snatches the scroll from Guillermo, tears the ribbon off, and devours the contents with his eyes. "Fuck yes!" he shouts, gleeful.

Guillermo helps Colin to his feet and lifts him into his arms when Colin pouts. "What is it?"

Laszlo ignores him. "Nadja," he shouts as he leaves the room. "Nadja my dear, find your fanciest dress. We have a party to go to."

Laszlo continues yelling until Nadja and the other house residents congregate in the foyer. "What is it, Laszlo?" Nadja gripes. "I was busy."

"With what?" Nandor asks. "Staring at your reflection?"

"Ugh," Nadja bares her fangs at him. "I am going to pretend you did not say that, you disgusting man."

As the pair continue bickering, Laszlo's patience wanes thin. Used to dealing with potential blowups before they happen, Guillermo steps in. "Hey," he says loud enough to cut through Nandor's latest insult aimed at Nadja. "Laszlo called everyone here because he has an announcement."

"Shut up, Gizmo. I only called Nadja here. The rest of you are nosy fucks."

"Just get on with it," Nandor orders.

"Alright, I will. Not because you want me to, but because I want to." Laszlo makes a show of unrolling his scroll. "I have received an invitation from an old friend to attend a party to celebrate his first anniversary, even though I was not aware he is married."

Nadja claps her hands and does a little hop. "This is so exciting, darling! We're going to a party! Is it a vampire party?"

"Sort of. Vampires will be there."

"Fantastic. When is the party?"

Laszlo scans the invitation. "Tomorrow night."

Nadja gasps. "That is nowhere near enough time for me to prepare! What will I wear?"

"You have many beautiful gowns in your closet, Nadja," Guillermo says. "Would you like me to fetch your fanciest one?"

"How could you be so stupid?" Nadja wails. "I've worn all of those dresses! I can't be seen at a party in one of them!"

"What about that one red dress?" Laszlo offers. "You know the one I'm talking about. The one I like."

Laszlo does love that dress. Nadja's night always ends with passionate love-making when she wears it. That dress will do nicely for tomorrow evening. "Alright," she decides. "I will wear my red dress. Crisis averted."

"What about me? Nandor asks. "What should I wear?"

"Nothing, because you're not invited."

"What, why?"

"Your name isn't on the invitation."

"Neither is Nadja's."

"She's my wife. Of course, she'd come with me."

"I'm your best friend."

"No, you're not. That's Sean."

"Does the invitation say you can't bring extra people?" Guillermo asks. He dodges Colin's wondering hands that like to pull his hair.

"Well, no," Laszlo admits.

"So we can all go."

"You can't," Nandor says. "This is a vampire party. You're not a vampire."

"Yeah," Guillermo says, his voice tight. "I know, but Laszlo said this isn't strictly a vampire-only party. Besides, you can't go anywhere without your bodyguard. What if something happens and I'm not there to protect you?"

"Oh, fine," Laszlo says, throwing his hands up in frustration. "None of you will stop bothering me until I say you can go."

"Correct," Nandor says.

"Everyone meet in the foyer at eight o'clock tomorrow night. Not a minute later. Now get out of my sight. I'm sick of looking at you - except you Nadja. I could never tire of your beauty." Laszlo grabs Guillermo's sleeve when he tries to walk away. "Not you, Gizmo. I need you to do something."

"What is it?"

"Write a reply to this letter that myself and four people are accompanying me. Write the name Magnus Bane on the outside, then throw the letter into the fire."

"What? Why would I do th-"

"Shut up. Just do it."

"Yes, sir."

Guillermo drops Colin off in his room with an order to stay there as he sits in the fancy room to write a reply to Magnus Bane, whoever he is. His letter disappears in a burst of flame much like the first one appeared, when Guillermo tosses it onto the warm coals.

He spends the rest of the night digging through his minuscule clothing collection. He doesn't have anything to wear to a party, nor can he upstage Nandor with his outfit, so Guillermo's only option is to wear what he normally does. He chooses his least threadbare sweater and nice pants.


Guillermo wakes Nandor and the others early the next day, around 5 p.m. Normally the vampires don't rouse until the sun sets, but the party starts at eight, so they must be ready to leave before that.

Guillermo doesn't know where the party is or how they are getting there, so he has allocated time in case they need to walk or take a bus. He's glad he did. Nandor changes clothes five times in an hour before he ultimately settles on the first outfit he picked.

Finally, at 7:55 p.m. everyone is ready and gathered in the foyer. Nadja is a vision worthy of Heaven in her low-cut, backless dress, Laszlo will turn heads with his sharp suit, Nandor looks regal with his traditional garb, and Guillermo dressed Colin in his least stained clothes (a Star Wars shirt and holey jeans.)

"How are we getting to this party?" Nadja asks. "We're going to be late."

"Not to worry, my darling lady wife. My friend will be here momentarily."

A dazzling blue circle of crackling energy appears in the middle of the foyer. Everyone but Laszlo takes a step back. Guillermo grabs Colin's arm before he can run straight into the mysterious mass.

"What is happening?" Nandor cries. The wind from the strange force whips his hair around his face. Guillermo forces his eyes away, watching Colin instead.

Laszlo ignores the freakouts happening behind him and greets the man who steps out of the force, which happens to be a portal. The newcomer flicks his wrist and the portal vanishes. "Laszlo," he says warmly. "It is wonderful to see you after so many years."

"You too, Magnus."

A man dressed in dark clothing steps from behind Magnus and holds his hand out to Laszlo. "Nice to meet you, Laszlo. I've heard much about you." He's a direct juxtaposition to Magnus. Magnus is flamboyant and covered head to toe in bright colors and glitter, whereas this new man does not have a drop of color on his body except for the yellow/gold ring on his finger.

Laszlo represses a flinch. He did not know this second man was there. How did he conceal his presence? He briefly shakes the man's hand. "Pleasure." He would normally attack any person who entered his home without permission, but this man arrived with Magnus, and Laszlo trusts Magnus, so he trusts this other man, somewhat. Laszlo will still kill him if he deems him a threat.

The newcomer almost trips when one of the camera crew crowds too close, shoving a microphone in his face. "What is that?" His hand flies to his pocket, where a silver something barely peeks out.

"Ignore them," Laszlo says. He bats his hands at the camera crew until they get the hint and back off. "They're making a documentary about us. They follow us everywhere and record everything."

"How charming," Magnus says. He wraps an arm around the other man, looking down at him with a fond smile. "Laszlo, I would like to introduce you to my lovely husband, Alec Lightwood-Bane."

Laszlo looks between the two men, confused. "That is a human," he says dumbly. Magnus married a human, a Shadowhunter at that. Ragnor Fell or Catarina Loss was right there, and Magnus chose a human. A hot human, but a human nonetheless.

"Great observation," Magnus cheers.

"Did you not say when last we saw each other that you would never become involved with another human, due to their fickle lifespans? You do remember what happened with Will Herondale, right?"

Magnus grimaces. "My friend, please do not mention that name around our present company. I did say that, but then I met Alexander and everything changed. I would rather spend the rest of my life heartbroken after he dies than have never loved him at all."

"Magnus," Alec grumbles, trying to hide his blushing face in the gray scarf wound around his neck.

"Don't complain, Alexander. You know you love it when I'm sappy."

"Yeah, but," Alec uses one hand, covered by his sweater sleeve, to hide his mouth from sight, but the vampires still hear him, "not in public. I'm the head of the New York Shadowhunter Institute. People need to be intimidated by me."

Magnus pinches Alec's cheek. "Oh Alexander, it is so cute that you think you are ever intimidating."

Alec scowls and swats Magnus' hand away.

"You two are so adorable," Laszlo comments. "Congratulations on your marriage, even though I wasn't invited." He tries to hide the hurt in his voice, but it's there. Laszlo didn't invite Magnus to his wedding to Nadja because they didn't know each other then. Laszlo never expected Magnus to get married, but he thought he'd attend, be the best man even, if Magnus ever did.

They haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, but their friendship is still as strong as ever. Laszlo never mentioned Magnus to his wife and housemates because of Magnus' occupation. Warlocks and witches don't have good reputations with vampires. Especially not with Najda after the warlock Wallace turned her and Laszlo's ex-familiar into a crazed zombie.

It looks like the cat is about to be out of the bag. It's hard to keep Magnus' warlock status a secret when he's about to portal them to his home.

Magnus bows his head at Laszlo. "My apologies, old friend. I wanted to invite you to my wedding, but my hands were tied. You see, Alexander and my relationship is frowned upon. He's a Shadowhunter - a Nephilim designed to kill demons and control my kind - and I am a Downworlder - a creature with demon blood who is destined to always be less than dirt to Shadowhunters."

Alec puts a hand on Magnus' shoulder, silently communicating that he will take over the explanation. "I am, as Magnus said, a Nephilim, and he is a warlock, our union is frowned upon, but we defied decorum and married anyway. Because of this, we were forced to downsize our guest list to only necessary people, such as family."

Laszlo nods. That makes sense. He doesn't know much about Shadowhunters or their society, because he has always fallen out of the Clave's jurisdiction, but he understands the ridiculous rules they have against the coupling of Shadowhunters and warlocks, vampires, and more, otherwise known as Downworlders.

"No harm done. I'm celebrating with you now."

"You're a what?"

Laszlo winces. The shit is about to hit the fan. "Darling, let's not freak out."

"Don't freak out? Laszlo, you didn't tell me your friend is a witch!"

"Nadja, my dear lady wife, what did you think he was when he sent a message through the fire and appeared using a portal?"

"I thought it was a modern communication device! I didn't know he was a witch!"

"I'm actually a warlock. The High Warlock of Brooklyn to be exact."

"Shut up, you. And stay away from my husband! You are not getting any more of his semen!"

"His what?" Alec cries. "Magnus, what is she talking about? Is this another one of your past trysts that you won't tell me about?"

"No. Alexander, do not think that. I do not know what she is talking about. Laszlo, explain!"

Nandor grabs Nadja around the waist when she tries to rush at Magnus. She shrieks and claws at Nandor's face, demanding she be put down. Guillermo guides Colin behind a wall, and only pokes his head out to stay updated on the situation.

"Nadja," Laszlo shouts. "Calm down! He is not a witch! He does not want my semen!"

"Then he's going to kill Nandor's familiar and bring him back as a zombie to kill us all!"

Zombie? Alec mouths to Magnus, who shrugs.

"I can assure you that I do not want your husband's semen," Magnus says. "If I am ever in need of semen, I have my own husband to supply it."

"Oh, my god," Alec moans, burying his face in his hands. He should have stayed behind to help Jace finish setting up for the party.

"Oh," Nadja stops fighting Nandor. "Well, okay. It's nice to meet you. My name is Nadja. Let's get to this party." She elbows Nandor's stomach. He drops her and she lands on her feet. "You can open your weird, portal thingy, now."

"It is lovely to meet my dear friend's wife," Magnus lies. He smiles and opens the portal, guiding Alec through first with a hand on his waist. He has been friends with Laszlo for centuries, but this is the first time he's ever met Laszlo's friends, and he doesn't trust them alone around his Shadowhunter yet, not when the Clave's rules don't apply to them.

He stands to the side and the three vampires step through his portal and a human rushes across the room with a child held in his arms. Once everyone is through, Magnus enters the portal and closes it.


Despite having been a vampire's familiar for over ten years, Magnus and Alec's anniversary party is strange to Guillermo. He's met vampires, obviously, werewolves, ghosts, and warlocks, before, but he's never met Nephilim or Fae.

He isn't used to this level of non-human-ness.

Nandor is immediately infatuated with Alec's Shadowhunter brother, Jace Herondale, and his boastful stories about being the most feared and accomplished Shadowhunter to ever exist. He even mentioned that his father experimented on him with demon blood. What the fuck?

Laszlo and Nadja are enamored with Alec's sister, Isabelle, and are now practically dry-humping on the dance floor with Isabelle in the middle. Slightly intimidated by vampires with different values than the ones he lives with, Guillermo and Colin hide in a corner of Magnus' loft that is obscured with heavy drapes. Colin is too curious and annoying to let him roam free. Who knows what these "Underworlders" would do to him?

Guillermo startles when the drapes part and a large man stares down at him. "I knew I smelled a human," he snarls. "What are you doing here?"

"Umm... uh... I'm here with Laszlo, Magnus Bane's friend." Guillermo grabs the back of Colin's T-shirt before he can dart between the man's legs and run off.

The man's shoulders relax. "Oh. It's nice to meet you. I'm Luke. The alpha of the werewolf pack here tonight."

Guillermo's eyes widen. "Werewolves are here?"

Luke nods. "Yeah. My daughter is close friends with Magnus and Alec."

"Fuck," Guillermo whispers. "Excuse me. I really need to go." He pushes past the werewolf alpha and the lone cameraman who is assigned to follow him. He searches the crowded space for Nandor and the others. He keeps one hand on Colin's shoulder as he fights through the crowd.

He finds Nandor comparing kill counts with Jace at the bar. Nandor chugs a glass of spiked blood and Jace sips at a pink concoction that smells fruity and a little dangerous. Guillermo snatches the blood from Nandor.

"Hey," Nandor whines. "That's mine. Give it back." He reaches for Guillermo, but Guillermo steps out of Nandor's reach.

"I can't do that, master," Guillermo whispers. "We need to leave."

"No. I'm having so much fun! This young man here thinks he's a better warrior than I am. He's so silly."

"Yes, master. So silly, ha ha ha." Guillermo hands the drink to Jace and pulls at Nandor's arm. He wouldn't normally get away with handling his master in this way, but Nandor is more lenient when he's drunk or sleepy. "We need to leave. There are werewolves here."

Nandor pulls away. "Yes, I know. I met one of them. Maia, her name was, I think. Such a sweet girl."

"You think a werewolf is sweet?"

Jace smirks. "There's no need to worry, bloodsucker. Our werewolves aren't like yours. We have rules in place to prevent Downworlders from attacking us or each other. You vamps are perfectly safe here." He sets Nandor's drink on the bar and subtly wipes the blood droplets that spilled on his hand off on Magnus' expensive bar stool.

"I'm not a vampire," Guillermo scowls at Jace. He scoots the glass of tainted blood further back on the bar, out of Colin's reach. Colin frowns at him. "Sorry, but that is not for little, human boys," he says. The last thing he wants to deal with is a de-aged version of an energy vampire with a taste for blood. His life does not need to get any harder than it is.

"What are you if you're not a vampire?" Jace asks.

"He's my familiar," Nandor announces, far louder than he needs to.

"Bodyguard," Guillermo corrects, but no one listens.

"A familar? You mean one of those desperate, mundanes who serve vampires, hoping they'll be turned into one?"

"Yep, that's me," Guillermo says through a fake smile. "A desperate mundane, or whatever you said."

"Are you always this uptight?"

"It depends, are you always such an asshole?"

"Woah, Mundane, there's no need to be so prickly. We're all having fun here."

"I'm not."

"Guillermo, stop being such a buzz kill - I just learned that word from my new friend- and go be boring somewhere else."

Guillermo stares at Nandor, astonished. Nandor has claimed Guillermo is his best friend multiple times, but he would rather blow Guillermo off to hang out with some random Shadowhunter. "Alright," he says, his tone clipped. "Since I'm so boring you can watch Colin."

"What, no. Guillermo, I don't want to watch him. He's annoying." Nandor calls after Guillermo.

"Welcome to my life," Guillermo snarks as he storms away.

He wishes they were still in Staten Island instead of Brooklyn so he could leave the party and sulk alone at home until the bane of his existence, and the love of his life, comes back to ruin his peace. Oh, yeah, Guillermo's in love with his vampiric boss. Who would have guessed? Why else would he have tolerated shitty treatment from four vampires for thirteen years?

Guillermo has left Nandor and the others behind in search of a better life many times, yet he always returns. He can't stay away from Nandor. Nandor treats Guillermo terribly, but Guillermo can't help but love him.

Nandor's adorable accent and his pout when he doesn't immediately get his way are too irresistible. Nothing short of a surefire promise to turn Guillermo into a vampire within a year will pull Guillermo away from Nandor.

Instead of going home to Staten Island like he wishes he could, Guillermo sits on one of the many plush couches pushed out of the way to make room for the dance floor. He angles his body toward Nandor, who is now animatedly talking with Jace and a beautiful red-haired woman.

Guillermo tells himself he's only watching Nandor because he's in charge of Colin right now. It's a lie. The woman has Colin on her hip while she sways to the music. He's in perfectly capable hands. So why can't Guillermo look away? Oh, right, because Nandor is mesmerizing and Guillermo is an idiot in love. Fuck his life.

The couch dips beneath someone's weight next to Guillermo. He looks over and is met with a kind smile. "Hey, I'm Simon."

"Hello. My name is Guillermo."

"It's nice to see a human here. It's tiring being surrounded by Downworlders and stuck-up Shadowhunters all the time."

"You're human? Are you a familiar like me?" Guillermo perks up, excited at the opportunity to have a familiar friend.

"Oh, no," Simon laughs. He opens his mouth and his fangs slide from his gums. "I'm a vampire. I've been one for three years. I'm barely out of my fledging phase."

"Oh," Guillermo says sadly. He should have known. Simon is beautiful in an ethereal, not-human way.

Sorry to disappoint, man. I still masquerade as human, though. How long are you staying in the area? Maybe we can hang out on the town tomorrow."

"Hang out? Like during the day?"


"You're a vampire."

"Yep." Simon stares at Guillermo's bewildered expression until the reason dawns on him. "My bad. I forgot to mention that I'm a daylighter. I can walk in the sun."

"So you're like an energy vampire?"

"What is an energy vampire?"

"They are vampires that feed off of peoples' energy and aren't bothered by the sun."

"That's so cool, but it's not me. I'm a regular blood-sucking vampire with the ability to walk in the sun."


Simon winces. "Sorry, man. That info is classified. I legally can't tell you. Raphael and the Clave would be after me if I did."

"Who's Raphael?"

"He's the leader of the New York vampire clan. He's also my sire and boyfriend."

"You're dating your sire?"


"Isn't that a little weird? How are you okay with dating someone who forcefully turned you because they botched killing you?"

"Woah, man! What? Raphael didn't try to kill me! He saved me. I ingested vampire blood while I was a rat - don't drink anything while at Magnus' parties- and I thought I was turning, so I snuck into the Hotel Dumort and was brutally attacked by vampires. Raphael stopped them from murdering me, but it was too late. I was going to turn no matter what. He was the one to officially turn me, so I was bound to him and not a random vampire. Vampires don't just attack and kill people."

"How do you feed?"

"Blood bags, dude. We've got massive supplies. It's against the Accords to feed directly from a nonconsenting human."

"So why don't you have familiars that you feed from?"

"That's barbaric. And basically slavery."

Guillermo looks away, ashamed. Simon isn't wrong.

"Shit," Simon mumbles. "I didn't mean to like diss your job or anything."

"It's fine. It's true. Being a familiar is a thankless job. I don't get paid, I don't get acknowledged."

"Why do you do it?"

"I started the job because my master, Nandor, promised to make me a vampire. I stay because I'm holding out hope that he will keep his promise."

"Uh-huh," Simon says disbelievingly. "So how long have you been in love with your master?"

Guillermo blushes. "What? I'm not. What makes you think that?"

"I know a thing or two about being hopelessly in love with your boss," Simon smiles softly. The tips of his fangs poke out, making the image comical. "Also, you can't take your eyes off of him," he points out.

Guillermo's blush deepens. He hadn't noticed he'd been staring at Nandor again. "Eleven years. I've been working for him for thirteen years."

"Oof, man. That's a long time to wait for someone to keep a promise."

"I know," Guillermo mumbles.

Simon's eyes light up. "Would you stay with him if someone else could turn you into a vampire?"

"You would do that?"

"Not me. My boyfriend. He's the leader of the vampire clan in New York. Our numbers have dwindled since we had some major battles a few years ago. We've been trying to recruit more vampires, but there aren't many in the area. I'm sure I can convince Raphael to turn you if you agree to join our clan."

Guillermo glances at Nandor, who is laughing with Jace and the red-headed woman. His fangs glint from the bright strobe lights flashing around. It's been Guillermo's dream to feel those fangs in his neck for thirteen years. Can he throw it away for the promise of a stranger? Isn't that what he did with Nandor? Guillermo gave up his life at Panera Bread to work as Nandor's familiar thirteen years ago.

If Nandor was going to turn Guillermo, he would have done it already. Guillermo did tell himself the only thing that could take him from Nandor was the promise of being a vampire. Here it is. "How soon could you do it?"

"If Raphael agrees, I'd say tomorrow night. We'd have to prepare to bury you and everything so it can't be immediately."

"Bury me? You can't just bite me and let me go on my merry way?"

Simon snorts before realizing Guillermo is serious. He stifles his laughter enough to answer the question. "No. Vampires, at least our kind, have to consume vampire blood, be buried underground, crawl their way out, and drink blood before the transformation is complete."

"Wow. That's so different from the way the vampires I know do it."

"So, are you in?" Simon practically vibrates in his seat. It's been a while since he's had a friend close to his age - well, close enough to his age. The vampires in his clan are all ancient, despite looking young. Guillermo is years older than Simon, but he's from the same century as him, so Simon counts it as a win.

"Yeah. I'm in."

"Let's go talk to Raphael!" Simon grabs Guillermo's arm and tugs him through the crowd. He knows where Raphael is likely to be.

Raphael is not a fan of anyone outside of his clan or Magnus. He didn't even want to attend the party, but Simon begged until he relented. He's said his congratulations to Magnus and Alec and is probably hiding in Magnus' room to escape the crowd.

Alec is talking to Izzy, who's taking a break from humping Laszlo and Nadja, near the refreshment table. Simon can't find Magnus to let him know he'll be using their room, so he goes to Alec instead. They've formed a tentative friendship over the years, but Alec still isn't Simon's biggest van, and vice versa, so Simon tries not to spend one-on-one time with him. Luckily, Izzy is there as a buffer if things get tense.

"Alec, I'll be in your room. Stay out of it." Simon blurts as he passes Izzy and Alec into the hall.

"We have extra bedrooms if you're going to get freaky with your side-piece, Mundane," Alec says without looking at him.

"I'm not a mundane, and he's not a side piece. I'm loyal to my boyfriend, fuck you very much."

"You're sneaking a man to my room and he's not a side piece. What are you getting up to?"

"None of your business," Simon snarks.

"Don't get blood on my sheets," Alec says with an eye roll.

"I'm going to purposefully get blood on his sheets," Simon growls as they walk down the hall.

Raphael is sitting on a wicker chair placed near the window with Chairman Meow on his lap. He methodically pets the cat as he reads one of Magnus' spell books. "What do you want, Baby?" he asks when the door creaks open.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Simon whines. "I'm not a fledgling anymore."

"That may be, but you're still a baby compared to me. Answer the question; what is it you want?"

"How do you know I want something?" Simon sits on the bed.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," Raphael informs him. "Who knows what depraved things Magnus and Alec have done on it."

Simon jumps off the bed. Raphael smirks.

"I know you want something because you're breathing fast and you only do that when you're nervous about asking me something. Spit it out, Simon. I'm busy."

Damn human instincts. Simon has got to work on that. He pushes Guillermo in front of him. "Guillermo wants to become a vampire!"

Raphael looks up from Magnus' book for the first time. Guillermo waves. His heart beats so hard it feels like it's trying to escape. He's been surrounded by vampires for close to fifteen years, but he's never faced one as powerful as this. Raphael is dressed in a form-fitting crimson button-up shirt and tight dress pants, but he's more terrifying than Nandor in his traditional clothes or Nadja when her dresses are doused in blood. This man has power, and he doesn't need to flaunt it for people to know it.

Raphael marks his place with a bookmark and places the book on the chair when he stands. Chairman Meow hisses at him for displacing him. He runs under the bed when Raphael hisses back. "Stupid cat," he mumbles.

Guillermo chuckles. Maybe this vampire isn't as scary as he looks. Faster than light Raphael crowds Guillermo against a wall, and looms over him. Nope, definitely terrifying. Guillermo trembles as Raphael scrutinizes him.

"What is a mundane doing at a Shadowhunter and Downworlder celebration? I wasn't aware Magnus or Alec had mundane friends."

"Guillermo is the familiar of one of Magnus' friends. His master promised to make him a vampire thirteen years ago and hasn't followed through." Simon shifts his weight. He has Raphael wrapped around his finger. He'll do whatever Simon asks as long as he pouts and says "please," but it is always nervewracking for Simon to ask his boyfriend for anything.

He hasn't fully gotten over betraying his clan for Clary and feels like he still owes Raphael and the others. That is not the case. Raphael forgave Simon the second he came crawling back but couldn't show it.

Raphael makes a "go on" gesture. Normally Simon doesn't need encouragement to talk. He never shuts up, much to Raphael's chagrin. Raphael has an inkling of what Simon wants. He's going to agree to it, they both know it, but he's going to make Simon work for it.

"I was thinking, since we need more vampires in the clan and all that jazz, you could turn Guillermo and he could join the clan."

Raphael steps away from Guillermo, who sighs in relief and presses a brief kiss to Simon's forehead. "I knew you had some good ideas in that pretty head of yours. Good job."

"You think I'm pretty?" Simon says, latching onto one part of Raphael's sentence and ignoring the patronizing rest.

Raphael sighs. "What about your master?" he asks Guillermo. "What does he think about you joining my clan? Once I turn you, you'll belong to me. You won't be his familiar, you won't be his servant. You'll never see him again, most likely. It depends on where he lives. You'll be obligated to live at the Hotel Dumort with the rest of my clan unless, for some reason, I banish you from my clan."

Simon flinches. Raphael regrets mentioning banishment, but Guillermo needs to know all the details before he makes his choice. Vampirism isn't something to be taken lightly. For some, it's a curse.

Guillermo pauses. Never see Nandor again? That's not likely. He only lives in Staten Island. If Nandor doesn't hate Guillermo's guts once he finds out someone else turned him, he can visit the hotel now and then. Joining Raphael's clan won't be goodbye forever.

"I've made my choice," he announces. "I want to do this."

"Simon will bring you to the Hotel Dumort at sundown tomorrow. We'll do it then."

"Uh..." Simon looks around Magnus and Alec's room for a piece of scrap paper and a pen. Raphael clears his throat. When Simon looks at him, he looks pointedly at Simon's pocket, where his phone is. "Oh." Simon unlocks his phone and hands it to Guillermo. "Give me your phone number and I'll text you where to meet me tomorrow."

Guillermo's hands shake with excitement. This isn't how he imagined this moment, but after thirteen years of waiting, he'll take anything. Simon is nice and Raphael doesn't seem like the worst vampire to exist. He's already been kinder than Nandor, Laszlo, or Nadja. He says Guillermo's name right, at least.

"I'll see you tomorrow, dude," Simon says before leading Raphael out of the room. "Come on. I want to dance."

"I don't dance," Raphael says, deadpan.

"You do now."

Guillermo stands frozen for who knows how long until his phone buzzes with badly spelled texts from Nandor asking where he's at. He returns to the main area of the loft. The party has died down and everyone not close to Magnus or Alec has left.

Simon gives Guillermo a secretive smile before he and Raphael walk out the front door. Nandor drunkenly stumbles toward Guillermo and drapes his body across Guillermo's back. "Where have you been?" he slurs.

"Talking to some new friends," Guillermo answers.


"No one important," he lies. He should warn Nandor that he's quitting, but he can't handle it if Nandor brushes his departure off like it's nothing, just like he did the last time. It's better for Guillermo's mental health if he disappears without a trace. This way he won't know Nandor's reaction.

"It's time to leave," Nandor whispers into Guillermo's ear. Guillermo shivers.

"Yes, master." Guillermo catches Colin as he runs by and slings him onto his back, dislodging Nandor. Nandor grumbles but doesn't berate Guillermo for the treatment.

Alec sits on the couch, sipping a cup of water, and watches Magnus and Laszlo pry Nadja and Izzy apart. Lipstick is smeared on both of their faces and in other places. "Call me," Izzy says. Alec is going to have fun teasing his sister about this when she sobers up.

"It is time for everyone to go home," Magnus says, not unkindly. He points at Guillermo. "Except for you. I need you for something tomorrow."

"What do you need my familiar for?" Nandor asks.

"You tiny brain wouldn't understand," Magnus answers.

"He's my familiar. You can't have him," Nandor protests. Guillermo's heart warms until, "If you keep him who will clean up our dead bodies and do our bidding?"

"Nandor, it's only a day. We can survive without Gizmo for that long. I've known Magnus for years. Trust me when I say no harm will come to your familiar in his care."

"Fine." Nandor crosses his arms. "He can stay."

Guillermo looks at Magnus, bewildered. The warlock hasn't said one word to him the entire time he's been in his loft. What could he possibly need Guillermo for? Magnus winks at him and subtly points to his neck.

Now Guillermo gets it. Raphael is a close friend of Magnus'. He must have asked Magnus to keep Guillermo here so he doesn't have to find a way from Staten Island to wherever the Hotel Dumort is located.

Laszlo leads Nadja and Nandor through the portal Magnus creates. Guillermo doesn't let go of Colin and doesn't say anything until the others are gone. "Thank you," he says once the portal closes.

"What was that about?" Alec asks. "You're the one that mundane took to our room."

"Simon isn't a mundane," the redhead says, knowing who Alec is referencing without hearing the name.

"Once a mundane, always a mundane, Clary," Alec mutters.

Clary throws a couch cushion at his head. It hits his shoulder. "I was once a mundane."

"My point still stands."

Clary throws another couch cushion. Alec looks at Magnus and Jace, silently asking if they're going to tolerate Clary's actions. He huffs when both of them ignore the tussle. "Some Parabatai and husband you are."

Magnus gives Guillermo a questioning look. "Is it okay if I tell them?" Guillermo nods. "Guillermo is a vampire familiar, but since his master has not fulfilled his promise of thirteen years to turn him into a vampire, he's quitting and joining Raphael's clan after Raphael turns him."

Jace fake wretches. "Wanting to be a vampire, disgusting."

"I don't care what you think. This is what I've wanted for years."

"Ugh," Jace groans. "Do whatever you want, but don't whine to me once you become a Downworlder."

"You will need to be briefed on Clave rules and the Shadowhunter community. Our world is drastically different from the one you're used to," Clary tells him.


Magnus claps his hands and the front door swings open. "For now, every Shadowhunter that I'm not married to, get out of my loft. Clary Biscuit, that includes you."

"Aww," Clary says. She's taken to spending nights at the loft when her mom and Luke want time to themselves. She could sleep at the institute, she has a room there, but she prefers to hide here because Jace can't force her to train if he can't find her.

"No whining," Jace says. "We're getting up early to run through drills."

Clary gives Magnus puppy-dog eyes. He ignores her.

"You can sleep in one of our spare bedrooms or on the couch. Whichever you choose." Magnus tells Guillermo.

"I'll take the couch. I'm used to sleeping in small spaces," Guillermo says.

Alec brings him a pillow and blanket, then he and Magnus leave Guillermo alone and retire to their bedroom. Guillermo prepares to shove his head under the pillow and plug his ears once the sexual sounds start up, but thankfully they never do. Guillermo never realized how relieved he would be to get a decent night's sleep until he did.


"Darling," Magnus says after breakfast. "It's been delightful to have you over, but perhaps you should call Simon and spend the day exploring with him. You won't ever see the sun again after tonight."

"I thought I would just stay here, actually, if you don't mind." Guillermo stacks his and Colin's dirty plates, ignoring Magnus' protest that his magic can clean up.

Magnus clasps his hands in front of him. "I do mind," he says cordially. "In case you've forgotten, my wedding anniversary was yesterday. I enjoyed having a slumber party with a stranger, but now I would like to spend some alone time with my husband."

Guillermo's cheeks heat. He'll never get used to how open some people are about their sex lives. Not that Magnus is as shameless as Nadja and Laszlo, he at least tried to be subtle. "I am so sorry," he says in a rush. "I will text Simon right now. Even if he isn't free, Colin and I will get out of your hair, which is lovely."

Magnus smirks as Guillermo flees. Alec chuckles, unfolding his long limbs from a chair and attaching himself to Magnus. He looks up to meet Magnus' eyes. "You've traumatized him."

"I do think he would be more traumatized if he stayed."

"You're terrible."

"I am a Downworlder, you know."

Guillermo rushes through the living room hastily dressed in a backward sweater and the same pants from yesterday. Magnus would offer to clean his outfit or create new clothes, but Guillermo and Colin are outside before he can. "My apologies!" Guillermo calls as he races down the stairs.

He follows Simon's directions and comes across an old church falling into ruins. He double-checks the address Simon texted him. It's the right place. This cannot be the Hotel Dumort. Guillermo isn't giving up a closet of a room in a mansion to sleep on the dirty floor of an abandoned church.

He presses the call button on Simon's contact and turns his phone on speaker. The call rings three times before Simon picks up, speaking quickly. "Hey, man, I'm on my way outside now."

"Am I in the right place?"

"Does the building like an ugly church?"


"You're in the right place. Wait for me outside the gate."

"Okay." Guillermo leans against the wall surrounding the church and keeps a watchful eye on Colin as he crawls around on the sidewalk.

Simon meets him a couple of minutes later. Guillermo doesn't see his approach. Simon just appears, like a ghost - or a vampire. Guillermo can't wait to do that. "Sorry for the wait. I'm my clan's werewolf ambassador because the werewolf alpha is a father figure to me. I normally meet him at the Jade Wolf, but he was at the Institute to talk to Clary, my best friend, about something, so I dropped by."

"So you're a vampire who is friends with a werewolf and a Shadowhunter, whatever that is? How does that work? In my world vampires and werewolves don't get along."

"Trust me, before Clary and I, werewolves and vampires didn't get along, and before Magnus and Alec, Shadowhunters and Downworlders didn't get along. It's been a long process to get everyone to trust each other.

"What exactly is a Shadowhunter?" Guillermo has been itching to know the details but was afraid to ask in front of Nandor and the others in case they made fun of him.

"Nephilim are people born with angel blood. Shadowhunters are beings that are tasked with protecting the mundane - the human - world from demons and Downworlders. It's a secret society."

"Demons? Your friends fight demons?"

"Why is it so hard to believe? Your master is a vampire."

"Good point." Guillermo holds his hand out for Colin. "Come on, Colin. We're going on a walk." Colin latches onto Guillermo's hand.

"Is this your kid?" Simon asks.

"No. he's umm... it's a long story."

"I literally have forever to hear it."

"Okay. Well, umm, one of the vampires I live with was an energy vampire. On his one-hundredth birthday, he died. His body caved in. A baby, this kid, crawled out of his stomach and now we're raising a kid."

Simon almost trips in his shock. "That is so not what I expected."

"Yeah." Guillermo does his best not to think about the deceased Colin Robinson and how Baby Colin Robinson came about. It's unnerving. "What is the plan for the day?"

"I thought I could introduce you to my friend Luke and we could hang out at the Jade Wolf for a while. Maybe invite Magnus and Alec out for dinner."

"They were busy when Colin and I left," Guillermo says, blushing.

"They have to take a break at some point. Magnus is the High Warlock of Brooklyn and Alec is the Head of the New York Shadowhunter Institute. They have duties."

"Why don't we hang out at the Hotel Dumort? You could show me around and introduce me to the clan."

"We could, but I thought you would like to spend your last day as a human in the sun."

"I've had thirteen years to get used to spending the rest of my existence in the dark, I don't need to. Thank you for the offer, though."

"Well, alright. Would like you to stop by Luke's until lunch, though? We can head to the Dumort after."

"That works for me. Colin was too distracted by Magnus' magic to eat breakfast this morning. He'll be hungry soon."


Guillermo did not expect the New York werewolf pack to live in an abandoned police station that fronts as a Chinese restaurant. He thought Luke and his pack would run through the woods like wild men and hole up in a different cave every night. He wisely does not voice that thought.

Magnus and Alec don't join them for lunch because Jace called about a demon attack that he wants Alec to do the paperwork for, and Magnus is behind on his warlock duties. Simon and Guillermo stay at the Jade Wolf long enough to say hello to Luke and let Colin eat breakfast before they bid the werewolves goodbye and head to the Hotel Dumort.

"How are the werewolves so chill with a vampire being in their midst?" Guillermo asks as they walk.

"They weren't always. Like I said earlier, a lot has changed in the Shadow World since Clary Fray entered it. I knew Luke before I turned, so there wasn't an issue with us being friends. He never forbade me from being near him or his pack and protected me from them when we had issues. Once his pack realized that I wasn't going anywhere and Raphael named me the werewolf ambassador, the werewolves who had an issue with me sucked it up and let it go."

Simon answers more of Guillermo's questions and fills him in on the Shadow World until they reach the Hotel Dumort. Guillermo's jaw drops at the sight of the derelict building Simon leads him to.

Does everyone in the Shadow World, minus Magnus and Alec, live in hovels?

Simon outright laughs at Guillermo's incredulous expression. "There's no need to worry. It looks better on the inside. We can't have the place looking all grand because it will attract Mundane attention but the inside looks awesome. It's all classy and shit."

"Why do you call humans "Mundanes?"

"I don't know. That's just what they're called." Simon scales the barbed wire fence around the perimeter and gestures for Guillermo to do the same. Worried that Colin can't climb the fence, Guillermo tries to protest, but Colin proves him wrong by climbing the fence almost faster than Simon.

Guillermo files the new information away and does the same. His vampire hunter reflexes and abilities have made tasks so much easier than they would have been before he tapped into them.

"How did you do that so fast?" Simon inquires.

Telling the person who is the reason Guillermo is about to become a vampire that he is a vampire slayer related to Van Helsing seems like a dumb decision, so Guillermo lies. "I've been a familiar for thirteen years. I had to pick up skills to keep up with my master."

"Your skills are sick." Simon leads Guillermo and Colin past the boarded-up front doors. "We can't use the front doors because it could attract attention. Most of the clan uses a staff entrance at the back but I have a special entrance in the basement because I'm a daylighter."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I'm a daylight, so obviously, I go out during the day. Most of the time I hang out with or help Clary or stop by the Jade Wolf to see Luke, but sometimes I have band practice. The clan sleeps during the day but now and then someone will be restless and wander around when the sun is up.

"It's not safe for people during the day if I could open the doors at any moment and fry somebody. So, I use a basement entrance until nightfall. Everyone knows to stay away from the basement during the day."

"Does it bother you being singled out like that?"

Simon purses his lips, thinking. "It used to," he says as he dodges a sagging tree branch. "Ugh, I'll have to tell Raphael to get somebody to cut that down. It scratches on the windows when the wind blows and it's impossible to sleep."

"To answer your question better: it used to bother me. I wasn't a vampire long before I became a daylighter. I hadn't settled into my new life. I wanted to be human again. I didn't want to give up my friendships or watch my family die. So, when I became a daylighter, I thought my life didn't have to change. It hurt a lot when I realized that even though I have this special power and receive special attention because of it, I'm no different than every other vampire."

"Wow. That sounds terrible."

Simon shrugs. "I've had a while to get used to it. Raphael helped me adjust. He'll help you too. He's an amazing clan leader."

"How far do we have left?" Guillermo asks. It feels as if he's been walking for ages. How big is this hotel? They've walked around the side and are walking across the grounds behind the hotel.

Simon points to a maintenance shed near the back wall that surrounds the hotel grounds. "Just there." The hinges shriek when Simon pulls the door open. There is no floor in the shed, just a set of concrete steps leading into pitch black. "Come on."

"I thought we were going to the basement," Guillermo says. He almost falls down the stairs when Colin pushes past him and runs down them.

"This is how I get there. When I first became a daylighter I used the basement door attached to the hotel, but multiple vamps complained to Raphael about me waking them up, so he had some people build this shed with a tunnel that leads to the basement. Now I can come and go as I please without waking anyone."

The tunnel is completely dark without any light to guide the way. Simon leads Guillermo by the shoulder. Colin runs ahead of them, bumping face-first into the walls without care.

Guillermo's breath leaves him as they emerge from the basement into the extravagant hotel. The interior looks similar to the expensive hotels Guillermo has dreamed of staying at. The lobby is empty and the halls are quiet.

It's midday, meaning most inhabitants will be sleeping. Guillermo won't have much time, if any, to meet his new family before he turns unless he and Simon wake people up. That is what Simon decides to do.

He convinces Simon to leave Colin in the game room, which he set up, occupied with a YouTube video about Star Wars, while they wake up Simon's friend Lily and make introductions.

Lily is not happy to see them. She bares her fangs with a hiss when she opens her door. "What is it?"

"Hello, Lily," Simon says, smiling. He does a little wave. "This is Guillermo. Raphael agreed to turn him into a vampire if he joins our clan!"

"Hello," Guillermo says.

"You brought a mundane to the hotel? Simon, are you stupid? He'll be killed!"

"That's kind of the point," Simon says. "He'll be fine, Lily. Everybody is asleep, and everyone knows to listen to me. They'll leave Guillermo alone if I say too."

Lily leans against her door frame and scoffs. "No one listens to you because they want to. Everyone is afraid of what Raphael will do to them if they make you upset. That's why you always get your way."

"It doesn't matter why I get my way, as long as I do."

"Whatever. Why did you bring the mundane to my room?"

"I wanted to introduce you. That way Guillermo knows people when he joins the clan."

"Silly, baby," Lily shakes her head. "I'm not interested in babysitting another fledgling vampire."

Simon crosses his arms. "I'm not a baby anymore."

"You'll be the baby until the clan gets a new fledgling."

Simon gestures at Guillermo. "Hello? He's right here."

"He's not one of us yet." Lily makes a shooing gesture at them. "Be gone. I want my sleep."

"Fine. We're going."

"She seems nice," Guillermo says as they walk back to the lobby.

"She's not. She's a bitch, but we love her anyway."

Colin is asleep when they get back to the game room. Guillermo bundles him in a soft blanket Simon retrieves from a closet and lays him on a couch that is out of the way. He and Simon spend the rest of the day playing video games. More than once they almost come to blows.


"Baby, what are you doing?"

Guillermo and Simon jump. They were so engrossed in their game that they didn't hear Raphael's approach. He's standing in the doorway with sleep-ruffled hair and glazed eyes.

"Raph," Simon exclaims. He drops his controller onto the couch and rushes to Raphael. He presses a kiss to Raphael's cheek and drags him closer. "I brought Guillermo over so he could get familiar with the hotel and clan."

Raphael raises one eyebrow. "Playing video games is helping him get familiar with the place?"

Simon blushes from the borrowed blood in his system. "I introduced him to Lily, but she wasn't happy that we woke her up, so I decided to wait until nightfall to introduce him to more people."

"Good idea, but terrible execution. Everyone in the hotel and probably the city can hear you two shouting. You've been keeping us all awake for hours."

Simon's shoulders slump. He's been a vampire for three years, but he still forgets how keen vampire senses are. "I'm sorry. Someone should have told us to keep it down. Everyone has my number."

"Oh, Baby, you know the clan would never do that."

"Why didn't you tell me to shut up?"

"Because I like hearing you get excited and have fun."

Simon blushes again. Sometimes he wishes Raphael was still his stoic "emotions are bullshit" self because he kills Simon every time he willingly reveals his feelings. "Shut up," he whines, flustered.

Colin sneaks past Guillermo's watchful eyes and grabs the bottom of Raphael's fancy jacket. Simon used to think Raphael slept in his jackets because he never saw the clan leader without them. He was proven right when he burst into Raphel's room one day - before they were dating - and found Raphael passed out on the bed in the clothes he wore the night before.

Raphael hisses when Colin tugs on his clothes. "What is a child doing in the Dumort?" He gently extracts his jacket from Colin's death grip.

"I'm so sorry," Guillermo says. He admonishes Colin quietly and lifts him into his arms. Colin is distracted by Guillermo's hair. He runs his hands through the strands. "He's mine. Well, he's not mine-mine. He's technically Laszlo's, but no one but me in that house knows how to raise a kid, so I kept him with me when I decided to join your clan."

Raphael's lip curls. "He can't stay here. The Hotel Dumort is only for vampires."

"He is a vampire," Guillermo interrupts. "He's an energy vampire."

"Correction: the Hotel Dumort is only for real vampires. You can leave the child with Magnus. He and Alec have been discussing the idea of kids lately. They'll be delighted to be handed one."

"Oh." Guillermo tightens his grip on Colin. He's anxious to let the boy out of his sight. Magnus and Alec seem more responsible than Laszlo, but Guillermo can't be sure. What other choice does he have? If Guillermo wants to become a vampire and join Raphael's clan, he has to get rid of Colin. Giving Colin back to Laszlo is out of the question. Colin would be dead within a week if he did that.

"I'll text Magnus. If he and Alec agree to take Colin then I'll invite them over." Simon slides his phone out of his back pocket.

"Why do you have Magnus' phone number?" Raphael asks. "He's my father."

Simon pats Raphael's cheek. "It's cute that you think you're the only Downworlder that Magnus has adopted."

"I am," Raphael protests, slightly jealous that his adoptive father has taken in other strays. He knows Simon and Magnus are close, but he hates being reminded of the fact. "You can call Alec."

"Alec still hates me. He'd never pick up a call from me."

"Call him from my phone!"

"He'll hang up the second he hears my voice."

Raphael groans. "Fine, I'll call him." he stalks past Simon into the lobby and makes the call.

Simon smirks. "He's so possessive of Magnus."

Raphael joins them again five minutes later. "They're coming to pick the kid up now. It's not safe for you to be around mundanes after you turn."

Guillermo nods. Why is there a trickle of dread in his chest? He wants to be a vampire. It's all he's craved for years. He doesn't want to stay with Nandor, waiting for him to finally fulfill his promise, and raise Colin with Nadja and Laszlo. Guillermo does not want that.

He pushes the feeling down, assuming it is nerves. After tonight, his life will change drastically. Nothing will be the same. "When and where will it happen?" he asks.

"We will start the process after Magnus takes the child. I will bite you and then bury you in the backyard."

This is the second time someone has mentioned burying Guillermo. It might be the only way to become a vampire, but Guillermo is starting to rethink his decision. What sane person lets someone bury them?

Simon takes Guillermo's hand, stopping him from picking at his nails. "It's a scary concept, I know. I wasn't even aware of anything when I turned. I crawled out of the ground, craving something but didn't know what it was. I'm not saying this to scare you. I'm saying it so you know it's normal to be wary. You can back out of this agreement now. We're not going to attack or forcefully turn you. We aren't allowed to, even if we wanted to."

Guillermo gulps. "I don't want to back out."

"Good," Raphael nods his head.

A portal opens in the hotel lobby and Magnus and Alec step out. "Hello, Raphael," Magnus says.

"Hello, Papa," Raphael greets.

"Where's the kid?" Alec looks around the lobby.

Guillermo crouches and releases Colin. "Hey, buddy," his voice is teary. "These guys are going to be your new parents, okay? You can't stay with me, Laszlo, Nadja, or Nandor anymore." Colin latches onto Guillermo's arm and refuses to let go.

Alec joins Guillermo. "Hello," he says. "My name is Alec. I'm going to be your dad."

Colin traces the runes on Alec's exposed arms.

Alec laughs lowly. He holds his arms out, so Colin can see all of his runes. "They're cool, aren't they?" He fishes his stele from his pocket and traces his speed rune. He moves to the other side of the room in the blink of an eye.

Guillermo gasps along with Colin. He was too shy to ask what the marks on all Shadowhunters are, but it seems as if he's gotten his answer.

Alec hands Colin his stele when he walks back. "Do you want to try?" He points to the speed rune when Colin nods. "Do what I did. Trace the shape." He uses the leftover rune activation to pretend Colin succeeded.

Magnus sighs, staring besottedly at Alec. "He'll be such a great dad. I hope I can be one too."

"You already are," Raphael admits. He changes the subject before Magnus can get all sappy. "It's dark out. Guillermo, it's time."

Guillermo stands, leaving Colin with Alec. "I'm ready."

"Raphael," Alec says, "is it all right if we stay for the change? Magnus and I should get to know Colin more before we take him home and seeing Guillermo safe and sound as a vampire may make him more comfortable."

"Do what you want," Raphael says. He guides the group outside to a plot of dirt that is seldom used in the intentional creation of new vampires. Fairy lights are strung along the brick wall surrounding the hotel, giving off a soft, golden glow.

"You're going to bury me in that?" Guillermo points at the dirt. Apprehension is written clearly on his face.

"Like I said, you don't have to do this. You can back out. Nobody will be upset."

Alec doesn't voice that he'll be upset because it means he and Magnus won't get Colin, but Magnus knows his husband enough to know what he's thinking. Even if things with Colin don't work out, Magnus will find him and Alec a kid. Alec deserves to have a happy family after everything he went through and everyone he lost - Robert - when he threw away his career for Magnus.

"If you're certain, we'll begin," Raphael says. Guillermo nods. Raphael brings his wrist to his mouth and sinks his fangs into his flesh. Blood floods his mouth. He wills the wound not to heal and beckons Guillermo closer. "Drink my blood. Quickly."

Guillermo's hands shake with excitement when he grabs Raphael's arm and lowers his head to lick up the blood spilling from the puncture wounds. A familiar voice shouting, "Human form!" startles them all.

Raphael rips his arm away from Guillermo and drops into a defensive crouch. Guillermo stares at Laszlo, now in human form, in confusion. Why is here here?

Laszlo spreads his arms wide. "I know what you're all thinking. What is that devastatingly sexy vampire doing here?"

"Uh, yeah," Guillermo says, his mouth hanging open.

"You know this vampire?" Raphael asks. He and Simon are still crouched low, prepared to attack on a whim.

"Yeah," Guillermo says, resigned. "I live with him."

"Is this your master?"

Laszlo wretches. "Never! That human belongs to Nandor."

"Why are you here, Laszlo?"

"We're here to make sure you're safe, of course. Nandor has been losing his mind since last night. He's convinced you've been kidnapped."

Nandor has been worried about him. Not possible. He's just upset that Guillermo hasn't been at the house to wait on him hand and foot. "I'm not kidnapped. I'm perfectly safe."

Laszlo's eyes narrow. He didn't miss the scene playing out before he transformed. A strange vampire's blood covers Guillermo's hands. It isn't difficult to work out what is happening. "I can see that. You were going to be turned without telling us, without telling Nandor. And you took my boy with you. Magnus, I thought we were friends."

Alec waves his stele protectively in front of him and Colin when Laszlo takes a step in their direction. "Stay away from my husband. He did nothing wrong."

Guillermo stops Laszlo with a hand on his chest, smearing Raphael's blood on Laszlo's white shirt. "I couldn't leave Colin in that house when I left. I'm sorry for taking him, but you're not getting him back."

"You're leaving?"

Guillermo closes his eyes and mouths shit. How could he have missed Nandor and Nadja's arrival? Some vampire slayer he is. He looks to the side and meets Nandor's eyes. "Yes, I'm leaving." His voice is forceful, nothing like how he usually addresses Nandor.

Nandor takes on the kicked-puppy look that always makes Guillermo lose his will to argue. "But why? You said you didn't feel appreciated the last time you left and I made you our bodyguard."

"Yes," Nadja interrupts. "We're appreciating you, you stupid cow!"

"Is that what you call treating me like a servant, calling me by every name but my own, never listening to anything I say, and not knowing anything about me? Is that what appreciation looks like to you?" Tears threaten to fall.

"Guillermo, come home. We'll work this out."

"No, Nandor. I've made my decision. Raphael and Simon offered to turn me into a vampire - something you've never done - if I joined their clan. I accepted. I'm staying here. You three can leave."

"Leave?" Nadja exclaims. "Do you know what we had to do to find you? We had to involve witches! Witches, do you hear me?"

"They took my semen," Laszlo interjects.

"They took his semen in exchange for tracking you. Lots of it. He'll have none left. And you still want to leave?"

"Uh... yeah." Guillermo turns his back on them, knowing Nandor will never let harm come his way, no matter how angry he is. He reaches for Raphael's arm. "I'm sorry for the interruption."

"Are you sure?" Raphael asks. "Once you do this, you can't leave the clan unless I kick you out."

"Speaking from experience," Simon pipes in, "it's not fun."

"I'm sure."

Raphael lifts his arm to Guillermo's lips. "Then drink." He jerks his head at Simon, who interprets the gesture as Get rid of these strange vampires.

Before Simon can do as commanded, Nandor drags Guillermo away from Raphael. "Has he told you what he is?" he hisses.

"What?" Guillermo asks before he realizes what Nandor means. "No!" he shouts. "Don't say-"

"He's a fucking vampire slayer! He's related to Van Helsing." Nandor continues when Raphael's arm goes limp from shock. "He kills vampires! A lot of them! He stakes them."

Guillermo stops struggling against Nandor's hold. Nandor has already ruined his chance with Raphael's clan. No sane vampire will keep a slayer in their midst. "I only did that to protect you," he whispers. He wishes he hadn't saved Nandor from the assassins the Vampiric Council sent.

"You're a slayer?" Simon asks. His lower lip trembles. "I thought you were cool! I offered you a spot in our clan!" He has a lot to apologize to Raphael for if he felt even a fraction of this pain when Clary convinced Simon to betray the clan. Guillermo isn't even a member of the clan yet, and Simon's heart feels like it's being yanked out of his chest.

Raphael's gaze turns hard. "What was your plan? Let me turn you, then kill every vampire in the hotel?"

"Fuck no! I only killed those vampires because they were trying to kill my vampires!"

"Even if I believed you, I could not, in good conscience, allow you access to my clan." Raphael turns his back to everyone. He holds his hand out for Simon. Simon attaches himself to Raphael's side, resolutely not looking at Guillermo. "Leave. Go home with your master and be a good little pet. If you ever come near the Hotel Dumort again, I will order my clan to kill you on sight."

Raphael and Simon enter the hotel but they stay near the door to witness the coming altercation. Raphael because he needs to monitor any potential threat to his clan and Simon because he's too nosy for his own good.

Guillermo spins away from Nandor. Rage burns in his eyes. "What the fuck did you do that for? Why do you always have to ruin every fucking good thing that happens to me? First, you stole my boyfriend and now you've stolen my only chance to be like you!" He loses his fight against his tears. They soak his face and drip onto his sweater. What did he do in a past life to deserve this? Is he not allowed to be happy?

Nandor raises his hands, placatingly. "I can see you're angry."

"I'm more than angry!"

"I panicked, Guillermo. I didn't want you to leave."

"Why wouldn't I, Nandor?" Guillermo's anger dissipates, leaving resignation. "I finally had the chance to become a vampire."

"You're my familiar. I am going to turn you into a vampire."

"Oh, yeah? When?"

Nandor doesn't answer.

Guillermo scoffs. He can't believe he's wasted thirteen years of his life on this asshole. Nandor was never going to turn Guillermo into a vampire. Guillermo has known from the beginning. He's stayed this long because, against his every instinct, Guillermo fell in love with Nandor.

He never stayed gone because he always worried about Nandor. It's a miracle Nandor survived as long as he did before Guillermo entered the picture. He wouldn't last five minutes in the modern world with Guillermo guiding his every step and assassinating vampires sent to kill him.

"You lied," he whispers. "You fucking lied to me!"

"I did not lie," Nandor says, offended by the notion. "I was going to make you a vampire. I have a good reason not to."

Guillermo crosses his arms and glares at Nandor. Nadja shifts behind him, her heeled boot snapping a twig in half. He wishes she and Laszlo would leave, but that won't happen anytime soon. Laszlo won't leave without Colin, who is protected by Magnus and Alec, who are watching the drama from a few feet away. Nadja is addicted to poking her nose in everyone else's business, so she won't leave either.

"What reason could you have for stringing me along for thirteen years?"

Nandor looks at the ground. His hands fidget at his sides before he grabs his clothes to steady them. "I can't tell you."

"This is such bullshit!" Guillermo pushes past Nandor and starts the long trek around the hotel to reach the front gate. He could scale the wall here, but the walk will calm his mind. "Fuck this. Fuck you, Nandor! I may not be a vampire, but I'm still leaving. I fucking quit! I'll be by the house sometime soon to get my belongings."

"Guillermo, stop," Nandor begs. Guillermo doesn't. Nandor runs after him. He grabs Guillermo's arm and uses his vampiric strength to hold him in place. "I do have a reason. A good one."

"Oh, pray tell, what is it, Nandor? You didn't want to lose your faithful servant? You didn't want to go through the effort of turning me? Is it something stupid like that?" He grumbles when Nandor covers his mouth with his hand.

"I didn't want to lose you, you moron!" Nandor's hand drops from Guillermo's face. He takes a hesitant step backward. That just slipped out. He didn't mean to say it.

"What? Lose me? What are you talking about?"

Seeing as he's in too deep already, Nandor tells the truth. "You've said it yourself before. You're only working as my familiar so I'll turn you into a vampire. I was going to turn you - within two years - but I couldn't bear to do it because you would leave as soon as I did."

It isn't the entire truth, but it's enough to give Guillermo pause. "You stupid vampire," he says finally. "I would never leave you. I'm not your familiar just so you would turn me. If I was I wouldn't have stayed this long." He steps into Nandor's personal space and traces his face.

"Then why?" Nandor helplessly gestures at the Hotel Dumort.

"Because I couldn't take it any longer, and Simon gave me a chance."

"Would you have regretted it?" Nandor rests his forehead against Guillermo's. The physical contact calms his nerves. He knew something was wrong when Guillermo stayed behind at Magnus'.



"Because I love you." Guillermo may be interpreting the tension between them wrong, but he doesn't think he is. Not when Nandor's eyes darted to his lips five times while they were arguing.

Nandor places his hands on Guillermo's waist. "Guillermo?"


"May I kiss you?"

"Fuck yes."

Nandor forcefully shoves Guillermo against the hotel wall, but the kiss is slow and emotional. Nandor breaks away to whisper, "I'm sorry for lying for so many years. I couldn't bear to lose you. I had to keep you in any way I could."

"Shut up." Guillermo tugs Nandor's mouth back to his.

As the two ravish each other, Magnus sidles up to Laszlo. "So, can we still keep the kid?"

Laszlo hisses at Magnus. "Fuck, no! That's my boy." He holds his hand out for Colin. "Come on, boy. We're going home!" Colin traces the rune on Alec's neck once more before running to Laszlo.


Nandor holds Guillermo's hand after he settles into a chair in the fancy room. "Are you comfortable? Are you sure you want to do this here?"

Guillermo laughs at Nandor's fussing. "I'm sure."

"I don't want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable."

Guillermo tugs Nandor closer and kisses his lips. "I'm fine. I'm ready for this."

Nandor brushes the wispy strands of Guillermo's hair away from his neck. "Are you ready?"

"Nandor," Guillermo says, warningly. They've had this conversation every night for the past month. Guillermo wanted Nandor to turn him into a vampire the same night they reconciled, but Nandor wanted the event to be special. He didn't want their memories tainted by Guillermo's almost betrayal.

Everyone in the household, including the now elementary-age Colin Robinson, who's famous at Nadja's club, celebrated with a small party. Now, it's just Nandor and Guillermo in the house. Nadja and Laszlo took Colin out for ice cream to give them privacy.

"I know. I know." Nandor steps behind the chair. He presses his nose against Guillermo's neck, inhaling the smell of fresh blood. He licks Guillermo's sensitive skin, causing him to shiver. "I'm procrastinating."

"Then stop."

"As you wish."

Guillermo gasps when Nandor's fangs sink into his skin. He doesn't remember much from the process, but he will never forget the taste of the first drops of Nandor's blood on his tongue.

Even as debilitating pain wracks Guillermo's body and a craving overtakes his mind, he smiles, because he's going to have forever with the man he loves. 


Words: 12, 346

Published: 4/7/24

Also posted on AO3 (Jasper_Raid)

This is the longest one-shot I've written to date. 

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