The Scarlet Prophecies

By LittleCat_Kat

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A world where magic exists, along with magical creatures and Gods. Three royal siblings each with their proph... More



46 9 37
By LittleCat_Kat


Icurus started to move his arm away from Edward. "I should get going..."

Edward pouted in response. "Why the hurry?"

"You know, I should check on Xavier..." Icurus explained. 

Edward stood up and took Icurus's hand. "Well, it's nearly lunchtime. I should meet up with the others soon. You should come too - I'm pretty sure Xavier is with them already."

Icurus scoffed with a smirk. "And how would you know?"

"Oh, we have Shattered Visiolens crystals placed all over the castle," Edward stated matter-of-factly. Seeing Icurus's confused expression, he explained further, "Basically, anyone who has a piece of the crystal can see and sense the locations of the other crystals." He took out a small, lavender-coloured shard and tapped it with his finger. It began to glow green, as did Edward's left eye. "I can see them in the library now. Xavier is there with Kovu and Eden." 

"Ah, that explains why you don't have many guards around here," Icurus remarked.

Edward chuckled. "Oh yes, that, and the fact that my mother, siblings, and I can all turn into dragons on command."

"Right..." Icurus shook his head. "I knew that."

Edward grabbed his hand eagerly. "Come on! We should go to the library."

He dragged Icurus behind him, forcing him to sprint down the corridors. Tall windows let in afternoon light as they passed, casting their shadows on the high walls.

Edward came to an abrupt stop in front of the library doors. "We're here!"

They entered the room, immediately spotting Eden sitting on a shelf and Xavier on a table. Kovu sat in a chair with a book open before him.

"What are you guys doing?" Icurus asked, concerned.

Eden grinned. "I'm an elf on a shelf!"

"And I'm mentally unstable on a table," Xavier added, getting up.

"And I chose to be normal..." Kovu muttered, lifting his head to look at them.

"Seriously, Eden?" Edward said blankly. "Frostley Wisper was months ago!"

Eden pouted. "But I love that holiday... Can someone help me get down?"

"I love that holiday too - for me, it's still going!" Levina called over from the second-story balcony. "Blisworth! Get Eden down from the bookshelf!" She motioned to the same large boy with cracked grey skin and shaggy dark brown hair. His light yellow eyes looked up at her command.

Blisworth lumbered to the edge of the balcony, careful not to break the floor under his massive weight. The half-giant lowered his hand and poked Eden's shoulder to get her attention. She grabbed on and he hoisted her up next to him.

"Thanks, Blisworth!" Eden said, kissing his hand. He blushed in response.

Xavier nudged Edward and whispered, "Is Blisworth a half-giant?"

"I am," Blisworth's voice boomed through the library. He quickly put a hand over his mouth and whispered, "Sorry...that was too loud."

Levina patted his arm reassuringly. "It's okay."

"My father is a giant and my mother is human..." Blisworth explained softly.

Xavier still looked perplexed. He glanced around for more information. "How did his know..." He made a vague hand gesture.

Blisworth tilted his head innocently. "What did my parents do?"

Edward clapped his hands together. "Okay! Who's hungry? We should get lunch."



I had been at the infirmary for hours now, my only company was my sister Eleanor and her incoherent ramblings, and Rosabella, who sat elegantly at the edge of my bed, listening politely to Eleanor's chatter as she nodded along. Mid-conversation, Rosabella would glance my way and catch me staring, which was embarrassing since I'm not normally one to gawk.

"Anyways..." Rosabella began, "How are the preparations for the upcoming Ball where all the kings and queens of the seven kingdoms will gather?"

Eleanor clasped her hands eagerly. "Oh yes! The tailor will deliver my gown for the event tomorrow!" 

Turning to me with a smile, she asked, "And you?"

"It's an important gathering, with all the kingdoms we must make a good impression," I stated simply.

She chuckled. "Oh, same old earnest Ernesto, always focused on business..." Trailing off, she looked down as if lost in thought, something clearly weighing on her mind.

Had Rosan gotten to her too?

"Well, I can't wait to meet Queen Eira of Eldoria! I hope she likes me..."

At the mention of Vinter's mother, I suddenly remembered the task she'd assigned us - to investigate the sea spirit awakening near Frostfern. No doubt that airhead didn't recall either.

Come to think of it, the ship's disappearance and the sea spirit happened the same day...I wondered if there was a connection.

Just then, I spotted Pyrrhus walking past the infirmary gate. "Pyrrhus! Over here!" I called out. 

He flinched before making eye contact, then strode over hesitantly. Eleanor and Rosabella paused their dress chat to glance my way questioningly. 

Stopping by the curtain, Pyrrhus inclined his head deferentially. "Yes, Prince Ernesto, how may I be of service?"

"Could you summon Vinter and Rosabella's pick Icurus?" I asked. I considered adding Xavier, the boy with the odd prophecy about my brother, but thought better of it, not wanting to seem rude by continuously picking on Rosabella's students. I'd kidnap Xavi another night for questioning, I am sure Icurus wouldn't notice. He will be too busy flirting with my brother, I am sure of it.

Pyrrhus looked stunned, if not disgusted, at the mention of Icurus. Luckily Rosabella didn't notice.

"Alright...I'll fetch them," he replied.

Rosabella pursed her lips. "What do you need them for?"

I explained about the sea spirit Vinter had mentioned, thinking it might connect to the lost Silver Tide, and that Icurus's siren mother might know something. 

She raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't Vinter say anything last night?"

"He probably forgot..."

Smirking knowingly, she said, "Oh, so you forgot too...and just remembered because we mentioned Queen Eira, who I'm guessing assigned you this duty?"

"Yes..." I whispered, cheeks warming in frustration as she laughed and poked my nose playfully.

"I guess you're not as serious as I thought!" She winked, eyes glimmering with energy and joy, radiant smile warming me like a summer day. Lovely in all ways, a pity her mortality means such warmth must one day fade to cold. I cannot stop that, only watch helplessly. Alas, I cannot even do that.

My parasitic twin coughed violently beside us. "Ahem! Excuse me," she smiled sweetly, clearly miffed at being a third wheel. Now you know how I feel when you and Vinter get all lovey-dovey. Bitch.



The students of Enchanted Academy gathered around a round table, consuming their lunch and having a quiet discussion. Edward, the most sociable of the group, did not even have a plate in front of him.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" Icurus asked while chewing on bread. 

"Later," Edward replied casually.

"Anyways, the Ball," he began excitedly, "what will you all be wearing?" 

There was a clattering of metal armour, followed by Ariana's voice. "A pink floral gown, same as my sister," she said, tired and covered in mud.

Levina wrinkled her nose in distaste. " should clean up," she said, before diverting her attention to Edward with a smile. "I will be wearing a blue gown with silver lacing."

Alcester passed by the muddy Ariana. "I will wear whatever my mother picks out for me, I guess," he spoke softly. 

Icurus looked at the two in concern. "Uh...what have you two been doing?" His question went ignored.

"I didn't even know there was a ball," Xavier spoke up, shoving a piece of ham in his mouth. "But I will make sure to be there for the food."

Ariana snickered in response. "Same!"

Eden stuffed her face with berries. "Who isn't? Food is our life force."

A small smile appeared on Kovu's lips. "Yes...I'm sure we are all just there for the food."

"Well, see you guys later. We need to go clean up," Ariana said as she stood. "Come on, Alcester," she turned to leave. As they left, Pyrrhus approached, looking unhappy as always. 

He frowned at Icurus. "Prince Ernesto calls for you," he said pretentiously.

Before Icurus could respond, Edward interjected. "Why? Why does my brother need to speak with him?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Pyrrhus shrugged indifferently. "He didn't state his reasons."

"Alright," Edward stood up. "Come on, Icurus," he said, taking his hand.

"You weren't asked to come," Pyrrhus scoffed at him. 

"So?" Edward tilted his head, his expression growing cold. "He is my older brother. I can visit him whenever I want." 

Pyrrhus didn't respond, knowing better than to argue.

Icurus followed as Levina stood up, eyeing Pyrrhus. "Was my brother called as well?" she asked.

Pyrrhus nodded stubbornly. 

She smiled. "Oh good, then I'm coming too!" She went to join the boys.

As they left, Xavier grabbed Icurus's sleeve. "I'm your best friend, right?" 

Icurus rolled his eyes and pushed his plate toward him. "Yes, you can have it."

The four of them walked to the infirmary, with Pyrrhus leading the way. Levina followed behind, and Edward held Icurus's hand as they trailed behind her. Though it didn't bother him, he worried what Prince Ernesto might think. 'We're just friends...' he thought, before Edward tightened his grip, pouting slightly. His pink lips turned down, rosy cheeks flushed, and his pointed ears drooped as if he'd heard something upsetting.

"Is something wrong?" Icurus asked, noticing his change in demeanour. 

Edward only looked ahead. " need to be more committed to this relationship," he said seriously.

Icurus stared, confused. "What relationship?"

Hearing this, Edward let go of his hand and angrily stomped ahead. Icurus followed slowly, concerned he may have offended him.

They arrived to find Ariana there in a light pink evening gown, standing with her sister in a matching lavender dress. Vinter was also there, beside Eleanor's bed. 

Icurus stood stiffly, wondering why Prince Ernesto had summoned him.

Ernesto sat up in bed, his dark purple hair spilling over his shoulders. "Your mother gave you a sword?" he began gently. 

Icurus nodded, unable to speak after witnessing Ernesto's earlier behaviour.

"Did she say anything about your father? Or the ship he was aboard, the Silver Tide?" 
"No, she didn't..." Icarus replied quietly.

Levina narrowed her brows in frustration. "Why, what happened?" she asked her brother. "I didn't hear anything about a disappearing ship."

Edward's expression softened as he glanced at Icarus. "You mean the same ship his father was on," he said knowingly.


Thinking of his dad made Icurus uneasy and sad. It churned his stomach and clouded his mind. He remembered now - his mother's shadowy silhouette at the docks. He hadn't told anyone, not even thinking of it until this moment. 

Ernesto looked at him intently. "Do you have any helpful information that could assist in finding your father?"

Icurus considered sharing what he'd heard the dark figure said. He remembered it vividly. Should he tell them?



As most of you might have known Wattpad has been acting a little sus so if I just so happened to get deleted. You can still find me at LittleCat_Kat  on Inkitt, Tapas and Royal Road.

Let's hope that it doesn't happen <3

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