Ishman oneshot

By yunkistae

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↘ ↙ Fluff Angst Etc..⏲ ↗ ↖ 🏷request are op... More

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I need him (angst) 1
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Always you.
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He was my Everything (2)
Interview (ft. Larry Stylinson)
Twin Brother1
Thoughts? on Shreyas-Ishan
Twin brother 2
Shrey-Ish (fluff)
I need him (2)
I need him (3)
ICT's × MI's √Princess (fluff)
Jealous husband (smut)
I think im pregnant (chaotic oneshot)
Always together
(My) Innocent Lover

Ishan's prank

1.1K 65 28
By yunkistae

A night before the disaster

The house was very peaceful and it was very weird. No shouts, prank, crying but complete pin drop silent. Rohit entered the drawing room as he saw Tilak and Bumrah talking with each other, Shreyas Surya Shubman using their phones, Hardik lying on the couch while staring at the ceiling and laughing to himself
'God knows what he's thinking' Rohit whispers. Jadeja on the corner learning some tiktok moves. Rohit looked around the room while staring at his lazy ass members.

Rohit: why so quiet guys?? Did i enter the wrong house??

Everyone look up as they saw their captain.

Surya: I was missing this silence

Tilak: This must be a headline .

Rohit: isn't it weird? Something is off *Rohit said as he one's more scan around the room, when he finally realized someone was missing*
Where is Ishu??

Shubman: He's behaving abit weird since morning. Like laughing to himself inside the bathroom..i heard was like mwuahhhh

Hardik: i saw him chuckling to himself while staring at the door..

Rohit: like you did just now

Hardik: huh...

Surya: I SAW TOO he was standing near the refrigerator and laughing to himself while holding a milk box.

Tilak: i saw him in the kitchen chuckling to himself while eating something..

Bumrah: what a coincidence everybody saw something.. I saw him outside playing with wet muds..

Jadeja: everybody ! I didn't saw him since morning!!!!

Rohit: something is fishy... Shubman go and check Ishu

Shubman walk towards his and Ishan's shared bedroom.He entered the bedroom slowly where he saw Ishan sitting on a chair writing down something.

Shubman just looked at him and came back where  rest of the members where waiting for him.

Rohit: what's he doing?

Shubman: he's writing something..

Jadeja: guysss isn't it good that he's not so restless today?? Just cool down and enjoy the day, you may not get the moment for so long

The rest of the member just shrugged it off and started doing their own work

The next day-

Ishan' pov
Hahaha hohoho heehee the devil's back my dear members.

Shubman was sitting on the bed while scrolling on his phone when Ishan went and stood infront of him.

Ishan: shubi say ahhh..i made a cake for you...

Shubman(looking up): cake?

Ishan: yes Shubi say ahh..i made it with all my blood sweat and tears..say ahhh

Shubman opened his mouth as Ishan took the cake from the plate and feeded him.

(he spitted out the muddy cake he had just tasted)
You!!! Bastard!!!!

Shubman started chasing Ishan who ran out from the room laughing.
Shubman: Rohit bhai!!! Hold himm!!!
*Shubman said as Ishan went behind Rohit*

Rohit: what happened?? Started the drama so early in the morning

Shubman: HE-...HE...HE
(Shub said as he continuously clean his inner mouth with his hand)

Hardik: He -he what? Shub-eww stop doing that!
(Hardik said as he came inside the room munching on some dorritos)

SHubman: He!!!This Bandar feeded me a muddy cake!!! MUDDY CAKE!!! TELLING ME HE MADE IT HIMSELF

Rohit turned back and look at Ishan who was laughing while lying on the floor. That was the deadline Rohit burst out laughing including Hardik.

Shubman: Ishan!!! Im gonna!! Aahhhhh
(He said as he angrily walk out of the room)

Rohit: goshhh Ishu why did you do that?
(Ishan wink at him)
An hour later~
Ishan was inside the kitchen making something when Hardik entered.

Hardik: oh my, oh my eyes!! Ishan Kishan in the kitchen!!

*Hardik acted as if he was trying to block his eyes from something bright, whereas Ishan look at him *with so done face*

Ishan: bhai..this is my first try....can you taste please...(he gave a puppy eyes)

Hardik: well...take me to hospital if i pass out
(He said while taking a piece of paneer from the plate which Ishan has made for the first time)

Ishan: well enjoy it...(and he ran out)

Rohit: why so much in Hurry Ishu? Did you do something ag-

(Hardik screamed from the kitchen)
Hardik: ISHAN!!!!!!!!!

Rohit(sigh): you definitely did something..

Hardik came out of the kitchen with an angry look ready to cut ishan into pieces

Hardik: why did you do that!!!!
(He said gulping a huge amount of water)

Rohit: what did he do now ??

Hardik: The paneer was so helllaaaa salty!!! It was like he pour half of the salt from the packet!!!

Jadeja (out of nowhere): one day two strike already Ishu??
Ishan: now no.3 (snapping his finger)

Tilak's pov/
The devil's out with his plan i must be careful.. What if its my turn now....(looking left and right as be walk towards his door) Ishan is very cunning he'll pop out of nowhere...i better stay inside my room.

Tilak thought of himself as he opens the door of his bedroom but with no luck as soon as he opened his room a huge amount of liquid was pour upon him

Tilak: Kishan!!!!!!!!!!!

With Rohit and Jadeja-
Rohit: that's Tilak! Wh-

Jadeja: one day 3 strike

Rohit: huh..??

(Tilak came running towards Rohit)

Tilak: bhai!!!see what your Ishu Mishu baby has done to me!!!!!

While looking at Tilak Jadeja burst out laughing as he was covered with milk..

Ishan: woah you smell milky (smile)

Tilak: ish-

Rohit: seriously! Milk? Ishu?! It look like a bucket of milk had been poured out. You just wa-

Ishan: it was expired milk bhaiya...

Rohit: than thats ok

Tilak(mimicking): Than thats ok..!!! Huh you ain't going to say anything???

Rohit: Ishu..stop doing that..happy now??

Tilak(mimicking): Ishu stop doing that (and walks away)

Ishan stood behind a door while knocking when the door was opened

Ishan: hello bhai~~ (ishan gave him the sweetest of smile but nobody has to know that  behind the smile there is a smirk)

Bumrah: Ishu? Do you need something??

Ishan: yeah..can i come inside...

Bumrah: sure...btw do you know why did Tilak screamed?

Ishan: no...i heard him screaming too..

Bumrah: oh, but what do you need tho?

Ishan: you know my brother's the biggest fan of yours..

Bumrah: ok..??

Ishan: well he told me that his biggest wish..he wanted from you is to...make a video and send him...

Bumrah: what kind of video??

Ishan: this kind

Ishan showed him a video from his phone ( 🙈 the video was: a  girl doing +niko niko ne+ another girl  acting cute with a huge pout and doe eyes + another girl doing the cringe-sss cute voice

Bumrah: I'm very very sorry Ishan im not doing that!

Ishan(pout): will i tell my nephew that his one and only idol refused to wish his command....

Bumrah was debating whether to say yes or no when Ishan gave him the puppy eye

Bumrah(sigh): fine~~ only for your nephew

Ishan: tqsm you stand here ill record the video

<time skip>

Ishan: gosshhhh it was so cute my nephew will be sooo happy

Bumrah: I'm never doing that AGAIN...

(another time skip ;)

After Ishan left around 20 mins later he got a message from Sachin

Bumrah: message from Sachin sir...

The message:
Sachin: that was nice didn't expect from you 😃

Bumrah: what? Is he talking about?
(His phone started ringing)

On call/
Dhoni: hello, Bumrah
Bumrah: ...uh..Dhoni Sir..?
Dhoni(chuckle): I just call you to say that it was so cute never expected from you
Bumrah: huh?...Sachin Sir messaged me the same thing...w-what are you talking about..sir...
Dhoni: so ishan sended him too , the video of yours
Bumrah: i-ill call you back later sir..

Now Bumrah came to realization... Ishan sended his video to Dhoni and Sachin sir....

Bumrah: ISHAN!!!!!
Jadeja was walking past Bumrah's bedroom when he heard his voice

Jadeja: hmm one day 4 strike, ishan ishan ishan

8:30 p.m

Surya and Ishan were playing fifa when some few mins later surya decided to take a bath.
Surya was inside the bathroom taking bath while Ishan was in Surya's bedroom.

As Surya was about to wear his clothes when he found that he forgot to bring his undergarments +  the light went off suddenly (he doesn't need to know that it was Ishan's mini plan)

Surya: Ishan? Are you there?

Ishan: yes..what happen?

Surya: well...i didn't bring my phone + what happen to the light + dear brother can you pass me my undergarments.. Its in the first drawer....and a towel..i thought it was in the bathroom

Ishan: Sure bhai wait a min...bhai...its very dark here..i don't have my phone here with me..but i got ur undergarment.. (Ishan handed surya)

Surya: towel??

Ishan: i can't find it just wear that and come out, its not like im a girl

Surya: ohk

After a few mins Surya came out from the bathroom. He don't know but he was a bit no very uncomfortable wearing the undergarment Ishan had given him. Surya couldn't see anything but it was pitch black but out of nowhere a light was flash in his face and automatically there was light in his room.. There he saw Ishan standing near him with a smirk

Surya: Is-

Ishan: before you say anything look down...

Following Ishan's gaze he look down and the world flash in front of him. He was wearing a panty ! A PANTY!!! No reason why he was feeling so uncomfortable. Than he look up at Ishan who was already running away.

Surya: Ishan!!!!

Back to Rohit and Jadeja. They were watching television when he hurt Surya's voice

Jadeja: one day 5 strike (laughs)

Now, Bumrah entered the room where Rohit and Jadeja were there followed by Tilak and Surya while Shubman and Hardik drag Ishan by holding both his arms

Surya: This devil here must be persecuted. No more mercy!

Rohit: what did he do tho? We saw what he did with Shubman, Hardik and Tilak but surya,bumrah?

Bumrah and Surya explained them Everything.

Jadeja was on the floor laughing his lungs out as he was not able to control anymore as today Ishan had made them suffer so much

Time skip/ the next day
Virat was sitted on the couch while Ishan was clinging on him.

Virat(laughing): i was gone for 2 days and Everything just happened? Goshh ishu your tiny head can do and think sooo much

Shubman: tiny but very effective!

Rohit: I wanted  to ask you guys this since Yesterday so how do you feel Mr.Gill Mr.Kumar, Mr.Bumrah and Mr.Varma?
(Rohit spoke making his hand as a microphone, while Virat and Jadeja were clutching on their stomach)

S/S/B/T: horrible!!!

Rohit(Smirk): that's what i felt when Ishu poured a whole ice bucket all over me and you guys were enjoying

Virat: now now now Ishu who's next? (Smirk)

Ishan: Jadeja bhai

Jadeja: Please have mercy on me please...

Ishan(Smirk): and Rishabh p-

Rishabh(out of nowhere): Rishabh what?

Everyone: Nothing

               ~~~~~~~~~~~The end

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