Citadel of Hearts: The Empero...

By hoshivelous

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"In your quest to lay claim upon me, my body, my land, and my people, heed this, Seungcheol: my heart shall f... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"
Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave
Chapter 3: Resistance untill death
Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies
Chapter 5: Beau as Rose
Chapter 6: The beauty of Sel
Chapter 7: Threads of Trust
Chapter 8: Forbidden fates
Chapter 9: Clash of Thrones
Chapter 10: Swords and Seduction
Chapter 11: Regal Affairs
Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed
Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion
Chapter 14: Fire within you
Chapter 15: Scars on Souls
Chapter 16: Emblem of Love
Chapter 17: Shadows of Betrayal
Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion
Chapter 19: Dares of Hearts
Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white
Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion
Chapter 22: Die for you
Chapter 24: Love's Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets
Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love
Chapter 27: Bleed the lies
Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel
Chapter 29: Imperial bonds
Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise
Chapter 31: Solace in separation
Chapter 32: Shadows of regret
Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs
Chapter 34: Fractured bonds
Chapter 35: Peace in your presence
Chapter 36: True love and affection
Chapter 37: To my other half
Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts
Chapter 39: Dance of love
Chapter 40: Moonlit desires
Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild
Chapter 42: Live Forever
Epilogue: Emperor's Triumph
New book!

Chapter 23: Everlasting true bonds

696 62 17
By hoshivelous

As Seungcheol stirred in his slumber, a gentle sprinkle of water kissed his face, prompting him to furrow his brows in confusion. Slowly, he opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of Jeonghan hovering above him, the essence of his recent bath filling the chamber with a fresh, invigorating fragrance. A mischievous grin adorned Jeonghan's lips as he met Seungcheol's gaze.

"My rose," Seungcheol murmured, his voice laced with sleep, as he took in his surroundings. The chamber had undergone a transformation, its curtains replaced with new ones in preparation for the festival. The palace was bustling with activity as chefs hurriedly prepared new dishes, and the air was infused with the aroma of scented candles, casting a warm glow throughout the halls.

"Rise and shine, are you planning to sleep through the entire day?" Jeonghan's playful tone jolted Seungcheol out of his reverie, prompting him to glance up at the enticing figure before him. Jeonghan appeared freshly bathed, his wet locks cascading over his shoulders, droplets glistening like diamonds in the sunlight. Seungcheol couldn't resist the urge to pull him closer, wrapping his arms around Jeonghan's waist and relishing in the closeness.

"What—" Jeonghan began, caught off guard by Seungcheol's sudden embrace.

"Good morning," Seungcheol murmured, planting a soft kiss atop Jeonghan's head, eliciting a contented sigh from his beloved, who melted into his arms, shifting until he was comfortably straddling Seungcheol's lap.

"Morning," Jeonghan replied, his voice soft and warm, a hint of playfulness dancing in his eyes.

"Time to rise and shine, my king. The kingdom awaits," Jeonghan teased, flicking Seungcheol's forehead gently, earning a hearty laugh from the monarch.

"Even if I am late, it matters not," Seungcheol remarked, his deep voice resonating throughout the room, filling the space with warmth and affection.

"It matters," Jeonghan insisted, rolling his eyes playfully as he urged Seungcheol to rise from the bed. With a contented sigh, Seungcheol obliged, making his way to the royal bath area after stealing a tender kiss from Jeonghan, who jokingly complained about morning breath, their laughter echoing through the palace corridors.

Seungcheol emerged from his bath, regal garments adorning his frame, and entered the chamber to find Jeonghan engrossed in grooming his locks. "You could have enlisted Jisoo's aid," Seungcheol remarked, approaching Jeonghan who struggled with a hairstick. "No, he's preoccupied," Jeonghan replied, lips pressed in concentration as he attempted to secure the hairstick.

"Come here," Seungcheol beckoned, settling onto the couch. Jeonghan arched a brow inquisitively, but Seungcheol simply motioned for him to sit on his lap.

"What? Are you going to tend to my hair now?" Jeonghan chuckled, standing before Seungcheol with a wooden comb in hand. "You underestimate me, my rose," Seungcheol replied, gently guiding Jeonghan until he rested against his chest.

"For you, my heart, I would master any craft," Seungcheol whispered, his breath caressing Jeonghan's cheek. "I'd endure any trial, face any peril," he vowed, pressing a tender kiss upon Jeonghan's forehead, a silent pledge of undying love. In that intimate moment, amidst the soft glow of affection, their bond deepened, transcending the mundane to embrace the eternal.

"What styles do you know?" Jeonghan inquired, settling on the floor between Seungcheol's legs. "I know how to braid," Seungcheol replied, his fingers deftly working through Jeonghan's hair, easing out any tangles.

"Have you ever braided anyone's hair before?" Jeonghan pressed further. "No," Seungcheol breathed, gathering Jeonghan's locks into a neat bundle at the nape of his neck.

"Then, how do you know?" Jeonghan's curiosity lingered in the air.

"I watched my father braid my mother's hair when I was young," Seungcheol revealed, fingers skillfully dividing the hair into three sections before weaving them together in a braid.

"Since childhood, I've envisioned tending to my partner's hair one day," Seungcheol confessed softly, completing the braid as Jeonghan turned to look at him.

Jeonghan's heart swelled with emotion, his hand growing clammy, his throat tightening. Seungcheol's sincerity always touched him deeply.

"The gods have bestowed upon me the most exquisite beauty," Seungcheol declared, cupping Jeonghan's face and planting a tender kiss on his lips, leaving Jeonghan momentarily stunned before he pulled away, rising to his feet.

"You never cease to amaze me," Jeonghan whispered, overwhelmed by the depth of Seungcheol's love and devotion.

"You flatter me," Jeonghan replied, a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked into Seungcheol's eyes. "But it's true," Seungcheol insisted, his gaze filled with adoration.

As Jeonghan stood before him, Seungcheol rose from the couch, his hand reaching out to intertwine with Jeonghan's. "Shall we continue getting ready?" Seungcheol suggested, his voice warm and inviting.

Jeonghan nodded, a sense of anticipation filling the air as they prepared for the royal affair ahead. Side by side, they moved with an effortless synchronicity, each gesture and exchange infused with an unspoken understanding and affection that bound them together.

Throughout the preparations, their laughter echoed in the chamber, a melody of joy that danced between them, reaffirming the deep connection they shared. And as they stepped out into the grand hall, hand in hand, their hearts beat as one, united in love and devotion.

Jeonghan's heart swelled with pride as he caught sight of Jisoo standing regally at the palace gate, resplendent in attire reminiscent of his own. A crown adorned Jisoo's head, adding to his majestic presence as he stood flanked by the palace guards.

"My goodness," Jisoo whispered, his hand coming to rest on Jeonghan's shoulder, his expression filled with admiration. "May he shield you from all malevolent gazes," Jisoo murmured, his fingers tenderly smoothing Jeonghan's hair before placing a gentle kiss atop his head.

Seungcheol's presence interrupted the tender moment, and Jisoo discreetly pulled away, a subtle roll of his eyes not escaping Jeonghan's notice. Suppressing a chuckle, Jeonghan joined Seungcheol as they made their way towards the gate, the anticipation palpable in the air.

As they approached the gathered crowd, Seungcheol's voice rang out with authority and warmth, addressing his subjects with a speech that stirred hearts and inspired hope. His words were a promise of prosperity and unity, a vision of a brighter future under his reign.

My sincere apologies for the oversight. Here's Seungcheol's speech about the first crop rain festival:

"My esteemed subjects," Seungcheol began, his voice resonating with authority as he addressed the gathered crowd. "Today, we come together to celebrate a momentous occasion—the first crop rain festival of our kingdom."

"As we stand here amidst the bountiful fields and fertile lands, let us pause to reflect on the significance of this day," Seungcheol continued, his words carrying a sense of reverence for the agricultural traditions that sustained their kingdom.

"For generations, our ancestors have toiled the earth, their labor yielding the sustenance that nourishes our people," Seungcheol proclaimed, his gaze sweeping over the assembled farmers and villagers with pride and gratitude. "And today, we gather to honor their legacy and give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon us."

"As we rejoice in the abundance of this year's harvest, let us not forget the hardships endured and the sacrifices made," Seungcheol urged, his voice filled with empathy for those who had faced adversity in their pursuit of livelihood. "But let us also find solace in the knowledge that through resilience and perseverance, we have emerged stronger than before."

"And so, as we partake in the festivities and offer prayers for continued prosperity, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude and minds open to the lessons of the past," Seungcheol concluded, his words infused with hope for a future of abundance and abundance.

With those final words, Seungcheol's speech elicited cheers and applause from the crowd, their spirits lifted by his message of gratitude and hope. Jeonghan stood by his side, sharing in the joy of the occasion and the pride of leading a kingdom that honored its traditions and celebrated its successes.

Seungcheol led the way, his regal presence commanding attention as he strode purposefully towards the awaiting chariot, flanked by Jisoo and Jeonghan. Their procession was a spectacle of grandeur, drawing admiring glances from the assembled crowd as they made their way towards the awaiting carriage.

The chariot itself was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate designs and embellishments that spoke of the kingdom's wealth and artistry. Its golden frame gleamed in the sunlight, a symbol of the prosperity that thrived within the walls of the palace.

As they settled into the plush seats of the chariot, Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the sight of their people's bright and joyous faces. With a smile, he waved back to the cheering crowds, his heart swelling with gratitude for their unwavering support.

The journey to the festival grounds was swift, the rhythmic clatter of hooves against the cobblestone streets accompanied by the sounds of laughter and music that filled the air. Along the way, Jeonghan couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of their kingdom—the verdant trees, the stately houses, and the vibrant curtains adorning every window, each detail a testament to the richness of their culture and heritage.

As they approached the festival grounds, the air was alive with anticipation, the flickering lights and colorful decorations casting a magical glow over the scene. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the unity and spirit of their people, and Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and pride at the magnificence of it all.

Seungcheol descended from the chariot first, his noble bearing exuding confidence as he assisted Jisoo, while Jeonghan followed closely behind, holding onto Seungcheol's hand tightly. "Fear not, my rose. I shall never let you fall, not until my final breath," Seungcheol whispered reassuringly as he steadied Jeonghan's descent from the chariot.

A venerable old woman approached them, bearing a tray adorned with an array of sweets and symbolic crop plantings. "Hail to your majesty, your highness, and the prince," she greeted respectfully, presenting the tray to Jisoo. "It is time for the ceremony to commence," she declared, indicating that it was time for the planting of the first crops.

Jisoo reached for the tray, but Seungcheol began to protest, only to be halted by Jisoo's insistence. "Please, this is my humble request," Jisoo implored, clasping Seungcheol's hand firmly. "I have performed this task for years, and I wish for you to take part this year."

"But Jisoo, it is tradition—" Seungcheol attempted to interject, but Jisoo's resolve remained steadfast. "It is my wish, hyung," he insisted, his gaze unwavering.

"It is said that if a bond of true love plants the first crop, it will flourish with boundless affection," Jisoo explained, selecting two plantings and gesturing towards Seokmin. "Today, I wish to plant with Seokmin," he declared, turning to Seungcheol, whose expression softened at the sincerity in Jisoo's eyes. "Please, hyung."

Seungcheol felt Jeonghan's hand on his own, a silent reassurance, before he nodded in acquiescence. The air was filled with applause as Seungcheol and Jeonghan made their way to the field, where other couples were already positioned, ready to partake in the ceremony.

"Come," Seungcheol beckoned, handing Jeonghan a planting. He covered Jeonghan's hand with his own as they both knelt to the level of the ground. "To the love and prosperity of the kingdom of Sel," Seungcheol intoned solemnly as their hands touched the earth, planting the crop with reverence.

"To a life of health and prosperity for our beloved land," Seungcheol continued, pushing the crop into the soil amidst cheers and applause. Seungcheol turned to gaze at Jeonghan, who smiled radiantly as he pressed the crop into the ground, covering it with earth.

Whispers of endearment escaped Seungcheol's lips as he gazed at Jeonghan. "To my precious rose, Yoon Jeonghan, from his king, Choi Seungcheol," he murmured, his words a declaration of love and devotion that echoed throughout the kingdom of Sel.



What am I even writing, lol 🥹

If you were get to enter in one of my stories, which one would it be? And why?

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