Sweet Seduction

By marveltribrid21

1.8K 33 43

MALE READER! This is a one shot book that will contain smut and fluff. READ THE A/N BEFORE CONTINUING ANY FU... More

Fluff Requests
Smut Requests
Holiday Requests

The Science Project

517 14 8
By marveltribrid21

Y/N L/N is an ordinary boy with a kind heart and unlike most kids, likes school - mostly cause he gets to see his crush Kate Bishop. 

Kate Bishop is an Avenger with a bubbly personality and she loves all things archery. She lives in the compound with the other Avengers. The Avengers are overprotective of her and Peter, she knows they mean well. 

Y/N and Kate are sitting in class. Y/N is sitting beside his best friend James as he listens to the science teacher drone on. Y/N only pays attention because James tends to sleep, like right now. 

"Alright, before class ends I'm gonna pair you up for the project we discussed earlier in the class."

Y/N nudges James awake who sits up and wipes the drool from his mouth as Y/N smiles at him.

"Not a word." he whispers to him.

"Peter Parker and Ned Leeds ."

"James Klein and Sally Wood."

"Y/N L/N and Kate Bishop."

Y/N eyes widen. Did he just hear what he thought he did?

"Did she say I'm with Kate?"

James nods as Y/N glances in Kate's direction. She smiles at him and waves, which he returns albeit awkwardly making Kate chuckle as he turns back around. 

Not long after, the bell rings out for the end of class and the school day. Y/N packs up his bag before waiting for James. 

The two leave the class and head towards their lockers, James trying to calm Y/N down as he spirals about having to do a project with his crush.

As Y/N is putting some books away into his locker after James left to go talk to Sally, Kate walks over to him and taps his shoulder. 

"Hi Y/N."

"H-hi Kate."

She smiles at his shyness. 

"Come on Ned, we can do the project at my Aunt May's."

They look in the direction of Peter rushing off with Ned struggling to follow him.

"Um...d-do you want to do the project at my place?"

"I can't, overprotective Avengers."

She rolls her eyes. 

"But we can do it at the compound."

"Would I be allowed there?"

"As long as you're with me sure!"

She takes his hand making him blush as she guides him through the halls towards the car where Happy waits. 

"Hi Happy, this is Y/N!"

Y/N awkwardly waves before being pushed into the car by Kate who gets in after him. 

"Did any of the others authorise him?"

Happy starts to drive back, looking at Y/N regularly through the mirror. 

"No but I need him for a school project."

"What kind of school project?"


"Wasn't talking to you kid."

Y/N shuts up and looks at Kate. She pats his knee comfortingly.

"A science one."

Happy continues to grill Y/N the whole way to the compound. When they arrive, Kate gets out and drags Y/N by the hand inside and towards the living room.

"Hi guys, we'll be in my room doing a school project."

The Avengers all turn around, the boys quickly stopping the two in their tracks. 

"Uh not so fast. Who is he?" Clint asks.

"And why are you holding hands?" Steve asks.

"What kind of school project?" Tony asks.

"What are his intentions?" Bruce asks.

"Does he like pop tarts?" Thor asks.

Kate rolls her eyes as Y/N looks at the guys in fear. Nat and Wanda stand up and walk over to the guys.

"His name is Y/N. Because I want to hold his hand. Science project. To help me with said project. And I don't know."

She turns to Y/N.

"Do you like pop tarts?"

"U-uh...I guess?"

Thor walks off towards the kitchen.

"Guys lay off him, he clearly doesn't have bad intentions." Nat says. 

"How the fuck would you know?" Clint asks.

The boys and Nat all start to argue. Wanda looks at the two teenagers and gestures towards the living area. 

Kate smiles at Wanda before dragging Y/N in that direction, only to be stopped by Pietro super speeding in front of them. Kate groans as Y/N wishes he was invisible right about now.

"Pietro move."

"No can do."

"Kate! You can do your project in here!" Clint shouts. 

Kate once again rolls her eyes before walking over to the living area with Y/N as Nat and Wanda force all the boys to the kitchen where they can still see the two of them. 

"Here's your pop tarts!"

Thor hands Y/N the plate of five boxes worth of pop tarts. He looks at Kate who shrugs before turning to look at Thor.


"You're welcome!"

Thor leaves and Y/N sits down on the ground with Kate as they each take out the stuff they will need.  As they work on the project, Kate makes a slight mistake to her section without noticing but Y/N does. 

"That's not right." He says pointing to mistake.


"It's not right."

He moves over to her, rubbing out the mistake in her diagram. He takes her hand unconsciously and is about to help her draw when he feels eyes on him. He looks up towards the kitchen to see the guys, excluding Thor, all glaring daggers at him. 

"Um uh."

He lets go of her hand, grabbing his book and pointing at where she went wrong. She glares daggers back at the boys who are ruining her chances with her crush. 

Kate corrects her mistake as Y/N moves back to his stuff. After a few minutes, he awkwardly scratches the back of his head before looking at the book trying to find his mistake. 

"What's wrong?"

"I made a mistake but I don't know where."

Kate moves over to him and looks at his page, quickly noticing the mistake. She takes his hand, ignoring the guys' glare, before helping him correct it as he looks at her. 


"Thanks," he says breathlessly.

"Maybe we should stop for today, we keep making mistakes."

"Y-yeah good idea. I should-"

"Do you want to stay for dinner Y/N?" Nat asks as she walks over to the two.


He looks at the guys who glare at him before looking at Kate who looks at him with hopeful eyes. 


Kate smiles which he returns. She takes his hand and they follow Nat into the kitchen where the table is set. Y/N goes to take the seat by Kate but Pietro quickly sits on it forcing Y/N to sit by Wanda. 

The boys glare at Y/N throughout the whole meal as Wanda, Nat and Kate include him in conversation. 

"Hey Y/N, we're having a movie night why don't you stay?"

"Uh I don't know-"

"Come on for me," Kate says.


Kate smiles as they all get up and head over to the living area. Y/N sits down and Kate sits down beside him, barely any space between them. 

Wanda and Nat smile at the two as the teenagers smile at each other. Steve turns on the movie as the others continue to keep an eye on Y/N throughout the movie. 

Kate snuggles into Y/N's side, lifting her feet onto the chair and rests her hand on chest as her head lays on his shoulder making him blush. 

'Is she trying to get me killed?' He thinks to himself.

Wanda hears his thought and lets out a laugh, making water spill down her chin. She looks at Y/N who raises an eyebrow as Kate follows Wanda's eyeline to Y/N.

"She can read minds, whatever you thought must've been really funny."

He awkwardly smiles. His eyes widen more as Kate puts his arm around her making the guys glare daggers at him. 

The two stay like that for the rest of the movies before Y/N and Kate get up. Kate walks Y/N to the door as his mom waits in the car. 

"I had fun tonight Kate."

"Me too, except the guys being annoying."

"They scare me."

Kate laughs putting her hand on Y/N's arm as he smiles at her. 



"Would you maybe, if you don't mind, and only if you want to-"

"Y/N love you're rambling."

Kate smiles as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Kate smiles.

"I would love to."

"Ok. Good. Uh I'll see you in school tomorrow?"

"Of course."

He smiles before Kate leans in and kisses his cheek making him blush. She chuckles as he holds his hand to his cheek. 

"I...I...Thank you."

He awkwardly walks to the car as Kate giggles. 

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