The Science Project

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Y/N L/N is an ordinary boy with a kind heart and unlike most kids, likes school - mostly cause he gets to see his crush Kate Bishop. 

Kate Bishop is an Avenger with a bubbly personality and she loves all things archery. She lives in the compound with the other Avengers. The Avengers are overprotective of her and Peter, she knows they mean well. 

Y/N and Kate are sitting in class. Y/N is sitting beside his best friend James as he listens to the science teacher drone on. Y/N only pays attention because James tends to sleep, like right now. 

"Alright, before class ends I'm gonna pair you up for the project we discussed earlier in the class."

Y/N nudges James awake who sits up and wipes the drool from his mouth as Y/N smiles at him.

"Not a word." he whispers to him.

"Peter Parker and Ned Leeds ."

"James Klein and Sally Wood."

"Y/N L/N and Kate Bishop."

Y/N eyes widen. Did he just hear what he thought he did?

"Did she say I'm with Kate?"

James nods as Y/N glances in Kate's direction. She smiles at him and waves, which he returns albeit awkwardly making Kate chuckle as he turns back around. 

Not long after, the bell rings out for the end of class and the school day. Y/N packs up his bag before waiting for James. 

The two leave the class and head towards their lockers, James trying to calm Y/N down as he spirals about having to do a project with his crush.

As Y/N is putting some books away into his locker after James left to go talk to Sally, Kate walks over to him and taps his shoulder. 

"Hi Y/N."

"H-hi Kate."

She smiles at his shyness. 

"Come on Ned, we can do the project at my Aunt May's."

They look in the direction of Peter rushing off with Ned struggling to follow him.

"Um...d-do you want to do the project at my place?"

"I can't, overprotective Avengers."

She rolls her eyes. 

"But we can do it at the compound."

"Would I be allowed there?"

"As long as you're with me sure!"

She takes his hand making him blush as she guides him through the halls towards the car where Happy waits. 

"Hi Happy, this is Y/N!"

Y/N awkwardly waves before being pushed into the car by Kate who gets in after him. 

"Did any of the others authorise him?"

Happy starts to drive back, looking at Y/N regularly through the mirror. 

"No but I need him for a school project."

"What kind of school project?"


"Wasn't talking to you kid."

Y/N shuts up and looks at Kate. She pats his knee comfortingly.

"A science one."

Happy continues to grill Y/N the whole way to the compound. When they arrive, Kate gets out and drags Y/N by the hand inside and towards the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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