
By Kovou88

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A house md fanfiction. When a teenage girl suffering from iatrophobia encounters House an interesting time en... More

Verso -Opening
Chapter one - Asthma Attacks are so last season.
Chapter Two - A Bird in Trauma is worth two in the waiting room
Chapter Three - Fizzing
Chapter Four - Makot Mitzrayim- All Hail House
Chapter Five - Who says no to mentos? OR A close brush with an assault charge.
Chapter six - Going my way?
Chapter Seven- Diagnosticians are firmly behind weird cases
Chapter Eight- All medical cases start somewhere...
Chapter Nine - In which the patients feeling fine...
Chapter Ten - House Call
Chapter Eleven - Stubborness is like poker... mostly about the bluff
Chapter Twelve- Diagnostics with Professor House
Chapter Thirteen- Wanderlust
Chapter Fourteen - Rules of Acquisition
Chapter Fifteen - Out of the frying pan into the scanner
Chapter Sixteen - Human Pin Cushion
Chapter Seventeen- Village People
Chapter Eighteen- Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move.
Chapter Nineteen - Awakenings
Chapter Twenty - When you have eliminated the impossible...
Chapter Twenty One - AMA
Chapter Twenty Two - MIA
Author Note

Chapter 23 - Check Mate

339 24 12
By Kovou88

House's long strides took him through the hospital's hallways like a torpedo, some staff members barely managing to maneuver themselves out of his way as he passed yelling "Move!" At them and leaving  them confused and flattened in his wake. 

His leg burned, crying for attention, but he ignored it as he pushed through the automatic doors leading to the entrance walkway before they were even fully open. The relentless rain had turned the world outside into a monochrome blend of gray, the hospital's walls standing as a lone fortress against the downpour. Yet the air was hot and heavy and smelt like heat. Squinting through the sheets of water, House cast his eyes across the people, searching.

There was no way he was going to find her in this. There was too many people and it was too drenched...this was a waste of time.

Furious with himself he turned back to go back into the building and out of the corner of his eye only just spotted a lone figure sitting a few meters away in one of the benched Perspex shelters in the pick up area.

She wore the jeans and skater boy t shirt from her last escape attempt he noted but no coat, the Perspex roof and sides providing her shelter from the rain. She seemed calm, almost serene, amidst the chaotic weather. He couldn't believe his luck!

"Hey!" He yelled at her.  His voice literally drowned out in the rain. He glanced upwards at the sheets of gray cloud then back at her. With a heavy sigh, House turned the collar of his jacket up, hunched his shoulders and hurried towards her.

Arin sat watching the water rolling down the clear walls, waiting for Hector. The sound of hurried footsteps caused her to look up just as the new arrival in her space shook off the water from his hair. She sighed and raised her eyebrows as she recognised him. "you're really committed to this, huh?"

House turned his collar down again and ignored her question, opting instead to say "And where exactly do you think you're going?" He gave her a clinical look up and down. She was damp, the baggy black shirt clinging to her where the rain had soaked through and her hair was wet. Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink colour. Great. He thought. Just great. 

After a few seconds Arin gave another sigh, this confrontation was inevitable it seemed.She turned, met House's piercing gaze and with a mixture of determination and trepidation said "I'd have thought that was obvious and if you've tracked me here then you know by now I signed out and I'm going home."

House gave a short, mirthless sort of disbelieving laugh. "Bzzzzt wrong answer kiddo. You're not going anywhere other than to an exam table in that hospital and maybe if your lucky a first class trip back to bed!" He declared.

Arin swallowed once as if this had been what she expected and raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious. I'm going home. I don't need any more tests."

He gave her another look up and down. "Uhh you sure about that? I'm serious too. Now come back inside with me." He made a sweeping gesture with his free hand. A sort of let's go movement that she ignored.

"I mean it House, I'm going home.  I figured it out."

The older man scoffed, a smirk playing on his lips. "Figured what out? Figured out how to irritate me before 9am? Figured out that you skipped out on your meds this morning and it's showing? Or figured out that you are now sitting in the rain like a drowned rat?"

Undeterred, Arin scowled at him and shot back, "if you're going to be like this then I'm not going to bother talking with you anymore. I'm going home and there's nothing you can say that is going to change my mind. I'm leaving on my terms." She turned away from him, could hear her heart thundering in her chest but forced herself to be calm. The sound of the rain helped, she focused on the drumming of that outside the shelter instead.

House, raised an eyebrow his good hand going down to rub at his leg. "Do you actually hear yourself right now? Leaving on your terms? Are you really this stupid? If so I have to say I'm disappointed I was beginning to think better of you." The throb from his leg caused him to grimace and with nothing else for it he sat on the bench by her side, angling himself so he could look at her and fished in his pocket for a Vicodin.

Arin half glanced back and watched him sit and pop the pill. Her expression softened. "Look..." she started turning fully to face him again

"...don't take this the wrong way ok? But that place..." she nodded her head up at the hospital looming ever present behind them. " all just scares the bejeezuz out of me. I can't stay here any more. Please try to understand I'm not being stupid."

"That's the iatrophobia talking." House grummbled still rubbing his leg. " I understand alright, I understand you're scared but we can deal with that. I can treat that."

"Like you've managed to treat me so far?" She asked quietly.

House felt his jaw clench "I've treated you as much as you'd let me so far. If I'd have treated you like any other patient you'd have been restrained to the bed and loaded with Ativan so that I could treat you properly. This is my fault for actually trying to give a damn about you as a person." He fumed.

Arin gave another tired sigh, as if she were trying hard to contain herself. After a brief moment where only the drumming of the rain filled the air she finally ventured " look, believe it or not I really do appreciate your concern and everything you've done to try and help me."

House made a scoffing sound.

She ignored him but her tone did become more irritated "I mean it! But please, just listen when I'm telling you it's not warranted ok?"

House sighed, his head shaking and she continued.

"I mean There's probably ten other people in that building right now who actually need the particular brand of crazy you apparently call help. I'm not one of them, I'm fine."

"You're fine?" He asked and watched her a second longer before reaching a hand out the short distance between them and touched the back of his fingers onto her forehead. His mouth formed a thin grin line "Fever says otherwise Kiddo. "

Scowling at him Arin raised a hand up to bat his away and pulled back from his touch. "It's not related."

"Oh sure, it's not related. It's just one of the main symptoms you've shown since arriving here and it's not getting better with IV antibiotics or steroids."

"I already told you, it isn't because of what's wrong with me."

"But there is, by your own admission, something wrong with you." He said expectantly. Check...

Arin blinked looking momentarily stunned, "..what? No that's not what i... look the fevers aren't new ok! I already told you they just happen sometimes, they aren't that bad."

"But it's not supposed to "happen sometimes!" Fevers are a symptom of something. Idiopathic fevers are only called that because the person trying to diagnose them and failing are idiots." He flared and then took a second to try to calm himself.

"So you then?" Arin shot back arcidly

House pinched the bridge of his nose. "Noooo because YOU wouldn't LET me examine you remember? You went crazy on me and ended up on the floor."

"You've taken my temperature since that."

"Only to..." he started and then stopped. "You know what? Fine..." he said putting his hand into his inside jacket pocket. He retrieved an ear thermometer "Let me check. If it is like you said and it's not 'that bad' then fine you go. But if you're still running a high fever, you stay."

Arin, glanced at the thermometer and then back at House. "Your fervent medical tactics won't work this time. I've made up my mind."

Ignoring her assertion, House continued with his argument, a mix of irritation and genuine concern. "This isn't any sort of tactics; it's about your health. I know you're scared but I'm telling you seriously not because I'm bored or whatever else you think. You're not well, you need to be examined and properly treated."

Arin rolled her eyes. "You sound like a broken record."

"Better that than sounding like a stupid record." He growled still holding the thermometer.

Arin scowled at him "a stupid record? Really that's the best you could do?"

He stared at her, resolute and she threw her hands up in exasperation, her patience wearing thin. "Fine, if it makes you feel better check it. For all the difference it's going to make. I'm telling you that I've made up my mind." She turned her head for him.

Quickly lest she change her mind House placed the device in her ear and pressed the button. The seconds felt like an eternity as he observed the digital display. It beeped and he triumphantly displayed the thermometer to her "You see? A hundred and three degrees. And I bet you still have that headache." He pocketed the thermometer again and tilted his head down to look at her as she stared pointedly at the ground at her feet. He nodded to himself more than her "Thought so. Take it from an expert Kiddo you need medical attention."

Arin, unfazed, spoke with quiet determination. The only outward sign that she was beginning to lose her control the fact that she hand clenched her fists. Her tone was clipped and sounded almost rehearsed "Thank you for that. As I said I  appreciate your concern, Dr. House, but I've made up my mind. I need to do this my way."

House's frustration grew as he realized his attempts were futile no matter what he said. He knew yelling at her wouldn't help, it would only serve to cut the tense communication they currently had to nothing.

"Look, listen to me. You're making a mistake. You're not a doctor, you don't realise how much your particular situation is affecting your health."

Arin looked up at him again, fronwning "My particular situation?"

"Yes! By god having never seen a doctor? No medical vaccines? You're lucky you haven't run into a serious problem by your age!"

This seemed to hit home somewhere, he could see it in her face as she looked away at her feet once again. Carefully keeping his tone calm he added   "Besides You can't just leave. You agreed to the chess game. You owe me that examination."

This time a way smile tugged the corners of her mouth. "Your right."

"Wait...what?" He said suspiciously. No way that worked.

"I said you're right. I agreed to the chess game and your terms and i agreed to your examination. I just ...didn't say when that examination would take place and neither did you."

"Oh come on!" House retorted incredulously "you know fine well that wasn't part of the deal. You know I meant today."

"You didn't specifically state that."

"It was implied." He glared at her.

Arin shrugged and turned her attention back to the rain. "You didn't specify. So yeah I owe you that examination but it's up to me when you get it."

Undeterred, House changed tracks again and continued to press. "You can't just walk away without knowing what's wrong with you. What if your symptoms worsen?"

Arin, still wearing a subtle smirk, replied, "I appreciate your concern, House. But I've made my decision. I have a plan if it happens again."

House, irritated by the turn of events, grumbled, "And Your plan involves ignoring the opinion of a medical professional? Smart." His tone dripped with sarcasm.

Arin, not yielding, countered, "My plan involves treating it myself if it happens again."

"Treating what!" He yelled throwing his hands up. "Treating something you think you have diagnosed with no evidence of it being that? You're an idiot.I should have had you restrained to the bed when I had the chance."

Arin recoiled from his tone and the comment as if he had slapped her and instantly he regretted saying it. He could see her close down on him. He scowled, trying to pull the frustration back from boiling over. "Look I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that. Try to seem this from my perspective huh? It looked to me like You're being reckless. Leaving without a proper diagnosis is foolish."

She ignored him and they were left in a charged tense sort of silence that was broken only by the drumming of the rain.

Minutes passed and the rain continued its relentless assault, neither spoke. He was so close to her that she could almost feel the anger and annoyance that seemed to pulse around him. Part of her wanted to say something, but was there left to say? She couldn't tell him now, he wouldn't listen or believe her. He would call her stupid again.

Just when she had all but made up her mind to try and explain her theory to him a sleek, black Mercedes sedan, its headlights slicing through the dreary downpour, pulled up. Recognising it Arin got to her feet.

"You're making a mistake," House growled again , realizing the futility of dissuading her and the fact he was out of time.

Arin, undeterred, stood her ground. "It's my mistake to make."

House, shook his head in a disgusted sort of fashion "So, what's your grand plan, huh? Just keep ignoring the symptoms until they floor you?"

The driver, Hector, stepped out and opened a large black umbrella. He wore a black overcoat over a well-tailored suit that House assumed was benefitting of his role. He exuded an air of sophistication with neatly combed hair, meticulous and slightly haughty.

Arin refused to meet House's gaze, focusing on the driver instead. "I'll manage."

She stepped forwards, the driver waited for her to approach looking worried.

House watched him took, in two minds about going to talk to him, maybe he would see some sense. However he decided not to bother, did not get up to follow or speak to the butler, he grumbled loudly at her back instead "Just remember, when it gets worse, you had a chance to do it right."

Arin paused, turning to face him one last time, responded almost kindly. "I'll remember. Thanks for everything, House."

House, defeated, angry and yet still concerned, muttered a final warning. "I hope I'm wrong and you live to regret this Kiddo."

She raised a hand and walked towards the car, briefly spoke to the driver and slid inside. The driver closed the door and paused a moment looking at House with mild frown and hint of disdain (for the doctors rain stained and disheveled appearance no doubt) then got in himself.

House, left sitting in the shelter, couldn't shake the feeling that he'd lost more than just a chess game prize. His eyes tracked the fading tail lights of the Mercedes as it merged with the somber hues of the stormy morning. The relentless rain mirrored the turmoil in his thoughts.

With a scowl etched on his face, he rose and stomped back into the hospital, water droplets trailing behind him like a defiant aura. Not
Bothering to hurry himself or caring about getting wet.

Entering his office, he tossed his now wet suit jacket and shirt onto a chair and sat behind his desk. He Rubbed vigorously at his leg and was in the process of emptying two Vicodin into his hand when he caught sight of the folder on his desk. Arin's medical file...

...He stared at it for a moment, pondering whether to dismiss it into the abyss of bureaucratic paperwork or delve into the mystery that continued to elude him. Tipping his pills into his mouth he threw the file across the desk into the billing tray and leaned back in his chair to let the Vicodin take effect and wash the pain and frustration of the day away.


A month or so later, as he returned to his desk from refilling his coffee mug, the team off to deal with his newest case he caught sight of a folder still in his tray.

Cameron was definitely slacking...he thought as off handed he picked it up and flicked through the pages. Realizing what it was the ghost of the frustration he had felt watching the kiddo drive off bubbled from within him and he was about to put it back when he found himself contemplating her assertion that she had figured an answer out.

She hadn't told him, he didn't give her the credit to assume that maybe she actually had worked it out... could she have?

House's eyes scanned the clinical details, his analytical mind seeking patterns and connections. There was nothing he could put his finger on. Not enough information to make a guess with. But she hadn't turned back up in the ER or clinic...if she had appeared at another ER he would have heard when they inevitably called him, which they would. Having his name attached to her scant medical records would allow him certain access should she turn up again. He didn't think she would however.

With a sigh House closed the folder and picked up a book from the collection behind him. He opened it revealing a hollowed out box inside.

Taking a key from inside he opened the bottom drawer in the set under his PC monitor. Inside 16 folders of varying age sat in suspension files labeled "Unsolved" 16 Cases where he had either failed to get the answer in time or had somehow got a treatment but not the answer.

He picked up a sharpie and a post it from the desk and wrote the number 17 in the top corner of it and the words "Unanswered. Owes me a physical exam" and stuck it to the file.

He then placed it inside the drawer and closing it, locked it again. Now was not the time for this. Now He had a different patient to deal with.

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