COTE: A Mute Guy

By Weebooguy

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Kagurazaka Norogumi is a unique student who is slightly different from the others. Is he mentally and physica... More

Vol. 1 Chp. 1: A Different Student
Vol. 1 Chp. 2: Club Fair
Vol. 1 Chp. 3: Life As A Student
Vol. 1 Chp. 4: Called To The Office
Vol. 1 Chp. 5: Study Group Failure
Vol. 1 Chp. 6: Group Of Failures
Vol. 1 Chp. 7: Midterm
Vol. 2 Chp. 1: Bad News
Vol. 2 Chp. 2: Finding A Witness
Vol. 2 Chp. 3: Unexpected Witness
Vol. 2 Chp. 4: Confession
Vol. 2 Chp. 5: A Second Identity
Vol. 2 Chp. 6: Sudou's Trial
Vol. 2 Chp. 7: Trial Of Truth And Lies
Vol. 3 Chp. 1: This Isn't A Vacation
Vol. 3 Chp. 2: Deserted Island Exam
Vol. 3 Chp. 3: Choosing A Leader
Vol. 3 Chp. 4: Class C's Camp
Vol. 3 Chp. 5: Class B's and A's Camps
Vol. 3 Chp. 6: A Walk
Vol. 3 Chp. 7: Trouble Abrews
Vol. 3 Chp. 8: End Of Island Exam
Vol. 3 Chp. 9: A Break
Vol. 4 Chp. 1: End Of Peaceful Days
Vol. 4 Chp. 3: Planning
Vol. 4 Chp. 4: Provoking Others
Vol. 4 Chp. 5: Headstrong
Vol. 4 Chp. 6: End Of Cruise Ship
Characters Class D Girls Vol. 1
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 1: Fortune Teller
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 2: Katsuragi's Girlfriend?
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 3: Katsuragi's Birthday
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 4: Summer Paradise
Vol. 5 Chp. 1: Sports Festival Announcement
Vol. 5 Chp. 2: Preparation
Vol. 5 Chp. 3: A New Beginning

Vol. 4 Chp. 2: Cruise Ship Exam

894 41 5
By Weebooguy

'Italic': Notebook
'Underline': Phone's A.I.

Breakfast time. I avoided the buffet popular with the students and returned to the ship's deck. On the deck is a cafe called "Blue Ocean," with hardly any students. I chose to sit there at an empty table in the shade.

The current time is 7:55 AM. One minute, just before the designated meeting time, the person I was waiting for appeared before me with an empty expression.

"You're here," Horikita says, sitting beside me.

'Who are your group members, and how many are there?'

I wasn't going to waste any time. Horikita seemed ready to begin our discussion.

"It was quite amazing actually, almost as if it was on purpose and not just coincidence," Horikita says.

Horikita hands me a slip of paper. It seems she memorized the names of her group members and wrote them on a separate piece of paper to show me.

The name of her group is Dragon, and below are the names of her group members.

Class A (B): Katsuragi Kohei, Nishikawa Ryouko, Shita Shinji, Koharu Yano

Class B (A): Ando Sayo, Kanzaki Ryuuji, Tsukabe Hitomi

Class C: Oda Takumi, Suzuki Hidetoshi, Sonoda Masashi, Ryuuen Kakeru

Class D: Kushida Kikyou, Hirata Yousuke, Horikita Suzune

Dragon and Rabbit...

I think I know what zodiac signs the school is using.

I will need to ask Mei-Yu Wang.

Hirata and Kushida have been selected from our class, Class D, to participate in this group. They are both excellent students and will represent our class well. If we disregard Horikita, who prefers to work alone, teaming up with Hirata and Kushida would create the most potent combination that Class D can offer now.

Kouenji is a wild card, so I understand why he isn't part of the Dragon group.

Are they keeping me and Horikita separated?

Even if I list the names I know, it'd be Katsuragi from Class A, Kanzaki from Class B, and Ryuuen from Class C. These are big names representing their classes.

Ichinose should be in that group, but she's in mine. Something doesn't feel right about this.

"It's about time; I wonder if the mail will come." 

Once the clock hit 8:00 AM, our phones vibrated at once, and we were not even a second apart. We will both confirm the arrival of the mail immediately. The moment I finished reading the contents of my mail, Horikita pushed her phone and the mail displayed on it towards me, and I did the same to check the details of the mail while comparing it to the others. It said the following:

After thorough consideration, you have not been chosen as the "target." Please act together as one and challenge the exam in that manner. The exam itself shall begin from 1:00 PM today onwards. The exam will be held for three days from this point onwards. If you belong to the Dragon group, please come up to the room marked as such on the second floor immediately.

I showed her mine, and I was the VIP in my group.

"I don't like it. It's almost as if they're telling me I don't qualify as the "target" student," Horikita frowned.

"I'll be looking forward to your results," Horikita said.

"In either case, I'll ask you now: Who in my group are you most suspicious of? Judging from the flow, most of the other classes should have already gotten the same information we have," Horikita said.

'Everyone is suspicious.'

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"Why do you think that?"

'We don't know what's going through everyone's mind and what the person is planning.'

"That does make sense."

A shadow appeared before us, "Nice weather, isn't it, Suzune, Kagurazaka? What are you having for breakfast?"

Two people approached us while grinning. It was Ryuuen of Class C, and another person was with him.

"Don't call my first name so casually, Ryuuen-kun. And you, it's quite amazing you'd dare to show your face in front of us again after what you did, Ibuki-san," Horikita fires away at Ryuuen and the girl beside him.

Ibuki seemed slightly provoked but tightened her lower lip without saying anything.

Ryuuen, on the other hand, was grinning as if he was enjoying the whole situation. In the uninhabited island test, Ibuki infiltrated our class as a spy.

"I believe the mail has already arrived, so how was it? Did you become the "target"?" Ryuuen asked.

"There's no way I'd tell you, or perhaps you're going to tell us," Horikita counters.

"If that's what you wish," Ryuuen said as he sat on a vacant seat nearby.

"I don't care either way, but according to her report, you didn't do much during the island test to allow your class to achieve those results," Ryuuen says while pointing at Ibuki.

"I was conserving my strength since I had a fever," Horikita said.

"Since we're all here, let's have some coffee. It seems to be a good time to drink," Horikita surprisingly held herself together and ordered the waitress her morning coffee.

I didn't order any coffee.

However, Ryuuen seemed to show no signs of leaving and instead wanted to continue the conversation while silently observing Horikita.

Ryuuen looked at me, "Kuku. I'm not going even to deny it. I want to see how capable you are. But you should also know that my methods differ from those of Katsuragi's plans."

"It's a joy that I found someone who schemes just how I like. I would have the most fun if you were in my group," Ryuuen wickedly grinned.

'Why are you obsessed with me? Why not Katsuragi or Ichinose?'

"It's because I already know more or less their capabilities, and none of them can be my enemies. If I wanted to crush them, I could crush any of them whenever I want," Ryuuen boldly said.

"How about the rumored Sakayanagi?" It looks like Ibuki wanted to confirm this fact with Ryuuen.

"I'm saving that woman for dessert. It'll be a waste for me to eat Sakayanagi now," he said.

"Right now, I'm going to destroy your subordinate, Kagurazaka," Ryuuen said, walking away.

Did he call Horikita my subordinate?

I turned to Horikita, and she was glaring at Ryuuen's back.

Horikita clicked her tongue, "I'm your ally, so don't get any ideas."

I wasn't even thinking that...

"Destroy me, huh?" Horikita muttered.


"Kagurazaka-kun, do you need something?" Mei-Yu asked.

'I'm a bit curious about the Chinese Zodiacs. Can you tell me about them?'

I watch as Mei-Yu's eyes sparkle bright, "Of course!"

"The Chinese Zodiacs are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. It goes in that order."

I nodded as Mei-Yu continued to talk to me about the Chinese zodiac.


Yukimura and I were waiting at the location where the meeting would be taking place.

'Yukimura, do you trust me?'

He looked confused, "What do you mean?"

'I'm telling you that things will get crazy. So, do you trust me?'

Yukimura sighed, "I'll trust you."

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Geppu, geppu. You'd naturally be full if you ate three heavy meals for lunch. I thought of going on a diet, but it seems like a failure," Sotomura approached me while rubbing his belly, which had swollen up from all the food he'd eaten earlier.

Sotomura came to the location where we were waiting.

"It is troublesome that the exam has started; I've barely eaten."

"Is that a 'I'm currently unable to use my full strength' flag?"

"I've wanted to say it for a while now, but can't you cut it out with that weird way of speaking?" Yukimura retorts to Sotomaru.

I would let Yukimura deal with this.

"Pofu~ Did you not like my way of speech? What would suit you then, Yukimura-dono?"

"Just speak normally," Yukimura replies.

"Okay, I'll be the weakest, strongest protagonist now. I'll normally have no motivation to do anything, but the truth is, I have a power capable of destroying the world worthy of naming me Cheat-kun. As is the current trend."

Having given up on convincing Sotomura, Yukimura starts walking ahead of us. Since we were slightly late, we started hurrying towards our destination.

"Kagurazaka, there's something I wish to ask you, answer me."

I turned to him.

"I was wondering what your favorite type of dialect is since you'd surely be happy if a cute heroine were to speak in such a dialect."

I shrugged.

"Have you not yet had the chance to experience the dialect of 'moe?'" Sotomura asked.

Instead of answering the question, I asked, 'Do you have a favorite dialect?'

"Of course, I'll tell you via my ranking system for dialects. Third, the Kansai dialect would have to be in third place. It gives off a strict yet rough impression. Second place would be the dialect of the beauty in the snow, the Hokkaido dialect. The use of the dialect in the 2D world is also widespread, so it's a sure kill 'moe' dialect."

Uh, huh...

"The number one in my dialect ranking would have to be the dialect that lolis to Onee-sans all use in a versatile manner, the Hakata dialect. It's said to be the ultimate dialect with various slang. These three dialects are my best three," Sotomura continues.

By the time we finished the conversation, we had arrived in front of the designated meeting room with the name of our group, Rabbit, written on a plate on the second floor. Since the exam was already underway, students crowded the corridor, which gave me a sense of claustrophobia.

"Playtime ended yesterday. From here on out, expect to fight for yourself and for the sake of your class," Yukimura mainly directed those words at Sotomura.

I heard a sigh, "No matter how many times I look at it, this is a sorry team I have."

That statement came from one of the girls who entered the room, Karuizawa.

Eleven people were in our room, sitting in chairs arranged in a circular formation. Given the empty chairs, I thought we were probably the last to arrive.

I could identify Ichinose, Ibuki, Manabe, Yamashita, and Yabu.

There was a male student from Class A (B) who was trying to hold me hostage and interrogate me.

Naturally, it was not only our class but the other classes that were also feeling confused and awkward from this sudden arrangement. We opted to sit in the chairs since standing would make us stand out even more. Students almost instinctively sat in groups based on classes. Still, Karuizawa and Ibuki both sat further out from the circle of students, nearly as if they were both isolated from the group. 

"From this point onwards, we will begin with the first group discussion." 

It was a short announcement, but since no one in the group from different classes knew each other well, no one was willing to take the initiative in starting the discussion.

As such, an awkward air came over the room. Then, the girl named Ichinose stepped up with a glowing smile and confirmed that no one else would take the initiative.

"I know most people here, but we should introduce ourselves first to the school's instructions. Since there are also people who might not know each other yet," Ichinose says. 

"I don't think there's any need for that. The school's just saying it as a formality. Only the ones who want to introduce themselves should do it," Machida said. 

"If Machida-kun doesn't wish to do it, I can't force you to. But there may be a recorder hidden somewhere in this room. If we blatantly disobey the instructions from the school, it may not just be you but the whole group that gets punished, you know?" Ichinose quickly replies to Machida.

Ichinose started with her self-introduction.

I used my phone to give my introduction.

 "Yaa~ho Kagurazaka-kun. It seems we're in the same group. Let's get along," Ichinose called out with a friendly and consoling voice as I returned to my seat.

"So, we've done as the school instructed. How would you guys like to proceed from now on? If any of you object to me being the leader, please tell me so?"

"Since no one wants to take the leader spot, can I proceed? Firstly, let's discuss aspects of the exam some don't quite understand yet or any other questions and concerns you might have. Otherwise, this ambiguous situation will continue," Ichinose said.

"I'd like to ask everyone here something, and I'm going to ask everyone assuming that no one here is the "target." I want to ask if everyone here wants to work together to clear this exam through Outcome 1. I want to ask if you think this is the best course of action or not?" Ichinose asked. 

"Huh? What do you mean? Isn't that obvious?" Karuizawa replied to her question.

Yukimura and Manabe followed up on Karuizawa's answer and agreed.

As if to agree with Ichinose's statement, one of the male students from Class B raised his hands. If I recall, the name he gave during his self-introduction was Hamaguchi Tetsuya, "I agree with her; of course, cooperating as a group is the obvious course of action here."

Sotomura, whose stomach seems to now be in pain from overeating, was rubbing his belly when I called out to him all of a sudden, causing his shoulders to jump in surprise, "Of course, I'll also cooperate since I get points from doing so too."

Class A (B) seems to be calmly observing us to see what direction the group's discussion will take, "Ichinose, that question is unfair, isn't it? If you're not the "target" by saying that, you manage to gather the entire group up as one against the "target," and there's no one who would blatantly disagree with you and declare themselves as a traitor after your statement. It's almost like you're painting the "target" as the bad one for not speaking out, I believe this is a very inappropriate question you've asked us," Machida sternly said.

"Isn't this a reasonable question for this sort of exam? Ichinose-san did not use any threat to force us to cooperate or divulge information; if you don't want to, all you have to do is stay silent," Hamaguchi calmly said.

"Indeed, we have the right to remain silent. And as such, that is what the rest of Class A and I will be doing: keep our silence." Machida bluntly rejected Ichinose's offer to cooperate.

"Perhaps I came on too strong with that question?" Ichinose smiled bitterly.

"No, Ichinose-san. Your question was perfectly reasonable. But I suppose their wariness was slightly stronger than we expected. Tell me, then, Machida-kun. What questions here would you consider appropriate? We could discuss our favorite foods and hobbies, but I doubt the exam will cover anything. That would mean you have nothing to offer the group except your silence," Hamaguchi said.

 "Nothing else to offer? No such thing," Machida responded. 

"I do not know what Ichinose-san intended with that question, but I know that discussion between students is vital in this exam. If you still refuse to keep your silence, we will have no choice but to continue our discussion without them. At the very least, you could help us decide what topic to start the discussion on," Hamaguchi retorts. 

"In that case, although reluctant, we'll have to decide the leader with a majority vote. There will undoubtedly be suspicion directed at the ones who refuse to answer the question, and we can name the "target" later. Would everyone be okay with that?" Ichinose broke through the castle known as Class A (B) with those words.

"Are you threatening me?"

"Don't get me wrong, we want to discuss things with you all. You're free to decide for yourself what you wish to discuss and what you wish not to discuss. But I would like people to participate in the discussion at this stage since it is a required condition in this exam."

"Can this exam be resolved just by talking? Do you think we'll figure out the "target" just by talking with each other? Or will you lower your head and beg them to reveal themselves?" Machida says.

"So, is there another way?" Ichinose asked. 

"Yes, there is a way to easily and definitively clear this exam," one of the students from Class A (B) said. 

Both Ichinose and Hamaguchi could not conceal their surprise at this. "Could you explain your strategy to us?" 

"Sure, we are a 'group,' so sharing such information is natural. The strategy we came up with is... to not talk at all from the start of the exam until it's finished," Machida said.

'I'm the VIP.'

Silence filled the air as everyone took in the statement I declared.

"What... did you say, Kagurazaka-kun?" Ichinose mustered up the courage.

'I'm the Rabbit group's VIP.'

"That proves nothing unless you intend to show us your email," Machida said.

'I have no reason to show my phone to you. Either way, it will be Outcome 1. I want to believe nobody here is foolish enough to submit my name without proof. You also can't prove that I'm not the VIP.'

"What if I submit your name? Are you that confident?" Ibuki asked, staring me down.

'Go ahead. I hope you can explain to Ryuuen why you lost.'

"Are you threatening me?" Ibuki glared.

'I'm telling you to submit my name. Nobody is stopping you.'

"Wait, let's not be rash," Ichinose interfered.

It seemed unreasonable to admit I was the VIP, but nobody could pretend to be the target. It would be a benefit for me. If I wasn't the VIP, all I have to do is figure out who the target is.

The people in the room should know they can only sit here until the end. No one was brave enough to risk ending the exam early.

"Wait a minute, Kagurazaka. I know what you're trying to say, but you want someone to take a risk to submit your name because one of your classmates is the VIP. You would easily earn 50 points for your class," Machida argued.

'I'm not saying anything else. I'm the VIP, and that's final.'

"You're Karuizawa-san, right? I want to ask you something," Manabe called out to Karuizawa.

Karuizawa didn't seem to be expecting her name to be called out here, and she quickly turned away from her phone, "What?"

"Perhaps it's my misunderstanding, but did you quarrel with Rika over the summer holiday?" Manabe asked.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Who's Rika?" Karuizawa asks. 

"She's from our class. The one wearing glasses? She wears her hair like a dango? Do you not recall her?" Manabe asked. 

"I don't. You've got the wrong person," Karuizawa brushed them off as if they had nothing to do with her and glanced back towards her phone. 

What Manabe said next caused a change in Karuizawa's expression. 

"Isn't it strange, then? We heard a different story. That Class D's Karuizawa bullied our Rika. That she was waiting in line at the cafe, and you pushed her out of it," Manabe says. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. Do you have a problem with me?" Karuizawa asked.

"Not really, just checking. If that's true, I want you to apologize to Rika. Rika's the type to keep quiet over matters like this, so it's our job as her classmates to stand up for her," Manabe says.

Karuizawa also tries to ignore them, which seems to have made Manabe angry.

Manabe looked at me, "Kagurazaka-kun, you saw what happened at the cafe, right?"

Karuizawa whipped her head to look at me.

I nodded.

"Kagurazaka wasn't there. He is lying because he doesn't like me," Karuizawa stated.

I know what I saw.

When have I ever said that I don't like you, Karuizawa?

"Well, I believe Kagurazaka-kun isn't lying, but since you're insistent that you weren't the person who pushed Rika, I hope you don't mind if I take your picture," Manabe said, taking her phone out.

"It shouldn't be a problem, right?" Manabe asked.

At that moment, Karuizawa suddenly stood up and grabbed the phone from Manabe's hands. She used much force as the phone flew through the air and fell to the floor with a thud.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Manabe shouted at Karuizawa.

"That's my line; don't take photos of me without my permission. I already told you I didn't do it!"

Both sides were denying the other's claims, and as their argument heated up, Ichinose stared at them as if trying to discern who was right and wrong.

"What're you going to do if my phone breaks?"

"What? Just tell the school and get yourself a new one!" Karuizawa sharply replies to Manabu.

"There were some precious photos in that phone," Manabe's tone turned softer when she picked her phone up.

Two other students from Class C backed up Manabe by standing in front of Karuizawa as if to intimidate her, "What... are you trying to say I'm the bad one here?"

"If you are innocent, why are you so defensive? Let me take your photo," Manabe tells Karuizawa.

"I... don't want to," Karuizawa sounded weak.

"Aren't you just trying to hide your acts?" Manabe locks the camera onto Karuizawa as if forcibly trying to take a picture of her.

The girls from Class C watch this unfold while cruelly laughing as if enjoying it. Only the last Class C student, Ibuki, took a different attitude and did not join in. She looked at Manabe as if in disgust but did not stop her.

"This is stupid," Ibuki said.

"Stupid? What's that supposed to mean? It has nothing to do with you, Ibuki-san. You're not even Rika's friend," Manabe tells Ibuki.

"That's right, I have no stake in this. So I'm just observing," Ibuki said with her arms crossed as she looked away from the scene.

Manabe did not like Ibuki's attitude but raised her voice against Karuizawa instead, possibly due to Ibuki's higher rank in Class C's hierarchy.

"In any case, I'm taking that photo," Manabe finally says.

"No! Please say something to stop her," Karuizawa looked towards Machida from Class A (B) and pleaded with him for help.

"Manabe-san, if Karuizawa-san is objecting to it, stop," Machida then speaks out.

"T-this has nothing to do with you, Machida-kun," Manabe argued.

"It doesn't matter; from what I've heard, you're in the wrong, Manabe. If Karuizawa refuses to let her photo be taken, it's wrong to do so against her will forcibly. It would be much better if you talked with your friend to confirm your story," Machida rebukes Manabe.

'Manabe, just stand down. I didn't realize that Machida has a slight crush on Karuizawa, and it's the reason he's defending her.'

"What?" Machida looked shocked, but he had a slight blush.

Manabe clicked her tongue.

The argument was never settled after all. An hour had passed, and an announcement by the school was made allowing the students to leave their designated meeting rooms.

The Class A (B) students were the first to leave, "You're free to do as you please." With that, they left the room and slammed the door shut behind them with a bang, throwing it back into silence. 

Ichinose and her classmates left, looking confused, "Well, there will be five more discussions like this after all, so let's end this session here, shall we?" I

That's the best option.

"I'm going back," Karuizawa promptly said as she stood to leave, but her legs shook as if she felt numb.

But in her panic to leave the room, Karuizawa accidentally stepped on Manabe's feet. 

"Ow!" Manabe screamed in pain. 

"Ahh, sorry. I didn't mean to," Karuizawa softly apologized before quickly leaving the room.

Karuizawa can apologize for that, but she can't apologize to Morofuji for pushing her... That makes sense.

"What... what the hell!?" Manabe shouted at us. She seemed angry from the pain and Karuizawa's attitude and was lashing out at us.

I averted my eyes.

"Kagurazaka, I would like to talk to you privately," Yukimura whispered.

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