Billionaire's Revenge

By sleepytinker__

330K 18.1K 4.9K

"What do you want Xavier?" I said getting irritated. "For you to give me a chance to explain myself." "There'... More

Billionaire's Revenge
Cast and Characters
1 : Collywobbles
2 : Symphony Shindig... What?
3 : Clusmsiest, who?... Me Ofc
4 : youmakemenervous
5 : 'Philophobia:fear of falling in love'
6 : 'I'm still here, loving you silently'
7 : 'This user is mentally exhausted'
8 : 'I'm dying to have my lips on yours'
9 : 'and flashbacks hurt'
10 : 'Flirtationship : More than a friendship less than a relationship'
11 : 'Thantophobia : phobia of losing someone you love'
12 : 'Basorexia : the overwhelming desire to kiss'
13 : 'Come on, a few kisses will not ruin our friendship'
14 : 'When you smile, I melt inside.'
15 : 'You're my favourite notification'
16 : 'You make it kinda hard not to stare'
17 : 'Let's make some more mistakes'
18 : '-Single. -Taken. -Idk wtf is going on.'
19 : 'You reply when you got time, I reply when I see your message'
20 : 'Dear favourite person, do you know sometimes you make me cry'
21 : "I've liked you since day one."
22 : "Just one big hug, please?"
23 : "Plot twist - He likes you."
24 : "Psychology says, the root of all suffering is attachment"
25 : "Sometimes you just have to breathe and tell yourself it's okay"
26 : girlfriend(x) fiance(x) wife(✓)
27 : "Sleep, he's not worth it"
28 : "Dear heart, why him?"
29 : "Silly me, thinking you cared."
30 : "I hate that I still want you to be a part of my life."
31 : "Why do you like him? -"I don't know. He's just... I don't know."
32 : "Collywobbles; butterflies in stomach."
34 : "24/7 you."
35: But I swear, his arms felt like home...
36 : She fell first, but he fell harder.
37 : "I got trust issues because people got lying issues."
38 : I'll never be that me again.
39 : "I got way too attached to you."
40 : Me, jealous? Hahahahahahaha. Yes.
41 : Everyday I fall a lil bit more in love with him...
42 : Why do you like him? -"I don't know. He's just... I don't know."
43 : "I be like 'idc' then my chest start hurting."
44 : I don't care how complicated it gets, I still want you.
45 : Two damaged people trying to heal each other.
46 : Heartbreak Count - 3
47 : Mission - AVOIDANCE
48 : Broths, Cheesecakes and Pamperings
49 : You and I together?... Never
50 : "You and I, we end here."
51 : Heartbroken
52 : A Night of Love
53 : Broken Promises...?

33 : "Dear universe, feel free to amaze me."

5.1K 365 126
By sleepytinker__



After marriage, today is my first day at the office. I went to my cabin and took a deep breath.

Damn there is so much work to do.

Okay I used to work at a private company in their IT department as the head but then Dad asked me to join his company so I did.

As I sat on the chair, switching my laptop on Dad's secretary entered my cabin.

“Good Morning Viv.” She greeted me.

I smiled back at her. “Morning.”

“Mr. Knight wants to see you.”

“See me? Why?” I questioned.

She looked down.

“What is it?”

Then suddenly she smiled and answered “After marriage it's your first time at the office. And it's been a week since he met you so I guess he's missing you.”

I eyed her suspiciously.

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. He asked me to call you.”

“Alright.” I got up from my seat and made my way towards Dad's office.

I entered by knocking on the door. Dad was walking from left to right in the room.

What's the matter?

And he looks stressed. Did something happen?

“Dad?” I called.

He looks at me and tries his level best to smile.

“What happened?” I asked, making my way towards him.

He shrugs “Nothing. Just wanted to see you.”

My brows furrowed.

There is definitely something going on.

“Dad?” I spoke again, this time asking him to stop lying.

“It's nothing Viv. We are just not used to living in that house without you.”

I smiled and hugged him “Want me to divorce him?”

He chuckled “That would've been great.”

“I too think the same.”

“I'm sorry Viv. I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry that I failed you.”

I held him tighter “I am alright, Dad. He couldn't break me even the slightest.”

“You are so strong, baby. I am proud of you.”

My eyes teared up. I couldn't tell him what I was feeling. I couldn't tell him that I wanna come home.

I couldn't.

He cups my face in his hands “Do not hesitate if you want anything from me. I am even ready to go to the prison to save you.”

I kissed his hands “You don't have to. I promise.”

He wiped my tears.

I tried to laugh while wiping my tears “Damn Dad, you're making me emotional.”

He laughed “C'mon, I have something for you.”


He walked me to his table and made me sit on the sofa then opened a small food box. It was white sauce pasta.

“I have been given strict instructions to hand this over to you.”

I laughed “Mumma.”

“She misses you darling.”

I took a bite of the pasta and I missed it. Damn I missed this.

“This is heaven, Dad.”


I was waiting for a cab to head back home when suddenly I felt a tap on my back. I turned around to find no one, then when I turned in front I screamed and he closed my mouth by placing his hand.

I hit him on the chest “Are you crazy! You scared me.”

“Oops! Not sorry. By the way, how's your married life?”

I rolled my eyes.

It's Theodore, my cousin. Yep, he too works in this company but is an intern.

“Shut up.”

He side-hugged me and said “Waiting for someone?”

“The cab.”

“Why cab? I am here dear sissy.”

“Eww…  What's sissy? And stop changing my name every season. Last time I was Viviz to you.”

“Aww baby, my baby's angry.” I pinched his stomach “Ouch!” He hissed in pain, moving away from me.

“Drop me home without any more teasing.” I held his hand pulling him with me.

“Jesus! I have a party to attend! I was just joking, I don't wanna drop you.”

“You have to.” I said, pulling his hand while he held the nearby pole which was a lamp post.

“Nope. I have a party. I need to go!”

“I'm your elder sister! Listen to me.”

“I don't care! Call your husband.” He said clutching onto the pole tightly with one hand.

“No! Drop me home!” I pulled his other hand.

“What's the fun in biking with me?”

“I don't want fun, I wanna reach home.”

“Call your husband! He'll use the brakes intentionally and then later at night you guys can do stuff.”

I stopped struggling and shouted “I'll kick your balls Theodore Knight!”

“My balls!? They are precious to me, don't you dare.”

“Oh, now I definitely will.” I tried hitting him with my handbag but somehow he dodged this attack and started running.

I ran behind him, trying to kick him.

“Damn woman! Stop! Are you a kid!?” He yelled while running.

“Drop me home!”

“Call your baby!”

“I will kill you, Theo!” I made another attempt to kick him but failed. I was running after him when I suddenly felt being picked up from the ground and suddenly I wasn't able to move forward.

I found a pair of hands wrapped around me, picking me up and I felt a hard chest on my back. I looked at the person… Xavier.

And I stopped fighting.

He placed me down.

“Oh, the man is here.” Theo said and waved at me “Bye sissy. Have a great night ahead.” He winked and went away.

“Asshole!” I shouted.

“Can you behave ladylike for Christ sake?” Xavier's voice sounded as if he was annoyed.

“Why are you here? I didn't call you.”

“I know that.”

“I don't need your help.”

“Who said I am here to help you?”

My brows furrowed.

Then why?

“Xavier Quinn it is.” An unfamiliar female voice called his name. I turned back to see who it was.

A lady. She had this classy and sofisticated look.

It seemed like Xavier almost forgot me. He smiled and approached towards her.

“Sasha Cameron, nice to see you.” He hugged her and that's when anger ran all through my body.

I stared at them in disbelief.

I haven't seen him laugh so much ever. They looked like long lost friends. Talking about old times.

“Let's go. We have plans Xavier.” She said, smirking at him.

He passed his cutest smile to her and my heart crushed.

Xavier led her to his car, he held the door for her to enter. When she adjusted herself in the seat, he did something which made me angrier.

He buckled up her seatbelt. He fucking buckled up her seatbelt!

I think she has hands. Can't she put on the seatbelt herself?

He said something to her and came to me. The smile on his lips still not leaving.

“I'll be late.” He said and signalled for a cab to stop. And a cab stopped…? Bitch I have been trying for last 15 minutes!

He held the door for me, I eyed him.

“Do not wait for me.” And my pride did not allow me to take the cab he stopped. I went and closed the door.

He smirked like he knew I was gonna do that.

“Don't mind me please. Enjoy your date.” I tried giving the sweetest smile.

Again he opened the door for me “Go home.”

This time I called a cab and surprisingly it stopped “Goodbye.” Saying I went to the other cab.


I returned home at 7 and then time passed and I waited. From 7 to 8. From 8 to 9. And now 9 to 10.

And there is no Xavier.

The doorbell rang and I literally ran to take the door but as I opened it… it was a delivery guy. I have never been so disappointed in my life to see a good delivery guy with good in his hand.

“This is your order.” He handed me a bag.

“But I did not order.”

He read to me the address “This is the house.”

I nodded “But who ordered?”

“The order was placed by Xavier Quinn.”

Xavier? Isn't he on a date?

I nodded.

It's 11pm! He isn't back yet!

I couldn't even eat properly. My gaze shifted from the door to clock.

I switched on the TV to distract my mind from my asshole husband spending time with another girl.

It's 12!!! It's 12 am and there is no sign of Xavier.

Where the fuck is he!? Why isn't he home yet?

I bit my nails stressed out as fuck.

What is he doing? Who is she anyways? Is he… ? No. What am I thinking? He wouldn't cheat on me. He himself said it.

Stop overthinking Viv! Stop!!!

Not about him. His life. His choice.

I laid on the couch staring once at the TV then at the clock.

At 12:30 finally I heard the door unlocking. Instantly I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep.

I won't talk to him for a week. How dare he?

I heard him talking to someone on the phone “Have you reached safely? I apologise Sasha, I couldn't drop you.”

The other person said something to which he replied “Still I should have.”

Again for a few seconds there was silence.

“I agree. It was a wonderful evening. After a long time, I enjoyed myself so much.”

Just the evening? Wasn't it a wonderful night as well? And what about her…  wasn't she wonderful?

“Christ! I would love to. I wish I wasn't married.”

And I am done with my tolerance.

Bloody cheater! Like father like son.

I got up from the couch and snatched his phone from his hand declining the call.

He was shocked at first to see me awake then he took his phone back from me “What the hell is this behaviour Viviana?”

“Did I interrupt your flirting? Oops not sorry you interrupted my sleep.”

He held my arm firmly “I don't know what the hell is your problem but since your parents did not teach you any manners let me do the honours.” He pulled me closer by my arm and said “You do not snatch someone's phone when they are on a call. And this is basic common sense.”

This time I was taken aback. I did not expect this burst out.

He is back in the monster Xavier zone.

He left my arm and I stumbled back. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I just couldn't.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed because I did not expect him to react so rudely.

“I-I… I am s-sorry.” Saying I walked back to the room and made my way towards the balcony.

Okay… you can call me pampered, you can call me a brat or you can call me daddy's princess… I don't care but never has my Dad or any other person except my mother has been rude to me. Mumma has the right to scold me because c'mon she's my mother but no one else. I could've considered it if Dad would've been rude too but since he was never rude to me I am sensitive.

All the time I was hoping that he would come and apologise to me but as always I am again wrong about Xavier.

He did not come and my pride did not allow me to sleep in the same room as him. So I used the other room.

When I woke up the next day there was no sign of Xavier. Probably he left. When I entered the kitchen, breakfast was ready. Thinking it to be him, I was about to leave the food as it is when I heard a voice.

“You must be the wife.” I turned back at the sudden voice a bit startled to find a middle-aged lady standing.

“You are?”

“I am Maria, nice to meet you.”

“My name is Viviana but you can call me Viv.”

“Okay Viv. Since your husband left, you have to eat alone.”

“The breakfast…  you prepared it?” I asked for confirmation.

“Of course I did. I have been working my ass off since 8 in the morning.”

I chuckled and took a seat on the kitchen stool. I asked her to join me. We sat and had the food while chatting and damn she is super amazing.

After a good chat with Maria, I left for my office. Again the whole day I worked, worked and worked. When it was finally 7, I decided to head back to his apartment. I went shopping for a few important items needed and when I was finally done I took a cab home.

Entering the passcode, I entered the house and to my surprise Xavier was sitting in the living room on the couch, working on his laptop.

Doesn't he need to go to his office?

Ignoring him, I headed to the room that I asked him for. I could feel his eyes following my actions.

With the heavy packets I went to the room and landed them down. I tied my hair into a bun and did not care about changing my clothes because I was fucking excited to do this.

I started painting the walls and when finally I was done I took a deep breath looking at the parts I had finished painting.

“Jesus! This looks so good!” I exclaimed.

Viv you are a genius.

By watching the YouTube video I painted two sides of the wall but there is still a lot more to do.

Finally I came out of the room and locked the door. As I was heading for the bedroom, I collided with Xavier and I was about to fall but he held my waist.

For a moment, his eyes stayed on me not moving an inch then slowly he scanned my face and his brows furrowed. We stood up straight, I was about to go back to my room but he held my hand.

“What are you up to?”

“Nothing that concerns you.” Again I made an attempt to leave but was brought back again.

“Since I own this house, everything that happens here is my concern.”

I shrugged “Maybe I'm making a ‘torture-Xavier room’ Or maybe I am digging hole on the floor to bury you.”

He scoffed and moved closer to me “Or maybe it's a red room?”


With the back of his hand he caressed my right cheek, looking straight in my eyes “A red room. You can be Anastasia and I can be your Christian.”

I pushed his hand away “Don't even try. Go touch the person you loved spending your evening with.”

He smirked “So you were jealous?”

Fuck! Nope. I can't show him.

“Jealous? No. Why would I be jealous?”

He shrugged and said “I don't know, you tell me. Why were you jealous, Viviana?”

“I wasn't jealous. I love my sleep a lot and you were disturbing me.”

“That doesn't explain you snatching my phone away and hanging up on Sasha.”

Fuck! I have a comeback for last night's insult. I have it now.

I took a step closer to him and gave him the sweetest smile I could. “Since your parents did not teach you manners let me do the honours.”

He smirked as if he was enjoying this. “You do not talk on the phone at 12:30am when someone is sleeping in the same room.” I walked past him to head to the bedroom but stopped on my way.

I turned to him and called him “And Xavier.” He turned back to look at me “This is basic common sense.”

“Bye.” I headed inside the room, making my way to the closet.

I took a deep breath, feeling so fucking proud of myself.

Jesus! It felt so satisfying.

Mentally I patted my back.

“You did good, baby.”

Yess!! That's it for the day.
Are you enjoying their married life?

Hope you guys liked the chapter.

See ya.


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