Vicious Love; Nathaniel's Cap...

By ahavaenoch

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"A ruthless man he was, wore a halo of insanity. He made death dance on his fingers like a puppet, wings of o... More



106 24 47
By ahavaenoch

Ashley commanded Delilah to leave the car because the tires were damaged. Even though her shoulder was harmed, she wasted no time leaving the car and taking Delilah along with her.

They took the route ahead and had no other way than to run. Meanwhile, the length of the tram finished off and their chaser continued crossing the path.

Seeing Ashley's car on the way, they descended to look inside and found nobody.

"On legs? How far can they go?" One of the men spoke, chuckling as he neared their boss who was busy scrolling through his phone.

"Can you track them?" He asked instead, voice gruff and deep as he went through some information.

"Way too easily!" He scoffed, ordering his crew to catch the girl's location but they failed. Now it was their boss's turn to chuckle. But humorlessly.

He knew about Ashley being a hacker. It wasn't easy to track her when she had her gadget in her grip. He wasn't omniscient, but his eyes caught how sharply she laid the pitfall of bollards and then 'crossing bars' for them. He realized it right then but said nothing because he was taking pleasure in the game.

Now about catching their location, he knew that they were running on foot so they would desperately try to find a safe place. What could be the nearest?

He got it!

. . .

"Where are we going?" asked Delilah, trying to suck deep breaths as much as possible.

"We're just here, don't worry."

It sounded ridiculous. She wasn't only apprehensive, she was frightened. She didn't want to be caught by the goons after she realized what they could do to her. What Waqas told her was still in her mind. Even one out of them all was a wretched idea to her. But she trusted her God.

Delilah accompanied her silently until they reached the main street. There were more people compared to where they lived. On either side of them were lofty and radiating buildings. Malls were opened and the noise buzzed in the air.

They entered one and bought Delilah a cover to hide herself behind the dark veil. Ashley had a jacket with a hood over her head and the chilly weather of the city at night wasn't troubling her even a bit.

After making the payment, they came out. Ashley was alarmed while Delilah followed her silently. Behind the net veil, she could see how tense Ashley looked.

"Don't look down, Delilah," she said, scrolling through her phone while her gadget hung on her wrist through a band.

Delilah cast a simple glance, her eyes big behind the veil. Ashley didn't look at her but she was well aware of her actions. "We are under watch. Just like me, they can control the CCTVs but my interference will raise suspension. So act normally. The station is close."

"Okay," Delilah nodded.

After reaching the subway and entering the gates, Delilah took a sigh of relief, thinking it was safer but that was the point where Ashley gripped her hand and signaled her about the presence of men.

Delilah's heart missed a beat. Her clammy hand gripped Ashley's arm as she squeezed it lightly. Ashley reacted with nothing because she was also afraid. She just patted Delilah's hand and moved ahead to reach the platform.

Somehow with so much care, they reached the platform and stood behind the edge.

The train arrived and they shifted inside. Delilah grabbed a seat and asked Ashley to sit beside her but she refused. She preferred standing while she took care of the surroundings.

The closer they were to her destination, the calmer she was becoming. Hope always breathed inside her heart along with a hint of fear but Delilah learned to trust Ashley. Like a sister, she was guiding her.

From the bottom of her heart, she was grateful to the girl.

Under the watch of her hazel eyes, she watched passengers entering the boogie. Three men entered and she identified them. Call her experience that she knew the difference between ordinary people and people who belonged to a unlike world.

She looked down at Delilah who was sitting silently. She absent-mindedly stared at nothing selective and her hands were folded on her knees.

The men dispersed, scanning down everyone in the coach. Ashley busied herself, hiding her face. It was her advantage that people were mindful about their health and wore masks. She was one of them.

They passed by her side and then she tapped Delilah's shoulder. The girl looked up at her partner in alarm.

"Follow me," she whispered before standing straight. Delilah nodded her head, not even being aware of the dangerous men around her.

Ashley didn't reveal them to her or else she could've panicked which Ashley didn't want. Acting normal was what she commanded Delilah to do.

The men walked into another coach meanwhile Ashley and Delilah got down from the train as soon as it stopped after crossing three stations.

"I need painkillers," Ashley mumbled and Delilah heard her.

. . .

"Do I seem to worry about it? I'm enjoying this hunting game. It's fun."

The platform had less mass compared to the earlier ones. He was walking ahead with strategies and reflections brewing up in his mind. It couldn't rest peacefully. Never. It used to. But not now. It made a huge disparity when she walked out of his life and the whispers around him wondered if he even thought about her or not.

"You were always fond of it. But keep in mind about Edgar. He wouldn't like it."

"I think I asked you for something else?" His demeanor changed at the mention of someone named Edgar. His grip tightened a little around his cell and right then, a shoulder collided against his, not jerking him even a bit. He was steady but not the girl.

"Pardon me," she mumbled, trying just to steal a glance at the man but her eyes were stuck on him the moment she looked at his face.

It was beautifully carved. Arched brows, high cheekbones, and sharp jawlines he possessed. His eyes owned a shade of green; emerald. They were bright but dead yet so beautiful that she forgot to breathe.

Unlike her, he didn't ponder much about her appearance. "It's okay," he said, his voice deep and chilling. His eyes lingered upon her phone screen which she'd been holding and zooming in on the picture of a medicine.

Coming out of the charm, she nodded her head and walked away.

He turned around and watched her reach a girl who was covered from head to toe. Even her eyes were hidden behind a net veil. She was standing with a bottle of drink in her hand and something clicked in his mind the moment he saw them talking to each other.

"How does she look?" He asked over the phone as the line was still ongoing.

"I'll send you the picture." And that was it. He disconnected the line and closely beheld the girls. Unlike Delilah, Ashley sensed his burning gaze on them, and without even looking at him, she started walking away.

His phone vibrated in his grip and he wasted no time clicking at the picture and he caught her.

"Ashley," he muttered, smirking at the girl. Coding his men, he began stalking the girls and they discerned it.

They couldn't wait for the train to arrive so they left the underground area. The subway was huddled even at midnight which helped the girls but not the man. His partners arrived and took hold of their positions while he chased them out to the subway.

The crowd was less and when he came out, he ran his eyes around. His sharpness and presence of mind let him catch the girls making their way through the midst of the people. They were faster than before.

His men arrived and scattered around. The game of cat and mouse began because, to him, there was only one girl. He wanted her.

He chased them—her—through the ways. The girl with her was too sharp for her own good. The gadget in her hands was a boon to her. Every time he would reach her, she would make barriers rise up. She brought life to the gates. She had the advantage but in panic, she forgot that they were leading them to an area that was remote and had no people to watch around.

Once it was gone, he wasted no time. Before she could take another turn, he shot her leg. She stumbled ahead and blood pooled around her. Her jeans were soaked and the pain was terrible in her leg. She hissed under her breath and Delilah stopped, unveiling her face as she removed the curtain.

Terror seized her heart when she looked at Ashley. Tears formed in her eyes as she touched Ashley's cheek.

Behind the turn, there were the bikers and in front of her eyes, Ashley was writhing in pain, holding her leg. One of them was the one who desired her and he stopped when he looked at Delilah from a distance. He took a deep breath. He guessed it right. She was the one behind that veil.

"Run away!" Ashley still encouraged Delilah to escape, removing her hand from her cheek.


She shook her head. "Delilah, just listen to me!" she breathed deeply, glancing at the men who were advancing in their direction.

Having them nearer than before, Delilah panicked. While her limbs were trembling, she nodded her head. Tears tumbled down her flushed cheeks. She got up to run away. Using the road was stupidity so she hid in an alley which was narrow and dark. The tall buildings had metal stairs attached to them. She didn't run ahead but climbed the stairs as fast as possible.

The men were behind her but late. However, being taller made it easier and faster for them.

She reached the rooftop and didn't stop. A chilly breeze passed through her sweaty skin as she painted for air while running. Her limbs trembled and her heart was shivering inside her chest. She was worried about Ashley and herself, too. She didn't know how she would be able to save herself but the madness to escape had taken a toll on her.

She stopped when she reached the edge and gasped as she looked down. There was no railing. Only a set of metal ladders attached to the wall of the building was there to help her. At some distance, there were stairs, too. It could be more comfortable but the call of the man behind made her flinch.

"Don't!" He thundered from behind.

Delilah turned around only to meet a very familiar face. Carlos. Her eyes widened in the realization that he wouldn't let her escape.

But why would she even obey him? She shook her head, stepping back.

"Look, Miss Seth," he said, as calmly as he could and Delilah wondered what changed all of a sudden. The man who called her a b*tch was now giving her respect but Delilah didn't mull over it.

"No!" With that said, she turned around to leave the place. Hastily, she went down the ladder but the man was faster than her.

The faster she tried to escape him, the more in trouble she could get. Her foot tripped, missing a step. She gasped loudly, looking down. Her grip tightened on the metal and she thanked heaven that she didn't fall.

Her heart found no rest. She was panting. Her palms were red and she was shivering in horror.

She couldn't let him catch her.

She looked around and found an air conditioner hung through a window, attached to the wall. Fortunately, it wasn't on so Delilah stepped upon it and jumped onto the staircase which was attached right beside it.

Her heart was going wild. Her feet throbbed against the net floor and it clanked under her shoes. She wasted no time and looked behind herself.

Carlos was also behind her and she quickly turned to go downstairs. Her dress got stuck into the metal rail from where it was broken. She was so terrified of getting caught that she tugged on her dress harshly and it got torn. Letting the piece stuck to the rail, she went downstairs.

Carlos also used the same staircase and in the rush of unthinkable restlessness and fear, she jumped when she found only four stairs were left to be climbed down.

It was a huge risk when she was so scared and tired.

A cry of agony escaped her lips and her eyes pinched shut in utter pain that shot through her legs to her hips. The current was powerful and she trembled but she had no time to react to it.

Gathering courage, she got up and sprinted through her aching legs and bleeding foot as the cuts got open once again inside the shoes. She didn't feel it.

Abruptly her ankle twisted and she fell on the rough surface, hearing a loud gunshot in the air. Her palms rubbed harshly, setting a fire that was painful. She cried in affliction and when she looked behind, she found Carlos to be on the stairs, pointing the gun in her direction.

Realization dawned upon her that he aimed at her but because of falling, she got saved. Or she would have died!

Her mind felt dizzy and the blurriness of her eyes didn't allow her to look much under the fallen night.

Fisting her damp palms, she got up on her twisted foot that was screaming in hurt. Even if there was a long cut on her dress, the cover she wore above it hid it well.

Taking deep breaths, she stumbled ahead on her injured foot when she tried to walk but it was harder.

A horn troubled her from behind. She turned around and gasped when the blinding lights of the car poked into her wet eyes. The car stopped near her legs but she stumbled back and landed on her butts, her eyes falling shut.

The heat exuding from the car met her body as it was very close.

The door of the car opened and a man walked out. She sensed it was one of them so she tried to get up and save herself but she was too late and too weak to take a stand anymore. She was on the verge of passing out.

The man grabbed her arm and helped her stand up on her injured foot. She hissed under her breath, trying to push herself away but he gave her no chance. At the same moment, more of the men arrived and had her surrounded by every side.

Her heart sank in realization. He caught her. Finally. It was terrible. Tears of loss and fear rolled down her cheeks when she closed them for a brief moment. The men began to leave one by one and Delilah stared at his hand which was firm on her arm. The sound of their footsteps could be heard in the background.

"Let me go," she requested through her aching and dry throat, swallowing as fear engulfed her whole being in his presence.

"No," he answered, earning her attention on his face as she looked up at him, slowly. Dark green eyes met her honey orbs and they widened at the cruel realization.

Those beautiful eyes and such a striking appearance that he possessed were still fresh in her mind like it was just about tomorrow but her heart twisted in agony. Ruthless. It was all ruthless. She never expected it. Never. Never knew that they'd meet again like that. After years. The moment wasn't sweet to her, rather it made her heart tremble in the deepest kind of hurt. She felt betrayed. Once again.

"You?" She whispered through her quivering lips, a frown appearing on her face. "H-How?"

His lips curled into a soft yet cruel smirk as he beheld her expression. Her eyes spoke loudly. "Long story, shortly explained," he gently let go of her arm just to prepare something while she stepped back, suddenly feeling intimidated around him, "It was all a lie."

"You're one of th-them?"

He saw the pain in her eyes. The pain of knowledge, and she realized that indeed, sometimes ignorance is bliss. Long gone was fear. It was only hurt. It was all unexpected, rolling down through those rosy cheeks.

"The one who leads them," he revealed just to hurt her even more. She shook her head, unable to believe. She stepped back, still wanting to run away.

"This can't be real."

"It is, Delilah." He stepped closer and grabbed her arm before she could make an attempt to run away. He knew she wouldn't be able to make it up even if she wanted to.

She tried to break free from his hold. "Don't touch me!" She uttered, struggling in vain in his arms. She stomped upon his foot, yelling, "Let me go!"

"I'm not letting you go," he answered calmly, pressing the handkerchief to her nose, muttering into her ear, "Not now, nor ever."

She heard him and she was afraid of him. Perspire trailed down her temple and she struggled against his hold. She knew what it was and she was trying not to breathe into it while shoving her nails into his wrist to break free. But how long could she struggle with tired limbs against his manly strength?

"Breathe, sweetheart," he whispered into her ear and she had to give up. Had no other way.

Her movements ceased to happen and soon she fell unconscious in his arms. 

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