Mysterious Lotus Casebook [BL...

By author_nidz

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"Why did I use this cursed thread spell on you? Damn it!" Fang Duobing grumbled under his breath as he held h... More

Chapter 1: Li Lianhua Meets Fang Duobing
Chapter 2: The Betrayal
Chapter 3: Case of Tengyun Pavilion
Chapter 4: The Investigation
Chapter 5: Shadow of Doubt
Chapter 6: The murder in Xiaomian Inn
Chapter 7: Fang Duobing heart skipping a beat
Chapter 8: Unveiling the culprit
Chapter 9: Master Zhang's kiss
Chapter 10: The Yipin Tomb
Chapter 11: Li Lianhua meets Di Feisheng
Chapter 12: The Bickering Duo
Chapter 13: The Cursed Wedding Dress
Chapter 14: The Manor's Mystery
Chapter 15: The secret of the lotus pond
Chapter 16: Fang Duobing vs. Di Feisheng
Chapter 17 : The Medicine Demon
Chapter 18: Child Bearing Elixir
Chapter 19: Bonding Over Bicker
Chapter 20: The Shaoshi Sword
Chapter 21: Finding Yu Louchun
Chapter 22: Echoes of Love in the Lotus Tower
Chapter 23: The Fake but Real Kiss
Chapter 24: The Mountain Red
Chapter 25: Fang Duobing- The Wealthy Gentleman
Chapter 26: The Elixir's Price
Chapter 27: Real Identity of Fei Exposed
Chapter 28: Fang Duobing's activated pheromones
Chapter 29: The Haunted Inn
Chapter 30: Li Lianhua Kidnapped
Chapter 31: The Kiss
Chapter 32: Li Xiangyi's identity revealed
Chapter 33: Fang Duobing's first love
Chapter 34: Madam Qin
Chapter 35: Fei kidnaps Fang Duobing
Chapter 37: Di Feisheng says he is the father
Chapter 38: The truth behind Li Xiangyi's first love
Chapter 39 : The Birth of the Triplets
Chapter 40: Li Xiangyi weds Qiao Wanmian
Chapter 41: The Secret is revealed
Chapter 42: The End

Chapter 36: Jiao Liqiao's real face

171 3 0
By author_nidz

In the heart of the Jinyuan Alliance, a hushed reverence filled the air as Di Feisheng took his seat upon the throne. In unison, the people of the alliance bowed deeply, their voices echoing in a chorus of loyalty, "Long live the master."

Fang Duobing observed the scene with a mixture of awe and admiration. The unwavering devotion of the people towards Di Feisheng spoke volumes about his leadership and the respect he commanded. 

"Wow," Fang Duobing thought to himself, his gaze lingering on the scene before him. In that moment, he couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of respect for the powerful figure seated upon the throne.

"Master, why is Fang Duobing here?" Snow Master inquired, curiosity lacing his tone.

"Fang Duobing has been of great assistance to me during my absence," Di Feisheng explained, prompting Fang Duobing to modestly acknowledge the praise with a bow and a smile.

"I have made the decision to marry him," Di Feisheng declared, catching Fang Duobing off guard. As he glanced around at the judgmental gazes of those around him, Fang Duobing attempted to mask his surprise with a forced smile.

"Are you not pleased?" Di Feisheng questioned his people, prompting them to bow and pledge their loyalty. "As the master desires," they echoed in unison.

A wave of confusion washed over Fang Duobing as he exchanged a stern look with Di Feisheng. What on earth is happening? he wondered, his mind reeling with disbelief at the unexpected turn of events.

"Snow Master, show Fang Duobing around and attend to his requests," Di Feisheng instructed before dismissing the meeting.

Fang Duobing observed Di Feisheng's departure with a hint of suspicion. "This must be part of his plan," he muttered to himself, his detective instincts on high alert.

"Fang Duobing, if you would please follow me," Snow Master interjected politely, leading him through the intricate corridors of the palace. Fang Duobing remained vigilant, his eyes scanning every room and passageway they traversed, determined to uncover any clues or secrets hidden within the walls of the palace.

"Can I see the kitchen?" Fang Duobing's request took Snow Master by surprise, evident in the skeptical look he cast in Fang's direction. "Why would you want to see the kitchen, of all the amazing rooms in the palace?" he questioned.

Fang Duobing hesitated momentarily before quickly formulating a response. "Ahh... I want to make something special for Di Feisheng," he explained, hoping to quell any suspicions.

Reluctantly, Snow Master acquiesced and guided Fang to the kitchen, where he entrusted the chef to assist him. 

As Fang Duobing donned the apron and glanced around the bustling kitchen, his mind buzzed with curiosity. He exchanged a few polite words with the chef, subtly probing for any hints or clues that might shed light on the mysteries lurking within the palace walls.

"Thank you for assisting me," Fang remarked, his tone casual yet attentive. "I want to ensure I prepare something he'll truly enjoy."

The chef, a seasoned veteran with years of experience serving in the palace, nodded in understanding. "Of course, Master Fang. I'll make sure you have everything you need," he replied with a respectful bow before bustling off to gather ingredients.

As Fang began to chop vegetables with practiced precision, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this kitchen than met the eye. Glancing around discreetly, he noticed the meticulous organization of utensils and the pristine cleanliness of the workspace. It was evident that this kitchen was run with utmost efficiency and attention to detail.

As Fang Duobing continued his conversation with the cook, he learned of a significant development in the case – the court lady responsible for serving the poisoned tea had been apprehended and imprisoned. The cook shared that despite her seemingly kind demeanor, the court lady had confessed to the crime, claiming that she had been coerced by an unknown individual wearing a veil.

Fang listened intently, absorbing every detail with a furrowed brow. "Wasn't this case investigated further?" he questioned, puzzled by the apparent lack of thoroughness.

The cook shook his head. "No, it wasn't. She confessed to her crime and insisted she didn't know the identity of the person who instructed her. It seemed like a dead end," he explained with a resigned shrug.

Fang nodded slowly, his mind already formulating a plan. With a quiet determination, he gathered the food and made his way to Di Feisheng's chamber, where the master was engrossed in calligraphy.

"I've brought you food," Fang announced, his annoyance barely concealed as he presented the meal.

Di Feisheng glanced up, his curiosity piqued as he noticed Fang's disheveled appearance. "What did you make?" he inquired, eyeing Fang's flour-covered face with amusement.

As Di Feisheng sampled the noodles, Fang seized the opportunity to broach the topic that weighed heavily on his mind. "I want to speak with the court lady," he declared, leaning in closer as he ground ink for Di Feisheng.

Di Feisheng's expression grew serious, and he lowered his voice conspiratorially. "We've already tried to get information from her, but she refuses to speak. I've stationed guards to ensure she isn't harmed," he admitted quietly.

Determined to pursue his own line of investigation, Fang straightened and met Di Feisheng's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I'll go to her at midnight," he declared, already planning his next move. "I'll take my leave now," he added, preparing to depart.

Fang Duobing's heart clenched at the sight of Court Lady Oh's battered form, his eyes stinging with unshed tears as he knelt beside her. "Are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern as he helped her sit up.

"You're the first person to show me any kindness. Thank you," Court Lady Oh replied, her voice strained with pain.

As they sat across from each other, Fang Duobing poured them each a glass of wine, watching with a pang of sadness as Court Lady Oh eagerly gulped hers down in one shot.

"Do they not give you food?" Fang inquired, his brow furrowing with concern.

"They feed me, but it's the wine they were withholding," Court Lady Oh admitted, her demeanor shifting as she straightened up with newfound confidence.

"You don't seem bothered by your injuries," Fang observed, noting her calm demeanor despite her bruises.

"I've mastered the art of healing meditation. These wounds don't faze me," Court Lady Oh explained matter-of-factly.

Fang nodded in understanding. "That's impressive," he remarked before getting to the heart of the matter. "I came here to talk to you."

"About the poisoning, I presume?" Court Lady Oh interjected with a smirk. "Yes, I did it. But do you have any evidence to prove it?" she challenged.

Without a word, Fang reached into his coat and withdrew bundle of letters, carefully placing them on the table before Court Lady Oh. "Perhaps these will refresh your memory," he stated calmly, his eyes fixed on her.

"These letters," Fang began, his voice steady yet firm, "were written by your own hand. They detail your involvement in the plot to poison Di Feisheng."

Court Lady Oh's eyes widened in disbelief as she recognized the familiar handwriting on the parchment. With trembling hands, she picked up one of the letters and began to read, her heart sinking with each damning word.

"These communications leave no room for doubt," Fang continued, his tone resolute. "You conspired with someone to carry out this heinous act."

Court Lady Oh's initial amusement faded into a cold realization as the weight of the evidence bore down on her. She looked up at Fang, her expression a mixture of shock and resignation.

"I... I can explain," she stammered, her voice faltering.

As Court Lady Oh's facade of defiance crumbled, tears welled in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks as she trembled with fear. "Please," she pleaded, her voice choked with emotion, "if I reveal who that person is, they will kill my family."

Fang Duobing's gaze softened as he observed her trembling form, his heart going out to her despite the gravity of her crimes. With a gentle reassurance, he reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I promise you, nothing will happen to your family," he vowed, his voice filled with sincerity.

Taking a shaky breath, Court Lady Oh looked up at Fang with tear-filled eyes, her lips trembling as she struggled to find the words. "I... I don't know much," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But the person... has a small birth mark on the left side of his palm."

Fang Duobing paced the corridors, his mind racing with possibilities. "That person might not be the main planner of this," he thought, a plan forming in his mind.

With a calculated move, he spread the rumor that Court Lady Chu would soon reveal the killer's identity. Meanwhile, he instructed guards to pretend to sleep, creating a false sense of security.

Later that night, as the palace lay shrouded in darkness, a masked figure slipped into Court Lady Chu's chambers with deadly intent. With a swift and silent strike, the assassin ended her life, slipping away into the shadows as quickly as they had come.

But as the assassin prepared to make their escape, a voice shattered the silence of the night, freezing them in their tracks. "Stop right there," a commanding female voice called out, sending a shiver down the assassin's spine.

"Where are you going? Don't you want the money I promised?" Jiao Liqiao's voice cut through the darkness, her smile twisted with malice.

The masked man trembled at the sound of her voice, his resolve crumbling in the face of her wicked grin. "I have done as you asked," he stammered, his words trembling with fear. "I even wrote a letter to the master, confessing to everything. Please, let me go."

But Jiao Liqiao's laughter rang out like a death knell, chilling the air with its malevolence. "How can I let such a loyal servant escape so easily?" she taunted, her eyes glittering with cruel amusement. With a mocking gesture, she offered him a small bottle, its contents a deadly poison.

As panic consumed the masked man, he fell to his knees, begging for mercy. But before Jiao Liqiao could unleash her wrath upon him, she found herself restrained by the palace guards, their hands gripping her wrists with unyielding strength.

"So, this is the face of betrayal," Di Feisheng remarked, his voice dripping with scorn. "I must admit, I never expected it to be you, Jiao Liqiao."

Jiao Liqiao's eyes flashed with defiance as she met Di Feisheng's gaze, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Surprised, are we, Your Majesty?" she retorted, her tone laced with arrogance. "You always did underestimate me."

With a swift motion, Di Feisheng signaled to the guards, his gaze never leaving Jiao Liqiao's defiant form. "Take her away," he commanded, his voice steely with determination. "Let justice be served."

To be continued...

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