✓ Starting A Business In A Hi...

By yelloye

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Alternative Title: [综漫]在高危世界创业奔小康 Author: 生悲死喜 Link: https://www.52shuku.vip/bl/am/h4NY.html   It is said tha... More

1- 10
11 - 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
61 - 70
71 - 80
81 - 90
91 - 100
111 - 120
121 - 130
131 - 140
141 - 150
151 - 160

101 - 110

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By yelloye

  Chapter 101 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  The most troublesome thing about the Country of Rain is that its territory borders six countries. In addition to the three countries of Earth, Fire, and Wind, it also borders the Country of Sichuan, the Country of Grass, and the Country of Stone. The three small countries of China are also neighboring countries.

  If it is peacetime, as an inland transportation artery, if there is a way to collect tolls, this country will actually be very prosperous.

  But in today's unpredictable and undercurrents among the major landlocked countries, the advantage has turned into a disadvantage.

  Once a war breaks out between major powers, this place will bear the brunt of becoming a battlefield, and all previous development achievements will be destroyed in minutes.

  This is basically a consensus.

  Therefore, whenever the Kingdom of Rain develops to a certain extent, it will fall into a state of entanglement.

  If you want to develop further, you are afraid that a large-scale war will happen, so you have to stay in place.

  The previous leader, Sanshouyu Hanzo, was ambitious and thought of simply invading other countries to expand their territories in order to break this predicament.

  Although the Country of Rain is currently not suitable for development, as a country with borders in all directions and many countries, it is still very suitable to provide a place for exchanges and a space for cultural exchanges for intellectuals from all over the world to gather here.

  Just like the Netherlands in modern European history.

  As we all know, the Renaissance kicked off modern European history and brought about revolutions in science and art.

  But until 1835, almost all of Europe was shrouded in the darkness of religious power. Many philosophers, scientists, and heretics were persecuted by the European church.

  There is only one place that still has a free spirit, and that is the Netherlands.

  Due to the low terrain of the Netherlands, all the major rivers and estuaries of the European continent are concentrated here. The convenient waterways have given rise to developed commerce, and commerce has led to a large flow of population.

  Coincidentally, Athens, the birthplace of European philosophy, also has similar conditions.

  Due to the large population mobility, the Netherlands is more tolerant of foreign cultures and emerging things. Therefore, while churches in other parts of Europe are still conducting heresy trials with brutal methods, the Netherlands has become a philosopher, pagan, and scientist due to its enlightened environment. Our safe haven.

  Therefore... Mozuki set her sights on Kawa no Kuni.

  The Kingdom of Sichuan is an inland country with a large number of mountains and rivers. Its land area is more than twice that of the Kingdom of Rain. It is sandwiched between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire, and is bordered by Rain above. country, with the coastline below.

  Because there are many mountains and rivers and the population is relatively sparse, it is also very suitable for building a secret base here.

  In fact, it is said that the meeting place of members of the Wenxiao organization is usually in the country of Kawakawa.

  Although the Country of Rain has convenient transportation, it is still inland.

  Zaoyue intends to make this place the birthplace of advanced ideas, but modern advanced ideas will inevitably conflict with the existing traditional feudal system, shaking the status of daimyo and many other nobles. and interests.

  It is still in its infancy and has not attracted the attention of the rulers for the time being. Once the momentum grows and the ruling class suppresses it, everyone in the Rain Country will face being outflanked and wiped out.

  If barrier-free human communication can be achieved with the Country of Sichuan, then the problem will be solved, and at the same time, the development problems of the Country of Rain can also be solved.

  Zaoyue's plan is simple.

  First of all, the Akatsuki organization needs to lower the vigilance of the major inland countries against it. In recent years, the Akatsuki organization has absorbed rebel ninjas from various countries as members, which has attracted the attention of the great ninja villages. This kind of attention is not a good thing for people who want to secretly cross Chencang.

  "So we need to first make a friendly gesture to the outside world to reduce other countries' vigilance against us."

  They say you can make a fortune in silence. If you want to do big things, you have to be calm in the early stage. Mogetsu muttered casually: "That's it. As the battlefield of the Second Ninja War, the Rain Country has been exploring how to develop as a normal country after the war. Since it is located on a strategic military road, Therefore, it is necessary to have strong military force to maintain the stability of the country. The Kingdom of Rain does not intend to expand externally, but only wants to protect its territorial security."

  Zaoyue improvises on the spot. What does it mean to come out with your mouth?

  Nagato and Konan were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that they could change concepts so secretly.

  Then, given that many small countries do not have their own ninja villages, after all, raising troops requires money, and military expenditures have always been large.

  Therefore, the rebel ninja organization Akatsuki, which currently has many S-class rebel ninjas as members, can propose long-term cooperation proposals to these countries and provide military protection to these countries at an amount far lower than the market price.

  However, everything is naturally not that simple. There is a prerequisite for enjoying this kind of preferential treatment, which is that these small countries need to join the alliance organization founded by the Kingdom of Water.

  To put it simply, the Country of Water will be the leading country, and the Country of Rain will serve as the representative of the inland areas. A small country cooperative alliance organization will be formed in the inland areas, and the member states within the organization will enjoy priority in business, military, etc. and exclusive offers.

  As a maritime country, if the Kingdom of Water wants to further expand its power inland, it must have allies to cooperate with it.

  However, rather than cooperating with existing big countries, it is better to focus on small countries that have always been ignored.

  After all, big countries themselves enjoy more dividends, and cooperation between two big countries is just the icing on the cake at best. In contrast, small countries face many more difficulties.

  At this time, she provided an opportunity to bring these small landlocked countries together from the perspective of their interests.

  Although these small countries are scattered, they are not large in area and are basically sandwiched between big countries. But the little things add up. If the network is really one, the area will be completely comparable to that of a big country, and it will become the sixth largest national power in the ninja world.

  In this way, the route for the forces of the Kingdom of Water to directly move inland has also been opened.

  But the premise is that these small countries can have a consensus on win-win cooperation.

  Everyone knows the truth, but there are no absolute allies between countries, only absolute interests. Therefore, the simplest and most effective way to win over these small countries is to let them see actual benefits.

  Zaoyue pondered for a moment: "Actually, I think some improvements need to be made to the name of the organization. At least it should look more formal and make people more trustworthy."

  "Is it better..." Nagato seemed to be thinking about it.

  "Because the nature of the organization name cannot be determined from the word 'xiao' alone, it should be expanded, for example, by adding the word "International Peacekeeping Force" at the end."

  If she really followed Zao Yue's personal aesthetic habits, she would probably name the organization in a New Oriental style. Just seeing those few words would make people feel that the light of the right path is shining on the earth.

  The author has something to say:

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of caster that does not melee; 3 bottles of Lin Shasha;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 102 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  In the past, ancient wars were famous for their emphasis on teachers. However, in fact, judging from the actual situation, many wars themselves, even if they are carried out under the banner of justice, still cannot change their nature as aggressive wars.

  However, there has to be some legitimate reason. As a fig leaf, after human beings entered civilized society from primitive society, they established city-states and began to own personal fixed assets, they began to have the concept of private property, and naturally they will be interested in these. External objects create obsessions, so in order to prevent their beautiful lives from being destroyed, people begin to resent and deny barbarism, chaos, disorder and other factors that affect social stability.

  The practice of going to war without declaring it will easily attract criticism, largely because it reminds people of natural disasters. Risks come without any warning, leaving people with no time to make decisions. Without any preparation, everything will be destroyed in the flames of war.

  □□Human beings are not yet able to intervene, but wars are caused by humans, so people unanimously form a consensus of condemnation and try to restrain this behavior through moral criticism.

  Although if you really want to say it, it actually doesn't have much influence. The final decision-making power still lies in the hands of those who control the army. But the negative impact on public opinion can sometimes have far-reaching consequences.

  At this time, after Zaoyue polished her words, the nature of the Akatsuki organization instantly appeared to be high-ranking and officially legitimate.

  The same thing, just changing the way it is said can give people a completely different perception. It made people feel excited. For a moment, Nagato and Konan seemed to go back to the day when Yahiko announced the establishment of Akatsuki organization, full of hope to change the world.

  But now they are no longer the teenagers who simply harbored dreams. After a brief trance, looking back on the process back then, it is not difficult to find that they were a little too naive.

  They are just expressing their ideas with enthusiasm, but they have not put forward any specific measures that can actually improve the predicament.

  In fact, if you think about it carefully, the people who responded to them in China were basically teenagers, and most adults had a passive attitude of neither opposing nor supporting, and being indifferent.

  In the years after Yahiko's death, when they occasionally thought about it, they sometimes wondered if it was because the adults had already foreseen that it would end in vain.

  In this way, we immediately began to formulate a plan to transform the organization into a formalized one.

  Knowing that they used to sell members for bounties when they were short of funds, Zaoyue couldn't help but shake her head and disagreed: "The team members lacked trust and were suspicious of each other. From the beginning, they were like a piece of loose sand. How could this happen? Can it be done?"

  In fact, it's not that Nagato and the others don't know, but if you want to extract the tailed beast from the jinchuriki, you need someone with courage and strength, and most of the rebels are deviant or extremely evil people, so even if they are sacrificed, it won't make people too sad. It's a pity.

  As for the rebel ninja who joined the organization, they also knew that they were tools. However, compared to facing the pursuit of the ninja village alone, finding an organization could at least have someone to take care of them.

  In fact, both parties are using each other to get what they need, as if they both know it well.

  In the final analysis, the reason is that there was no long-term plan.

  Then Zaoyue added with an innocent face: "And there are not many S-level rebellious ninjas with bounties. How many times can you sell your companions in exchange for bounties? If you really lack funds for activities, then according to The idea of maximizing profits is to send other personnel to rescue the people after receiving the bounty. If the same operation is carried out in all major ninja villages, one rebel ninja can be sold four times. "

  Fishing in dry swamps is not a long-term solution, so we should naturally consider sustainable development.

  Xiaonan: "..."

  You are much more evil than us.

  Since it needs to be formalized, corresponding guidelines need to be formulated.

  Otherwise, according to their past, they just crudely set a goal, without a specific outline, unable to describe their demands in detail, and lacked a theoretical stance. According to the original approach, it is destined to be a political activity that ends in nothing. Even if they really allow them to gather the tailed beasts, To achieve the goal of unifying the ninja world through force, this peace will only be short-lived and cannot withstand the test.

  After some discussions, from now on, the two founders of Xiao finally decided to reach a comprehensive joint cooperation based on the action strategy of Zaoyue.


  It's the day.

  The Akatsuki organization summoned all members and held a secret meeting in a cave in the country of Kawa.

  Although it has been several years since this organization began to recruit traitors as members, the number of times all members have gathered is very rare.

  And judging from the members' positions on the spot, it is not difficult to see that they are suspicious of each other and the team lacks real cohesion. In the dim cave, almost everyone kept a certain safe distance and hid their bodies in the shadows so that others could not see them clearly. At the same time, if they were attacked, they could always have enough space to dodge and fight back.

  "Wow, it's my first time to meet all the seniors!" Deidara, who had just joined not long ago, was quite excited.

  "Are we finally going to make a big move..."

  As for the old members such as Kakuzu, they are speculating on the purpose of calling all members together this time.

  Soon, after everyone was on the spot, Nagato announced as Payne that the organization would change its operational strategy in the future.

  The members were somewhat stunned by this, but not long after, Xiaonan began to further explain the specific situation.

  The organization's ultimate goal has not changed, and it will not give up the means of armed change. However, in view of the fact that the Akatsuki organization has begun to attract the attention of major ninja villages, it is simply necessary to change the implementation method from the current secretiveness to legitimate actions.

  Then at the end, Xiaonan introduced the future collaborators of the organization to the members, as well as the leader of the follow-up action plan, who is Zao Yue.

  For a moment, everyone present almost thought they had heard wrongly.

  "Hey, wait a minute, are you right? Are you referring to Mizukage's relationship with this organization?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

  "Interesting." As for the person who said this, he cast his gaze to a certain corner.

  "..." In this regard, Itachi remained silent and did not respond at all.

  Just when the members of the organization were having different thoughts, suddenly, a burst of applause echoed in this cave with a huge internal space, and then a crisp and cheerful girl's voice sounded: "Okay, this is probably the current situation. Xiaonan just now I’ve already explained it, so I won’t introduce myself anymore.”

  Everyone looked in the direction of the source of the sound and saw a figure appearing on a protruding rock in the middle of the mountain wall.

  Although there were a few gleams of light shining through the gaps at the top of the cave, because she was standing in the backlight, everyone could only see a rough outline and a purple eye.

  "In fact, everyone shouldn't be too surprised. I am just continuing to maintain this cooperation."

  Her words sounded quite large to others.

  The ninja world has now acquiesced that she is a descendant of Uchiha Madara and also his successor. This means that except for Payne and Konan, the top leaders of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Madara has passed. He has also been the manipulator behind the Akatsuki organization.

  The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-01-11 02:28:12~2021-01-12 23:58:22~

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Guess who I am 10 bottles;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 103 Jinjiang Exclusive Release

  After revealing the situation in a few words, Zaoyue began to get back to business.

  "In short, in order to improve efficiency and facilitate management, I will provide financial sponsorship for this organization in the future. You only need to cooperate with the arrangements to carry out relevant activities."

  "It turns out he is the big boss behind the scenes. I have no objection to the organization's policies or management." As long as the money is in place.

  After hearing that the other party would provide funds for future activities, Kakuzu's attitude changed immediately. He was the first to express his acceptance of the change and even directly changed his name to the boss.

  other people:"……"

  Although it is not possible to analyze her appearance and specific expressions and gestures for the time being, just hearing her voice and intonation almost subconsciously make people think she is an innocent little girl.

  It's just that the members of the rebel ninja organization present were not easily misled by this appearance.

  Because innocence does not mean kindness, ignorance, indifference between good and evil, ignorance of the importance, and inability to understand the weight of life are also a kind of innocence.

  For example, when it comes to things like murder, adults will still hesitate and struggle with the trade-off for a long time. However, for children who have no moral sense of right and wrong and lack the ability to judge, maybe giving them a candy can make them swing a knife at others.

  But for the rebellious ninja present, most of them didn't care about this.

  In the current ninja world where the ninja village system is the management model, choosing to become a rebel ninja means denying the current norms prevailing in the world.

  As for their newly emerged senior leader of the organization, it doesn't matter to them whether his values are in line with the mainstream.

  The only thing they care about is probably the next change in the requirements for their actions.

  If the other party is now a Mizukage and stands in the position of the Ninja Village, and they need to obey the management of the Ninja Village as in the past and perform their duties to safeguard the interests of the Ninja Village, then they will have to consider leaving the organization and finding another way out.

  Just when everyone was making secret calculations in their hearts.

  Suddenly, the girl asked a question that seemed irrelevant to the current situation: "Speaking of which, what conditions do you think are needed to bring about earth-shaking changes in this world?"


  After she finished speaking, several seconds passed. There was still silence in the cave, and no one responded.

  "Well~ It's rare for everyone to get together here today, so why not let's exchange ideas together so that I can make arrangements in the future." However, Zao Yue was not at all embarrassed by the indifferent response at the scene, nor was he at all embarrassed. She didn't pay much attention to it. She just continued to use a brisk tone and said to herself, "In my opinion, in addition to armed military, reputation, wealth, status, and means are all indispensable factors."

  After thinking about how the other party became the Mizukage in the first place, and how he pretended to be the Daimyo, everyone present felt vaguely, as if they suddenly understood something.

  Many of them began to look at the scene from indifference and indifference to eagerness and expectation.

  These rebellious ninjas have different reasons for joining the Akatsuki organization, but except for a few who simply want to be able to perform violence, the reasons for the rest of them all include disappointment in the current ninja world and disgust with unjust wars.

  In fact, they themselves don't have much hope as to whether this simple and crude method of collecting tailed beasts and carrying out military suppression with absolute force can really achieve peace. They just can't think of any other more powerful methods. Under the premise of a good solution, the only option is to make a desperate move.

  But now, after they discovered that someone actually had the means to realize something that they didn't have much hope for, they naturally started to get excited instantly.

  Everyone's ambitions began to be driven.

  After noticing their emotional changes, Zaoyue said cheerfully with a smile: "It seems that everyone has understood, then let's turn the whole world upside down together!"

  The rebels present couldn't help but get excited after hearing this, but there was only one person among them who remained as at the beginning, with a calm and emotionless face.


  After the meeting, the Akatsuki members did not leave the meeting place quickly as usual.

  Zaoyue has reached the ground below, and is unconsciously saying to Xiaonan in a coquettish tone similar to that of a child: "At least let me recognize everyone first."

  Xiaonan folded the paper into a frog and let her play with it.

  But soon, as members gathered one by two, especially when everyone stood together, she found that the scene seemed a little unfriendly to her.

  Because everyone in the Akatsuki organization wears a loose robe, and most of the adult men are basically quite tall.

  And she is the youngest, and as a girl, her body shape does not look very strong, so she directly becomes the height low point among the crowd.

  Especially when everyone happens to be in a circle.

  "..." After Zaoyue was silent for a moment, her eyes quickly searched the crowd around her, and finally her eyes fell on a young man with yellow hair.


  Zaoyue carefully made gestures on the top of her head with her hands, and compared her height from a distance. Seeing that the other person ignored the height of her braids, he was actually not much taller than her, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

  ? ?

  After a brief period of confusion, Deidara suddenly understood what she meant from her actions and instantly wanted to explode.

  At this time, others finally saw the true appearance of this new behind-the-scenes financial sponsor.

  It’s not much different from the image I associate with just hearing the voice. I am probably a fourteen- or five-year-old girl who feels inexperienced in the world.

  Despite this, it still makes people murmur, because strictly speaking, her age has exceeded the category of children, but she feels completely like a quite pure child.

  And his temperament is quite harmless, even a little too ordinary, so ordinary that it is difficult for people to imagine that he is a ninja.

  I don’t know if I trust my own strength too much, or if I have a backup plan and am fully sure of my own safety. Facing a group of rebellious ninja who were coming into contact for the first time, I didn't have the slightest bit of vigilance, and the whole person lacked any sense of tension.

  Another strange guy, this is the judgment that most people make about Zaoyue.

  Mo Yue was currently going over to talk to Deidara.

  Just when Deidara was about to explode, Zaoyue suddenly asked him: "I heard that you seem to be very good at blasting, right?"

  When it came to his specialty, hobby and lifelong pursuit, Deidara immediately changed his focus and shouted loudly: "Explosion is art!"

  Then he emphasized: "Don't confuse ordinary explosions with my art!"

  "Oh." Zaoyue nodded. In her opinion, they were all the same, the purpose was to blow things up. Then he took out his phone, pulled out a video, and asked, "Can your level be as good as the one in this video?"

  In the picture, in an area with dense buildings, a tall building began to rapidly disintegrate and collapse as several explosions were heard. Eventually, the tall building disappeared from the picture and turned into a pile of rubble and rubble.

  Although this high-rise building has been completely blown up, it has almost no impact on the surrounding buildings. Even the gravel and gravel generated during the collapse of the building are only limited to the designated area.

  "!" Artists have a bit of personal pride. They claim that no one can match Deidara in terms of explosive skills. Naturally, he will not admit defeat directly and say that he can't do it.

  After Deidara thought about it for a while, he immediately said confidently: "There's nothing difficult about this, it's just a matter of spending more time setting up."

  "Really?" Zaoyue blinked.

  "Don't believe it, no one can surpass my explosive art!" Seeing that she didn't seem to believe it, Deidara immediately became excited.

  Come on! When Zaoyue heard that he was so confident, she immediately regarded him as an explosion expert.

  She remembered that the files of the Kingdom of Water recorded that there was a mineral vein in the mountains, but the terrain there was complex and the blasting was very difficult. The locals of the Kingdom of Water did not have enough skills, so they had not been able to develop it for mining.

  If this person's level of explosives is really that high, then he can use it.

  While thinking about it, Zaoyue expressed his appreciation for technical talents without hesitation: "Then you are really amazing! You can already achieve expert level explosion at such a young age."

  "Of course." Deidara also began to feel proud, "Just wait! I will definitely let you see it in two days!"

  "Okay!" Zaoyue responded happily, "Then I'll wait!"

  After saying this, Deidara added: "You guys are quite discerning. I thought that both of you Uchiha had such an arrogant attitude that you don't take others seriously."

  Zao Yue thought for a while and said: "Ah... how should I put it? I have always felt that ruins are successful annihilation. Although there are thousands of tragedies buried, new life often comes after destruction."

  When she finished saying this, she was stunned when she saw Deidara in front of her.

  After a while, perhaps because of the artist's rich emotions, Deidara almost burst into tears with excitement - this is a close friend!

  In less than half a day, Zaoyue succeeded in snaring another one.

  The author has something to say:

  Xiao organizes team building (wrong)

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Xiao; 3 bottles of shirphia;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 104 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  She has always lacked a sense of nervousness and is curious about anyone or anything she comes into contact with for the first time, which makes people think that she lacks vigilance and is quite familiar with people.

  In the next half day, I quickly greeted all the existing members of the Akatsuki organization.

  Although not everyone would give a positive reaction, they would just respond with a mild response, or even just look at them as a response, but Zaoyue didn't care at all, it was just curiosity. His enthusiasm remains undiminished, and he is still full of interest in them.

  Based on most people's first impression of her, they would probably subconsciously think: After all, she is still a child with nothing to do.

  However, for these rebellious ninjas who are very vigilant, they probably find it more strange.

  Because from the outside, she looks like a girl in the age of fourteen or fifteen, but her behavior is like that of a child who was only two or three years old when she came into the world, full of ignorance that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Be bold.

  Therefore, there was a sense of separation and contrast for a while, making it difficult to judge her behavior and thoughts based on experience.

  But it's not boring, on the contrary, it's quite interesting.

  It's just that Itachi, who had barely spoken a word from beginning to end, while paying attention to her movements, his thoughts were returning to that weird dream.

  It wasn't until the other party came to him just now that he really saw the appearance of the heir to Uchiha Madara. Itachi immediately felt a sense of déjà vu, and then quickly recalled the female student he met at the fork in the road in his dream who asked for directions.

  Is it a coincidence or... It was originally just a dream that he didn't pay attention to after waking up, but Itachi couldn't help but doubt its formation.

  At this time, Mozuki was raising her head and listening to Hidan's teachings attentively.

  The members of the organization have become accustomed to Hidan's nagging about God, and they only respond noncommittally to the God and God's will he talks about. After all, as fanatic believers who have been completely brainwashed by religion, their minds are full of doctrines and Basically, there is no need to expect God to be someone you can communicate with. Anyway, as long as he does not affect the plan in actual actions, everyone will have an indifferent attitude.

  However, seeing that Zaoyue was listening so seriously, Xiaonan couldn't help but think about waiting for a reminder to prevent the child from learning something strange.

  But before Xiaonan finished thinking about it, Zaoyue suddenly said after listening: "I have a question."

  Then, Zaoyue asked in an innocent and harmless tone: "Why do you think this is God's response to devout believers?"

  Hidan, who was getting more and more excited as he talked about his religious beliefs, but now his expression suddenly froze, and his brain obviously paused in order to process this issue.

  "Actually, there is no difference between humans in God's eyes and ants in our eyes, right?" Zaoyue continued to talk to herself, "Then if there are a group of ants carrying insect residues to the table or pillow every day, Otherwise, there would be many ants deliberately dying there around the chair or bed where you often sit, which would be quite inexplicable and disturbing, right?"

  At first he thought she wanted to question the authenticity of God and tarnish his own faith. Hidan was about to get angry because of this, but suddenly after hearing this description, he couldn't help but start thinking about it.

  Because I have to admit, when I put the relationship between humans and ants into perspective, I suddenly realized that it seemed to be exactly what she described.

  And other people began to pay attention to the chat here.

  Zaoyue continued to ask her question simply: "Besides, we usually have no interest in paying attention to what a group of ants are thinking. In the same way, whether humans are pious or not does not mean much in the eyes of God, right?"

  Huh? Hidan's eyes widened slightly.

  He asked simple but sharp questions one after another. After thinking about it carefully, he seemed to suddenly realize something, and then Hidan's whole body felt like he was struck by lightning.

  His expression was tangled and looked a little painful. If you pay close attention, you can hear him murmuring to himself: "So...it turns out that we are guessing God's will..."

  After a short period of self-isolation, Hidan, who was a bit confused, asked Mogetsu: "So...then if piety has no meaning to God...why is the honor of immortality given to him?" I?"

  Zaoyue seemed to find this question strange, and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "A man was sitting on a park bench eating bread, and happened to notice a group of ants gathering at his feet, so he stepped on two of them casually. The crumbs of bread on their feet and bodies fell to the ground, and the surviving ants got food. Then the ants came to the conclusion that as long as they sacrificed to the giant creature that could not see the whole picture, they could get rewards, and this unknown The behemoths are called gods by the ants."

  After she finished speaking, Hidan was so drunk that he began to mutter to himself again: "Yes, how could lowly creatures like us have the opportunity to get in touch with God, and dare to add barren opinions to it?" Focus on God...ahhhhhh...! I have always thought of myself as the most loyal believer, but I haven’t even realized this!"

  As he talked, he started to mutilate himself without knowing why.

  Although the others did not interject into the chat just now to express any opinions, the examples given were probably too easy to imagine, and they had some thoughts at this time.

  However, they themselves have no religious beliefs, they just think this analogy is interesting, so they just think about it along this assumption.

  "Okay." Zaoyue glanced at the self-abuse behavior of the fanatics in their confession, then looked away, then clapped her hands, with an innocent smile, and said in a brisk tone, "Speaking of which, everyone join in The organization has been organized for so long and has contributed a lot to the cause of the organization. For those who work hard, the organization should also provide corresponding benefits in return. Well... now that we are all together, it is better to choose a day than to hit it. In order to repay everyone for what they have done in the past Let’s organize a trip at public expense and go on vacation together!”

  Directly end the topic just now, and suddenly switch to something that seems to have nothing to do with the current situation.

  The topic changed... everyone present was confused for a moment and couldn't keep up with her thinking.

  "Huh? Going on a trip?"

  "That's right, you should relax once in a while." As he said that, Mogetsu began to list the reasons, "First of all, ninjas themselves belong to a high-risk industry and are in a state of high tension most of the time. , faced with long-term work pressure, long working hours, and heavy workloads. Under such conditions, people's psychology and body are greatly damaged."

  In fact, everyone is well aware of the risks and drawbacks that Mozuki mentioned, but they have become accustomed to treating these as things that ninjas must learn to bear.

  And Zaoyue seemed to know the thoughts of these people who were born and raised in the ninja world, so she immediately said: "Although this is an inevitable problem, it should not be regarded as a habit. A person who truly has a sense of responsibility. An organization should be people-oriented. In addition to overall professionalism, it should also have humanistic care and also care about the physical and mental health of employees. When the work content cannot be changed, it should try its best to provide corresponding protection, rather than Therefore, we gave up on improvement and instead asked employees to be patient, blindly exploiting the value of employees themselves."

  After saying that, Zao Yue brought it up again: "So, how about we go on a vacation together? Occasionally relaxing properly and adjusting the state back to the best will also help to cope with future work problems. It’s a challenge.”

  This time no one had any doubts about it, so it was decided.

  In fact, everyone was still in shock and surprise at what they just said. When they came back to their senses, they felt faintly excited.

  At this moment, they felt that they had finally met someone who could truly understand and lead them to change the world.

  In fact, everyone in the past has had more or less questions about why ninjas must bear the responsibility without regrets, whether the decision of the Ninja Village is absolutely reasonable, whether some sacrifices are necessary... and a series of other questions.

  But now, these words suddenly made people enlightened, and they understood the awkwardness in them.

  Yes, isn't the Ninja Village itself meant to protect everyone's collective interests?

  But it seems that since then, it has become an existence that requires everyone to silently contribute and sacrifice themselves to support.

  If Mozuki first appeared, these traitorous ninjas only regarded her as the executor of Uchiha Madara's legacy.

  And now, they wholeheartedly recognize her as a true leader.


  Those words also caused ripples in Itachi's heart, but his focus was still on trying to observe and analyze them.

  Since the other party cannot see clearly after walking away for a certain distance, it is impossible to observe her expression. However, through the tone and voice of her speech, I gradually came to a general inference about her.

  Although she was indeed a lively and lively girl, in Itachi's opinion, for some reason, she felt that she lacked the solidity that a human being should have.

  No matter the emotions, words, or actions are all light and airy, the whole image is too floating, as if the characters were cut directly from the manuscript paper after being set on it.

  Faintly aware of Mozuki's alien side, Itachi had somewhat realized that he might not be able to extrapolate her from ordinary people's experience.

  He thought back to when the other party came over just now.

  Itachi was already prepared that she might get angry, but in fact, the girl just said hello in the end and walked away without anything happening.

  If there are any details, it seems that when he turned around, he curled his lips, probably unhappy with his indifference, which was like a childish expression.

  She then quickly made her way to the other members.

  Is that it... For a moment, Itachi felt that the other party's behavior was really confusing and he didn't know what he was thinking.

  After further observation, he became convinced that this girl named Nana was completely different from ordinary people in her way of thinking.

  The resulting uncertainty made Itachi hesitate about whether to upload the relevant information back at the current time.

  Because he doesn't know whether the other party knows.

  If under normal circumstances, she should be fully aware of Uchiha Madara's plan, then she would naturally be suspicious of his purpose in the Akatsuki organization.

  However, when I thought about the innocent and simple behavior when the other party came to say hello just now, it started to make people puzzled.

  Does he not care or... And if he chooses to pass on the information at this time, will it be part of the other party's calculation?

  Itachi couldn't help but think about it for a long time.

  that's all.

  It wasn't until he arrived at a small island in the ocean that he finally made a conclusion.

  But it is probably not suitable to make small things at this time.

  The small island located in the distant ocean is directly surrounded by the sea, and the vast sea surface is unobstructed.

  On the beach nearby, Mozuki was holding a big octopus and holding it in front of Hidan: "Have you ever heard of the great Father Cthulhu?"

  This is the trophy she picked up from the bottom of the sea when she was swimming just now.

  Next to it, the barbecue racks have been set up, and Deidara and the others are making skewers there.

  Itachi: "..."

  The author has something to say:

  A true team building activity!

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Lazy Cao; 5 bottles of Rotating Time, Caster who does not melee, and Evening Song of the Cloud; 1 bottle of Golei;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 105 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  Sunshine, beach, waves, cactus...ah no, it's you and me under the coconut tree.

  The blue sky and white clouds are above our heads, and the endless sea is behind us. In front of us are bonfires and barbecue grills, and then there are speakers and projection screens. If you didn't know better, just by looking at this layout, you would think that it was going to be held at the beach. What a big outdoor event.

  The octopus that Zaoyue caught from the sea not long ago has now been turned into pieces of sashimi, and the octopus legs are also skewered with bamboo skewers, sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, and make a sizzling sound on the iron net. sound.

  Zaoyue was holding a coconut, sitting cross-legged on a lounge chair, digging out the remaining coconut meat.

  In the distance, about two to three hundred meters away from the shore, a small boat was floating on the sea. At this time, an exclamation suddenly came from the boat. It seemed that Kakuzu and others who were fishing there had caught fish in the sea.

  It's just that this fish is probably quite big, and it actually dragged the entire boat up.

  Although the fishing line was broken soon, so the boat was not dragged out too far, but then Mogetsu saw that it was like a special effect, and the fishing people began to throw ninjutsu into the water, which was obviously I got into trouble with that fish stick and had to catch it.

  The scene was chaotic for a while. Finally, the big fish that was killed finally surfaced and was dragged back to the shore by them.

  As they dragged the fish ashore, other people on the beach who were having their own fun began to gradually focus on their trophies.

  I saw this was a colorful hairtail fish.

  However, this is just a reluctant statement, because except for the long body, other aspects are completely different from the commonly recognized hairtail fish. Putting aside the weird color on the surface, its size has exceeded the scope of ordinary fish, and it looks exactly like some kind of deep sea monster.

  People on the shore gathered around to look at the fish.



  How did you catch this...?

  And isn’t this thing really a sea monster? ?

  "Holy shit! This is so cool!" In the subtle silence of everyone, Deidara's eyes lit up when he saw this, which probably inspired his artist's creative inspiration, and he began to talk excitedly about what he wanted to do with I was making a bomb based on the prototype, and I was thinking about what to name it, "Just call it..."

  "Matter?" Zaoyue suggested.

  Then she looked back at the hairtail in front of her. Although Zaoyue couldn't remember the specific scientific names of these sea king species, she knew which ones were edible.

  At this time, she checked her memory and said happily: "I remember that the liver of this fish is very tender and smooth, and it also has a special sweetness. Don't throw it away when it is processed. But it’s a delicious dish.”

  As he talked, he unconsciously thought of the dishes made from it that he had eaten before. Zaoyue swallowed, obviously feeling greedy.

  Noticing this subtle move of hers, the other people who had been muttering about this fish suddenly felt that their new leader was more cruel than this strange-looking fish.

  "But is this really edible? Colorful creatures usually contain certain toxins in their bodies." Xiaonan raised some questions. After all, it is something that needs to be eaten.

  And after seeing this strange fish whose painting style was completely different from the fish she usually knew, she couldn't help but wonder, are they still in the ninja world now?

  Of course, she is not the only one who has this kind of doubt.

  At this time, someone else complained: "This is not a creature from the ninja world at all, is it?"

  "That's right." Zaoyue admitted quite frankly without hiding anything.

  Nagato also said: "The specific location of this island must be in a different space."

  "You can put it that way." Zaoyue continued to reply.

  If so, then it's not surprising... When everyone heard this answer, they didn't feel that it was a big surprise. They just felt that it was expected, and then they naturally accepted it.

  Because before, after Mozuki proposed to organize a group outing, he solicited everyone's opinions on the choice of vacation location. Considering that they were all wanted rebels by the major ninja villages, in order to avoid the arrest and pursuit of the ninja villages, In the past, I rarely stayed in one place for a long time. I had to pay attention to the surrounding environment at all times. Most of the popular places in the ninja world were probably not suitable.

  Then we discussed and discussed, and came to the conclusion that if you want to have a safe vacation, it is best to choose a place that is inaccessible and even cannot be found on the map.

  "Well...then let's go to the sea and enjoy the sun and beach on the island."

  After the final round of deliberations, Zaoyue made a direct decision.

  No one had any objections, but at that time they were still thinking about the next transportation route. After the decision was made, the other party seemed to use a space teleportation technique directly, and they felt a hook on the back of their neck. He pulled it up hard, and when he came back to his senses, everyone had been transferred to this island.

  However, according to their understanding, the different space understood at this time refers to an existence that is roughly similar to the space of psychic beasts.

  Many ninjas have contracted psychic beasts, so they all know that psychic beasts live in a different space when they are not summoned.

  In that different space, in addition to the psychic beast that contracted with the ninja, there are also its kind.

  Although most psychic beasts are species that people know, compared with ordinary animals living in the ninja world, in addition to having the intelligence to communicate with people, they usually have different appearances. For example, the body is larger and the shape is more unique.

  Think about it, there is almost no place on the ninja continent where people can feel truly safe. With the ability of ninjas, there are few places that can escape their detection.

  In comparison, the psychic beast space, which requires special methods to enter, is indeed a good place. Just...is it really okay for them to just kill one and eat it?

  I don’t know if he noticed everyone’s doubts, but Zaoyue said at this time: “It doesn’t matter, there are a lot of these sea monsters in the sea, this sea area is their nest, and they are bigger than the ones we caught just now. There are some that are hundreds of times bigger. But they live deeper. The seabed of this island is relatively high, so there are just ordinary sea beasts nearby. If you go fishing in a boat, as long as you don't ‌If you go too far away from the shore, you shouldn’t disturb them.”

  However, in fact, the place he was in at this time was not some psychic beast space, but he had gone directly to another planet.

  Because when discussing the vacation spot before, Zaoyue discovered that the Ninja Continent was almost covered by people. After all, the planet was not that big in the first place.

  After much deliberation, in order to avoid being discovered, it would be better to simply change the map.


  Everyone fell into a confused silence.

  Wait, that means that this seemingly calm ocean is full of these weird sea monster fish deep under the water? ?

  But looking at the girl, she was completely unsurprised, completely nonchalant, as if she was stating it as an ordinary matter.

  For a moment, people can't help but feel as if they themselves are rare and strange.

  Itachi's eyes also fell on the dead strange fish. Is it a different space? He was thinking that the girl just now was not surprised at all, and even sounded quite familiar with this ocean, including the ocean living in it. It is a habit that living things understand very well. Judging from various performances, she should have lived in this place for a long time.

  Although it has been two years since his identity was made public after becoming the Mizukage, the life experience of this Uchiha Madara descendant, as well as further detailed background information, are still shrouded in mystery.

  Ninja villages in various countries have paid attention to this matter and investigated it. However, she seems to be a person who appeared out of thin air. Except for the movements after becoming the Mizukage in the past two years, there is nothing about her. In the past, I couldn't find any clues.

  Instantly the whole thing became more confusing.

  Now, he seemed to finally have a clue.

  Over there, Zaoyue was using Wind Release to cut the sea beast into eight pieces, then peel off the fish scales and cut out the fish meat and edible internal organs.

  Everyone found that it was no different from ordinary fresh red meat, and it seemed that it was not unacceptable.

  In the following time, everyone gathered around the campfire for dinner.

  As Zaoyue ate, she talked about changes in future work content and remuneration.

  The author has something to say:

  Probably useless extracurricular knowledge

  "Maste" comes from "Spirit Fish Matste" among the ten incarnations of Vishnu.

  Deidara later used "Rudra" in his battle with Sasuke. The term "Rudra" also comes from Indian mythology. It is one of the incarnations of Shiva. Shiva was called the storm god when he was the storm god. "Rudra".

  Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Waiting & Blooming; 10 bottles of chris; 5 bottles of Hua Zhizhi; 1 bottle of Shiyu;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 106 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  To sum up, in addition to salary payment in the future, the specific salary is basic salary plus task sharing. In addition, although it is still an independent organization, since future actions will cooperate with and follow the instructions of Zaoyue, it is regarded as an organization affiliated with the government of the Kingdom of Water.

  As an organization responsible for assisting the Water Country government in inland areas, members naturally enjoy the same formal treatment as Water Country government personnel. That is to provide medical protection and monthly subsidies for room and board expenses. If you need accommodation and feel that the outside environment is unstable, you can also apply and get a safe place to live.

  Zaoyueba pulled out a labor contract, which clearly listed the things that both parties needed to abide by, and she read them one by one.

  The organization members present were a little surprised after hearing this.

  "Okay, do you have any other opinions on the above content that you think need to be modified?" Zao Yue asked at this time.

  Everyone remained silent because it was the first time they had seen treatment and other aspects listed in such detail. I thought that the most significant change this time was a change in the content of the tasks, but the management would not be much different from the past. It was probably just that tasks were issued from above and they were responsible for completing them. As for the logistics configuration, in the past, it was basically handled by ourselves. Although the organization will still provide funds for them to purchase consumables such as ninja tools, other aspects such as basic living expenses are handled by themselves.

  Usually, in addition to completing the goals set by the organization, the rebel ninjas themselves also take on some additional black market tasks.

  Unexpectedly, this time not only was their scope of responsibilities clarified, but even personal welfare was guaranteed, and there were clear standards. Even the treatment and arrangements for ninjas in the Ninja Village are not as comprehensive as this document.

  The main reason is that the above measures are not only for management, but also have more humanistic considerations. This can be said to be the first time in the current ninja world. Therefore, they couldn't think of anything else that needed to be added for a while. The fact that they could provide activity funds every month was already a pretty good thing in their opinion, but the other party actually considered this. Many things.

  Even if they themselves do not expect these to be fully implemented, they have to say that the various matters are clearly marked in black and white, which is nothing compared to the previous ones under the banner of human feelings and principles. The verbal promise of actual content, now clearly listed like this, is indeed more convincing.

  Seeing their silence, Zaoyue thought it was because they were too embarrassed to ask for anything, so he added: "If you have any requests, you can put them forward directly. As long as they are within a reasonable range, we will try our best to satisfy them. Although you are currently in the service It depends on the organization, but in fact, the relationship between you and the organization is that you are equal and everyone gets what you need. As long as it is something earned by your own ability, there is no need to feel embarrassed, just bring it up and discuss it together."

  When they heard these words, the expressions of the rebel ninjas became complicated, because in so many years in the ninja world, this was the first time they heard someone tell them that there was no need to be ashamed of fighting for personal interests.

  It is completely different from the previous Ninja Village that emphasized taking into account the overall situation, so it is taken as a matter of course to ask people to contribute.

  They seemed to suddenly understand why, when facing this girl, they had never had any contact with her before, and they had not even known her for less than a day, but they unconsciously felt that they could rely on and trust her. There was a feeling that maybe You can put down your guard in front of her and can't help but relax.

  The reason is probably that no matter who it is, whether it is a so-called colleague, a traitor, or even the head of a country, the other party will treat her equally and judge based on the facts without any discrimination. Because we will deliberately flatter someone because of his higher status, and we will not despise and be hostile to someone because of his lower status.

  Yes, no matter who he is, he is just a simple "person" in front of her.

  This kind of purity that is not affected by secular values may only be possessed by children who are still in the innocent stage in this world.

  What a wonderful child... At this time, everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

  Itachi, on the other hand, lowered his eyes and seemed to be meditating for a moment, then raised his eyes and stared calmly at the sea in the distance at eye level, lost in thought alone and not sure what he was thinking about. It is currently unknown.

  Anyway, in the following time, except for a few people's distractions, the overall atmosphere at the scene became particularly enjoyable.

  As for the strange fish caught from the sea in the afternoon, after being cut into several pieces, different parts were cooked in different ways.

  The pieces of fish are sprinkled with spices and grilled, and the cartilage of the fish head is chopped off, wrapped in egg liquid and bread crumbs, and fried in oil until golden brown. The fish bones after removing the meat are used to make soup. .

  The most delicious part of the liver is cut into thin slices, fried on a pan, topped with sauce, or directly crushed into mashed potatoes.

  The cooked meat of the strange fish looks almost like ordinary meat. If you haven’t seen the strange fish itself, with ordinary people’s knowledge, you can’t imagine where it comes from just by looking at the finished food. ‌In animals.

  Everyone who had initially doubted the food safety of the strange fish because of its strange appearance now also had the idea of giving it a try.

  “It’s actually really delicious!”

  "not bad."

  "Yeah, right!" Zaoyue said happily.

  As she spoke, her eyes happened to catch a glimpse of the figure nearby who had been silent and had no presence at the edge of the crowd.

  With a bit of inquiry out of pure curiosity, her gaze stayed for a few seconds longer.

  Itachi, who seemed to be distractedly looking at the sea, now noticed her gaze falling on him, so he turned his head slightly.

  As night fell, the lack of adequate lighting further impaired his vision.

  Even if the other person is only five or six meters away from him, he can only see a rough outline, and his appearance becomes blurry, like a shadow.

  However, although she could not see her expression, it was not difficult to imagine that the other party was staring at him with eyes wide open and full of curiosity.

  This kind of attitude of the other party made Itachi a little confused. Judging from what she has done in the past two years after taking power in the Water Kingdom, it seems that she is not ignorant of many things.

  To be precise, the innocence displayed by the other party should be said to be an almost natural purity that was deliberately cultivated in a special environment far away from human society. It is not the stupid innocence caused by ignorance.

  So although this girl seems innocent, her survival instinct is extremely sharp.

  It's just that her way of thinking is close to the primitive state, she is not bound by secular values, and she cannot judge based on experience. It does not mean that she is really stupid.

  In this case, why not reveal his purpose of joining the Akatsuki organization, and even show little wariness and hostility towards him. Itachi couldn't come to a conclusion for a moment as to what the girl was planning.

  Just as Itachi was thinking, he suddenly heard a rustling sound and saw the girl approaching.

  Itachi subconsciously became wary.

  But in fact, Zao Yue simply felt that the other party seemed to be standing aside all the time. He didn't seem to eat anything during the whole process, and seeing how thin his body was... so he walked over with a plate of food and said with a grin: "I'm telling you, you're already so thin. Eat more to gain weight! Don't act like you're malnourished. 'Food and love are the only things you can't let down.' Have you ever heard of this sentence? If you have energy when you work, you will be a talented person. has hope."

  After saying that, he put the plate directly into the other person's hand, then turned around and went back to eat and drink.

  It seemed like they were just bringing a dish over.

  Itachi looked at the heavy dish in his hand: "..."

  What on earth was she here to do?

  At this time, the people who were gathering around the campfire suddenly felt that the surrounding environment seemed a bit strange.

  Deidara asked strangely: "By the way, senior, did something suddenly block the surrounding stars? Why does it feel like the night sky has become so dark?"

  "Well, several giant unknown objects appeared around the island." Xie gave a definite reply.

  "..." Others also fell silent and became alert.

  Konan controlled the paper to raise a flashing charm high into the sky.

  As the talisman emits strong light in the dark night sky, the entire island and its surroundings suddenly seem like daylight.

  While it became clear, it also allowed everyone to see what was surrounding the island at this time.

  I saw one by one that was similar in style to the strange fish caught during the day, but even bigger in size, at least hundreds of meters high. The sea monsters, which were like hills, were around the island, facing their group. Watching with eager eyes.


  Damn it! The island is surrounded by monsters? ! !

  Everyone subconsciously looked at Zaoyue.

  "Huh? Why did the Neptunes come to the shore?" Fortunately, Zaoyue's reaction was very calm. After being surprised for a moment, he understood the reason why these Neptunes came ashore, and said with some annoyance, "Oh, it turns out they were attracted by the smell of food. Attracted..."

  Despite this, the situation before him is still extremely shocking to those who have been living in the ninja world.

  Is this what Nana said before, the sea king species living in the deep sea... They realized that the strange fish they caught before was really nothing.

  Hidan had already started yelling again, saying that he had seen the messenger of God.

  Zaoyue: "..."

  The light from the flash gradually weakened, and the surroundings returned to darkness.

  "How to deal with it?" Nagato asked at this time.

  Since Zaoyue's reaction was so calm, it meant that she should also know how to deal with these deep sea monsters.

  Zaoyue frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Well... if the fairy tale unfolds, it would be to invite them to the party, let them eat until they are full, and then become good friends. But they are so big, even if they are busy, You can’t even feed them at dawn. So generally speaking, it’s better to just beat them and drive them away.”


  Reality suddenly sets in.

  However, can these monsters that are comparable to tailed beasts... no, even surpass tailed beasts in terms of size, really be able to defeat them?

  Just when everyone was expecting to face a tough battle, suddenly, all of them, without exception, felt a chill all over their bodies, and their whole bodies fell into a state of terror.

  When they came back to their senses, their hands had already been instinctively placed on their weapons. In fact, based on the combat experience of this group of rebel ninjas, even if the mind did not react, it should have already drawn its weapon at this time, and the body should have taken the first step to counterattack or defend.

  However, they were suppressed from taking out their weapons.

  The sea kings who originally surrounded the island had already dispersed under the pressure of this evil aura.

  The rebellious ninjas realized that they had been completely suppressed just now. They were slightly shocked. What made them even more shocked was that the source of this evil aura was the seemingly harmless girl.

  After a brief period of uncertainty, the natural yearning for the strong immediately breeds fanaticism in people's hearts.

  They really...followed an incredible leader this time!

  However, Zaoyue seemed not to notice the complex psychology of others at all.

  She was complaining at this time: "There is no way, they are attracted to the shore by the fragrance, but this little food is not enough for them to fill their teeth. If they can't get food, they will definitely get angry. If the Neptunes are really big, they will roll ashore." , the island will be sunk by then.”

  Seeing her childish behavior, Xiao Nan said with a smile: "Nana is really amazing."

  Zaoyue immediately grinned when she heard the compliment.

  They are enjoying a wonderful vacation life at sea.

  On the other side of the ninja world, Terumi Mei, who is mainly responsible for diplomacy and business, began to contact the small inland countries according to the original arrangement.

  The author has something to say:

  Zaoyue: Weak and helpless but able to eat.

  Neptune: Are you talking about us?

  Zaoyue: No, I'm talking about myself.

  Neptune type:? ? ? ……&#*$%+

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: zhl 5 bottles; Lin Shasha 3 bottles; Yunzhi Evening Song 1 bottle;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 107 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  The ancients all said, "Everything in the world is for profit, and everything in the world is for profit." As we all know, there are only eternal interests, and there are no permanent friends and enemies, especially between countries.

  Rather than relying on people's conscience and forming alliances out of moral sentiments, it is better to believe that people are loyal to actual needs and make choices that are beneficial to their position in the face of reality.

  What's more, politics itself is the interest relationship formed by various groups and individuals for their own interests.

  Even if there are groups with noble intentions, if they want to change the entire atmosphere, they must coordinate and win the support of other groups within this interest group before they have a chance to succeed.

  Although in terms of reputation, reputation, and overall national strength, due to their historical foundation, the Country of Fire and the Konoha Ninja Village have natural advantages in the ninja world.

  But respect is respect, and when it comes to personal interests, people are still very honest.

  So when the diplomats from the Kingdom of Water extended an olive branch to the small countries in the inland areas and listed the various benefits that could be brought by joining a transnational alliance organization to cooperate, many small countries showed interest.

  Among the small countries, those that do not have Ninja Villages themselves are obviously more active than the countries that have Ninja Villages in their countries.

  Although small countries are not rich in resources and big countries usually look down upon them, this does not mean that small countries can stay away from wars. There are often frictions between small countries.

  In fact, compared with big countries, military frictions between small countries are more frequent.

  Because in the past three ninja wars provoked by big powers, the wars caused huge losses to the entire continent. Now, with the development of society, the big powers have become cautious about whether to use force, taking into account the scope of the impact.

  But small countries don’t have this level of consideration.

  In addition, there will also be situations where large countries engage in proxy wars through small countries in order to avoid wars happening on their own soil.

  However, wars between small countries are usually not for the purpose of annexing territory, but for the purpose of allowing the defeated party to sign unequal treaties.

  After all, after annexing territory, you still need to take over the management of this area, which is a thankless task. The essence of launching a war is to extract the resources of another region. As long as the invader achieves this goal, it is not considered what will happen to the region being exploited.

  In the past, when small countries without their own military strength were attacked by other small countries, they could only ask for assistance from neighboring large countries. However, such assistance was naturally not free. So to be precise, they actually hired ninjas from big countries.

  But such assistance is often temporary.

  But now, since the Water Country takes the lead as the backing of the alliance, which can provide them with stable military support, and analysis shows that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, many small countries are naturally interested. .

  The official personnel of the Kingdom of Water have recently been in contact with the small inland countries, and seem to intend to exchange military and commercial mutual assistance in exchange for the support of the small inland countries. Naturally, this has also aroused the influence of the Ninja Village in the inland areas. ‌Attention.

  But in the final analysis, the Ninja Village in the inland area only belongs to the daimyo-supported military group, and at the political level, they have no power to participate in decisions regarding the administrative management of the entire country.

  The current situation is not limited to the military level, but involves comprehensive business cooperation between countries. Apart from reporting the discovery to the country's daimyo and making a few suggestions, they cannot directly intervene in the rest.

  Although it may be possible to use military threats to pressure small countries not to cooperate militarily with the Water Kingdom, in the case of commerce, intervention by force alone cannot be successful. After all, in terms of the market, only The government has the power to promulgate relevant regulations.

  However, on the Water Kingdom side, since the current Mizukage took power by armed force two years ago, he reformed the domestic system, formed the Water Kingdom government, and adopted a new administrative system.

  Nowadays, the ninjas there are no longer simply military personnel responsible for fighting, but government officials with military ranks. They can directly serve as representatives of the country and have equal status in formal official occasions. Negotiate matters with the daimyo of the small country.

  Therefore, even if the relevant news aroused the vigilance of the inland ninja villages, the ninja villages could only report it to the daimyo. As for how the daimyo dealt with this issue, these ninjas could not control much.

  Without comparison, there is no gap. Thinking of the same ninjas, as administrative officials in the Kingdom of Water, they can be polite to the country's daimyo and nobles, but they need to show a respectful posture when facing the daimyo.

  This difference is somewhat subtle in people's hearts.

  At the beginning, all the major ninja villages in the interior were critical of the regime change in the Kingdom of Water. They believed that the little girl was just as ambitious as Madara Uchiha, and she actually did something that exceeded her authority. ‌.

  Everyone was not optimistic about her attempt to make a name for herself and become the real person in charge of the country. After all, the work of governing a country was not a trivial matter, not to mention that the Kingdom of Water was not a small country.

  As a result, in the past two years, the country of water has not become more chaotic. On the contrary, it has quickly emerged from the poverty situation caused by the isolation of the country in the past decade. The entire country has recovered rapidly and is beginning to catch up with the development progress of landlocked countries.

  As a result, the little girl's reputation in the country grew.

  Of course, people in the interior do not think that Zaoyue will have enough experience to manage the country at her age. There must be many capable people around her to assist her and give her advice.

  Fortunately, there have been some unstable situations in the Kingdom of Water recently, which can help people with unsatisfactory mentality in the inland to find a psychological balance.

  Under Zaoyue Shixian's deliberate arrangement, during this month, the high-level decision-makers of the Water Country's government happened to be out of the country, or were busy dealing with other matters.

  Anyway, the current Water Kingdom government has not made any response to those Water Country nobles who went abroad for safety and now plan to come back and take back their abandoned lands.

  The news and various rumors were deliberately spread and spread throughout the country. Even people who have never cared about national affairs have heard about it.

  The government has not expressed its attitude or tendency, and the people are gradually becoming anxious.

  Life has improved in the past two years, and people's material needs will also increase with development and changes. From the beginning, they just wanted to eat enough, but now they want to live more comfortably and dress more decently.

  In a way, it is this yearning for a better life that drives people to continuously create various achievements through labor.

  And no one is willing to hand over what they already own.

  At this stage, fields are still quite valuable and valued property for people.

  Finally, some intellectuals and wiser people among the civilian class believe that they cannot just sit back and wait for death, but must let the government know the voice of the people.

  As a result, it also triggered a domestic civil debate.

  Some traditional conservatives believe that these lands were originally the fiefdoms of the nobles, and they have the right to dispose of them as they want. Even if they are abandoned here, they are free.

  However, in the past two years, under the influence of the magazine "Sea Breeze", some young people with advanced ideas have appeared in China, and they have also begun to raise questions.

  Are nobles inherently nobler than others? Where did the nobility's fiefdom come from? Don’t nobles have their due obligations and responsibilities?

  If a person does not make any contribution or help to the people and the country, but just sits there and enjoys the benefits, but still holds a high position, what is the difference between this person and a moth? Why should they support such a person?

  They began to explore the rationality of the existence of this aristocratic class.

  Many people once felt that the reason why these nobles were the owners of these lands was because they needed to be governed and led so that the people on this land could have a good life.

  But in the past two years, although there are no lords or nobles here, everyone's life has been getting better and better, so gradually, people began to feel that these people were completely dispensable.

  They can obviously create wealth and make their lives better with their own labor and efforts, so why do they need to find an ancestor for themselves?

  This discussion is gradually not limited to the Kingdom of Water. Since the tourism industry in the Kingdom of Water is relatively prosperous now, there are many tourists coming from the inland, as well as businessmen coming to do business.

  It didn't take long for the controversy within the Water Kingdom to begin to cross the separated sea areas and affect the inland side.

  Then by the time Mogetsu finished her vacation and returned to the ninja world, this discussion had already heated up.

  The author has something to say:

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of cockroach grits; 5 bottles of purple sapphire; 2 bottles of Buddhist old salted fish, rice worms in the next life; 1 bottle of Shigure;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 108 Jinjiang exclusive first release

  To a certain extent, this is probably the largest ideological debate in the history of the ninja world. It is destined to have unusual significance for the world and have a profound impact on future development and be recorded in history.

  However, at the moment, for these people living in the present, they do not know such a distant thing, they are just aroused the desire to explore and think.

  Of course, this is still just the beginning.

  You must know that the European regions in the Middle Ages were under religious and cultural control. Although in the fourteenth century, with the development of market economy and the improvement of living standards, people gradually had a higher pursuit of secular enjoyment. Regions headed by Italy began to appear. I hate the hypocrisy of the church, I am dissatisfied with the rules and regulations set up by religious culture, and I want to get rid of the constraints.

  Therefore, they began to seek humanistic ideas that advocated human-centricity and affirmation of human value rather than focusing on God, and thus turned their attention to the past classical cultures such as ancient Greece and ancient Rome that were full of freedom. Launched the Renaissance, a new cultural movement.

  But it was not until the end of the sixteenth century that the Renaissance reached its peak, finally breaking the authority of religion and ushering in the industrial revolution and entering modern times.

  But here, for more than 800 years, people have been living according to experience and old customs and culture. There has never been such a large-scale discussion of civil rights, democracy and national system levels before.

  Naturally, when the gate opened, all kinds of opinions and ideas emerged one after another.

  Since the magazine "Sea Breeze" was self-published at this time, some youth groups or literary organizations in the interior of the ninja world began to follow this method and publish magazines with viewpoints.

  In recent years, other voices outside the mainstream have emerged from the public.

  And now this debate has further catalyzed this behavior.

  If you want your views to be spread, heard by more people and recognized, effective publicity methods are naturally indispensable, and magazines and newspapers are what people will read in their free time. Readings are undoubtedly one of the promotional channels.

  Although there are already TV movies, compared with the era when smartphones were popularized and all kinds of consultations could be obtained on mobile phones, the entertainment items in leisure time at this stage are still relatively limited.

  Therefore, physical publications still have a large audience.

  Then in recent times, various self-printed publications have sprung up and been distributed on the streets.

  As for some newspapers, articles discussing related views also appeared.

  In an instant, people felt as if they were in a noisy vegetable market. The stall owners of each stall were shouting to their heart's content, and the things on sale looked very bright and attractive. For a moment, they were dazzled. This one looked good, that one looked good. Both of them look good, but I'm stuck in hesitation about which one to choose.

  As for those who lack the ability to discern, surrounded by so many voices, it is inevitable that they don’t know which is right. It seems that everyone’s opinions sound reasonable, but at the same time, they suddenly I have doubts about the way of life that I have always pursued, and I find that I have been denied enough, but I don’t know which one to listen to.

  But in a certain respect, it also makes many people who were unwilling to understand things that had nothing to do with them in the past and just wanted to work hard and live behind closed doors now because of what is going on around them. Discussion, so it is also driven, and has to be forced to think in order to distinguish various remarks.

  Although many adults whose lives have been settled basically just listen to it, the young people in the family are not yet.

  After all, when they were young, many people longed to be different from their ancestors, to have their own careers, to blaze a new path, and to live a unique life of their own.

  Therefore, the rise of this current literary and artistic trend has made young people agitated.

  It’s just that people’s cognition is often affected by the environment and has limitations of the times. Looking at the whole world and even the entire era, there are very few people who can truly surpass the wisdom of the times.

  Some of the advanced ideas in the modern society where Zaoyue lived were not developed overnight, but were accumulated and summarized from the works of thinkers and philosophers in past history.

  Initially, the debate was still dominated by conservatives.

  In fact, in the past, there were many young people who were good at thinking in the ninja world. They felt that the existing management system was outdated and had many shortcomings, and they wanted to change it.

  However, due to the single culture of the entire planet, without foreign civilizations and other cultural systems as reference objects, most people can only think based on existing things, so it is difficult to step out of the frame.

  So in the end, I found that my efforts were in vain and nothing could be changed. I could only let nature take its course, choose to accept my fate, and follow the way of survival of my ancestors.

  However, at this moment, they discovered a book called Capital Dissertation recently published in the Land of Rain. It summarized the root causes of a large number of social status quo problems in the past, criticized various phenomena one by one, and then The concept of class struggle was proposed.

  There is a saying: Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles; traveling thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people; reading countless people is not as good as having a famous teacher show the way.

  The reason why some works are classics is because they can analyze the truth of viewpoints and illuminate the essence of things that were originally vague so that they can be understood at once.

  Suddenly, people who originally did not agree with conservative ideas but had no sufficient reasons to refute them gained enlightenment from it.

  So they found it as a treasure and regarded it as a treasure book.

  Soon, more intellectuals and young people who stood for the advanced and open stance began to rush to circulate this book and wanted to keep a copy in their hands, so they all started to buy it.

  When Nagato first obtained this book from Mogetsu and took a copy, he originally planned to spread it in the country first, but he did not expect that it would suddenly become very popular.

  Printing factories in the country of Sudden Rain could only increase the printing volume non-stop, but they still could not meet the market demand.

  With supply exceeding demand, the price of the book soared to four or five times its original price.

  Businessmen have always been very keen on business opportunities, so soon, printing plants in other inland places also rushed to print the book, even though some of them were pirated copies.

  As a result, not only the printing industry was stimulated for a time, but also the papermaking industry saw a significant increase in business volume in the first half of the year.

  Then, when this incident was reported by the media as a hot topic, it undoubtedly further increased its popularity and promoted the spread of the book.

  Even people who were not interested at all wanted to take a look after hearing that this was a popular book recently.

  It must be said that machine printing and the large-scale modern papermaking industry are great progress.

  The decline of church power in Europe was closely related to the emergence of machine printing and the mass production of paper.

  Before these two technologies appeared, Bibles in the past had to be copied by hand on parchment, so the price of a Bible was very expensive.

  Not only scriptures, books were a luxury product in Europe at that time, so in many portraits of nobles, they liked to hold books in their hands for decoration.

  Limited by the cost of acquiring knowledge, civilians at that time were generally illiterate.

  So there was a situation where if a rich man wanted to deal with a commoner, he could pay the priest, and then the priest would declare that the commoner had violated a certain provision in the scriptures and convict the commoner.

  Anyway, except for priests, ordinary people have no idea what is in the book.

  However, when these two technologies became popular, as the cost of book printing became lower, it became possible to print in large quantities, so writing gradually became popular.

  From then on the church lost its monopoly on the scriptures.

  At the same time, lower printing costs have also made it easier for the works of philosophers and thinkers to be widely disseminated, promoting people to obtain different perspectives and think.

  The current ninja world is similar.

  Since entering the ninja village stage, although there have been three ninja wars, during the stable period after the war until the next war breaks out, there will often be further reorganization of resources after the war. It will reach a stage of rapid development, and during this period, various industries will have technological breakthroughs.

  Nowadays, products such as wired telephones and televisions have become popular among ordinary people, allowing people to connect with others faster and obtain information.

  Otherwise, in the past, when people could only rely on word of mouth, it would take at least a year and a half for something to spread to everyone across the continent.

  But now, only one or two months is enough.

  All in all, the confrontation between old and new ideas is inevitable.

  At this time, the great names and nobles of various countries gradually realized that something was wrong.

  Originally, they did not take this debate seriously. In their view, it was impossible for civilians to understand such profound things.

  People in the upper class have a circle of people in the upper class, and people in the lower class have a circle of people in the lower class. There are differences between different classes.

  From the perspective of ordinary people, they will only pay attention to three meals a day at most.

  But they may have overlooked one thing. They are not born to understand these things. It is because they were born among nobles and have been able to obtain relevant resources and education since childhood, so they have formed relevant concepts.

  The common people may not be blindly obedient and lack vision and wisdom, but they just didn’t have the opportunity to come into contact with these things in the past.

  Now, when the upper class realizes that if these people continue to discuss this issue, this issue will eventually turn against them, the best opportunity for control has been missed.

  The same environment paralyzes not just the bottom.

  These people at the top also lack a sense of crisis, thinking that they can always sit in high positions and will not be dragged down.

  If you want to prevent people from continuing to discuss, the easiest way is to ban the circulation of publications containing these.

  So soon, all countries formulated a list of prohibited reading materials, and related publications were destroyed and prohibited from being circulated among the public.

  But here comes another troublesome situation.

  Although the list is listed, if you want to actually implement it, you will naturally need to handle it manually.

  If it were in the past, the fastest and most effective means of execution would naturally be to order the ninja to go.

  But now, the ninjas in the interior seem to be a little less obedient.

  Just like the first person to eat something, as long as someone takes the initiative, other people find that this method can be successful, and naturally they are eager to follow suit.

  Ever since Zaoyue succeeded in seeking power and usurping the throne, and seeing that the ninjas in the Water Kingdom could also have power and glory, the psychology of the ninjas in the inland area was subtle, and if no one had any idea, then ‌It must be fake.

  In addition, due to their professional relationship, ninjas need to pay attention to intelligence from all sides, so they are actually more likely to have access to these content publications than ordinary people.

  Some people are inspired and touched by it, but some people are thinking about how to profit from it.

  For a time, the atmosphere between the senior officials and daimyo of each ninja village became full of games and conspiracy.

  And under the current situation, it seems that it is not lively enough.

  The sudden statement issued by the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Rain directly announced the merger of the two countries' political powers. From now on, the Kingdom of Rain will become an international enclave managed by the government of the Kingdom of Water.

  The so-called international enclave refers to a country that has a territory that is separate from its own country and is surrounded by other countries.


  How can you still do this?

  We have seen many alliances and cooperation between the two countries in the past, but we never expected that the concept of an "international enclave" would emerge.

  Suddenly, the level of trouble in the Country of Rain increased.

  Originally, due to the current gathering of a large number of active intellectuals in the Kingdom of Rain, in order to suppress the current ideological wave spreading in the inland areas, the inland dignitaries intended to deal with this area.

  However, since the Kingdom of Rain has become the territory of the Kingdom of Water, if military actions are taken rashly against the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Water will be able to send troops to the inland areas on the grounds of territorial infringement, which will trigger the Fourth The Second Ninja War.

  The author has something to say:

  Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Buddhist-style old salted fish;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 109 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  The Ninja world is currently in turmoil, and the entire situation has become so turbulent that the members of the Akatsuki organization, who had been on vacation at sea for nearly a month, felt as if they were in another world after returning.

  Except that Zaoyue is still very carefree and seems to have no awareness that she is the leader behind this series of events.

  After everyone else came back, they spent about a week trying to catch up. No, it was to understand the various events that happened in the ninja world during this period.

  After some analysis and gradually restoring the evolution and development of the entire incident, they seemed to be able to sort out her thoughts.

  In the past two years, the country of water has developed strongly and is recovering and rising at a rapid speed, which has naturally attracted the attention of countries in the inland areas.

  And this kind of attention is unfavorable to the country of water, which is currently interested in uniting with small landlocked countries and using this as a breakthrough to seize the interior, because it will inevitably be feared and suppressed by large landlocked countries. .

  Therefore, in order to successfully achieve the goal of uniting small landlocked countries, the government of the country of water has adopted a method of retreat in order to advance.

  On the one hand, deliberately delaying whether to take a stand on the issue of the nobles wanting to take back their fiefs is not only to arouse the anxiety of the domestic people and make them dislike the past noble class, but on the other hand, it can also use this kind of domestic petty The chaos temporarily shifted the focus of the inland areas, giving the big inland countries the illusion of a balanced mentality.

  And the situation was as expected. In the early days, the inland people had the mentality of watching the fire from the other side, thinking that the fire would not burn themselves. Not only that, they also thought that the fire was in the domestic backyard of the Water Kingdom government, and they were somewhat gloating about the misfortune. , I hope that the chaos caused by the public controversy in the Water Kingdom will continue.

  It's just that no one realizes that this kind of controversy itself is reasonable for the times. Because as living standards improve, when the people meet the basic material conditions, they will begin to pursue spiritual things and think about issues such as human rights and freedom. At the same time, the requirements and standards for the government are also increasing.

  Therefore, although the debate first broke out in the Kingdom of Water, it is destined not to be limited to the Kingdom of Water, but will arouse widespread resonance among everyone in this era.

  If you think about it carefully, if you really want to trace it back, the current situation will occur. I am afraid that the other party had already started to make arrangements when he first took office two years ago.

  When thinking of this, one cannot help but marvel at this foresight. Although at this time they already understood how things evolved from just a few intellectual disputes in the early days to the level of ideological enlightenment, they still had no clue as to where things would develop next.

  But looking at Zaoyue's calm and composed look, all the members were convinced that she must know something.

  Obviously the future is still unknown, but for some reason, this time everyone did not feel the frustration and hesitation caused by the unclear road ahead in the past. Instead, they felt that they were still full of hope and confidence.

  Because the major inland countries have noticed that in this wave, intellectuals, especially those in the Country of Rain, are the most active.

  At the same time, the main ideas that refute traditional concepts and serve as a rallying point among young people are also exported from this place.

  The Country of Rain is located on an inland transportation artery, with borders with six surrounding countries. When the Country of Rain intends to relax border entry and exit management, the flow of people in the country will increase significantly.

  Not only young people with avant-garde ideologies from various countries like to gather here, but many traders also go to other countries via the shortcut of the Country of Rain.

  The gathering of vendors also means free distribution channels.

  In order to discover business opportunities as soon as possible, businessmen who have always been well-informed will inevitably gather together to chat during their stay in the Country of Rain. At these times, they often not only share what they have seen and heard in other places, but also bring what they saw and heard in the Land of Rain, and even some books to other countries.

  The major inland countries that have noticed this situation intend to join forces to suppress the intellectuals and young people active in the Land of Rain.

  Originally, they intended to use threats to pressure the Country of Rain to expel these people from the country. If the Country of Rain did not cooperate, they would directly take military action to intervene forcibly.

  Therefore, not long after returning, Mogetsu took this opportunity to fully negotiate with Nagato and the others, and then announced the merger and management, and it would become the foreign territory of the Water Country from now on.

  This is the situation in the Land of Rain a week after returning from vacation.

  Even if all this was within the other party's original calculation, others now recognize it.

  Zao Yue has no idea that in the eyes of many people, she has become a man who knows everything while talking and laughing. He looks confused on the surface, but in fact he is as open-minded and clear-minded as a mirror, and he knows everything very well. The image of an unfathomable master.

  Among these people, Itachi's mentality is particularly complicated.

  Perhaps because at this time, he had vaguely realized that the other party's real goal was not what people thought in the past. It was to establish a new branch in the Kingdom of Water and to complete Uchiha Madara's original attempt to destroy Konoha.

  All previous speculations were too narrow, and only based on the level of Ninja Village, country, and family.

  However, in fact, from the beginning, the real target she had set her sights on was the entire ninja world.

  She intends to overthrow everything that exists and create a new era.

  In the past, anyone who heard this would probably have first thought that this was nonsense.

  But Itachi now remembered what the girl on the island said before, that fame, wealth, status, means... are all necessary factors for success if you want to accomplish something big.

  In the beginning, she probably became the Mizukage just to gain a status as a platform for her to display her skills.

  Later, through this position, she gained fame and wealth for herself.

  As for Konoha and the Uchiha clan, things that others originally thought she would target intentionally, in fact, they were just being sentimental at the beginning.

  Because the other party didn't pay attention at all, her vision had already transcended this category. From the beginning, she acted based on the concept of the overall situation of the ninja world.

  But he still couldn't figure it out.

  There are many people who don’t understand this.

  He didn't understand where the other party's confidence came from, nor why the other party was so sure that the direction of progress was correct, and why he could be so determined and make decisions without any hesitation... Subconsciously, he had already vaguely realized that, It is very likely that in the near future, the shinobi village system, including the ninja village system, will become history together with the daimyo, the aristocracy, and other things.


  Itachi finally chose to raise his question to her when no one else was around.

  The author has something to say:

  Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Mengzhen Hongxiu and Chenyan; 10 bottles of Ye Xue and Shanxia Shifeiyan; 1 bottle of Lingfengjun and Shigure;

  Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

  Chapter 110 Exclusively launched in Jinjiang

  "?" Zaoyue, who was looking at her cell phone, raised her head, looked around and saw that there was no one else around. After confirming that this was said to her, Zaoyue, who had not yet reacted, subconsciously felt strange and asked, "Ah. ?What?"

  Itachi: "..."

  Looking at the other party's blank expression of bitterness and hatred, Zao Yue couldn't help but become confused. After the other party suddenly asked a question that seemed to be meaningless, he ended up saying no more.

  She almost thought that she was hallucinating just now, so she had to try hard to recall things related to the other party.

  Then when she thought about it, Zaoyue realized that the process of getting along was really barren. Although she had been in contact with all the members of this organization for more than a month, except for meeting and saying hello, other than that, she was almost completely normal. No intersection.

  Zaoyue originally thought that she had accidentally tricked the person by doing something, but after thinking about it, she found that she and the other party had never even exchanged a few words with each other.

  At this point, Zaoyue began to feel confused.

  Ah, no, wait a minute...could it be about those things about her old father? ?

  Zaoyue knew that the inland side of the country had always been filled with all kinds of magical conspiracy theories about her life experience.

  Anyway, the truth is too troublesome to explain and it is inconvenient to reveal it at the moment. Since the inland people have already justified their stories, they are left to guess freely. Zaoyue is too lazy to think of any other reasons to justify the lies.

  But now that the other party seemed to want to know the details of the truth, Zaoyue began to have a little difficulty.

  According to the mainstream inference here, her old father faked his death and lurked in the Kingdom of Water for many years, secretly reorganizing his forces incognito and preparing to make a comeback.

  emmmm... Actually, overall, there seems to be nothing wrong with this statement.

  It's just that some things were exaggerated. For example, her becoming Mizukage was purely a temporary move.

  But in the eyes of outsiders, it was thought that in addition to the armed coup on the surface, there was also a bloody battle hidden behind it.

  Yes, there is a saying circulating inland that the reason Uchiha Madara has not been leaked in the land of water for so many years is because he reached an agreement with the third generation Mizukage, so the water shadow agreed to let him and his followers stay in the land of water. Domestic and helped cover up, but unexpectedly it became a problem. After the third generation Mizukage abdicated and passed away, maybe the fourth generation Mizukage peeked into the Sharingan first, or maybe the Uchiha in the Kingdom of Water had originally planned such a day. In short, the fourth generation Mizukage was controlled and changed. It became a stepping stone for Uchiha Madara's successor to become the Fifth Mizukage in an upright manner and gain reputation.

  Anyway, when Chu Zaoyue heard this guess, she was amazed at their imagination. Sure enough, the people are all born creators. Look at this imagination, they can actually explain things clearly in a few sentences. Add various twists and turns and bizarre plots to ‌.

  However, what she was struggling with at this time was, ah...compared with what they had imagined, the truth was too simple or even plain. Will the other party not believe it after telling it?

  Zaoyue didn't know that the way she was thinking hard about how to reply gave people the impression that she was brewing something. She even looked serious and upright, which also led to some misleading to the people in front of her.

  "..." Itachi, who didn't know what he was thinking, said another sentence at this time, "Why can you firmly believe that the future you have chosen is correct? It is obvious that this is a road that no one has ever walked."

  It was obviously a future full of unknowns, but walking on such a road with unclear prospects, the other party did not feel any hesitation or fear.

  It turned out that I just wanted to ask this. After Zaoyue was stunned for a moment, she said: "This... I seem to have said similar topics to others before. The difference between humans and animals is that humans have dreams. Animals don't know how to think. They just live according to their instincts. These instincts are derived from experience. They think that as long as under certain conditions, what happened before will happen again. However, people can discover and summarize the laws of things from experience. , and then foresee the future in advance, thus creating dreams of trying to break the shackles of fate. Although most dreams sound unrealistic in many cases, it is precisely because of this that human beings are full of surprises. "

  Then Zaoyue pointed out: "If we only know how to survive based on experience and stick to rules, what is the difference between humans and ordinary animals?"

  "..." Itachi's usually expressionless face now showed a slight change.

  Of course, dreams can be big or small, and in Zao Yue's view, they are not high or low, but if you want to ask her why she dares to try to lead the revolution... after all, changing dynasties has a big seal in itself, even if there are predecessors Experience can be used as a reference, but the specific conditions in different regions are different and cannot be copied completely. And these differences in details may often make what people think is a foolproof reform encounter Waterloo. Once she fails, she will become a sinner through the ages.

  Although there are reasons from the crisis outside the universe, in fact... Mooyue knows that the project of using fantasy trees to transform illusory works into real reality to fill the gaps in the universe has a low probability of being realized.

  Even so, when she grew up and was able to go out on her own, Zaoyue still wanted to try to see if she could return to her birthplace and start this action.

  Maybe it's because he doesn't want his old father to realize that the Eye of the Moon is a fraud, and suddenly his wishes are frustrated and he has to accept his fate in the form of sadness.

  Or it could be... At the execution site in Roger Town, just like everyone in the square at that time, they were touched by Roger's smile before his execution.

  For her, she just felt that she wanted to do it, and she didn't want to have thoughts like "what if" recurring in her future life.

  You have to give it a try anyway.

  Zaoyue was briefly immersed in memories, so she didn't notice that the person in front of her had complex and subtle emotions in her eyes, and he was looking at her again.

  When Zaoyue came back to her senses again, she probably thought that she had just started talking anyway, so she said by the way: "When I was a child, I met a very interesting old man, and then he asked me a question: When do you think people will die?"

  Itachi subconsciously thought about this problem.

  But Zaoyue didn't wait for the other party to reply, and directly announced the answer to herself: "Is it the moment when you die, or the moment when your heart stops, or when you are buried... none of these are until you are all When people forget. In other words, in layman’s terms, it’s probably: some people are alive, but they are already dead; some people are dead, but they are still alive.”

  "..." Itachi seemed to freeze for a moment.

  "And I've been thinking about a question before, is it really dead after death? In fact, for a world with the concept of soul and underworld, the boundary between life and death is not really divided according to the so-called death of the body. Yes." Then Zao Yue mentioned his views on life and death, "The so-called death is just equivalent to losing the right to act in this world, but it does not mean that the regrets during life can be resolved. I can cut myself off from everything in my life, and everything in this world will have nothing to do with me from now on. The idea of placing my peace in the world after death is essentially an escape from real problems."

  "..." Itachi felt his throat was a little dry, as if he had many words coming up to say, but he got stuck in the end.

  Finally, Zao Yue returned to the original question: "If you say why I am determined for that kind of future, it is because I believe that everyone will pursue the answer to the world in their hearts. The inheritance of generations, the changes of the times, as long as people do not give up on the answer to the world. The answer to the world will never stop. What I am doing at this time is just to follow the call of my heart, find my own answer to the world, and then hand over my answer sheet to the world. Before I die, It’s just a time to show a heartfelt smile without any regrets.”

  At this moment, Itachi truly realized how different she was from everyone else. That freedom of mind is something that almost no one in the ninja has, and it is also the most attractive thing about her.

  He had to admit that this girl was a difficult person to treat as an enemy, and Itachi had mixed feelings about this.

  At this time, Zaoyue sensed the aura of her friend appearing nearby, so she came out of the building, and then saw Toneri in the open space outside.

  Zaoyue immediately happily went over to say hello and asked by the way: "Why are you here!"

  "Well..." Toneri responded shyly, and then said, "There were two people who were said to be from another world just now. I think it would be better to come over and inform you."

  Zaoyue was stunned for a moment, then realized and said: "Oh, are they from Chaldea?"

  When she was chatting with Merlin online some time ago, the other party told her that Chaldea had begun an operation to save the universe, and that representatives from this operation might come over in a few days.

  As for being on the moon at this time.

  A girl with orange hair was complaining to her silver-haired schoolmate: "Obviously I have Nana's contact information here, so I can just send him a message. Why does he still keep running? Isn't this unnecessary? ?"

  The girl was complaining to her silver-haired school girl: "Obviously I have Nana's contact information here, so I can just send him a message. Why does he still keep running? Isn't this unnecessary?"

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