The Boy Down The Street

By CokeAndLipGloss

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Kelsey Moore is just a regular fourteen year old girl from a regular small town in a regular neighborhood, wi... More

The Boy Down the Street: Prologue
Chapter One: Meeting Harry
Chapter Two: Blown Out of Proportions
Chapter Three: Trouble
Chapter Four: Yes We Shall
Chapter Five: Get to Know Kelsey Moore
Chapter Six: Dont Let Him Take Your Place
Chapter Seven: Fix Your Problem
Chapter Eight: No Chance
Chapter Nine: I'm Done
Chapter Ten: More Problems for Harry
Chapter Eleven: Tears with Disappearances
Chapter Twelve: Gone and Back Again
Chapter Thirteen: Realizing Reality
Chapter Fourteen: Fast Forward
Chapter Fifteen: Lifeless
Chapter Sixteen: Giving Up
Chapter Eighteen: It Will Be Alright
Chapter Nineteen: Maybe Not
Chapter Twenty: Let's Do This Shit
Chapter Twenty-one: A Promise To Keep
Chapter Twenty-two: Urgent

Chapter Seventeen: He Is

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By CokeAndLipGloss

Chapter 17: He Is

*Harry's Point of View*

"Kelsey can now be visited in room 207." She said. She was wearing scrubs.

"Okay thank you." I said standing up.

Kelsey's friends and parents stood up too and made their way towards her room.

I grabbed Lou's hand and pulled him along as I headed through the hallways.

When we got there I saw Jana and the two friends crying in the hallway, and Sam standing with an angry expression on his face.

I walked towards them.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"I don't think that is necessary. " Sam said.

"Please. Just for a minute. I need to see that she's okay." I tried to reason.

"She's not okay Harry. I think you've done enough. Leave. Now." he replied. His face was becoming more red every second.

I wasn't going to get to see her. Its useless for me to try.


*Kelsey's Point of View*

As I walked on stage, millions of screaming girls were in the crowd.

There were many screaming "I hate you!" and "You bitch!", but it didn't matter. I wasn't listening to them.

I only clearly heard the few positive comments like "You're beautiful!" and "We love you Kelsey!". They were so sweet.

I smiled and continued my walk to center stage.

A spotlight was following my every move, and a microphone appeared on a stand infront of me.

I was about to speak, until I saw Harry in the crowd.

I froze. He was standing in the very center of the crowd and nobody was standing around him. It was just him.

Soon the crowd completely disappeared, and Harry and I were the only ones in arena.

"Harry." I said breathlessly, so releaved he was okay and here with me now.

"Kelsey! I've missed you so much. I'm sorry," He replied back with a shy smile, "Forgive me?"

"Yes! I'm so sorry, too Haz." I said.

I stepped forward and suddenly Harry stepped back a few feet.

"What? Harry?" I questioned.

"Hmm?" he replied with a smile.

I stepped forward once again and he stepped back about four more feet.

I looked up at Harry and he seemed a slight bit blurry.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't reply. He just shook his head and smiled.

I stepped forward and once again, he moved backwards.

"Harry? Why won't you stay still?" I asked, confused.

"Kelsey, I need you to wake up. I need you, but I can't have you. You shouldn't be here, you should be with me," he said.

He held out his hand. And as I stepped forward this time, he didn't move. He just became blurrier.

With each step I took he stayed still, but got blurrier. When I finally reached him he was so blurry I could barely tell it was him.

I touched his hand and he grasped mine and jerked me forward.

The world went black, and I was falling.

Harry was no longer around. There was black everywhere, encircling me.

I soon heard a noise: a beeping sound? I couldn't make out what it was for but it sounded familiar.

"Guys, I think she's waking up!" I heard.

What? Who is that?

"Ohh Kelsey! My baby," I heard somebody else say.

As I was falling, I looked down and saw a light nearing at the end.

The light was coming up fast, and I became scared.

What is that?

I eventually fell into the light. It was blinding at first, and then I saw that I was sitting in a hospital room with my mom, Sam, Sarah and Kaylee.

"Wait- what?" I spoke aloud.

It took a minute for wverything to be clear.

"Kelsey! I'm so sorry. You got stuck in a huge crowd of fans when you were out a few days ago, and.... it didn't go very well." My Mom said.

What? What fans? A few DAYS ago?

"What?" I asked.

"You got stuck in a huge crowd of-" she started.

"Yes, mom. I know. But what? What fans?" I asked. This was so confusing. Is this even real?

She hesitated and looked at Sam.

"Please. Just tell me." I said, becoming annoyed.

"Harry's fans, sweetie. You apparently saw him when you were out, but before you got to talk to him, he was mobbed by a few if his fans, and you were in their way." She said with a sad face.

"So... I got run over by screaming girls. Great," I said sarcastically, "wait- how long have I been asleep?"

"Umm... just about four days now." Sam replied.

"Has Harry visited?" I asked suddenly.

"Nope." Sarah and Kaylee both said matter-of-factly.

"Really?" I asked.

I can't believe he never even stopped by to check on me. That's... harsh.

"No. Don't worry about it, sweetie." Mom said.

Just then the door swung open revealing a very tired nurse.

"That boy is here to see the patient once again. You want me to tell him no like last time?" The nurse said with a bored expression.

"Ye-" Sam started.

"No! What boy?" I cut in. Everybody looked at me with wide eyes.

"Ill go get the name." The nurse simply said, and headed off.

"Kelsey." Sam said once the door was closed.


"We don't want anybody to visit you right now, so please, don't." he pleaded.

"Is it that you guys don't want ANYBODY or just SOMEONE to see me? Its Harry, isn't it? Why?" I asked, infuriated.

"No, honey, we're just trying to protect you," Mom said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Protecting me from what? Harry? Ha. Whatever. Protecting me from getting hurt? You can't always be there for me, okay? I can do this on my own! I don't need your help!" I turned and looked at Kaylee and Sarah, "And what the hell, guys? Seriously? You too? I don't need your help with this! Okay? You don't know Harry like I do! Why would you even side with my parents anyway?" I practically yelled.

"We-" Sarah started.

"Save it. I don't care. Will you guys please, just leave?" I said.

There were a few murmurs as they stood up from their spots and walked towards the door.

Just as Kaylee was about to open the door, it swung open revealing the tired nurse once again.

"His name is Harry," The nurse stated, "Should I let him in?"

"Please." I said, and she turned and left.

Mom turned around, "I'm sorry, Kelsey, but if you don't want my help then I won't help anymore. The hospital charges will be sent to your place once you are of the hospital. Goodbye."

And after that, they all left.

I broke down crying; should I have done that? I practically just screwed my whole life up. I no longer have any friends or family that want to talk to me. Why did I do that?

Just then the door opened and reminded me exactly why I did that: the curly headed, green eyed, smiling boy standing in front of me.

My tears stopped and I was suddenly overcome with joy. He was here.

He walked over and sat next to me.

"Kelsey." he smiled.

"Harry." I replied back.

"I'm sorry that happened. I really didn't-" he began.

I cut him off, "Yeah. I know."

"Oh. Um, okay, then."

"Why didn't you help me?" I asked. He knew what I meant.

"I couldn't, Kels. There were so many people. I couldn't find you. I'm sor-"

"How many times are you gonna say that? I get it." I said. Wow, I'm being really blunt today.

"Yeah. Okay." he replied back with a disappointed expression.

"Harry, look, I'm sorry. Its just everything that's happened, with this, and my friends, and my parents, I mean, I'm just screwed." I replied, feeling bad.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside for just a bit." The nurse that I just realized was there stated.

"No problem." Harry said with a smile.

He stood up and walked to the door but before he left he turned and looked at me.

"We'll talk more tomorrow," he grinned, "I'll be here around noon to pick you up, the doctor said you could leave tomorrow. " And he turned around and walked away not giving me a chance to reply.

The nurse closed the door and walked over to me and checked my blood pressure.

"He's kinda hot, eh?" She said with a grin.

"Ha. Yeah, I guess he is." I said and returned her smile just as she finished up and walked back out of the room.

"Yeah, he is," I repeated to myself after she left, "He is."


Helsey action! :) There will be a few more ship names coming into or back into (hint hint ;* ) affect pretty soon. :)

But Helsey, eh? Looking pretty cute right now! :) But Kelsey kinda just lost her parents and best friends... its okay though, because....

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then its not the end."

-Ed Sheeran

Yup. Just quoted Ed. Like a boss. hah

So, 195 votes for the next chapter! :D

- J. xoxo

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