ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ ᵀᴬᴷᴱ ᴹᴱ ᵂᴵᵀᴴ ʸᴼᵁ - paul...

By marella_png

19.5K 500 47

deep within the sharp ridges of arrakis lies a sietch home to thousands of fremen. One being named Mili, mean... More



750 19 0
By marella_png

the moon was barley blocking the sun over the horizon, causing an eclipse and casting a red hue across the entire planet. the fremen lied against the side of a dune, listening to harkonnen soldiers nearby.

paul lied flush against the warm desert sand, succumbed to his exhaustion. his eyes forced shut and his lips letting out soft breaths of air every few seconds.

he stirred a bit before his eyes fluttered open. he looks up at the eclipse before looking over his shoulder to see mili shush him silently. he sees a fremen running down the dune and directs his at nation towards that. "enemies" jessica signs.

chani climbs up the dune slightly to get a better look. as she does so, paul can hear the sounds of harkonnen voices. half of the fremen run left towards a rock. leaving stilgar, his fighters, and the three.

paul turns his head as away from mili and chanis direction and looks toward stilgar. he has his head pressed against the sand and makes a bird call before running to the right, leaving the three alone.

paul looks at mili and his mom, they share a common look and climb up the dune to see what the fremen were looking at.

a harkonnen ship with harkonenn soldiers dropping down from the inside.

they quickly realize they too, should move. paul points to a rocky hangover for them to hide under. he grabs mili's hand and they swiftly run in that direction. jessica follows suit, forgetting about jamis's body.

paul holds one hand over mili in a protective manner as the harkonnens approach, ascending the dune.

"they are close." a soldier says looking at jamis's abandoned body. mili grabs paul's hand and squeezes it tight. she was fearful, yet she knew paul would protect her.

as the harkonnens slowly approached them, paul reaches for a rock, ready to attack. however, before the harkonnen could spot the trio, the fremen set off a thumper.

the harkonnens all whip their head in that direction. "the rats are calling a worm!" they speak. "unit, climb!" one says. as ordered, each harkonnen begins to levitate up the cliff, escaping their wormly fate.

they realize they should reunite with the fremen, however, upon looking up, paul notices a black speck getting larger and larger. "look out!" he yells, yanking mili into his hard chest as a harkonnen body drops from the cliff

and then another

and another

the just keep on coming. bodies dropping like rain on a stormy caladan day.

another body drops, or levitates down. still alive and well. their back faced to the three.

mili grabs her crysknife from her sheath and paul grabs eyes up the dead harkonnens knife

the harkonnen swiftly turns around at the sound of them, and begins to rapidly approach. paul makes a run for the knife and barley gets it before the soldier. their knifes clash, blocking eachothers hits. the harkonne hits paul's leg and makes him fall.

mili comes up from behind stabs the harkonnens in the left shoulder blade, blood comes splattering out all over her face. the harkonnens grunts and unsheaths his weapon, blocking her next deadly hit.

they continue at this, blocking eachothers his before mili kicks him in the balls causing him to stumble back, drop his sword, and retreat his hands to the throbbing pain in between his legs.

mili takes this opportunity to impale her knife right in the center of his skull, killing him instantly.

as the harkonnen lets gravity pull its weight toward the ground, mili turns around and sees paul's already killed another two harkonnen and has retrieved himself a blade, clashing swords with another harkonnen. she watches he's as he takes the knife and goes in for a kill strike which the harkonnens fails to block, resulting in his death.

paul looked over at mili immediately, running toward her figure. as they met in the middle with a hug, another harkonnens ascends over the dune.

mili readies her crysknife and paul grabs his harkonenn blade but before the harkonnen can reach the two, jessica slams his head with a rock causing the man to fall.

she straddles his waist and repeatedly slams the rock against the harkonnens face, killing him.

"damn that's hot." mili says.



the fremen had every dead or injured harkonnen laid in a horizontal line. some with heavy machinery connected to them, sucking the water out of them. and some waiting for their fate.

jessica gagged at the sight. "hold it." stilgar says. jessica gags again, and again. "hold it! no!-"stilgar says as she wretches up her final meal in arakeen. "waste of water." stilgar grumbles.

mili looks away toward paul and just grabs his hand.

chani approached them, "you fought well, mili. good job." she praises. "you too paul, once you woke up." she grumbles. "he was exhausted." mili defends. chani shrugs and smiles at the girl.

once the moisture extraction process was over, stilgar made another bird noise, calling the attention to him and he pointed toward the direction of the sietch. informing them they needed to move.

a fremen set a thumper down by the harkonnens bodies and ran once it was set off, leaving the bodies to shai-hulud.

the fremen traversed across the dune. mili held paul's hand and jessica walked holding her stomach. paul turned around and watched as the worm approached, sinking the sand in and consuming the pile of bodies.

-917 Words-

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