In Another Reality

By WinterKatana7

257 30 0

When Charlotte and her family moved to Vancouver, Canada at the age of 7 from the Philippines. She never thou... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

3 1 0
By WinterKatana7

The Team Alchemy is now back to filming again, and this time they are filming in a forest still in PEI. Their scenario for the forest is finding a herb that only is present in this area, to bring back to Potion's Inc. headquarters for further research and experiment. The herb is said to be an ingredient for an antidote. The trail name is named Main and Witches Loop, it is believed that ancient witches would wander and do rituals here by full moon in exchange for great power. No one visits the forest, except those who seek answers and the truth. While the Team is exploring the forest, they meet the King of Dreamstone Kingdom. His name is Carter and is in his late teens. The King is finding a flower that grows right beside the berry that the Team is finding. The King also heard the commotion and saw the fire from Lizzy. He helped her temporarily control it by using a spell, only a true royal blood could only do. He joined the team in search of the berry and the flower. The reason he was finding the flower is because Audrey has been sick for days now and the flower could be used to heal.

"What kind of fruit are we even looking for?" Tristan frustratedly said as he rolled his eyes. He didn't want to come into the forest because first it's dangerous, and second they might get lost.

"It looks like a blackberry but it's color is blue and it is said to grow in the plants like a flower." Nicholas explained to him as calm and focused as he could

"Fine, but guys we have to camp out now. The sun is going to go down any minute." with what he suggested, everybody agreed. They found a place near a creek and it's just a perfect campsite to start a fire. While Tristan catch some fish for dinner, Nicholas gathered some wood, and the two girls Lizzy and Kaia started building the tent from the magic pocket they had prepared before going on a journey. As the sun went down, the night came. The Team started to eat their grilled fish made by Tristan.

After eating, they then decided to relax from the campfire that they had built to cook the fish.

"Did you guys know that there's a forest in the Ethereal Kingdom, where there are mirrors in it. And those mirrors are portals to different realms, universes, and even to The Dark Kingdom. It was said that the portal was used multiple times by Dean to visit Princess Hiraya." Tristan suddenly told the story that brought shiver to all of them

"Shh! His name was forbidden to use by the elders. We might summon him here...I don't think it's a good idea." Kaia warned him

"May I ask who he is?" Lizzy innocently asked them

They all looked at each other first before Nicholas started introducing the person they've been talking about.

"He is the childhood best friend of Princess Hiraya. She is the Princess of the Ethereal Kingdom, the kingdom of Elementals and the Empress of the Light Kingdom. Dean on the other hand is the King of Veneum Kingdom, the central capital of the Dark Kingdom. He is also the Emperor of the Dark Kingdom. Together they are supposed to keep the equilibrium of our Parallel universe. If our universe is not balanced, the Archons will be the one who will start the war to continue the cycle."

"It doesn't sound so bad, in the part where they are best friends." Lizzy said

"Yeah you are right. But they aren't supposed to be best friends. They are supposed to be enemies, to keep the balance." Nicholas explained to her

"How did they meet then? If they are supposed to be enemies?"

"It was said that when the Princess visited Portal forest while on an exploration trip with her father, she touched one mirror and that mirror led to the Dark Kingdom. She and Dean were touching the mirror simultaneously and instead of the reflections of their own faces, they saw the reflections of each other. From there, they would both visit the mirror every time they had the chance and when Dean learned a spell where he could walk through the mirror, he visited the Princess for the very first time in the castle. At her birthday party. She gave him a prior invitation that she laid beside the mirror."

"How did it gone...bad?"

"It's when the parents of the Princess discovered the real identity of Dean. And he was warned by the King and Queen not to visit the Princess ever again, and the Light Kingdom or war could happen. Dean couldn't understand it. When the Princess was transferred to the Mortal Realm, Dean started a Great War and many died including most of the parents of the now young Queen and Kings."

"Did they ever see each other again?"

"No, they still haven't. The Princess just recently came back to the Light Kingdom and her memories of him were erased. And the forest was sealed with a strong spell, the only one who could pass it, is the one who remembers a love that could transcend in different lifetimes."

"And the Princess is also rumored to be in love with a misfit, one of the star students of Elite Academy named Isaiah." Kaia added feeling fluttered at the rumor

"Misfit?" Lizzy asked out of curiosity.

"They are a class of people in the Light Kingdom who don't have powers like we do, but have the skill and bravery of a gangster. They use special weapons that they also invented. They live on an island off the coast of the Ethereal Kingdom, border between the Light Kingdom and the Dark kingdom." she explained to her

"Wow...could we visit it someday then?"

"Of course! The island is one of our biggest consumers. In fact Potion's Inc. has a one of a kind business relationship with the Misfit society, the one that leads and prevents chaos in the island. Their President has a very unique personality I must say..." Nicholas answered her and muttered by the end of his sentence and crossed his arms wondering why the personality of the President was like that.

They all then decided to sleep, because in the morning they'll continue finding the berry. The tent is divided into two, One for the boys to sleep in and another one for the girls.

While everybody was sleeping in their tents. Lizzy started sleep walking, she went out of their tent and Kaia felt her leaving so she followed her quietly. They were then passed on by a few meters off their campsite when Lizzy just stopped walking and started her fire and burned the ground. Kaia watched the fire grow more around Lizzy before her eyes could realize that the fire in her hands turned blue.

"Lizzy! What are you doing?! Get out of the fire!"

"Kaia! Help me! The fire is in my hands!"

"What do you mean the fire is in your hands?! can now wield the fire..."

"I don't know what happened! Kaia! Help me!"

"Stay where you are! I'll help you!"

Kaia, took out the fire using her water elemental abilities from the creek that surrounds them. The commotion made Nicholas and Tristan wake up from their deep sleep, they hurriedly went to the scene and saw the fire being tamed by the great water vision of Kaia. They saw the large body of water flew from the air to the blue flames.

"Sometimes I forget how a powerful water holder Kaia is..." Tristan expressed in awe of the scene they are watching right now

Nicholas then frowned his eyebrows and just realized something that the witch told him, while Kaia, Tristan, and Mckenna were playing in the snow outside the cabin.

"I could see that the one you will marry is a powerful water holder." Nyx told him aside from Nicholas asking business predictions from her.

"Listen to me Lizzy. You must control the fire in your hands. Take a deep breath and calm down, this way the energy from your body will be at peace. Don't worry, I am here for you."

Nicholas came back to reality when Kaia spoke. She had already stopped the fire from engulfing. The blue flames are still fully alive in the hands of Lizzy. The three of them walked near her, but were stopped by someone with his utmost authority. The moment Nicholas, Kaia, and Tristan saw him walk towards them, they quickly gave him the respect he deserved. A bow for the King of Dreamstone Kingdom, the home for Wizards and Sorceress. Where Nicholas was born and is raised.

"You must stay where you are, and let me be the one to control the fire."

"Who are you?! Guys! Who is he?!" Lizzy said as she panics again but before her flames start to fire again, the King spoke a spell that made the fire freeze in the air and he stopped it from there.

Everyone was shocked at what he just did, even Lizzy stood silent watching how the mysterious person stopped the fire in her hands. He puts both of his hands into Lizzy without being burned. And just like that, the fire in her hands was gone.

The King then removed the hoodie in his blue velvet cloak, to reveal his face to Lizzy.

His hair has the darkest color of black that could ever exist. It has an undercut and his hair is tied in a ponytail. He has the height of an average basketball player and has a very well managed body. His scent has a warm and prominent notes of bergamot, tangerine and cinnamon.

But the most fascinating thing that Lizzy noticed, is that his eyes turned blue when he used spells for a long time and it turned back to dark brown when he was done using them.

"Your majesty, it is an honor for us to see you this evening. And I would like to extend my gratitude for helping our friend Lizzy." Nicholas spoke facing him

The King then smiled and said "It is an honor to see you again Nicholas, the last time I saw you was when you were just as little as Miracle."

"I have also been graced by The Guardian of water and healing and The Guardian of war and justice. Kaia and Tristan, it's nice to see you again. The last time I saw you two was when we crossed paths in Elite Academy. And I assume that your friend over here is Lizzy, is that correct?"

Lizzy then just nodded quietly at him not knowing what else to do

"Lizzy, it's nice to meet you. I am Carter, I am the King of Dreamstone Kingdom. I hope that my title as King won't hinder our future friendship. I assume that you are a new elemental. You must visit your Queen, Hiraya. As soon as possible. She'll be able to help you control your fire."

Kaia then came confused into what she just heard, she took one step closer to Carter to clarify some things.

"Your majesty, I just want to clarify some things. Is it true that Princess Hiraya is now a...Queen? What happened to her parents? The King and Queen?"

The King then went silent for a bit, and his face became terrified from the truth. The truth that he is about to confess to everyone other than Kaia.

"The former King and Queen was killed by Dean, just 2 months ago. In the palace. He pretended to be someone else, and it's my fault for not recognizing who he really was. When he used the same face and the same name ever since he arrived in The Light Kingdom. And when he introduced himself to all of us. He tricked all of us believing that he was an elemental from the mortal realm."

Everyone then became horrified by what they just heard. They were just talking about Dean earlier, and now...his identity became much clearer even for Lizzy.

"He also told Hiraya that if she didn't come to The Dark Kingdom when the solstice came, he would start another Great War." Carter added that made everyone shiver from fear

"And if the Ethereal Kingdom lost its true heir it would be in chaos, so too The Light Kingdom since she is the Empress of all 7 kingdoms of the Light." Kaia uttered in horror

Nicholas then went beside Kaia and made sure he is the strong one now. He held his head high for everyone to rely on him in this crisis they would be facing.

"Your majesty, We will protect the portal to the mortal realm as much as we can. We will guard it as if our life depends on it, it is an honor for us to serve our Kingdom. It is an honor to serve our Empress."

As Nicholas said that, the four of them form a straight line facing the King. And that line is their way of proving that they are going to be the last and first line of defense in the mortal realm.

For the strong determination the four of them had shown him. Light a fire that was being burnt out inside of him. They inspired the king to do the best he could to save their Empress.

Even if it takes his life too...

He then lifted both of his hands onto them and casted a spell that would make them even stronger. It's an enough power to defeat whatever they would be facing once the inevitable came.

"And cut!" Eli, their director said in his megaphone.

"Good job everyone! We will continue tomorrow. And I hope we will find that freaking berry! Hahaha" he added, embodying his sense of humor every time he has the chance.

The Team Alchemy then had a photo op with the actor who plays King Carter. His name is Jiyong, he has been an actor for over 10 years in Hollywood and is also a singer. He and Levi were friends and are often seen together in each other's concerts. He is almost the same age as Levi too, but he is a bit older than Levi by 2 years. That's how Jiyong was casted, it's through Levi. When Luna and Jiyong first met in Levi's concert a year and half ago, she already knew he fits as Carter. Thankfully when Luna proposed the character and the story to Jiyong, he accepted it right away. As he is also a fan of the series.

The character of King Carter has also a book that's included to the Great war series called "A Spell of Madness" The plot of the book is the life of Carter from his childhood into the present times before the next Great War. The story also channeled the story of when he met Audrey for the very first time and why she's always been with him. Together they fought against those who would bring great damage to the Dreamstone Kingdom.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, I am so glad to be part of this officially." Jiyong told them as they gave them a group hug

"We are also happy to finally meet a Royalty from the series. I have always wondered what he would look like in reality. And in my opinion you did a good job." he was then touched at what Charlotte told him and said thank you

"You guys also did a good job, I am amazed at all of your acting skills. I was told that you guys have a month of boot camp, and it was shown very clearly. You all worked hard at a very young age and you guys deserve all of this." after he said that they once again said their goodbyes and see you later before parting ways.

When they all arrived at their cabins in their casual clothes, they then rested for a bit before heading out for dinner. They'll eat in a common room that's arranged to be their dining hall. Everything is in a buffet style or canteen style. As usual the Team Alchemy ate together in one table.

"Here guys, careful it's still very cold." Timothy arrived with bottle waters in his hand then he gave it to them

"Thank you brother!" the three of them said in sync that made Timothy chuckled

"I know I know I am the best big brother you can ever have hahaha" he said boosting himself up

Charlotte then tried to open the water bottle but she couldn't so Kyle opened it up for her without saying anything to her. Like it was natural for them to have that kind of moment. She then drank it up quickly when Kyle gave it back to her.

Mckenna and Timothy then looked at each other while watching that moment and were having butterflies whenever Kyle and Charlotte had a unique moment.

"I wished I had a boy best friend growing up. It must have been fun." Mckenna uttered and then she took a bite of her food

"Me too, I wish I had a girl best friend growing up and i could get to work with her. Like who you two are to each other. You guys are lucky." Timothy said in envy and the two chuckled at their thoughts

Charlotte and Kyle then looked at each other and smiled

Yeah maybe they are lucky to have one another

"I am actually curious if you guys even had crushed simultaneously?" When Mckenna asked them that they both coughed and it almost made Kyle choked, but he saved himself immediately

"Are you guys okay?! Oh my goodness! I am sorry! Hahaha" she said while assisting them both and gave them both napkins to wipe up whatever it is they've almost let out from their mouths

Charlotte waved her hand to her as a sign that she's fine. She then started laughing at what just happened. Kyle did too when he saw that she was alright.

When everyone had calm down, Charlotte was the first one that answered Mckenna's question

"Well my definition of crush is when you admire someone by their ambition and determination towards their dreams or goals in life. So yeah, I do have a crush on Kyle. I admire his kindness and never ending ambitions in his life. And I also think he is a very awesome person." She said with confidence as if Kyle wasn't beside her.

Kyle then felt a rush of emotions, his heart started racing, and his thoughts momentarily suspended as he process the sudden confession of Charlotte in front of him, Mckenna, and Timothy. His body became tense in a slightly familiar feeling, and he also experienced a tingling sensation, almost like a wave of electricity passing through him. A memory then flashed in his head when he first felt like this, and it's with Charlotte.

It's when he first met her

His long time crush and best friend just confessed, he felt like he won the lottery

His face started blushing and the three of them noticed it

Charlotte then touches his shoulders and is giving him his water in a worry that he might still not be okay from choking earlier "Are you ok Kyle? Your face is red..."

Kyle then quickly looked at everyone from looking down, the two were holding back their impending laughter and then he looked at the worried face of Charlotte.

"Ahm...excuse me." he said and just left the room without finishing his food, he also left his phone on the table.

"Did I said something wrong?" Charlotte asked the two feeling disappointed in herself

The two then gave her a sympathetic smile and told her that she did not say anything wrong and just give him space to think. She then nodded at them, but she couldn't finish her food as well, worrying about Kyle. So she just excused herself and followed where Kyle could be while holding his phone in her hand.

She then went back to their cabin and she's right, Kyle was there. He is sitting on the stairs near the entrance door. He looks very serious.

"Hey...are you ok? You forgot your phone..."

She then sat beside him and then she gave his phone, which he did took off her hand calmly.

"Hey...what are you thinking? Did I said something wrong?" she innocently asked on him and he just chuckled at the moment

"I used to just wonder about the possibility of you having a crush on me. And now, you just said it so easily. Like it was nothing, like it meant nothing but admiration. I like you Charlotte even before, but I was just scared to admit that to myself because we are best friends and we are still young. I feel so peaceful whenever I am with you, I feel like I am home. I guess we just have different definitions of crush right now."

She was stunned by his wide-eyed admission that his feelings mirrored to hers all along. Their innocent hearts fluttering with the realization that their friendship was blossoming into

something deeper. However it was stopped as they both understood how young they still are.

They both just sat there quietly, looking at the stars that had been sparkling in the night sky before they even realized that it had been twinkling brightly at them. They both felt an inexplicable connection to the universe and to each other, as if the cosmos itself were whispering secrets of their intertwined destinies.

"If in the future, we confessed again. Do you think we could really be together?" Charlotte asked, breaking up the silence that has been comfortably sitting with them.

"I don't see why not." he said without hesitation

She then smiled, they both did.

"So...still best friends?" she asked looking at his eyes while offering a truce in her hand which he gladly accepted

"Still best friends, no matter what. Even if we end up being together in the future." 

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