By dreamerinmaking

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"I DO LOVE NOTHING IN THE WORLD SO MUCH AS YOU...." Their love was inevitable. Her heart belonged to him and... More

Chapter 13 (B)


44 7 8
By dreamerinmaking

Kate's POV

I didn't know what to say to him. He was just standing there, looking at me. He had the cold look on his face. I need to explain him everything before he gets the wrong idea of it all.

"Drew, it's not what you think it is." I wait for him to reply but he doesn't say anything. I take a deep breath. This shouldn't be happening.

"Andrew, please say something." He walks towards the couch and sits.

"I'm listening Kate. Say what you have to say." His tone is casual. He only speaks this way when he's hurting from inside.

I sit on the mahogany table, right in front of Andrew. I take his hand in mine. Thankfully, he doesn't pull away his hand. That's a good sign, right?

"See, the day you had come by David's office, he drove me back to my hotel. And on the way he offered me to stay at his place. I was really confused at that time. I had just met you and things were such a mess and to stay all alone in the hotel room just reminded me of all the pain. So, I went with him to his place. There's nothing going on between us. We know each other back from my university days. He was a really good friend. That's all. Nothing has happened between us." Andrew's breathing is fast and loud. His eyes are closed. What should I do? I've told him everything.

"Okay." He speaks it so softly that it's barely audible.

"Okay?" He looks at me.

"It's alright Kate. I believe you." This was a little unexpected. I thought he would be angry, but he's so calm.

"But you will move out from his house." I knew that he won't let it go this easily.

"Okay. I will move out. Give me a few days." I tell him.

"Alright. You have 3 days." Wait. I need a few more days. I need to look for a place to stay as well and I need to talk to David too.

"I need more than 3 days. I need to look for a place."

"You have a place." Andrew pulls out keys from his pocket. He hands it to me. It's my old apartment keys. I mean our old apartment keys.

"I can't. It's too early to..." I trail off.

" I know. It's too early to move back in together. You stay there and I will stay at my place." That sounds fine to me.

"Okay." I keep the keys in my handbag.

"Well, this went better than I expected." Cole spoke. I had totally forgotten about him.

He was looking at us and smiling.

"Me too." I tell Cole.

"Hey. Stop teaming up against me. I am not the bad guy here." Andrew speaks.

"We have always been a team. Right Kaeyy Boo?!" Cole says. Drew laughs loudly and I give him that Don't-you-dare-laugh look.

"Okay, I don't know you." I tell Cole. Drew sticks his tongue out at him.

"Hey. No changing team, Kate. That's not fair." Cole complains like a child.

"You just called me Kaeyy Boo. You think I'll be on your team."

"I agree." Drew gives Cole the evil look.

"This time you win Drew. But next time Kate will be at my side." Cole tells Drew.

"We will see Cole."

"Hey guys. I'm right here you know." I tell them both.

"Sorry Kate." Drew smiles at me. Boys!!!

"I need to make a quick call." I get up walk to the balcony.

I dial David's number.

"Hey Beautiful."

"Hi David."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at my friend's place. You had called earlier right."

"Yes. I wanted to know if you want me to pick you up."

"David is it okay if I come home a little late. My friend will drop me."

"Ya sure. Is there anything that I need to know Kate?"

"No. Nothing as such. We will talk about this when I get back."


"And David, can you send me the address of your place."


"Bye. I will see you at home."

"Bye, Kate."

I go back inside. Andrew is talking to the Pizza Delivery guy and Cole's watching a soccer match on TV.

I go and sit beside Cole.

"Do you want to watch something?" Cole asks.

"Do you have any movie?"

"I have a lot of movies. Which one would you like to watch?"

"Do you have Gone Girl?"

"Ya, I do." He takes out the DVD and puts it in.

Andrew pays the Pizza Boy and places the pizza on the table.

"Should I get plates?" I ask them. They both stare back at me like I had grown another head.

"I get it. We will eat from the box. You have to eat like pigs."

"Hey! We don't eat like pigs. I can assure you that I eat like a gentleman, but I don't know about Andrew." I laugh at Drew's expression.

"Do you really believe Cole? Look at him. He looks like a pig." Drew teases Cole.

"Grow up guys." I tell them both. They both have been fighting like teenagers. I'm really getting annoyed with them.

"Fine." Drew comes and sits beside me and Cole sits on the plush carpet.

"You can sit with us Cole." I tell him.

"I'm better here." He replies.

"What are we watching?" Drew asks.

"Gone Girl." Cole replies.

"It is Kate's choice, isn't it?" Drew looks at me.

"You know her so well." Cole mocks him.

"Shut up Cole." Drew replies.

"Don't be a sissy Drew."

"Shut up both of you. This is really getting on my nerves." I speak loudly.

"Sorry Kate." Cole speaks.

"Sorry Kae." Drew holds his ears. He looks cute.

"It's okay, both of you. Now, lets watch the movie."

Andrew leans into me as the movie begins. All the lights are switched off. A shiver runs down my spine when Andrew's breath fans near my neck. I'm not able to concentrate on the movie.

"Andrew." I say in a hushed tone.

"Yes." He leans closer now.

"Will you let me watch the movie?" He is making patterns on my wrist with his fingers.

"I am not doing anything." He says innocently. I move away from him and sit at the other end of the couch.

I look towards the screen, but I can feel Andrew's eyes on me. I'm really happy that the lights are off. I'm sure I'm blushing really badly.

I see Andrew shift towards my side. He places his head on my lap and he lays on the couch. He takes my hand and places it on top of his. My heart is beating furiously. I hope he doesn't hear it.

I look towards Cole. He is busy watching the movie. Andrew must have noticed me looking towards Cole. He tugs at my hand and I look at him.

"He is not going to look at us. He knows what we are doing." I gasp at hearing what he said.

What did Andrew tell Cole??? This is so embarrassing. God knows what Cole must be thinking about me.

I feel Andrew's hand on my forehead. He gently brushes the strands of my hair away.

"You are really beautiful." Andrew says.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

"Thank you is not accepted." I look down at him. He is smirking at me. I'm sure he's up to something.

"If you really want to thank me then...." He points his finger on his lips.

"What??" I ask him. I know what he means, but it's always fun to tease him.

"You have to...."

"Ya. I have to.." I tease him a little more.

"You have to seal the deal with a kiss."


You guys are just amazing. I love you all :*

I know that I am late with the update but I've been really busy with the University Hunt. Wish me luck guys. I really need all your wishes.

Who do you all ship for?

#Team Kandrew


#Team Kavid

If you have anything to suggestions then


I'm always open to all your views.


If you enjoyed the Chapter  & 


So that other readers can enjoy reading too!

Have Fun guys.

With lots of Blueberry Ice-cream to you all <3 

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