The Ghost and Molly and Night...

De EixheirZamora

733 17 5

Teens optimists Molly McGee and Grey McGee aka Nightwolf who lives to make the world a better place, fix what... Mai multe

Chapter 1: The Curse
Chapter 2: First Day Frights
Chapter 3: Howlin' Harriet
Chapter 4: The (Un)natural
Chapter 5: Getting the Band(shell) Back Together
Chapter 6: The Greatest Concert Ever
Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle
Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!
Chapter 9: Not So Honest Abe
Chapter 11: Mazel Tov, Libby!
Chapter 12: No Good Deed
Chapter 13: The Turnip Twist
Chapter 14: All Systems No
Chapter 15: Monumental Disaster

Chapter 10: The Best of Nin-tensions

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De EixheirZamora

We start the scene in the living room. Sharon is watering some plants as Molly and Nightwolf shows up seconds later

Molly: Hey, Mom. You know how Grandma Nin is always saying she wants to visit?

Sharon: Did she say that?


First in the kitchen

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: When can I visit my grandchildren?

Sharon: Uh...Not now. We just moved. There are boxed everywhere!

Second in the Sharon and Pete's bedroom

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: Now, can I visit my gran-

Sharon: Hello? Can't hear...

They looking at Sharon doing a paper crumbled

[Crumpling paper]

Sharon: Bad connecti--

And Third and Last in the Backyard

She throws her phone inside the barbeque grill

Sharon: No, you can't visit!

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: I haven't asked yet.


End of Flashback

Sharon: Okay, so she may have dropped some hints.

Nightwolf: Well, good news, Molly and I were picked up on each and everyone of those hints and... get excited... We invited Grandma Nin for a visit!

Everything turns o slow-motion

She drops the watering can in shock

Sharon: You did wha--

The doorbell rings

They gasps

Molly: Oh, boy, she's here.

They head to the door running amking Pete fall, who was walking to the room

Darryl and Scratch: Nin-coming!

Pete: Nin's...coming?

Sharon: She's here.

They open the door and Grandma Nin steps in

Darryl: Sawadee kup, Grandma Nin!

Molly: Sawadee ka, Grandma Nin!

Nightwolf: Sawadee kha, Grandma Nin!

Grandma Nin: Molly! Nightwolf! Darryl! I have presents!

Darryl: Yeah!

Molly: Ooh, my favorite!

Nightwolf: I love Thai Suman!

Scratch: You're here! You and your snacks are finally here!

Grandma Nin: Khanom Buang for my favorite ghost!

[Angelic vocals]

He excitedly eats all the Khanom Buang in one bite

He sucks

Scratch: She's my favorite family member.

He spits

Scratch: Sorry Molly and Nightwolf but it's time you both knew!

Pete: Nin! So good to see you!

Grandma Nin: Peter, for you, I have a very special Thai fruit!

She takes a durian out of her bag and hands it to Pete

Molly: Oh, it's a durian!

Pete: Oh, wow. A durian, you say? Thank you so much, I'll just...

He licks

He tries to eat the durian but doesn't know how

He grunts

Grandma Nin: You have to open it first!

He mouthful

Pete: I know! I was just...

He takes out durian

Pete: showing Darryl how not to eat it!

Darryl: Seemed obvious, but okay.

Pete: Come on, son, let's go crack this bad boy open. Now.

She looks at Grandma Nin in disbelief

Grandma Nin: What? He'll love it!

Sharon: Sawadee ka, Khun Mae.

Grandma Nin: I have no present for you, Sharon. I spent enough money on your art degree.

Sharon: Didn't take long for that to come up.

Molly: Oh, look at this! My Mom! My Mom's Mom! All under the same roof!

They sniffs

Molly: Breathing the same air!

Scratch: Eating the same snacks!

Nightwolf: Aren't you excited?

[High pitched voice]

Sharon: So excited! I'm very, very, very excited!

She takes Grandma Nin's bag and helps her carry it upstairs

Nightwolf: Scratch, do you sense something wrong between Sharon and Grandma Nin?

Scratch: Nope!

Grandma Nin: When do you have to go sell pork?

Sharon: I've explained this before, Mom. I'm a Gig-Pig. Pork's not involved. 

She grunts

Sharon: Usually.

Scratch: Ah, you're overreacting. You both know, not everything has to be fluffy ponies and rainbows all the time.

Molly: Uh, one; hard disagree. Two; if Mom and Grandma Nin are distant now, they might grow even further apart! Then Grandma Nin may never come visit again!

Scratch: Ah! And I'll never taste her Nin-credible snacks again! 

He crunches

Scratch: Molly and Nightwolf! 

Molly: Uh! Ugh!

Scratch: We have to get to the bottom of this problem! For Mom, for Grandma Nin, most of all, for me!

They are opening the durian

Pete: Ugh! It's smells like rotten eggs and burnt rubber!

They walks in

Nightwolf: Hey, Pete, what's goin on with-- Oh! Great Spirit, what died in here?

Scratch: Hey, that's offensive!

He sniffs

Scratch: But not as offensive as that! Ugh!

Pete: It's the durian Nin brought me to...

He gags

Pete: eat.

Molly: Oh. Well... Anyway, what is going on with Mom and Grandma Nin? We're sensing... tension.

[Thunder claps]

Pete: Molly and Nightwolf, we do not speak of...

[Thunder claps]

Pete: The Tensions.

The light is flickering and dishes rattle and lightning zaps and thunder rumbles as the place rumbles and toaster got pop up

Scratch: That's...odd.

Pete: Trust me, Molly and Nightwolf. Just pretend everything is normal, and happy, and cozy.

He crazed laughs

Pete: Then pray you both don't get burned in the inevitable scorched Earth brouhaha between Mom and Nin. Such is the way with... The Tensions.

[Thunder cracks]

Nightwolf: Cool. Good talk... Pete. We're gonna go now

Scratch: Yeah, we got something to do back here...

Molly: Something to do...

Scratch: A lot of stuff to do...

Nightwolf: In the other room...

They leave the kitchen

He stand up to find Nin standing behind him

Grandma Nin: Have you tried your fruit, Peter?

Pete: Ah!

Pete: Just about to, Nin!

He takes a piece of the durian and forcefully eats it

Pete: So...yum...Mmm, mmm!

She giggles

She leaves the kitchen

Once gone, Pete spits the durian in the sink

He gasping

Pete: That was close. Now we just have to get rid of--

He takes the durian

Pete: Darryl, no!

He tries and eats the durian

He munching

Darryl: Mm, it's not that bad.

They head to the attic to come up with a plan

Scratch: We gotta fix this situation because I am not losing Grandma Nin!

Molly: You mean her snacks?

Scratch: Or her snacks! Of course, her snacks are delicious! So, what's the plan? We put 'em through a terrifying ordeal that'll bind 'em for life!

Nightwolf: Or, we could gently remind them that they love each other?

They hugging Scratch

Scratch: I mean, if you both wanna do the least fun way to do that, then, yeah, let's give it a whirl.

Molly: ♪ We're gonna make you make up ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ We're gonna fix all your feelings ♪

Molly: ♪ We're not givin' up ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ We're like a freight train of love ♪

Molly: ♪ And We're barreling toward you ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ To help you start healing ♪

Molly: ♪ By smashing your bodies into a hug ♪

Chorus: ♪ Gonna make you make up ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ And We're not gonna drop it ♪

Chorus: ♪ It's basic first aid ♪

Molly: ♪ We're putting pressure on the wound ♪

Chorus: ♪ This fight is a pimple ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ You just need us to pop it ♪

Chorus: ♪ Gonna make you make up ♪

Molly: ♪ We'll get your hearts back in tune ♪

Chorus: ♪ Gonna make you make up ♪

Nightwolf: ♪ We'll make you make up real soon ♪

Chorus: ♪ Your love is backed up ♪

Molly and Nightwolf: ♪ But We're your emotional prune ♪

They stare at each other

He trying to make Darryl eat the durian buy making a deal

Pete: Ten dollars.

Darryl: You can do better than ten dollars.

Pete: Okay, ten dollars and I do your chores for a week.

Darryl: Ten dollars, two weeks and when my report card comes in, you say to Mom, quote, "I think we put too much emphasis on good grades". Deal?

Pete: Deal. Now eat this durian.

Molly: Hey, Dad, We...Ugh! That is not getting any better is it?

Scratch: Ooh!

He uses his fingers to block is nostrils and cuts them off with the other hand

Nightwolf: Um, remember when you told us not to get in between Sharon and Grandma Nin?

Pete: I told you both not to mess with... The Tensions.

[Thunder crashes]

As the place rumbles and the plate is shatter

Scratch: Gotta say, as a supernatural entity, that is odd!

Molly: We were thinking you could ask Mom about her beef with Grandma Nin.

He laughs

Pete: I'd rather eat the durian

He laughs

Pete: Speaking of, get chewing, there, kiddo.

Nightwolf: Dad, if Molly and I and Sharon didn't get along, wouldn't you do anything you could to fix us?

He enter the room looking for Sharon

They stand outside

He crunches

She sneezes

He found Sharon under the bed

Pete: Sharon, you can't hide under the bed until your mom leaves.

Sharon: Hiding? What? I'm just clearing out all these dust bunnies.

Pete: Honey, we need to talk about...

He whispers

Pete: The Tensions.

[Thunder crashes]

Scratch: So, so odd.

Pete: We have to get to the bottom of this. It's affecting the family... and the weather. Could she still be mad that we eloped? Is that it? Because we never had a proper wedding?

Sharon: Stay out of it, Pete!

Molly: That's it, Scratch! Grandma Nin didn't get to see her daughter get married! Oh, she must've been so hurt. We gotta throw a wedding for Mom and Grandma Nin!

Scratch: Don't you mean, Mom and Dad?

Nightwolf: Uh, Scratch, everyone knows weddings are all about the parents!

The family is in the kitchen, not talking to each other, when Molly and Nightwolf bursts in to interrupt the silence

Molly: Guys! There's a two-headed bird in the backyard and it's fighting with itself!

Everyone follows Molly and Nightwolf outside

Nightwolf: Ah, surprise! Happy Wedding Day! Also, We made up the bird thing.

Grandma Nin: Wedding?

Darryl: I wanted a two-headed bird fight.

Sharon: Molly, who's getting married?

Molly: You and Dad! This is the wedding that Grandma Nin has always wanted for you!

Grandma Nin: Ooh, exciting!

Sharon: If this is what will finally make you happy, then, Pete, we're getting hitched!

Pete: Ah, that takes me back.

Everyone is ready for the wedding

He clangs

Molly: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this Mom and this Dad with this Mong Kol, as a symbol of their undying love times infinity. If there's anyone that objects, keep it to yourselves. Dad, please present the Sin Sod.

Pete: I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage by presenting you with this gift.

She shaking small bowl

Grandma Nin: There're a lot of pennies in here.

Pete: Yeah, I only found out about this five minutes ago.

Grandma Nin: Is that what you're wearing to your wedding?

Sharon: It was a surprise wedding! And you don't have much room to talk.

Scratch: Speed it up, Mol and Nightwolf!

Nightwolf: Moving on super-super quickly to the Sang Rot Naam!

She takes the conch shell for the water pouring

Grandma Nin: Be still! And sit up straight! You're only half-blessed.

She angered

Sharon: This is why Pete and I eloped!

She slaps the shell off Nin's hands, hitting the decorations causing (...) to fall over them

They screams

Scratch: Ah! Nin! I'm coming for you!

All grunting and shrieking

[Cow bell clangs]

[Cow moos]

Sharon: Mom, stop stepping on me!

Grandma Nin: You stop stepping on me!

Sharon: Oh, right! Because everything I do is wrong!

Scratch: Ah! I thought I lost you and your sweet treats forever!

Grandma Nin: You have! I'm going home. This visit was a mistake!

Sharon: Finally! Something we can agree on!

Scratch: Oh, no! Molly and Nightwolf! Molly and Nightwolf! The family is falling apart! And it's all happening so fast!

Nightwolf: That's it!

They takes Mong Kol and ties Sharon and Nin together

Nightwolf: No one is leaving this wedding until you two hash it out!

Grandma Nin and Sharon: What?

Molly: We know deep down, you two still love each other. We threw this whole wedding so Grandma would get over the fact that you and Dad eloped!

Sharon: Eloped? No, Molly and Nightwolf, you got it all wrong. Grandma Nin doesn't care about that. She's upset that I didn't finish my law degree and studied art instead.

All: Ohh!

Grandma Nin: No, you've got it all wrong, Sharon. I'm upset because you gave up on your art!

All: Ohh!

Grandma Nin: I worked hard so you could follow your dream. You are talented, tii rák.

She hands Sharon one of her drawings

Grandma Nin: You always have been. So stop selling pork, and get back to your art.

Sharon: Oh, Mom. There is no pork. But I get what you're saying and thank you.

He pushing them both together

Scratch: Now, hug it out and seal the deal. I'm not leaving anything to chance!

They hugs

They high five at Scratch

After the surprise wedding, Grandma Nin is ready to leave. The McGee's are outside saying goodbye

He hugging Grandma Nin

Scratch: All right, come again soon! And you know, if you can't, send snacks!

Pete: Thank you, Nin, for the durian. It was fantastic. I enjoyed every last bite.

Grandma Nin: Then, here! 

She throws another durian to Pete

Grandma Nin: Enjoy! 

He shudders

Grandma Nin: Almost forgot, a gift for you, Sharon!

Sharon: Bye, Mom!

Darryl and Molly and Nightwolf: Bye, Grandma Nin!

Nightwolf: What is it, Sharon?

He asking about Sharon's gift

She opens the gift and finds paint brushes inside

Sharon: A reminder.

Scratch: The post office has flat rate boxes! You can ship anything--

♪ The Ghost and Molly McGee! ♪

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