The Brimstone Chronicles - Th...

By KarjenMurray

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"It is known to all pantheons that the universe spoke and created all. It is known to all pantheons that the... More

CHAPTER 1 - Genesis
CHAPTER 2 - The Possible Truth
CHAPTER 3 - The Wyvern Sanctum
CHAPTER 4 - Galaxia
CHAPTER 5 - Circulus Magorum
CHAPTER 6 - King Solomon
CHAPTER 7 - Immortal Night
CHAPTER 8 - Heritage
CHAPTER 9 - No More Lies
CHAPTER 10 - Nexus
CHAPTER 11 -Damned Fate
CHAPTER 12 - The Calm before the Storm
CHAPTER 13 - Sibling Rivalry
CHAPTER 14 - Carpe Momento
CHAPTER 16 - The Reckoning
CHAPTER 17 - The End?
CHAPTER 18 - Provenance
CHAPTER 19 - The Will of Bodhidharma
CHAPTER 20 - By Order of Their Majesties
CHAPTER 21 - Powerless
CHAPTER 22 - Heart of Darkness, pt. 1

CHAPTER 15 - Original Sin

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By KarjenMurray

Lucifer smiled as he watched the weakest of his men killed in the Entrance Hall. Closing his inner eye and opening his physical ones, he rose from his bed and left his wives in their eternal states of lust. A long black-as-death coat appeared on Lucifer, as well as his biker-styled boots. The dark side of mankind had always impressed him with their sense of fashion. Slowly, and with an elegance that concealed his excitement, Lucifer left his Bed Chambers and walked down the hallway towards the Royal Court of Tartarus. The Essence of Love was here, right at his doorstep, and this time he would make damn certain she did not escape his grasp. But to do so, he would need assistance from an ally even Anaphaxeton was not aware of.

Just before entering the doors to the Court, Lucifer pulled back his sleeve and looked down at the symbol he inked into his wrist so many millennia ago. Copied from a stolen copy of Solomon's Grimoire, Lucifer had used this seal to bind an ancient evil to him, and now it was time to let it breathe.

"To do mine bidding,

To slay mine enemies,

The Titan of the Underworld,

Tartarus, I summon thee."

The seal glowed its many colors and warmed before vanishing. "Why have I been stirred?" A man stood by Lucifer's right, almost seven feet tall and chiseled to perfection. His fair skin was unscarred, every muscle twitching on a microscopic scale as his body pulsed for a fight. The being looked down at Lucifer, His long pitch-black hair hung over glowing blood-red eyes. A smile curved his lips, and when he spoke again, Lucifer saw his fangs and black tongue, "The last time I saw you, you had taken my home and imprisoned me. It had been so long since then I can only assume that my freedom is only temporary."

Lucifer waved his right hand and black steel armor appeared on Tartarus, "I prefer to see myself naked. Things such as you, disgust me."

Tartarus moved to attack Lucifer but was barred off by an unseen force.

Lucifer snickered, "You are bound Tartarus, remember that. Now come, we have killing to do."

The doors to the Court opened and Lucifer entered with Tartarus close behind him. Awaiting the Dark Prince, were his generals: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan and Belial. Four each were kneeled on both sides of the Dark Prince's throne, while Bael kneeled in the centre of the Court. They were asleep, waiting for their Prince's summons or a human dumb enough to summon them."Reis! Let the blood of Anaphaxeton that courses through our veins empower us. Reis! My brothers, the time for bloodshed... is now!"

They waited behind Alexander as he stood before the doors with his right palm on them.

Dennis felt fear pulsating from whatever was behind those doors, his every instinct overrun by a singular thought – flee. No, Dennis determined, I got this far, and I'm not about to turn back. And they need me, my friends need me...

Kryssana watched the Arch Mage overcoming his fear of what may lay beyond those doors, and it helped her to conquer her own fear. These were her friends, and through battle their bonds had strengthened, facing down every obstacle that had come their way. This was just another obstacle. The real fight was with the Whisperers, this enemy now was nothing but a detour. Kryssana rested a reassuring hand on Shift's right shoulder. Besides, she could always do with a little more blood...

Shift felt something being summoned behind those doors. Those tall, thick, creepy doors, with their creepy looking bones and their creepy looking giant auburn handles. Eleven beings waited for them now, nine were suddenly brimming with the same dark power that drove the first. The one that was summoned was... No, it couldn't be. Apprehension shook Shift to his core, he almost buckled with the realization, but Krysanna's sudden physical contact on his shoulder held him in place. Tartarus was alive, and he was under Lucifer's command. Oh shit.

Nexus had felt when Tartarus' power returned to the realm of existence. He felt it take form and focus, even felt it surge then tame itself. The Titan was not dead after all. No worries, he had taken down a few Titans himself, though the same could not be said for his comrades, so he would have to face this one alone. Drawing his sword from its sheath, Nexus gripped its hilt tightly in anticipation, focusing his entire being on the Titan's aura, his wings shifting with eagerness. Then Nexus called upon his natural powers, his true strength, and let out a breath of dark satisfaction.

Leliel waited, silently praying to the Universe. No longer did she pray to the Tripartite, they had long disowned her. Still, had they not, she would not have been chosen to serve a higher power. And now she reached out to that power, the Essence of Love adding to her plea. Primordial One, creator of all, we seek your guidance. Allow me access to thy strength that I may vanquish thine enemies. So mote it be. As usual, whispers filled Leliel's soul and strengthened her. Now she could feel the presence of every being in the castle, nine of which she knew all too well. "Traitors." The sound left her lips in a low curse of her native tongue. Such beings were what the Dh'Arch Angels pursued and eliminated, tonight she would ensure they did not escape. Mentally, Leliel notified the other Dh'Arch Angels and they all agreed to be there as quickly as they could.

Arianne held on to Alexander's left hand, his hold tightening as he touched the doors with his right. She could feel his fear, his uncertainty, and felt as he became empowered by some sort of untapped courage. But she could also feel something else, "Tartarus..." She whispered as she recognized her cousin's auric signature. She knew then that they were in true danger, for her cousin was one of pure evil's many incarnations. Arianne was afraid... But then she felt something more powerful behind her, something ancient. It was Nexus, she knew. She also knew of his past, he would indeed be able to stop her cousin. Arianne relaxed, but not too much, because there was still the matter of Lucifer and his nine generals. As Alexander applied pressure to the doors, she gave his hand a quick reassuring squeeze.

Alexander placed his right hand on the line between the large doors and waited. Power radiated from inside, evil and perpetually dark. It reached out to him, seeped from the walls and dripped from the ceiling. Death was beyond these doors, but there was no turning back, not now. With one last deep breath, Alexander pushed at the doors and they opened slowly, a red light crawling through the opening...

The Royal Court was made of black walls, a black ceiling, and a black floor. In the centre of that floor, stood nine of the deadliest looking men Alexander had ever seen – even in the movies! The red glow of the archaic chandelier bathed them in a lethal glow that accentuated their evil grins. Behind them, sat Lucifer, Alexander's knowledge identifying him immediately and then placing the names of the nine men: Bael, Paimon, Beleth, Purson, Asmoday, Vine, Balam, Zagan and Belial. Finally, in the dark of a corner on the right, was a being that leaned on the wall with his arms folded and his head down. As the being slowly raised his head and revealed his blood-red eyes, Alexander knew his name and -regrettably- his past, Tartarus.

Lucifer clapped his black gloved hands in applause as he rose from his throne, "I must congratulate your stupidity for coming here in the first place, as well as your naivety for making it this far." He stepped down and rested his left hand on the hilt of his sword, "Fear not, I shan't be feasting on neither of your pathetic souls this day... all but one." The Dark Prince drew his sword and pointed the tip of its blackened and blood-stained blade towards Leliel.

Before Leliel could reply, Alexander and the others came to stand before her, shielding her. That gesture alone gave her even more strength as she found herself being protected by friends, not like her comrades, but real friends who protected her out of obligation rather than responsibility. "The only thing you'll be having is your tongue, Traitor!" Leliel retorted loudly.

Bael had barely budged in response, when the largest dragon he had ever seen, appeared between them in a whiff of thin black smoke. Its scales were a sleek crimson red; there was a blood-red gem beneath its left eye and a glowing blue symbol of eternity on its underside. The dragon snarled at him, forcing him to take a step back before he held his ground, then it turned to face the intruders, "The next time you hesitate to call me, I will roast one of your vital body parts." The dragon began to shrink and change until it became a young Japanese woman dressed as though she were the female equivalent of the young man who stood in the front and centre of the group. Bael was beginning to wonder at the company that guarded the Essence of Love so zealously, and why of all the beings in existence, did the Essence find its way into his mongrel sister.

Dora took her place by Alexander's left side and drew both her katanas. Alexander was just about to speak, when Bael suddenly attacked, and so did the other generals. But just before steel clashed on steel, everything slowed down and the blade Arianne had given Alexander vibrated with a low hum. Instinctively, he held it tighter and an entity made of the same blue light Alexander's mark glowed exhaled itself from the blade then took on a female human form that stood at least a foot shorter than Alexander. Though she was made of light, Alexander could still make out distinct patterns he knew but could vaguely recall, on the robe that clung to her torso then slacked below her waist. Her voice was ethereally enchanting though when she spoke her lips did not move; Alexander only heard it in his mind. And as he did, her identity became crystal clear and shocked Alexander into a catatonic-like state of awe.

"Hello, Alexander St. Matthew Salem, Arch Mage the Fourth, and First of None. Before you ask, I am Unae, others know me as..."

"The Universe."

She continued despite Alexander's statement, "Please, do not interrupt me again." She smiled. "You are the third being to see me in all of my becoming, respect is undoubtedly due. Now what you are about to experience, will perhaps feel like a human cardiac arrest. But do not be fearful of this, it is merely your being's version of an adrenaline rush, a byproduct of your eternity. Under the human version of normal circumstances, it would take pushing you to the brink of death to tap into that fountain of power. But you are no longer human, and death is not in your genetic construct. This brings us to the reason I have risked my appearance in this time and space, to give you a key – or a shortcut, to speak more understandably. I will induce a feeling, one you must remember, for you will need it both now and eventually."

Unae closed the distance between herself and Alexander then pressed her right palm onto his chest. His mark began to glow as her hand literally sank into his chest and sparked something inside him filled with warmth, bliss, pride, and something even more powerful that urged the flow of his blood and heightened his senses beyond their already supernatural capabilities. Then finally it reached his finger tips and lips, escaping with a singularity that stood firm despite its near inaudibility, "Hope."

"Indeed." Unae smiled as she withdrew her hand and stepped back to see her work. Though Alexander appeared to be the same, it was his aura that had dramatically changed as it now boasted a bright neon blue color. "Hope is the source of all things good and just. The human capacity for it has always fascinated me; it is why I have always given them so many opportunities to use it. For that power in itself is eternal, and in you, it is unchallengeable. Always have Hope, Alexander, no matter how slim and unlikely the chances may seem; help is always on the way." The manifestation vanished, leaving Alexander with his body on edge, and then everything began to move again.

Bael's blade met Leliel's and Tartarus had appeared before Alexander with his left fist in the air coming down swiftly with a force that would've scarred Alexander's head had he not raised his right palm in time to block the blow with an energy barrier he conjured. Thousands of spells and tactics rushed through his mind without any blurs or difficulties, he understood it all. Before Alexander could counter attack however, Nexus was between himself and Tartarus.

"You face me now, Titan." Nexus growled. His hair had become stark white and flowed the length of his back in a waist-long pony-tail.

Tartarus smiled, the sound of metal clashing around them and energy blasting into the walls, "I've heard of you, you're The Slayer."

"So they say." Nexus' movements were faster than Alexander would've been able to see before had Unae not done what she did. In less than a second Nexus was behind Tartarus, his midnight colored blade held at the Titan's throat, then just as quickly the Titan elbowed Nexus, stepped on his left foot and turned to bring his right knee up into Nexus' face. Nexus blocked the assault with his left forearm.

What happened next was unknown to Alexander as a dark feeling of hatred crept up his spine, then came the voice of Lucifer in his ear, "Why don't we leave those two to their deaths, I'm interested to see what this power is inside you." Alexander turned to strike but was caught in the Dark Prince's grasp.

Lucifer clicked his tongue three times and shook his head, "Not here boy, I need more room if I am to unleash my full power."

In a dark flash of black-light, Alexander was on his knees and somewhere in a vast bone littered valley. Decay filled the air with grief and remorse; the stench seeped into his very bones, weakening Alexander, "What is this place? Where am I?"

"Where indeed." Lucifer chuckled. Alexander looked to his left to see the Dark Prince sitting on a branch of a blackened leafless tree. "These are the ruins of Sodom, after Primeumaton saw it fit to lay waste to so many people who wanted nothing more than to indulge in their carnal pleasures. They never murdered, they never stole. All they did was to indulge, and this was their punishment. I took this place, Gomorrah as well, and transported them to my realm. This is where you will die, Arch Mage."

Alexander's eyes opened wide at Lucifer's mention of his title.

The Dark Prince smiled, "Oh yes, I know exactly who you are, everyone does. And once I get rid of you, I will use your power to be rid of those pesky Whisperers, and then the world of man, and all the worlds, will belong to ME!!!"

One second he was on the branch and the next he was right above Alexander, sword in hand and descending quickly with murder in his jet-black eyes. "No." The word left Alexander in a simple tone and was nothing more than a statement. His eyes were now neon blue and his hair sparked with static electricity as he locked gazes with Lucifer. The Dark Prince's blade had been blocked by Alexander's own, a blade that was made of a strange black mineral marked with glowing blue hieroglyphs.

Alexander stood, pushing Lucifer off his blade and causing him to land in front of him, "Death has nothing to do with me. But you, you are a threat to the Universe, and as an Arch Mage I am entrusted with both the power and the authority to remove you from existence. Like these sinners laid waste here, you too shall be erased, but they will find reprieve, and you...only eternal suffering."

Lucifer smirked, chuckled, and then laughed so loudly and maniacally that all the crows that were searching for scraps amongst the dead flew up in a mad frenzy of fear, crashing into one another. "Is THAT you're idea of a threat boy?! Come then, let me show you the meaning of agony!" The Dark Prince knelt and rested both his knuckles on the ground with closed fist. Light parted the dark clouds above him and encircled him, bathing him in a holy glow. Ten wings as white as polished diamonds in artificial light took form on Lucifer's back, five on each side. His armor turned to gold, and so did his hair and eyes. This was his true form, the one he felt most comfortable in, and the one he held the most power. Even his voice was back to its original deadly silkiness, the same one he used to tempt Eve, Mary, and Judas.

"Now, where were we?" Lucifer asked rhetorically, "Ah yes, you were about to execute me."

Light flashed and Lucifer was face to face with Alexander, their blades grinding against each other in a battle of force and will. Alexander pushed upwards, forcing Lucifer's hands in that direction then projected energy into his chest. The Dark Prince slid back but came at Alexander again; slashing at him from every angle he could reach. Up, right, up, down, right, left, right-left, up, left, down, right... Alexander blocked every blow so far, looking for a pattern but realizing there was none to be found. Damn it! I'm not sure how much longer I can do this... Then he remembered what Unae had said...hope!

Alexander felt that feeling again, adrenaline rushing through him, mixed with power, strength and determination. Lucifer froze on his last attack, a strange blue light pouring from the Arch Mage and spreading to his blade then unto Lucifer's before creeping up unto him as well.

The Dark Prince forced back the light and jumped back away from the Arch Mage. Seeing the power emitting from him, Lucifer tapped into his own, filling himself with the Holy Light and the Forbidden Darkness. It was a power he had not used before, but it was obviously necessary. The engraving of a red snake slithered down Lucifer's blade, then both the Dark Prince's hands demon-like and dark grey right up to his elbows. The armor on his torso vanished, revealing his skin to be marked with runes and symbols of a dark and cursed origin, and then his legs became clothed by a pair of black jeans with silver chains coiled up both legs then wrapped around his waist. The last changes were his wings that faded from black to white starting from his shoulder blades, and his head became crowned with a horn on each side that curled back into two spirals and three small pointed ones in a vertical row down his forehead. Two more horns came from the top of Lucifer's cheek bones, and his lips and eyes became lined with black. When he spoke, a black tongue flicked from his mouth with a red line along its middle, his voice growling deeply in the bone covered earth.

Alexander's change was not as dramatic, but a change nonetheless. His Arch Mage robe shrank and faded then became replaced by full body armor without a helm. The armor fitted him like a second skin and was mostly black, but had glowing patterns of neon blue forming the language of the universe. His hair turned the same blue as well and his skin regained the ancient markings, visible only as they formed up his neck. Alexander's sword blade extended and widened into a broadsword. As he lowered both hands, the sword tip touching a skull beneath his right foot, his aura flared until it became visible even to Lucifer.

"Well," said both adversaries simultaneously, "let's get this overwith!"

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