The Brimstone Chronicles - Th...

By KarjenMurray

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"It is known to all pantheons that the universe spoke and created all. It is known to all pantheons that the... More

CHAPTER 1 - Genesis
CHAPTER 2 - The Possible Truth
CHAPTER 3 - The Wyvern Sanctum
CHAPTER 4 - Galaxia
CHAPTER 5 - Circulus Magorum
CHAPTER 6 - King Solomon
CHAPTER 7 - Immortal Night
CHAPTER 8 - Heritage
CHAPTER 9 - No More Lies
CHAPTER 10 - Nexus
CHAPTER 11 -Damned Fate
CHAPTER 12 - The Calm before the Storm
CHAPTER 13 - Sibling Rivalry
CHAPTER 15 - Original Sin
CHAPTER 16 - The Reckoning
CHAPTER 17 - The End?
CHAPTER 18 - Provenance
CHAPTER 19 - The Will of Bodhidharma
CHAPTER 20 - By Order of Their Majesties
CHAPTER 21 - Powerless
CHAPTER 22 - Heart of Darkness, pt. 1

CHAPTER 14 - Carpe Momento

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By KarjenMurray

Everyone was enjoying the day, despite the knowing dread that hung over them all as each second ticked closer towards the time when they would have to face the Whisperers. Right now however, they would enjoy this. Yet Alexander could not help but feel as though things were just too quiet, and he had seen enough movies and read enough novels to know that it was never a good sign when things were too quiet while danger loomed ahead.

As though summoned by his Alexander's own suspicions, a great shadow covered the forest and everywhere around them began to feel alive with a strange evil force that held an all too imposing glare. Shadows raced from the darkness beyond the trees and gathered before Alexander and the others, then took on the form of a human – Alexander's instinct knew otherwise.

"Lucifer hates nothing more than to be disappointed." Said the shadow, "But as I am sure you are all aware, it is not disappointment that has brought us to this moment." A blood red smile smirked across what would be the shadow's face, "No, I only get to leave His Diabolical Majesty's side on one circumstance only, when he wants to remove a nuisance. And believe me, very few things –never mind people- get on his nerves these days. So before I slaughter you all, I must thank you, for allowing me some...air. Now, shall we?"

In response to the shadow's request, the trees seemed to shiver as hundreds of demons stepped out of the darkness...and brought it with them. These were Darklyns, Alexander knew them as his mind drew what information it could from the Universe. Suddenly the shadow was gone and the Darklyns attacked with a thirst for blood that would have made even an army of giant tics and leeches bearable.

"Alexander!" Arianne manifested a strangely patterned blade and tossed it towards Alexander, who caught it just after jumping back to dodge the Darklyn that attacked him.

Alexander stared at the weapon's hilt and its sheath, both designed with intricately engraved depictions of an ancient language indecipherable even by his vast arcane knowledge. But as he held onto the hilt, his blood warmed and flowed stronger, revitalizing his heart and energizing his mind. This was nothing like using magik to heighten his senses. No, this was his. Alexander felt as though he lived his entire life with a vital limb missing, and now he found it.

As Alexander drew the sword from its sheath, the glyphs glowed the same color as his symbol and began to spread themselves along his right arm until it covered his entire torso right up to his neck. Then with a slight rumble, they turned black and inked themselves into his skin, the pupils of his eyes filled themselves with a neon blue that held the intensity of two balls of fire. The sheath vanished and reappeared strapped to Alexander's left side and a low growl of relief escaped his breath. Alexander had never felt freer as his hair lengthened down to his waist and turned blue while his muscles ached with an urge to fight.

Arianne smiled amidst the confusion of battle as she gazed upon Alexander's change and mentally projected to him, 'This is your true form as the Arch Mage Eternal, a gift from the Universe. Now save us...'

As if by her command, Alexander moved through the Darklyn invaders like a raging river, cascading upon his enemies with more force than even the Falls of Niagara. Four of the Darklyn warriors came charging towards Alexander from all sides. Barely moving, Alexander raised the blade as it hummed through his veins. The Darklyn to his right had his left arm cut off upwards, the blade descended diagonally through its torso from its neck, then towards the Darklyn in front. There Alexander pulled back, straightened the blade parallel to the ground, and thrust it into that Darklyn's stomach, twisting the blade and pushing it upwards right through to the top of its head. Alexander moved his hand to the right, grabbed the hilt with his left hand, rotated the hilt so that the blade pointed to his left, and then swiftly brought it down into the left Darklyn's esophagus. He yanked out the blade and turned to face the fourth Darklyn who stood timidly behind him. The Darklyn turned to flee, but Alexander reached out with his left arm, palm open, and held him with an unseen force. Slowly the Darklyn began to turn blue from the inside, frost coated his hairs, and his skin began to harden until the Darklyn became a hovering ice sculpture. Alexander cocked his head to the right and smiled before closing his palm with a force that crushed the Darklyn, shattering him into thousands of ice shards.

All throughout the valley, the Darklyns that once seemed an endless invasion, soon dwindled into small fleeing groups who were then caught by Shift and Kryssana. As the last Darklyn was killed by Nexus, they regrouped in the middle of the valley; Black oil-like blood stained their torn clothes, armor and scarred bodies. A few of Nexus' wings were noticeably ruffled.

"So, anyone wanna tell me what the hell's going on?" Said Shift as they left the forest in silence, no one seemed to want to talk about how short their lives were beginning to feel. "And yes, I did intend all manner of punning when I mentioned hell. Since some psychotic shadow just mentioned being the right hand man of Lucifer."

"We know." Alexander's and Leliel's retort came simultaneously. Leliel explained to them what had happened with her and Alexander earlier when they were targeted by demons while meeting with her comrades.

"I say we toss her to the angry demon king in the basement and move on with less trouble in our lives." Dennis' frustration was not lost on them.

"We can't do that – I can't do that." said Alexander as he stepped over another Darklyn corpse. "I'll just have to deal with him myself."

"No you don't." Leliel had no intention of letting Alexander commit suicide on her behalf, not when the Universe needed him most. "I'm not about to let anyone fight my battles."

"Then why are you fighting mine?" Alexander challenged, "Look, you were my Guardian Angel, which means you've been fighting for me as long as I've been alive; so now it's time I returned that favor."

Arianne felt proud that Alexander was maturing into the being he was destined to be, but she knew her role in his life was only meant to be by his side and never in his heart. "I'll go with him. No one knows the Underworlds better than I do." And I'll kill anyone or thing that even scratches him, she didn't say it, but Arianne meant it.

"I'm going too." Nexus had seen his fare share of men and women who fought with unchallengeable spirits, and at that moment Alexander held that same fire in his eyes.

Shift and Kryssana looked at each other then nodded before Shift spoke, "You can always count us in for a suicide dash."

Leliel shook her head, trying hard to conceal the smile she knew her heart held, because only Alexander could befriend such a group and inspire such loyalty, "You're all stark raving mad and irrationally reckless... but those are the only things that self-proclaimed regal twat won't be expecting."

They all looked to Dennis for his own decision, and it was a full minute before he finally spoke, "If I die, I'm coming back just to make you all feel guilty for your stupidity."

Contrary to popular belief, Hell does not have nine levels nor does it have thirteen circles. In fact, thirteen is a holy number. Hell is and always has been, one, big, castle. Its true name is known only to three beings in all of existence: Lucifer, Peter, and Lilith. Others only knew its Latin name, Tartarus. The walls that built and held the Dark Prince's fortress was constructed out of nothing but bones cemented with human fat: the bones of those sacrificed to Lucifer by his earthly followers, those fools.

Lucifer sat by the side of his bed while his brides pleased each other and themselves. Wearing nothing but a pair of black leather pants, his golden eyes gazed intently into the floor as though he searched for something. Having once been the Captain of Anaphaxeton's High Order of Knights, Lucifer had fair skin and golden blonde hair that had become a stark contrast to his now ever present rebellious demeanor. The one thing he hid from even those who thought they were closest to him, were his wings.

None had ever been foolish enough to question the absence of the Dark Prince's wings, even though all knew of his fall from the Heavens. The truth however, would be a revelation that would shock even those who claimed omniscience; for Lucifer's wings were concealed to prevent those around him from questioning why they were not black, as was accustomed to be the Mark of the Fallen. In all actuality, Lucifer had never 'fallen' in the first place; it was all a plot by Anaphaxeton – the second of the Tripartite, or the Holy Trinity as the mortals call it. A very long and intricate plan, Anaphaxeton had been conspiring against his brothers, Tetragammaton and Primeumeton, since their creation of Eden. Lucifer's role was to seek out and capture the Essence of Love, and he had gotten miraculously close during the Dark Ages of mankind's history. But Fate was not so kind to him, and it was lost forever when the vessel that carried it had expired. Until now...

The purest forms of human influences have been around since the beginning of the human race when they were first created to assist in the construction of human DNA. These influences were four in number: The Essences of Inspiration, Conviction, Passion, and Love. To monitor and assist in prolonging mankind's existence, the Essences chose carriers/vessels for themselves so that they could also see man through man's eyes, reincarnating each time one vessel had aged to its limit. Things such as Fear, Discord, Envy and Corruption however, were inevitable nuances that were required for true balance. So each time the Essences helped mankind's kingdoms to rise, they would fall as so many before them had. Until it became a steady cycle that even the Essences had become familiar with, and the evolution of man had grown accustomed to.

But for the past two thousand years, the Essences have been gathering, incarnating and concealing themselves in beings strong enough to destroy whatever threatened them, and unlikely enough to never be discovered; for they were being hunted by an ancient and evil enemy. As their new vessels, they had chosen specific Exiles, fallen angels to be exact, while adding a few more than their number to reinforce their façade. And so one by one they were reunited – the last of which was the Essence of Love, which chose the Fallen Angel Leliel as its vessel. Now, they were the Dh'Arch Angels, upholding the Balance through identities every being of authority in the Universe would come to fear and respect.

"I am trying ridiculously hard not to regret coming here with you lunatics." Dennis kept imagining the bones that built Tartarus screaming in agony, some were begging him to help or turn back.

"You know," Shift laughed, "You're welcome to turn back and go piss your pants in private, and I promise we won't think any less of you...maybe."

"Screw you, Speed Demon, you should feel right at home here." Dennis retorted.

"Ummm, no. Contrary to common misconception, I was born and raised on the Isle of Time. Why do you think I'm so fast and can't get caught? My grandmother was exiled from here."

"Demons can get exiled?" Alexander asked.

"Not really," said Shift, "she escaped."

"We're here." Leliel stopped at the large, skeletally decorated doors.

"So do we knock?" Nexus asked as the others pulled up short.

"Oh sure, why don't we?" Dennis remarked, "Let's just knock and say, 'Excuse me, is anyone home? We'd like to get our asses handed to us because we're too bloody stupid to realize that living is better than dying.' I'm pretty sure they'd answer the damn door."

"Oh will you stop being such a wuss!" Kryssana chastised, right before she marched up and kicked the doors with her heel with a force that sent the doors swinging wide open. Kneeling in the entrance hall, were four beings that definitely were not demons, and they were armed up to their shoulders with weapons.

The beings looked up with four grins that should be able to melt even diamonds into lust, and then they rose and stood with an air of power that electrified everything around them. Three were male, and one was female. Something about them felt eerily familiar to Leliel, but she could not identify the reason no matter how hard she tried. All she got was the primal sense of fear.

The beings spoke one after the other, something Alexander always found corny in movies but realized how creepy and effective it was in real life:

"Well, well, well..."

"How kind of Fate..."

"To bring us you..."

"How unfortunate and lucky too."

"Of all the Essences to stumble upon..."

"Love comes knocking..."

"Right at our doorstep."

A warmth began to pulsate in Leliel's stomach, much like when she had just become a Dh'Arch Angel, only this time it was stronger, and it came with memories not her own. Then a woman's voice spoke gently through her mind, I know you are fearful Leliel, but I chose you because I know you can overcome that fear. Yes, I too am afraid, but fret not. You are a Dh'Arch Angel, and with you is the Arch Mage Eternal. Together, you will be victorious.

"I'm not afraid of you." Leliel stepped forward.

"Get out of our way." said Alexander as he stepped up to join Leliel.

"Unless you prefer if we moved you ourselves." Nexus joined on the other side of Leliel, and then the others came forward as well.

One of the beings smirked, "If I didn't know better, I would think Conviction was with you as well. Alas, it is merely human stupidity."

"Shut up!" Shift demanded, and then he was instantly behind the being on the far left, with his dagger pressing against the being's throat.

The being laughed and spoke again, "It seems human stupidity can be quite contagious." In another instant, Shift was disarmed and tossed to the ground.

Suddenly everyone attacked. Kryssana had gone to aid Shift, Alexander and Leliel took on one of the other male beings, while Nexus and Dennis took on the other. Arianne held her own against the female. "Arianne be careful," Leliel warned, "Her name is Envy; don't let her get to you."

Envy laughed as she dodged and redirected Arianne's physical attacks and dark lightning bolts, "Who does she think she is, telling you how to fight? After all, you're the daughter of a Protogenoi and a Warlock."

"Shut up!" Arianne ignored Envy's banter as she continued her onslaught. She could sense the power her opponent wielded, and so had no intention of allowing her even a split second's relief to use it.

"Oh come now. You know I'm right. That pitiful angel deserves nothing. She's an exile, disgraced from her race. All she cares about is her self. She knows how you feel about the Arch Mage, and still she takes him from you. Still she keeps him from you. Still she has him, fighting for her, risking everything for her, and nothing... for... you!"

"Ugh." A flash of neon green light blasted Arianne across the entrance hall and pinned her to the right wall.

Envy walked seductively over to her and ran her tongue along Arianne's jaw line right up to her ear then whispered, "What a fickle thing it must be to have a heart. So easily manipulated, and so simply stirred." Arianne spat in her face but Envy dodged it with an obviously inhuman speed, "And also so very predictable."

Arianne could not move as she was held against the wall by Envy's power. She could feel it pressing into her skin, and something else seeping into her heart. Arianne looked pass Envy towards Alexander, hoping he would see her and save her.

Envy laughed, "Still hoping? My brothers will kill them, and then I am going to play with you." She held Arianne's cheeks and forced her lips to pucker right before kissing her. Envy withdrew and smiled satisfactorily, "Ah... nothing like the taste of resistance. But even better, will be the taste of your broken will." She reached down towards Arianne's thighs, and was just about to touch her, when she suddenly froze, a look of shock and incredulity spreading over her face.

Arianne looked up to see Alexander in his true form again, and his eyes were filled with so much fury it shook even her.

Alexander had just looked to his right for Arianne, only to find her pinned against the wall and being kissed by Envy. The next thing he knew, he had drawn the blade Arianne had given him and he felt its power returning to him like a long lost friend. Rage poured and poured over him until he wanted nothing more than to bathe in Envy's blood.

Alexander extended his left palm and froze Envy in place. She was attempting to break free of his hold, but his rage and bloodlust would not ease up, not now. He approached her predatorily, his sword pulsating in his right hand. Alexander opened his left palm a little wider and Envy flew back, pulled into his grasp by Alexander's unnatural powers. Those same powers turned her in his grip to face him as he held her by her neck, her eyes unblinking and terrified.

"What ...are" Envy could barely get a single whisper out. None of her nerves responded, she could only access her basic five senses. And right now all she saw was her coming death, all she tasted was fear, all she heard were her brothers losing, all she smelled was her own blood from her undoubtedly bleeding nose, and all she felt was the fury of the Arch Mage Eternal possessing her with his vengeance.

"You aimed for my heart," Alexander's voice was low and demonic, it resonated with an infernal aura, "so to you, I am your destruction."

"P... please...spare... my ...brothers." Envy knew she would die by this being's hands, but she loved her brothers even more than her own life...and even that was not enough.

"Each of you have murdered countless lives and never with remorse or guilt. I will treat you as you have treated so many others."

"Ahhhh..." Pain erupted between Envy's legs; it boiled, bubbled and rose through her, literally scorching her insides with pheromones that ignited constantly. But she would not die; the Arch Mage Eternal was preventing her from having even that luxury. Unable to even thrash in pain due to the Arch Mage's telekinetic hold on her, Envy suffered an endlessly reversed orgasm that eventually reached her throat and had begun to froth through her mouth. She could taste it on her tongue as it burned and singed her taste buds, branding her with her own desire. Then it thickened, and continued to thicken, until it hardened– and still she was not dead. The Arch Mage set her down, frozen, burning, suffering, and no longer able to even scream.

Alexander walked over to Arianne, released Envy's power that had bound her, and then caught her in his arms. Steadying herself, Arianne held onto Alexander and looked over towards Envy who wasn't moving. "What did you do to her?"

"I gave her a taste of her own medicine...and then some." But still, Alexander's fury was not sated. In one final wave of anger as he realized he had almost lost Arianne, he closed his left palm into a tight fist and Envy exploded into nothingness. Smiling, he looked ahead and relaxed as he saw that the others had defeated the brothers.

As Alexander and Arianne rejoined the others, Shift spoke while brushing off his jacket, "I wonder what the rest of the Funhouse has in store for us."

Alexander chuckled and turned to face the doors that would open to the royal court, "Let's just get this over with." He took Arianne's hand and walked on, with the others by their sides.

Leliel smiled as she looked down at Alexander's and Arianne's hands, 'That is True Love Leliel. Such a form of love even I, the very Essence of Love, cannot create. It can only be discovered.'

Will I ever find it, Leliel wondered.

The Essence replied, 'Oh you will, but not yet, for this isn't your story.'

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