The Brimstone Chronicles - Th...

By KarjenMurray

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"It is known to all pantheons that the universe spoke and created all. It is known to all pantheons that the... More

CHAPTER 1 - Genesis
CHAPTER 2 - The Possible Truth
CHAPTER 3 - The Wyvern Sanctum
CHAPTER 4 - Galaxia
CHAPTER 5 - Circulus Magorum
CHAPTER 6 - King Solomon
CHAPTER 7 - Immortal Night
CHAPTER 8 - Heritage
CHAPTER 9 - No More Lies
CHAPTER 10 - Nexus
CHAPTER 12 - The Calm before the Storm
CHAPTER 13 - Sibling Rivalry
CHAPTER 14 - Carpe Momento
CHAPTER 15 - Original Sin
CHAPTER 16 - The Reckoning
CHAPTER 17 - The End?
CHAPTER 18 - Provenance
CHAPTER 19 - The Will of Bodhidharma
CHAPTER 20 - By Order of Their Majesties
CHAPTER 21 - Powerless
CHAPTER 22 - Heart of Darkness, pt. 1

CHAPTER 11 -Damned Fate

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By KarjenMurray

"What took you so long?!" Pyro was the first to notice the appearance of Alexander, Seth and four strangers.

"What do you mean?" Alexander asked as they approached Pyro and the others, who apparently were having a late dinner, as though they never moved from where Alexander and Seth had left them.

"Well it's not like anyone knew where you went or how long you'd be gone." Marius explained.

"And while you were off doing only the Gods know what," Saiyan added, "We all gained some new tricks."

"Oh yeah," Sapphira began, "like I had no idea I could turn anything into water. All I've got to do is break down its molecular structure in my mind and disperse the molecules into..."

"So where did you guys go?" James interrupted.

"To help Alexander understand his abilities." Seth replied.

"What's with the backup then?" Pyro asked.

"Yeah," Alexander agreed, turning to Seth, "all you told me was that they're important."

Seth shook his head, "Have you not learned to pay attention yet Alexander?" He then gestured towards each of the four strangers, "Nexus, the once heir to one of history's greatest nations, has had personal experience with The Whisperers. Dennis is the only being to ever figure out the Order of Placement in the Universe. That means he can find a way to get us to The Whisperers before they get to us. Kryssana is the current form of Shiva, Hindu Goddess of Destruction."

"That's right," Kryss added, "so if anyone's gonna wreak havoc it's me, not the seven evil dwarves."

"And Shift here," Seth continued, "is the only neutral Speed Demon, so he remains constantly off everyone's grid."

"You found him." Alexander commended.

But Seth countered saying, "That's because the first time we met I ensured I could find him again."

"Yeah," said Shift, "and you've been a thorn in my sole that refuses to be removed. If we make it outa this, do me a favor and shove off mate!"

"Not gonna happen." Seth turned to Solomon and Galicia, "Shouldn't everyone be outside by the way?"

"Aye," Solomon agreed, "But there's no good in rushing off to war on an empty stomach, old friend."

"Not that it matters." The voice that spoke came from the right side of the room, and as everyone turned to that direction, seven beings appeared. It was the same voice that had spoken in Alexander's mind earlier.

They all looked identical. But for the fact that there were four males and three females, the only difference was the color each being's hair matched by their clothes. They seemed almost uniformed. The female on the farthest left had blue hair, the male beside her had green hair, beside him was a woman with red hair, the guy in the middle had black hair with white highlights, on his left was a female with jet-black hair and black make-up, whilst the guy beside her had white hair and the female beside him had shocking blonde hair. Their clothes looked like ancient robes cut to give off a modern appeal.

The guy in the middle spoke again, "It's so nice to see you all gathered here in our honor, so ready to die horribly tragic deaths."

"Synner!"Nexus rushed forward to attack but was held halfway be a force that then threw him backwards up against the other wall and held him up there.

"Killing any of you now would be an insult to both death and war, not to mention senseless violence. Ah, Seth...I suggest you not do that."

Seth was just about to conjure something but stopped, "What do you want?"

"Nothing much really." Synner replied, "It's become such a common trait amongst what you people call the 'bad guys' nowadays that it shouldn't come as a shock: total dominion over all things. Our inheritance, if you will."

"Then why not just kill us now and take it?" Kyra asked.

"Kyra," Marius was terrified, "do you have to tempt the all powerful guy whose name just happens to sound like sin?"

"As I said before," Synner replied, "and I do hate repeating myself, it would be dishonorable to kill any of you now. However, one will penance for my thinning patience and our previous imprisonment." Suddenly Mia appeared in the midst of them, looking confusedly at Seth just before she exploded with a shrill scream of pain, her blood, organs and bones flying everywhere.

"You..." Before Seth could move or finish his threat he was held in place and flung up to hang beside Nexus.

"Such useless and insignificant things, all of you. You serve no other purpose than to provide us with entertainment for the next seven million, seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand, and seven hundred and seventy-seven seconds." Synner snickered, "For those of you who lack intellect that's..."

"Ninety days." Dennis confirmed.

"Hmmm..."Synner looked at him, "...interesting. As for another reason why we are here, is to introduce ourselves. Such is the saying, 'know thy enemy.' As you all know, my name is Synner, Master of chaos and oblivion. And these are my brothers and sisters."

From left to right they introduced themselves:

"Osheyana, Mistress of the Deep."

"Gaius, Master of Minerals."

"Cinder, Mistress of the Inferno."

"Noturna, Mistress of the Night." (Saiyan chuckled silently.)

"Tempest, Master of Storm Winds."

"Deyana, Mistress of the Light."

Synner closed his eyes and inhaled deeply then let out a breath that seemed to engulf everyone in a chilling grip of fear, "Now that you have the names and faces of your murderers, we shall see you in ninety days." With one last wicked grin, he and his damning siblings vanished, leaving Seth and Nexus to fall to the floor.

"Umm..." Sapphira looked around at James for comfort, "...what are we gonna do now? Cuz you normally know what to do."

"As if we normally go up against this kind of..." James paused to find a word, "I don't even know what to call this."

"Feels like we're in one jacked up horror movie." Saiyan suggested.

"Dude," Marius was still freaking out, "NOT helping! I can literally feel those seven million and whatever seconds ticking by..."

"I think that was his intention." Genisis was calm, and so was Kyra. "He wants us to be afraid, to lose sight of our goal and submit to him."

"But he just gave us time to get stronger." Pyro countered.

"For entertainment," Kyra countered back, "he believes we can not win against them regardless."

"Facing all factors here," Dennis thought out loud, "we're all as ready as we'll ever be. And the last time it took everything in existence to seal The Whisperers away. So going up against them, 'prepared' as we are with this group and such an army outside, would be suicidal. Therefore it stands to reason that we should gather more beings to our cause."

"And this time we kill them." said Nexus.

"I agree." Seth concurred, "We have ninety days to get the entire universe on our side."

"That sounds odd coming from an incarnation of the Universe." said Shift.

"Nonetheless," Seth ignored him, "be aware that not all pantheons will be willing to join in this fight, many still carry the memories of what happened so many aeons ago."

Alexander sighed, "I'm beginning to lose hope. Why did that stupid Universe have to choose me anyway?"

Arianne appeared before them, "Because it can and it did. So deal with it ya big cry baby." She looked around and stopped, "why does everyone look like you all just lost all sense of purpose."

"We kinda did." said Sapphira, "And who are you anyway?"

"Don't talk to her like that." Nyxx appeared beside Arianne, the resemblance became clear to Alexander.

"What are you doing here?" Arianne stepped away from Nyxx and glared at her.

"Shut it, Arianne. Our paths have merely crossed, nothing more."

"Then get off my path!" As Arianne spoke, power surged and pulsed from both women as they stared each other down.

Saiyan whispered to Marius, "Despite what just happened before, would I be an ass if I actually wanted a girl fight right now?"

"They're mother and daughter, idiot."

Saiyan took a closer look, "Oh!"

"Holy crap," Pyro smiled, "I wonder who the father is."

Suddenly both women looked towards they guys, "I can hear you!"

Before things got any more out of control, Galicia stepped forward, "Nyxx, Arianne, please calm down. This is not a time to be bickering amongst ourselves. We must set aside all differences and unite against the common foes, albeit a temporary alliance. For now, all paths will meet henceforth as everyone and everything depends on what transpires over the next ninety days and onwards."

Slowly, but surely, Arianne and Nyxx relaxed, then Galicia continued, "Now Arianne, you came to us, why?"

"Most of the Nether realms have agreed to offer assistance." Arianne began, "with the exception being those controlled by Beelzebub, Thanata, and Deimos. I couldn't find the lord of the Egyptian underworld though; his generals said he left for an emergency."

"Because I'm right here." Genisis raised his left hand with the mark of an Ankh on his wrist to identify himself, "And there's no questioning the participation of my realm. My people will be honored to help."

"And Nyxx," Galicia asked, "you wanted to tell us something?"

"Yes..." Nyxx hesitated for a few seconds, "the Protogenoi are willing to join us...on one condition."

"That is?" asked Seth.

"Alexander must himself enlist the aid of our father..."

"What?!" Seth, Solomon, and Galicia had spoken simultaneously.

"What?" Alexander asked, "What's everyone so worried about?"

"Don't you know anything?" Arianne chastised Alexander, "Or is your brain just slowed up cuz there's too much in it? The father of all Protogenoi, pretty much the Abraham of all Gods and Goddesses alike, is Chaos."

"One of two biological children of the Universe itself," Nyxx added, "Order being the second."

Apprehension formed on Alexander's face, "Oh... well it can't be that bad...right? I mean, I'm an Arch Mage. I was chosen by the Universe."

"Yeah," said Nyxx, "chosen four times over the Universe's own children to protect it. He's no doubt going to be as thrilled to see you as The Whisperers. They all believe the worlds are inherently theirs. They're like spoilt children."

"You're one to talk." Arianne muttered under her breath.

"And the Protogenoi want me to ask for his help?!" Alexander now understood how everyone felt about it.

"Logically it makes sense." said Dennis, "If you think about it, Chaos would want the same thing The Whisperers are after, making them unofficial allies. So it would be a much needed bonus to have Chaos on our side before they get to him."

"Exactly," said Nyxx, "so you need to get moving as soon as possible. Just call me when you're ready." Then she vanished.

Solomon spoke next, "So...who shall tell the angry mob outside that we shan't be going to war this night?"

Alexander laid awake in the room he was given, thinking out loud to himself, "Ninety days, that's three months to save the world – no, the Universe. Or die trying. ...or I could just kill myself now and save everyone the trouble. But if I die it'll theoretically end the world anyway." He sighed, "I'm doomed to suffer the fate of...just about everything."

"You know, normally the heroes are all gusto and impossibly confident." Alexander bolted upright in his bed and found the moonlighted silhouette of a woman standing in front of him. As she stepped forward into the light, revealing pale white skin and a pair of black wings that shifted slightly into view behind her, she introduced herself, "I am Leliel, an Exiled Dh'Arch Angel of Night. Most refer to me as 'Lily,' an alias that I am yet to find befitting."

"I definitely agree with you there." Alexander noticed how depressingly and rebellious she dressed, like a typical United Kingdom gothic teenager.

Leliel smiled, "I would assume you are curious to know why I have come to you, lest you are accustomed to women appearing in your bedroom."

"No." Alexander was taken aback, "To the women part, definitely no. And yes, I want to know why you're here."

Leliel looked up at him, her pitch black eyes reflecting Galaxia's two moons in a sea of darkness, "The Whisperers do not recruit anyone to their cause, but still there are those foolish enough to think fighting for them will win their favor. Such is a common belief amongst the Exiled who seek revenge for being cast away by their pantheons." Alexander tensed and Leliel smiled once more, "Relax, Alexander. There are a few of the Exiled who fight for good and fewer still that fight for the balance. They are willing to stand by your side should you need them."

"And you?" Alexander noticed she had not included herself amongst the number of traitors nor the supporters.

"I am here for one personal matter. That being, I was once your appointed Guardian Angel."


"Yes. Until I was asked to deliver a message to the cut your cord."

"What?" Alexander had to prevent himself from jumping out the bed.

"It seems there are those amongst the Heavens who are not in your favor. I however, refused to allow the death of an Arch Mage. A refusal that resulted in the deaths of many and an uproar amongst the Council of Michael. There has been no Guardian Angel for you since then... none that lasted anyway."


"I killed them."

"Why would you do that?" Alexander was a little confused still.

"Because in time, they were eventually asked to do what I could not. Now I've decided to reveal myself to you and ask that I be appointed to protect you once more, as your Guardian Angel." Leliel descended to one knee and lowered her head.

Alexander was not sure if anything Leliel said was true, until he saw in his mind all she had confessed. When he spoke again, he knew he did the right thing, "I don't want you to be my Guardian Angel again."

"But..." Leliel began to protest, but Alexander cut her off.

"I appreciate all that you've done, and I sympathize with everything you've been through. So instead of my Guardian Angel, I would prefer if you were by my side as my friend."

"I..." Leliel did not know how to respond, never had she been called friend by anyone. All she had ever known was duty and loyalty, "Thank you."

Alexander smiled, "You can stand now. Having been my Guardian Angel, I think you know me better than anyone I've ever come across; I'm not big on formalities. I'll ask Galicia for a room for you."

"That's not necessary, I am still the Dh'Arch Angel of Night, and I don't sleep. Also, it would be inappropriate to disturb Lady Galicia at this hour. I shall be in the fields."

"I've got a better idea," Alexander moved to sit at the edge of the bed then patted the space on his left for Leliel to sit join him, "I'm not tired anyway, so stay here. Tell me about what your life was like."

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