
By Unidentified562

10.6K 233 292

This is a part 2 of Rosebud. I highly recommend reading the first book or reading it again if it's been a lon... More

Just A Dream
The Message
Locked In

Out Of The Way

1.5K 30 68
By Unidentified562

((Y/N)'s POV)

Glynda was getting me ready for bed and thought some chocolate milk would help me go to sleep. She wanted me to stay in bed too when she gave it to me in a bottle while she played soft music. I thought it was really relaxing, but it must be 'very' relaxing because I was feeling super sleepy already. She tucked me in another bed in another room that had a castle bed and animals painted on the wall. After she was done, she gave me a few kisses before I fell asleep while she was still sitting on the side of my bed.

Glynda-Sweet dreams. ~

(Ruby's POV)

Yang and I were just down the street from Ms. Goodwitch's house, but just as we were just across the street we saw Blake come around the corner and Weiss landed from the sky in front of all of us! THEY WERE HERE FOR OUR BROTHER!!!

Yang-Well, well, well. If it isn't our team of traitors.

Weiss-*Scoff* As if.

Ruby-You left us and took off with 'OUR' little brother!

Just then, Yang fired a shot to cut off Blake from walking in to stop her.

Yang-Where do you think you're going?! You're not off the hook either!

Blake-I was kidnapped from my own bathroom too! You have no idea what happened to me after!

I just used my semblance to rush to the door and Weiss grabbed onto me by pure luck to make her fly off with me. We hit the front door and the others came to us. We were all fighting beside me and my sister to get through the door first, but then it suddenly opened by itself, the mat from under us flung us into the house, the door closed, and a gas filled the room. Everything happened so fast and I tried to leave the house, but the door shocked me so hard that my aura flickered and I fell back into the gas. We were all coughing and trying to not breathe this stuff in, but... I blacked out first.

(Timeskip ???)






My face was stinging and my vision was blurry. The first thing I tried to do was move, but my arms and legs were stuck in some holes while a collar was around my neck to keep me pinned to the wall. I saw my team and they had their arms and legs stuck in a wall too and were gagged with tubes... That's when I noticed I was gagged with a tube too. Another smack made me look back in front of me to see Ms. Goodwitch smiling and she was holding my brother while he was sleeping.

Glynda-There she is, girls. Your beloved leader. That makes her ~ the biggest thorn in my side.


Ruby-*Muffled yelp*.

She bounced my brother in her arms and walked back and forth from all of us.

Glynda-I had him in my care the first time and all of you took him, you lost him the second time when I got him back, and I have reason to believe that this is not the last time you lost him... Then he made that message for the world... *Sigh* You, 'TEAM RWBY' have somehow exceeded my expectations in failing to properly care for him. I did not even believe that to be possible, but you did it. You even turned him on me of all people.

I heard Yang yelling through her gag and she had activated her semblance. Ms. Goodwitch walked to her and hit her with her riding crop across her face.

Glynda-Watch your tone with me. You may be my student, but I know what you all really are... 


Glynda-A simple-minded brawler.

To Blake...


Glynda-A untrusting and cowardly little runaway.

To Weiss...


Glynda-An pompous and arrogant little heiress.

To me...


Glynda-And an overly confident little pest.

I was furious with her and my blood boiled when she kissed my brother's cheek right in front of all of us while smiling at him. She looked back at us with a different smile while we all tried to break free.

Glynda-Well, at least you can't bother us anymore from here on. I'll be sure to feed you in secret every day with those tubes. Besides what I will feed you, you might get lucky to be fed scraps.

She pulled out her scroll and glass started to come down to seal the room and a few vents turned on. There was even the back of paints for us to see, so this must be a two-way mirror or something. She pressed another button and we all got shocked and the air felt so weird... I felt drained, but not enough to go to sleep. Meanwhile, she put my baby brother in her bed and cuddled him right in front of all of us!

Ruby's mind-You... You better watch your back.

(Glynda's POV)

I looked at the secret room's wall with paintings on them with a smile. We will not see the girls, but if I so choose, I can put up a hard light screen to block their view of us... I did that just now since I don't want them looking at my baby. The gas in there should be enough to keep them from trying anything and they can just stay in there for good. I watched a show while cuddling with my baby and thought he might be waking up soon... I decided to take him out to eat and he could wake up at a nice dinner table with the smell of food fresh in the air.

Glynda's mind-I don't see the harm in showing you off a little. ~

I got changed a little and locked (Y/N) in a stroller before we left the house together.

(Velvet's POV)

None of Team RWBY was coming out of the house and Ms. Goodwitch was walking down the street with (Y/N) in a stroller! A statue and a few bushes blocked the front door, but we saw them fighting to get in. Not like they were careful or sneaky about it. Coco was annoyed by that and now we have no opening to take him unless she slips up which will be unlikely.

Velvet-We can't just sit here and wait for her to slip up when she is not going to! It's a walk around the block for all we know!

Coco-She has a security system too, so trying to break in would be risky...Did you even take a picture of the blue-haired guy's weapon?

Velvet-Yeah, why?... Wait, we can't electrocute her! I might hit him!

Coco-We are not going to electrocute them. She's heading further down the street. When she enters wherever she is going, we cut the power and you rush in with your night vision to do a good enough job to take him.

Velvet-What if they are not going somewhere like that?

Coco-Then we improvise. Don't worry. I know how to take care of my bunnies. Let's move.

(Winter's POV)

Was has been heading off somewhere in the city and to the port of Vale! Mother and I were tracking her down on foot and soon we got to a supply boat and this seemed off. I used my ranking to get us on board to inspect it and when I opened a box of mail, I found my sister's scroll in it! Weiss has been compromised and I don't know where she could be! 

Winter-We'll start back at the house she went to! If we don't find her there then... Well, she knows how to take care of herself and at least leave a trail for us to go off of. 

Mother-What about (Y/N)?

Winter-His kidnapper most likely ambushed them... I'm grounding all ships and stopping these boats for now. I will have police conduct searches on all vehicles while we search the house. If we find (Y/N) at the house then I want you to take him back to Atlas immediately if the kidnapper resists... I will be right behind you when that happens.

She nodded and I gave my order to these docks first and called for all ships to be grounded and searched until further notice. I will even report this Atlas to see if backup comes in advance or if they become extra security on the way back to the kingdom.

(Ilia's POV)

Sienna was back to being in a very bad mood and I was waiting for Blake to give me something from this lead she found. I don't expect it to be one to really find him, but even if it is ransom... We know who to kill after we get my baby back. Sienna doesn't have to know that we recovered him. I just want to be back home with my girlfriend and baby.

Ilia-Come on Blake, just give me something. Anything...

I tried calling and texting her, but there has been no answer for hours.

Ilia-Ugh, where are you?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up to other people talking, it being a little cold outside, a cover from a stroller being over me and I saw Glynda sitting in a chair in a restaurant while I was strapped in a stroller next to her outside.

Glynda-Good morning, my little Sugar Lump. I just ordered some chicken strips and fries for you. ~

I only yawned and stretched before she let me out to stretch some more. She put me in her lap and let me lay my head on her chest while I was still waking up.

(No POV)

All parties were set into motion in the city, but there was someone who noticed activity in Vale under General Schnee's orders and grew suspicious. She was not aware that she even left Atlas in the first place because she was so busy with the searches. She turned off the screen to the activity logs under the general's credentials and looked at her reflection on the screen.

Harriet's mind-Why didn't you tell us you went to Vale?! You wanted this search more than anything?!... Did you find him?!

Just then Harriet got a message to suit up from the general herself and she smiled after basically getting the answer to her question.

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